Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

I had a temp dip at 7dpo and a brown smudge at 8dpo. I read that an hpt would become positive. 4-5 days after that. Of course it could have just been an indent or something too. I'm not getting my hopes up until it's a definite no squint line or full on AF.
I also see a faint line and you are 4-5 days after the dip. The earliest a hpt can become positive is 4 days after implantation. You are only 12 dpo, test again tomorrow or the next day. Waiting to see is hard, but I think there is something on that test, so chin up!
LL- huzzah!!! Awesome O news. ah yes! You don't like your left ovary do you? Let's hope it is your right one then. The stars are aligning! X
Wow i've been at work today and you ladies have filled like 3 pages in a day!

Boodly how are you feeling now? How is the bleeding?

Arabelle i really hope they can come up with some simple good ideas for you now.

Arabelle and Sig i would be sooooo happy to be vomiting down the toilet all day :haha: my symptoms are a bit nothingy at the moment and it makes me VERY nervous. I just have to keep remembering i'm not bleeding or crampy so i must still be pregnant (very hard after a MMC!)

Jrepp this cycle i really really didn't want to test. But you don't NEED to test. Wait to see what happens with your AF if you really think you'd be happier not getting a negative.

Elizabean glad you're feeling lots better. Good luck with the meds xx

Celine i'm glad you're feeling more positive and the symptoms are multiplying nicely! I really hope it's just too early for me to be feeling too bad yet. I'm so happy you are feeling great about your rainbow xxx

GR Girl sorry your tests are elusive :( still plenty of time but you must be going up the wall xx

Garfie i SOOOO hope you prove them all wrong. Idiots. Would you still consider clomid? A multiple pregnancy doesn't sound so bad at the moment!
Yay Literati for your positive OPK! Go Bding :) and make it a damn good one so we can you in the BFP club in a couple of weeks. I'm bored of waiting for you now! The only thing i did this month (other than drinking A LOT of wine before ov) was to stick my legs in the air for ages after bding. I read somewhere you're not meant to do it/it doesn't help but i thought i'd try it. Just a thought xxx
Munchkin - thanks, but I already keep my legs up in the air and my hips propped on a pillow after BDing! I'm not sure what else I can do to help my chances this month but I hope I will be joining you soon. You think YOU'RE bored of waiting for me... :haha:

Linny - that's right! I abhor my left ovary and don't figure it works properly (my suspicion is not that my ovary is bad, but maybe there is a more toxic environment for sperm on that side). So definitely rooting for my right this time! I'll let you know! Haha
Munchkin - thanks, but I already keep my legs up in the air and my hips propped on a pillow after BDing! I'm not sure what else I can do to help my chances this month but I hope I will be joining you soon. You think YOU'RE bored of waiting for me... :haha:

Do you do upside down cycle legs too?:haha:
AFM- I am wishing I had never tested 2 days ago. Ever since the obvious + I can't get a dark one to save my life. Faint squinters is all :( Got a squinter on both a FRER and a IC this morning :( Temp went back up so it looks like a possible impl. dip since I had the pink cm yesterday too, but then why did I already get a +? I'm 10dpo so I know it's still early but I feel like everyone gets obvious BFPs around this time and mine are looking like they did last month (where I didn't get any dark FRERs until 11-12-13 dpo). Not good. I'm trying so hard not to compare but it's all I can seem to do!

I don't know what is going on with your test, but it is so frustrating not to know! If you are terrified of testing perhaps you can hold out testing for a few days to see what happens. You can always pee on a popcicle stick to satisfy any poas addiction.

Just being a bit selfish here - so I don't forget the conversation:-


So finally the doctor contacts me (not the original one she's busy):wacko:

So what does he say:-

"Have you heard of clomid"
"Yes I have"
"Well I'm reluctant to prescribe it - at your age you're a higher risk of cysts multiple pregnancies etc"
"Ok so what now"
"So I think I should refer you back to the FS"
"Yes I can see you have had 5 m/c I presume you are still trying"
" If you've had 5 m/c - you must Ovulate"
"That's what I thought - but the test tells me otherwise"
"Yes 10 or under suggests no ovulation - so I think the best way forward is back to the FS"
"Ok - so if I become pregnant this cycle it will be a miracle"
"Yes" and he laughed:haha:

So ladies keep your fingers crossed for a miracle BFP to prove them all wrong :haha:

5DPFO and counting:winkwink:



Your doctor sounds like an ass! I hope you get your bfp even more so now just to shove it in his face!

Garfie- I'm crossing all of my crossables for you! I know you can do it!

Linny- yeah it was horrible. Hyperemesis is morning sickness/vomiting to such an extreme that you pass out/break blood vessels in your face/erode throat lining, etc. I spent every Friday night-Sun morning in the hospital from about 8 weeks-18 weeks or so getting IV fluids. I scheduled it so I could still (barely) keep my job. I still have the broken blood vessels in my nose/cheeks and I still get GERD symptoms sometimes because of the throat erosion. I passed out 2x in the bathroom at work and they had to call ambulances- I threw up so hard I blacked out. I was about 2 weeks away from having a PICC line put in for IV fluids to carry with me to work, but I refused and stuck it out (PICC lines get infected easily). I lost a lot of my hair, my nails kept breaking. They tried a ton of different meds but nothing helped except time and cramming food in. I knew most of it would come right back out but I was so scared for DS that I did it anyway.

It was awful and miserable and I'm certifiably crazy because I want so very much to do it all over again :) That being said, 100% if I have hyperemesis again (which is a possibility) there won't be 3 little ones in our family- we're done at 2. I'll actively go on BC to prevent so it won't happen again. It's hard to explain to people just how bad it is, but I used to say it's like the worst flu ever x 100 and it never lets up. I'd wake up out of a sound sleep throwing up, spend all of the next 18 hours or so throwing up (maybe 30-40 x a day), and on my "good days" only throw up maybe 10 x.

He's still worth all of it, absolutely. I was so scarred from it that I insisted I was done after him and looked into getting my tubes tied. Luckily after about 18 mos or so I changed my mind :p

That sounds absolutely horrible! Hoping you don't have to go through that again.

JR - That's not a dip hun:winkwink: the gelled stuff like what creamy lotion or shiny EWCM - hard to tell? so those temps are still looking good when is testing date you are killing us POAS addicts:haha:

Gr - Even if (and I use that term loosely) it was a CP that does count sadly as a third m/c - is your test that you took a few days? ago still showing Pos:hugs:

AFM - A very dead POAS addict blame JR :haha:



It was clear, but not stretchy. It had the consistency of hair gel.

Yay Literati for your positive OPK! Go Bding :) and make it a damn good one so we can you in the BFP club in a couple of weeks. I'm bored of waiting for you now! The only thing i did this month (other than drinking A LOT of wine before ov) was to stick my legs in the air for ages after bding. I read somewhere you're not meant to do it/it doesn't help but i thought i'd try it. Just a thought xxx

I don't think lashing there does much, but if it's what makes you comfy.....by all means do it!

AFM: I confessed to hubby that I tested and showed him the test. His response was I definitely see a line, but it's still early. Surprisingly he wasn't mad - he was surprised I made it as long as I did. I bought 2 more 2 packs of frers because target had them on sale for $10.98 with a $1 off coupon on the box and a free $5 gift card for buying two. I think I'm going to hold off testing for a few days to see what happens.

My cervix is still high, and closed. Pretty sure it would be open by now if AF was on the way tomorrow or Saturday. My boobs are tender, but don't hurt and are more bruise looking.
Morning ladies. How are the testers doing? I'm feeling really really irritable today! My dd is a bit poorly and sitting in bed with me and keeps elbowing my boobs! They don't particularly hurt but it's driving me MAD! I wish I could feel nauseous instead if just mSsively stroppy! And I've got about a million things to do today and I need to rearrange some stuff and I'm not sure what to organise! My other issue is my grans now got to have radiotherapy and I'm worried I'm not allowed to be around her ?? Trying to find out what sort she'll be having but she doesn't even know I'm pregnant so it's hard !! I'm really the only person who can reliably take her for treatment and it's 12 days in a row so if I can't do it it'll take some organising ! Luckily it won't be til jan so I should (please please please) be 12 weeks so I can at least tell people why.
Munchkin im sorry dd isnt well and poking you in the boobs :( hope you get done what you need done x
Hey all! I'm having (yet another) down day. Cramps started getting stronger and my lower back hurts, I'm feeling snappy and very PMSey, got a faint BFP on an IC but just a shadow line on a FRER...Thinking I'll be going on to #3. I have a dr appt on Tuesday but that seems so far away :( Guess I'll be going in to have "the talk" and hopefully convince him to start bloodwork/run a loss panel on me. I just want to crawl into bed and sleep for the next 2 weeks.
LL - more toxic! heh, I'm trying to picture how that might work :) But in all seriousness, I am fingers crossed for that right Ovary and for one sweet temperature rise! Based on everyone's suggestions the best shot for bfp is upside down cycling legs and lots of red wine! woo hoo :) I'm sure hubby will be surprised and delighted

Munchkin - Sorry to hear the strops got you! Tbh, I think that coupla weeks before more obvious symptoms startis so effing long and fraught with anxiety...the only sane option is stroppyness! I was a bit of a bitch to live with for the first week after bfp. But hey, we're all carrying a burden of worry for little beans. Bring on the big symptoms for you! x

GRGirl - Sorry to hear about the cramping etc. What a nightmare. But, if this does turn out to be number 3 and you're counting it, then Tuesday is your day to start getting answers. Good luck over the weekend. X
Munchkin - I hope you can get everything done today. Why wouldn't you be able to be around your grandma?

Gr- I'm sorry you are having some cramps. Hopfully you can get some answers.

ATM: had another crazy dream last night. I'm really starting to stress too because we are moving in 8 days and I feel like there is so much to do. I also want to poas again today but I promised hubby I would wait until Saturday.
Urgh grgirl im so sorry :( im so angry for you right now. You know what im glad u did test early so you do have a reason for tests etc. i hope this weekend flies til Tuesday for you.

Me im cranky and moodya nd tired, not all pg related either.hubby fell asleep in his hotel at 7pm his time instead of skyping us this am so i was very moody. Then at 7:15am the doorbell rang and in my pjs i went to fetch flowers which i now know werent for me i dont know who they were for but clearly a very wrong delivery so i have a pretty bouquet. But i was moody bcos my first thoughts were indeed they couldnt be from him ashe wouldnt send me flowers (ok i now im geting pissy now) so that put me in a bad mood plus i tried to call him twoce but being a man he doent hear his phone when asleep. So now i was raging. What if i wasmc and i needed him?
Then the speech therapist called for the first tume regarding my son and asked if i could see her within the hour and i said yes, still couldnt get hold of my hubby so i was fuming.

Currently he has tried to call a fee times, ive fobbed him off. He called earlier and i was napping while dd napped so i said i didnt have time and he started gettng huffy and asked when will i have time so i said tonight IF i dont fall asleep and ignore my phone.

Sorry for the rant!
Linny- I'm so excited that you're past 6 weeks! woohoo!!! I'm counting it as #3 (just saw another BFP this morning but it was a holy squinter) and going in for bloodwork- 3 consecutive losses means something has to be wrong, right?! Who knows, but I am not doing so well today.

I'm very glad for you and Celine and Munchkin and Sofa and Elizabean and anyone else I forgot, though-it gives me some hope. I like hearing about everyone else's pregnancies; I'm just sad it isn't me.

Jrepp- thanks, I'm trying to just be happy that I have an appt on Tuesday but it's going to be a LOONNNGGGG 4 days.

Celine- thank you; I'm just feeling horrible right now. Everyone says repeated MCs/CPs are rare. Um, why do I have to be the rare one?! I don't want to be! I read it's only 2% of couples who have repeated loss- that's almost no one. WHY do I have to be part of that!

Anyway, at least you have pretty flowers and I think it's a guy thing to ignore their phone. Drives me insane when DF does it too!
Celine - I am sooty you haven't been having a very good day. Hubby's can be very irritating when they don't fit into our plans.
Jreop and grgirl tx for the love <3 feelng a bit better after a rant at dh,i wasmad cos he was "tired" oh boo hoo have to sit at te hotel watching tva nd ordering dood how exhausting.

I agree repeat mc are supposed to be rare, i think my mw would of given me testing after two if i didnt have two perfect pregnancies. I try not to look atmc stats but i read somehwer that mmc are so rare like 1% chance!
sorry you are having a rough day, Munchkin! Take a deep breath, things will work out one way or another.
Sorry about your grandma. I do hope you can be around her during her treatment. My guess is that if it's so many days in a row than it won't be the kind that leaves her radioactive.
My dd has a habit of kicking me in the head when she is in my bed. Not her best quality :haha:
Some how knowing the mmc are rare, does not make me feel better. Makes me feel like something is terribly wrong, and I will never have a baby.

GRGirl- I'm sorry you're still feeling crappy. I hope if this is another loss that you get some answers, although as much as we all want answers, no answers makes it more likely that it's just terrible luck. I'm not sure which is better...I only want answers if there is something that can be done to fix the problem! 4 days is an eternity when you've already been waiting for so long. I know you probably don't feel like doing much, but try to get out and get your mind off things if at all possible. Big hugs.

Celine - my hubby is crap at answering his phone too. Drives me crazy. Hope the flowers cheer you up a bit!

Jrepp - not testing means that hcg will have time to increase enough to notice. Fingers crossed for you tomorrow.

Linny - I can't believe you're past 6 weeks already!

AFM - I'm having a rough go with my pregnant friend visiting. I want to celebrate with her and know everything that's going on, but I also want to burst into tears, so the solution seems to be not to talk about her pregnancy very much. But I hate that I'm not supporting her the way I'd like to be. I thought we were going to go through this together, and instead I'm dealing with losses and finding out that my body is basically defective, while she has a picture perfect pregnancy. Sorry for the rant. Feeling overwhelmed, again...probably pms because I can finally feel AF is on her way. Does anyone else get a weepy feeling day before AF?

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