Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Thanks Munchkin - it varies but I'm trying! Third time lucky........
Boodley - glad to hear your surgery went well. Onto a speedy recovery and getting your life back to where you want it. For now though, get some well deserved rest.
I love that on this thread the women are happy about pregnancy symptoms instead of constantly complaining about them :thumbup:

Yes!! I agree!

AFM- I am not even really acknowledging yesterday's test. My temp fell this morning (still above coverline, but dropped 0.4 degree, which is a lot) and I'm feeling crampy. I tested again on a WONDFO (don't want to waste my FRERs) and there was the faintest of a faint line that involved twisting it and turning it. Nothing like yesterday's line. So I'm wondering if this cycle will be a chemical :( I'll use my WONDFOs for another couple days and then maybe try a FRER Sat, since AF is due Sunday.

The FB Preg Announcement Saga continues. The girl (who is friends with DF and I am friends with her when we all hang out only) messaged me to say that DF and I "needed to have another one now too" to go along with her new one coming. I know she meant nothing by it, she's not a mean person, but it HURT. I felt like saying, "Well when I can actually GET A STICKY BABY, I will. Lost 2 of em and probably about to add a 3rd to it."

GrGirl - I'm sorry you're feeling down today. I hope you see a darker test tomorrow. Try not to compare to others. It's so frustrating how much time is spent waiting to see what happens. Don't count yourself out yet.

Hi ladies, just a quick pop-in to say that things seem to have gone really well today. They're confident they got everything out -seems there was a bit more than they thought. No complications during surgery, so got home really quickly. Just waiting on histology to confirm everything's good and I can finally leave this long and convoluted chapter behind me! All ttc goodies ready to go - fingers crossed!! :thumbup:

Chat to y'all soon xxx

Glad to hear it Boodley! Hope you're feeling ok.

Munchkin - I think you need to find some positive affirmations to repeat every day. After a loss, it is really hard to let go of the fear, but you have remind yourself that this is a new pregnancy, it's entirely its own, and whatever happened in the past is not a part of this pregnancy. I know you want this baby, and you have to remind yourself that this IS going to be your baby. I think it's some kind of fake it til you make it, only more like fake it until you believe it!

Garfie - I'm still here. Have visitors at the moment, so not finding much time to catch up on here! I hope your dr has some answers!

AFM - I'm 10 dpo, but waiting for AF, not to test.

My dr is referring me to an obgyn. None of the tests provided any insight as to why I'm miscarrying, which I guess is a good thing. But LH:FSH ratio is too high and with the cyst'y' ovaries, she wants to investigate more. Might explain the wonky cycles. Mostly I think this will just worry me more. Grr.
Thanks LL- now I'm even more confused; i went to the bathroom just now and had EWCM that was pink-tinged! Ugh! My body is driving me nuts. Why can't I just be normal?!

You are only 8 dpo right. It could be implantation bleeding.

LL - Yeah, is it right that if you're ill with a cold etc you can end up O'ing a bit later? Also statistic incoming :haha:, the most likely cycle to conceive on is one which is approx 31 say rather than the standard 28. So, you might be thankful for illness in 2 weeks :)

Well...the new thing is all day indigestion and acid reflux with nausea coming and going. And the thing I find contradictory about it is the only thing that helps the nausea is eating. I'm happy to feel something, i'm just a bit baffled by it, and also i've put on half a stone as a result. :dohh:

Jrepp - Some tests say you can hold it in for 4 hours during the day and get the same result? But, eh, I know that risks a false negative and i'm a terrible poas pusher etc. Either way, symptoms sound great!

GRGirl -That is odd....could you be having implantation bleeding? Temp dip, non-red bleeding, 8 dpo wouldn't be too late for that right? Just a thought??

I'm still waiting. Part of me wants to know and part of me doesn't. Does that sound weird?

When I had really bad nausea last month, the doctor told me to eat something small every hour instead of three big meals. I grazed all day on fruits and veggies, and it seemed to work.

GR girl i agree the pink tinged CM sounds like a good sign! Waiting is hideous i agree but that's all you can do....

Linnypops yay for symptoms! I hope you feel really really rubbish :happydance:

Jrepp sorry abotu your dream :( will you test tomorrow?

AFM i'm feeling ok. been a bit crampy and wet today which is stressing me out, hideous, and some stabby pains on my ovary. I also went to the dr for the first time and she was lovely and is going to try and book me in for an 8 week scan, she says they wouldn't usually agree but she'll tell them i'm really distressed! I liked her alot. I also have my first mw appointment booked for the 12th of December so something's happening at least!

Don't stress, it's normal! That's great you found a good doctor. I think a lot of pregnancy related stuff wouldn't be so stressful if doctors listened.

Hi ladies, just a quick pop-in to say that things seem to have gone really well today. They're confident they got everything out -seems there was a bit more than they thought. No complications during surgery, so got home really quickly. Just waiting on histology to confirm everything's good and I can finally leave this long and convoluted chapter behind me! All ttc goodies ready to go - fingers crossed!! :thumbup:

Chat to y'all soon xxx

I'm glad your procedure went well. Did they say you could start trying right away or did they say to wait?
Jrepp - they said nothing about it. I'm gonna wait to see when it seems I might ov - if it's a few weeks away, I'd hope my lining would have built back up & might go for it. If it's sooner than that, we might wait. I'll see.......hard to sit back and let another month go. I've read mixed advice.

Anyone have any thoughts?
So, I just was looking at a calendar and realized that AF is due tomorrow. Other than the cycle after my first miscarriage (which was a 16 day LP, but looking back I'm 95% positive I had a chemical following the mc that cycle) my lps are always 12 days and my average cycle is 30 days. I ovulated cd18, so if you factor in 12 day LP and 30 day cycle, I'm due tomorrow.

Honestly, I'm terrified to test. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.
Arabelle - hmm, like you say, it's good news that most tests are normal, but I can understand wanting to have an answer. There might be something really practical they can recommend. When is your follow up?
Aww Jrepp <hugs> - it is scary! Thinking about being pregnant after experiencing loss is bittersweet. I think your chart looks good though. And look - either way, you'll pick yourself up and cope - whether with disappointment or fear. That's what were all doing here - strong strong bunch of women! You've had a good, regular-looking cycle. I really hope it's good news for ya!
Arabelle - hmm, like you say, it's good news that most tests are normal, but I can understand wanting to have an answer. There might be something really practical they can recommend. When is your follow up?

I don't know yet. Monday my dr was starting the referral process. I assume this will take a few weeks :( Meanwhile, at least I have the clearance from my dr to ttc whenever we're ready.
So, I just was looking at a calendar and realized that AF is due tomorrow. Other than the cycle after my first miscarriage (which was a 16 day LP, but looking back I'm 95% positive I had a chemical following the mc that cycle) my lps are always 12 days and my average cycle is 30 days. I ovulated cd18, so if you factor in 12 day LP and 30 day cycle, I'm due tomorrow.

Honestly, I'm terrified to test. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.

Aw hugs Jrepp :hugs:

Would you feel better to wait until AF doesn't show? There is no rule to say you have to test right now (even though our resident POAS addicts will argue otherwise).

Boodley, glad you are feeling ok after surgery. It must be a relief to move forward and to start TTC again.

Garfie, thank you for the precise countdown to my appointment!

Arabelle, great advice to Munchkin, I think a lot of us can learn from that. I hope you get some easily treatable answers from your doctor.

GRgirl, fingers crossed for you. Its still so early, try not to compare to others :blush: easier said than done, I know.

AFM, I'm now 10 weeks and I *think* I might be on the way to feeling better. I even managed not to fall asleep on the lounge last night, which is huge for me! Still nervous to cut down the anti nausea meds, but may start over the weekend to try to wean myself off them.
Jrepp - they said nothing about it. I'm gonna wait to see when it seems I might ov - if it's a few weeks away, I'd hope my lining would have built back up & might go for it. If it's sooner than that, we might wait. I'll see.......hard to sit back and let another month go. I've read mixed advice.

Anyone have any thoughts?

My situation is not quite the same, as you had retained tissue and were further along. I decided not to wait after mc one and got pregnant right away, only to mc again. In retrospect, I wish that I had waited. Of course it is unlikely that this was the cause, but I'll never know either way for sure. I did a lot of research, and there is not a lot of info out there. Women who conceived within the first 6 months after a loss had a higher success rate. 6 months is a pretty big window.

I think that giving your body a chance to recover is probably not a bad thing, but I also know how hard it is to wait when you want to be pregnant. This time around, we did not ttc this month. I will say that a break has allowed me to relax and reset a bit. Temping and poas stressed me out more than I realized. That said, most other people are better than me at not stressing! It's a tough decision to make :(
JRepp - I understand being terrified to test :( But, given you're symptoms, you might be torturing yourself for nothing. I think you should test!
boodley: So glad your procedure went smoothly and you are a huge step closer to putting this behind you.

GRGirl: I totally understand not wanting to get excited yet but I don't think you have any reason to think something is going wrong. A couple days time will make a big difference in your test...I know it's SO hard to wait.

Jrepp: Sorry you are having a hard time about testing. I get what you are saying about not wanting to be disappointed. You will be ok not matter what the result is. We will be here to celebrate or cry with you :hugs:
My cervix felt different today than the past two days. It makes me feel like I'm feeling for the right thing :blush:
Hi ladies -

Arabelle- I hope that the reason you didn't get an answer is that everything is ok. Please keep us updated as to your progress! I know it isn't any consolation, but at least you haven't been banned from trying still.

I know that either way I will be fine. I tell the doctor when she is giving me buvipocaine injections that if I'm alive I'll survive. Everything will happen the way it's meant too..... I just wish things would happen when I want them to.

The poas addict in me wants to test so badly, I might be able to hold of tomorrow, which is 4 days after the brown smudge that may or may not be implantation related. The goal at this point is to 1) make it to morning or beyond and 2) pee in the cup, not on my hand. The problem with testing now is that I'm afraid of having the same thing happen this month happen next month. I'd almost rather symptom spot until I'm showing than get a positive and then miscarry. The problem with waiting to test is the possibility that everything is great and I deprived myself of knowing......or something went wrong that could have been prevented.
Linny - I think you are right that illness can delay ovulation. I never really thought about it before, but after a quick google I feel like it's probably safe to say that my illness (mixed with being MEGA stressed) may indeed be pushing my ovulation back. I just hope it still happens!

It's true that pregnancy-related nausea is often made to feel better by eating! I believe the nausea is in part caused by low blood sugar, and pregnancy causes blood sugar to dip more quickly than usual. Most people I know have eaten constantly throughout the first trimester to stave off nausea. It may cause a bit of weight gain, but I'm certain it's worth it not to feel like crap all the time. :winkwink: Sorry you're suffering from some icky symptoms, but it does make me happy to hear as well! Yay for symptoms!

GRGirl - Weird about your pink-tinged EWCM but it definitely could be implantation bleeding. I do hope so!

Jrepp - That nausea sounds like a great sign! Good luck! I understand the reasons to put off testing. I personally never want to know if I have a chemical, so I'd rather not test too early.

Munchkin - I think the wetness is a good sign, really, and the crampiness is totally normal as well! That's a wonderful relief that your dr will schedule an 8-week scan! You deserve some extra attention. I can't even IMAGINE waiting until 12 weeks. My doctor had better take pity on me next time as well!

Boodley - Very glad to hear the d&c went "well" and that you're ready to heal and move on! I do hope you've put all this unpleasantness behind you for good!

Arabelle - I am glad you've been referred to an obgyn. I hope that nothing is seriously wrong and that anything that is is easily fixable!

Elizabean - Don't wean yourself off the meds before you're ready! There's no harm in taking them, and it would be a shame to feel sick again when you don't have to. Congrats on being 10 weeks already! You are one lucky duck! :)
Boodley i hope that i can be your proof of third time lucky xxx
Boodley, really glad to hear surgery went well...that must be a relief! Hard to know what to do re: waiting. I was slightly forced to wait because I don't think I O'd after mc, or else it was really early. It's hard to wait afterwards, but some women feel better about it....Tough call, but I guess you can only go on your gut instinct X

Arabelle - I know it must suck to get news which suggests something isn't quite as it should be, but they know so much about the body these days we don't have to be at the mercy of it anymore, they can do proactive things to help....Even if it's not directly related to the mc's, everything that helps your system will surely help your next pregnancy X

Munchkin - You too! Hope you feel rotten :) Great news about the 8 week scan, gotta love a sympathetic doctor. I had stabby pains on the ovary to begin with, early scan turned out it was nothing...could be the ovarian cyst pumping out lots of lovely progesterone!

Jrepp - wanting to know and not wanting to know is totally understandable! Either way brings its own anxietys and upsets. I felt a bit calmer when I thought about it like : Really all i'm doing is deciding when I want to find out what happened 14 or so days ago. X

Elizabean - Glad you're feeling better! I hope you get to just enjoy 2nd tri now. X

Arabelle - Yeah i'd really love to see more info on getting pregnant after mc. 6 months is definitely a big window and it does seem like there are quite a lot of tales of pregnancy right after mc ending in another, but equally there are plenty where it worked out great. Glad to hear the break has done you good x

LL - Google seems to think it won't delay it for too long..also, delaying O etc isn't a bad thing given the bd timing thing and also, in my head those follicles of yours will be all massive and desperate to O, leading to a really strong O....and so forth :) It's good to know that eating to get rid of nausea is quite normal. I only really read about women going off their food because of the nausea. Which is why it seemed so topsy turvy.

Celine - Hope you're doing well love? Not heard much of your experiences the last wee while? X

Afm - last night while DF was out I huddled up on the soaf and watched the latest episode of Homeland, nearly wet myself when the main character (carrie) poas, saw it was positive and then put it in a drawer full of about 50 tests, all positive. Someone on the script writing team knows all about poas mania. x
Hahaha linny, is homeland any good? Ive seen its on netflix? Im watching dowton abbey atm while hubby is away, i feel bad not posting too much on here but dont want to be in anyones face.
I am starting to beleive that this pregnancy will be my rainbow, i am feeling the nausea and embracing what it means. Ive ready alot of mmc that the hcg rises slowly and i guess thats why my 4th pregnancy my hpts were always so light. Ive not poas in ages but i know it was dark enough to calm my nerves.

So yea nausea with hubby away has been rough but it means i feed the kids whatever at night then i relax with a healthy soup or whetever. I weighed myself yesterday and its horrendous. Ive picked up quite a bit and the sad part is because mc is not something you broadcast i cant be like oh ive been pregnant since april so yea thats why. In my head i think that must be it, 6 months of hormones and first tri in a way will do that.

Im also really tired, so i know thats a good symptom. Still trying to shake off my cold. So not much news on my side but im feeling confident. 13 days til my scan. I did panic a few days ago and thought i should just call the mw and get a reassurance scan without hubby, but i know thats not right. Ive got faith that this is it. Xx
Awww Celine I am so happy for you!!!! Your scan is soon and I have a good feelng for you as well ;) I know this one is a sticky bean!

Arabelle- I'm sorry but at least you got a referral? That may be me soon, so we may be commiserating together :(

Jrepp- oh I understand completely the fear of testing. I actually tested a couple days ago just to be sadistic to myself and see a -. I wish I hadn't, because I had a great + and now everything is faint again. I am beginning to think I don't want to know about chemicals anymore. The worry is driving me crazy, and I literally was shaking this morning testing because I'm terrified to do it.

Linny- I had hyperemesis with DS so nothing made the nausea go away, but I could get it to lessen enough when I ate something. I actually got to a point of stuffing food into lessen the nausea, knowing I'd throw up 75% anyway of it but hoping the other 25% would get to him. It worked, so I think eating more to cope is normal.

LL- I have a good feeling for you this cycle! FX this is it!

Elizabean- I tried Zofran, Reglan, and a whole bunch of stuff I can't remember now when I was pg with DS. I ended up taking it all until about 20 weeks when I gave up and just rode out the storm until about 24 weeks or so.

AFM- I am wishing I had never tested 2 days ago. Ever since the obvious + I can't get a dark one to save my life. Faint squinters is all :( Got a squinter on both a FRER and a IC this morning :( Temp went back up so it looks like a possible impl. dip since I had the pink cm yesterday too, but then why did I already get a +? I'm 10dpo so I know it's still early but I feel like everyone gets obvious BFPs around this time and mine are looking like they did last month (where I didn't get any dark FRERs until 11-12-13 dpo). Not good. I'm trying so hard not to compare but it's all I can seem to do!
Just being a bit selfish here - so I don't forget the conversation:-


So finally the doctor contacts me (not the original one she's busy):wacko:

So what does he say:-

"Have you heard of clomid"
"Yes I have"
"Well I'm reluctant to prescribe it - at your age you're a higher risk of cysts multiple pregnancies etc"
"Ok so what now"
"So I think I should refer you back to the FS"
"Yes I can see you have had 5 m/c I presume you are still trying"
" If you've had 5 m/c - you must Ovulate"
"That's what I thought - but the test tells me otherwise"
"Yes 10 or under suggests no ovulation - so I think the best way forward is back to the FS"
"Ok - so if I become pregnant this cycle it will be a miracle"
"Yes" and he laughed:haha:

So ladies keep your fingers crossed for a miracle BFP to prove them all wrong :haha:

5DPFO and counting:winkwink:



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