Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

GR, that is a LINE my friend! congrats! :happydance:

Jrepp, your symptoms are sounding great too, fingers crossed for you dear :flower:

Munchkin, I'm glad you are getting a whole bunch of symptoms, very very very good news. Re constipation, I almost feel like throwing a party when I finally go! Used to be so regular, now its 2 a week if I'm lucky :blush:

Literati, I hope you feel better soon :hugs: Don't they say the days before ov are more important than the day of ov?

Boodley, stick around, this is becoming a lucky thread, your bfp will come, I know it.

Sofa, not long now, hopefully the week will fly by for you.

AFM, I'm counting down to my next ob appointment and scan on the 19th of November, then my 12 week scan on the 27th. After that we will be able to tell people! I told my boss yesterday as I have so many appointments coming up, he was surprised so maybe I'm not as obvious as I think!

On the MIL front, DH spoke to her yesterday about her blabbing and she tried to turn it around on him saying she didn't know that our friends didn't know! Pretty sure we made that obvious when we told her I was only 8 weeks (at the time) and asked her to keep it quiet. No apology (of course) so I'm still cranky! I can't even speak to her right now, so I'm avoiding her like the plague!
Munchkin - I am SO happy to hear that you're feeling rubbish! :happydance: The things we get happy about now! I think you're well on your way to a happy, healthy pregnancy.

GRGirl - that's a pretty good line for 8 DPO! Congratulations.

Elizabean - awful that your MIL didn't even apologize. That's really too bad.

The days before ov are the most important, but we hasn't dtd since Saturday and since my temp spiked today it worries me that I already ovulated and missed my chance. However, I feel fairly certain my temp will be back down tomorrow and hopefully I will ovulate Thursday. I haven't even had a +OPK yet so I think I'm safe.

Jrepp - your symptoms sound very promising!
GRGirl: That is one VERY positive pregnancy test!!!! Hooray!!!

It makes me smile to see all these pregnancies progressing and the HCGs rising. I have to say that with dd (before I ever had a loss) it was hard to believe that the pregnancy was real. I actually carried the positive test around with me for a couple days so I could stare at it to remind myself that it really happened :haha:

I'm right here with you, Boodley, and all the rest of the TTCers. It's just a matter of time.

AFM: my HCG today was 11. So very close to negative. We didn't get a chance to BD last night and hubby left today for two nights. Darn it! I just have no idea where I am in my cycle so I want to cover all the bases (ha ha, no pun intended).

For all of you that check your cervix, do you have any advise for me? I don't think I can ever reach mine. Is that common? Can you reach it only sometimes during your cycle? I want to learn what to feel for since all the regular Oing signs don't seem to work for me.
I love that on this thread the women are happy about pregnancy symptoms instead of constantly complaining about them :thumbup:
GRGirl: That is one VERY positive pregnancy test!!!! Hooray!!!

It makes me smile to see all these pregnancies progressing and the HCGs rising. I have to say that with dd (before I ever had a loss) it was hard to believe that the pregnancy was real. I actually carried the positive test around with me for a couple days so I could stare at it to remind myself that it really happened :haha:

I'm right here with you, Boodley, and all the rest of the TTCers. It's just a matter of time.

AFM: my HCG today was 11. So very close to negative. We didn't get a chance to BD last night and hubby left today for two nights. Darn it! I just have no idea where I am in my cycle so I want to cover all the bases (ha ha, no pun intended).

For all of you that check your cervix, do you have any advise for me? I don't think I can ever reach mine. Is that common? Can you reach it only sometimes during your cycle? I want to learn what to feel for since all the regular Oing signs don't seem to work for me.

Thank you!

When I check my cervix I stand with my legs somewhat apart and reach in. Right after AF it is pretty low, pretty much at my middle knuckle on my pointer finger. As ovulation approaches my cervix moves up higher so that my whole finger is in there. Sometimes it is so far up that I have to push like I'm going to the bathroom to get a finger on it. It kind of feels like a large bump at the top of the canal. When mine is firm it feels kind of like my nose. When it is soft it feels kind of like the inside of my cheek.
JRepp - Look at those temps - you must be tempted to test?:winkwink: I thought 10 was a great number - especially for an oldy like me :haha:

Gr - How are you feeling today :happydance: congrats hun

Slg - I agree with everything that JRepp has said - checking my cervix has become part of my toileting like wiping:haha: I check mine whilst sitting on the toilet - use whatever position is comfortable - some women squat, put a leg on the side of their bath (sounds to much like a work out for me:haha:)

So pleased that your HCG is going in the right direction - when it hits 0 (or near there) it's a bittersweet moment:hugs:

Eliz - :happydance: did you know it's less than 6 days until your next OB appointment - how do I know:wacko: because every minute of the day (or so it seems) I have a 10 year old counting down to his Birthday:haha: his Birthday is the 19 November:winkwink: ooooh and no long until your scan either wow you have a busy few weeks coming up :hugs: regards your MIL I would also keep away from her for a while - My MIL is the same I often go MIA as far as shes concerned:haha:

Sofa - You will be fine hun BIG :hugs: only one more week to wait - try and keep yourself busy:flower:

Boodley - I feel the same so I'll sniff with you:cry: how are you feeling now hun:hugs:

Munchkin - Loving the symptoms - for constipation try hot water with a bit of sugar in - be prepared to run:haha:

Rachel/LL - Cough chest buddies - hope you are both feeling fine - hope neither of you are taking anything with antihistamine in it - as that can dry up cm:dohh: hope you twinnies are feeling better soon:hugs:

IAW - Not long until you can tell everyone now - you must be so excited :happydance:

Celine - Guess I don't ovulate then :haha: hmmm been pregnant 7 times - two at school to prove it:haha: I wasn't concerned really just a bit miffed as even when you try and explain they just don't bloody listen:growlmad: Anyway how are you and your gorgeous babies hope they are going up the stairs easier:winkwink:

AFM - So far to early to symptom spot - but hey what else have I got :wacko: laying on my stomach this morning and had that full feeling when AF is due (ouchie) probably just gas knowing me and not a symptom at all:haha:

Penguin - How are things?

Where has my cycle buddy gone - or have I swapped again now that I'm 4DPO:happydance: (No ovulation):winkwink:

Think I have you all - if not you know I still love ya:hugs:


Garfie does that make you 4dpfo (days past fake ovulation) hehe
Garfie, I'm definitely tempted to test, and almost did yesterday. I only didn't because I missed the cup completely. I know what you mean about the full feeling when laying on your stomach. Fir me it seems worse after the mc.

Celine - that was really funny!!
Celine- I like it! DPFO ;) Has a nice ring to it!

Garfie- you always make me laugh!

slg- I was very lucky in that my HCG fell quickly after my last MC. I'm hopeful it'll be soon for you!

Jrepp- you need to test too! I need a testing buddy! lol

AFM- I am not even really acknowledging yesterday's test. My temp fell this morning (still above coverline, but dropped 0.4 degree, which is a lot) and I'm feeling crampy. I tested again on a WONDFO (don't want to waste my FRERs) and there was the faintest of a faint line that involved twisting it and turning it. Nothing like yesterday's line. So I'm wondering if this cycle will be a chemical :( I'll use my WONDFOs for another couple days and then maybe try a FRER Sat, since AF is due Sunday.

The FB Preg Announcement Saga continues. The girl (who is friends with DF and I am friends with her when we all hang out only) messaged me to say that DF and I "needed to have another one now too" to go along with her new one coming. I know she meant nothing by it, she's not a mean person, but it HURT. I felt like saying, "Well when I can actually GET A STICKY BABY, I will. Lost 2 of em and probably about to add a 3rd to it."
I keep looking at other people's HPTs on FF and even at 9DPO there are a lot that are darker than mine :( I think this one is going to end and I'll be at 3 losses since July. Luckily I have a dr appt on 11/19 and since I'll (probably) be at the "magic 3" number, maybe he can run the recurrent loss blood panels on me.
GrGirl - I'm keeping my fingers crossed the line gets stronger and the temps go up. Do you temp orally? I find mine go up and down because of that...could just be a mouth-open breathing kinda night. Either way, thinking of you x

LL - sorry to hear your romantic dinner didn't go ahead, it's tough to do romance after work though (I find!) Cosy night on the couch is also good :). O happening on the 10th does seem early. FF told me I O'd on bloody CD12 until 5 days later when it changed its mind. Do you normally O on CD14? If so, still time to get some Bd'ing in! :)

Jrepp - Exciting about your watery CM (the things we high five these days!) I had lots of that before +ve and the nipples are a good sign. I can't believe you're waiting! You must have a ton of will power!

Sofa - I have my fingers and toes crossed for you next weds. I have a scan just before on the monday and like you am already feeling nervous. Just remember all the other signs like the beta etc are really good, and signal a high chance of a very good outcome. X

Elizabean - Awesome! The 19th scan should really give you some confidence prior to the 27th though right? In any case, that is so exciting!

Munchkin - Hurray for feeling rough! :) I have spare digis too, for just in case I get any morning terrors and just need to check! :) x

Slg - glad to hear the hcg is dropping! I've only checked my cervix through one cycle and found I could only detect changes doing it in same position every day so I can feel the difference relatively...maybe you just have a higher cervix generally? If you sit down the cervix tends to push lower so you could try to check it while squatting?

Afm - not much to report, more symptoms beginning to show up but they're not really how i expected them to be! Still, i'll take whatever the hormones have to offer at this point.
GRGirl - so sorry your line isn't as dark today and you feel convinced you're having a chemical. I do hope that isn't the case.

Sorry about what your friend said! I had a friend say almost the exact same thing to me (except this will be our "first") because she wants to be on mat leave the same time. I know she's blissfully ignorant of what happened, but it still stung a lot.

Linny - yay for symptoms! Care to share any of them?

Yeah, well my mind has been eased about Oving early as my temps were back down today. Stupid sickness messing with my temps this cycle! I normally ov cd 12-14 but I actually didn't even get a +OPK today so wondering what is going on! I might ovulate late this month it seems.
Linny - I'm glad more things are starting to happen for you! I am eagerly awaiting your scan!

Literati - perhaps your body pushed o back because you were ill?

As for me: just had an awful dream and really don't feel well at all :( stupid nausea has been coming around for a few days now. I didn't test this morning either. Hubby wouldn't get out of the bathroom.
Thanks LL- now I'm even more confused; i went to the bathroom just now and had EWCM that was pink-tinged! Ugh! My body is driving me nuts. Why can't I just be normal?!
GRGirl - First, pink tinged CM can be a good thing. Implantation spotting can happen a few days after implantation. Second, women posting their tests at 9dpo are the ones getting dark lines. The women not posting, most women, have either false negatives or the lines are too faint to be sure. In other words, you cannot look at tests online and get an accurate comparison to all the false or unsure positives out there.

Hang in there! I hope this is it for you!
LL - Yeah, is it right that if you're ill with a cold etc you can end up O'ing a bit later? Also statistic incoming :haha:, the most likely cycle to conceive on is one which is approx 31 say rather than the standard 28. So, you might be thankful for illness in 2 weeks :)

Well...the new thing is all day indigestion and acid reflux with nausea coming and going. And the thing I find contradictory about it is the only thing that helps the nausea is eating. I'm happy to feel something, i'm just a bit baffled by it, and also i've put on half a stone as a result. :dohh:

Jrepp - Some tests say you can hold it in for 4 hours during the day and get the same result? But, eh, I know that risks a false negative and i'm a terrible poas pusher etc. Either way, symptoms sound great!

GRGirl -That is odd....could you be having implantation bleeding? Temp dip, non-red bleeding, 8 dpo wouldn't be too late for that right? Just a thought??
Grgirl no dont even go there, it could well be iimplatation so do not count yourself out, i have never gotten a positive at 8/9dpo so urs is a very good sign xxxx
GR girl i agree the pink tinged CM sounds like a good sign! Waiting is hideous i agree but that's all you can do....

Linnypops yay for symptoms! I hope you feel really really rubbish :happydance:

Jrepp sorry abotu your dream :( will you test tomorrow?

AFM i'm feeling ok. been a bit crampy and wet today which is stressing me out, hideous, and some stabby pains on my ovary. I also went to the dr for the first time and she was lovely and is going to try and book me in for an 8 week scan, she says they wouldn't usually agree but she'll tell them i'm really distressed! I liked her alot. I also have my first mw appointment booked for the 12th of December so something's happening at least!
Hi ladies, just a quick pop-in to say that things seem to have gone really well today. They're confident they got everything out -seems there was a bit more than they thought. No complications during surgery, so got home really quickly. Just waiting on histology to confirm everything's good and I can finally leave this long and convoluted chapter behind me! All ttc goodies ready to go - fingers crossed!! :thumbup:

Chat to y'all soon xxx
Ah brilliant news Boodley. So pleased for you.. Now it's time to really start ttc like a maniac! Well done for getting through it all. It sounds like you've been extremely brave and your attitude is amazing xx

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