Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Hang in there Arabelle. It sounds like you are doing what you can for your friend. I also get weepy before AF. Well...weepy and angry. It's best just to avoid me sometimes :rofl:
Linny- well, if you've seen "the Great Sperm Race" it is quite a treacherous journey for those poor spermies so maybe the left side is more treacherous. Either that, or the eggs are all impenetrable or crappy because I know I'm still ovulating every month!

I think I ended up ovulating last night around 10:00 and I'm not sure we really BDed on time to catch that egg so I'm probably out this month. I couldn't really tell which side I ovulated from this time. It could have been the right, but there were also some twinges in the left. Who knows. At least if I'm not BFP this month I don't have to worry about miscarrying over Christmas. But if I don't get pregnant before the end of 2013 I will be rather upset!

GRgirl- so sorry you seem to be having a CP. I am glad at least this means you can get testing done. So sorry you are one of the rare 2%. That is why stats never make me feel better, because it doesn't really matter if YOU are part of the marginal percentile that has everything go wrong. :(

Munchkin - so sorry you are so grumpy, but hopefully it is a good sign. Lots of people don't get nauseous til 6 or 7 weeks. When did you get nauseous last time?

Celine- so sorry you are also feeling irritable and your husband is being annoying! Men these days. I do hope your day gets better.

AFM - I either ovulated last night or early this morning. I guess I could be 1 DPO today. We will be trying for that romantic dinner again tonight but it's a shame now I won't be able to have a drink.

I took 2 ibuprofen last night to sleep because my cramps were so bad. I know you shouldn't have ibuprofen when pregnant, but do you think it would cause harm on the day OF conception? Surely many women take ibuprofen before they find out they are pregnant.
Arabelle - so sorry you are having a difficult time with your friend. I know how it feels to think you're going to be pregnant together with your friend and then end up left behind. It's awful. Be easy on yourself - you can be more supportive to her later on. You have been through a lot.

And as to your question... :haha: of COURSE I get weepy right before AF! I get weepy and angry and irritable and insecure and depressed and insane for at least a week before AF and especially the day before/day it starts. I get less irritable but continue to be weepy and incapable of dealing with life for all of AF. So you are not alone. :)
Ladies! I have 10 pages to catch up on! You lot sure do know how to talk!
It's been so busy here I haven't had the time to do anything I came on here the other day and just as I was about to read and catch up another thing came up!
I'm on holiday for a few days on Saturday so try to keep the conversation to a minimum so I don't have a lot to read as the 10 pages I've already missed probably won't get read until after my holiday :dohh:

My body is f***ed up. I never normally swear but I think it calls for it. A quick rerun..
Sept 4th - MC
Oct 8th - First AF since after 34 days
Oct 29th - Started spotting (21 days later)
Oct 31st - Second AF starts after 23 days
Nov 15th - After 16 days! Yes 16.. I've started to spot again.. So far it's brown and only on my pants..
What the f is going on?! :cry:

I can't reply to anyone as I haven't actually read through anything so..
Yay! for any + tests (HPT and OPK)
:hugs: for any bad news
:hugs: for people feeling down
:wave: for any new people
Keep those positive thoughts for anyone in the TWW
Keep that bed a rockin' for anyone ov
And keep that chocolate cupboard stocked up for anyone at the beginning of the cycle.

This cycle won't be my cycle as since AF stopped we've DTD once as we've had people staying here since so I'm already getting ready for the next cycle :)
Rachel - sorry your body is confusing you so much! Have you asked your dr about the spotting? It's too bad you won't have much of a chance this month. :hugs:
Rachel - sorry your body is confusing you so much! Have you asked your dr about the spotting? It's too bad you won't have much of a chance this month. :hugs:

No, I'm waiting to see if this turns into AF or not and if it does I'll ring if it doesn't I'll wait until the end of the month and ring as I'll have the time to go to the doctor :haha:

I just feel like giving up :/ My body quite clearly doesn't want to be pregnant /won't get pregnant so why should I bother trying when it's clearly not going to happen anytime soon :cry:
hang in there Rachel. It makes sense that your body is confused right now. It will sort out but i know it feels like forever when you are waiting. Do you know if you are ovulating between your bleeds? Just curious.

LL-Is it possible that one of your tubes is blocked and that's why it matters which side you ovulate from? Just a thought.
I can't imagine a few ibuprofen now would make a difference. One dose couldn't possibly alter your lining much if at all. one drink probably doesn't hurt either for that matter. The egg or embryo isn't attached so isn't getting any nutrients from you yet. I know you want to be as careful as possible and I probably wouldn't drink either :(
Afternoon Ladies

Munchkin - I had to read your post twice I thought it said my dad was in bed:blush: that comes of trying to read a post quickly:haha: kids just know which buttons to press don't they in your case elbowing you. My son pokes me you would think he would know better being 12 - hope your boobies aren't to sore:hugs:

I would consider clomid and a multiple pregnancy - bring it on:haha:

Hmmmm I can remember many years ago - my xhubby saying he had read somewhere that if we wanted a baby I would have to lay there with my legs up in the air for 20 mins or so - what do ya know Wills after trying for almost 2 years (12 years ago) was conceived - coincidence? who knows. Those were the days before I monitored temps/ did opks/ tracked cp/tracked cm etc:wacko: but one thing trying to have a cuppa in that position I don't recommend it:haha:

JR - Why would he be mad :hugs: after all you have been through - PAL is difficult enough and we all need to know asap just to get our mind into focus I think:hugs:

Gr - Sorry hun this looks like it is number 3 but as they say you are not out yet:hugs: If it makes you feel any better I'm also in that crappy percentage too:cry:

Celine - BIG :hugs: hun I don't blame you being stroppy - he's gone away and left you to manage with everything - including damn hormones and isn't there when you try and phone/skype him :growlmad: we all need a little TLC - so I'm sending you some hun :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

Arabelle - BIG :hugs: (wow lots of :hugs: today)

Slg - :haha: me too avoid me when I'm PMT (usually the kids know before me) my 12 year old saying -" ignore her she just pre menstrual - have you got your period mum" gulp when did he grow up:wacko: then my 10 year old says "the nasty witch has come so no babies this month she took it away again":cry: what a difference a few years make to these children what they have seen and heard and seen their mum go through I think will make them understanding boyfriends when they are older:cloud9:

Rachel - How long are your cycles normally hun? :hugs:

LL - Why do you think your timing is out hun - I am looking at your chart and there seems to be plenty of lurving going on (lucky girl):winkwink:

AFM - I am a grumbling angry son of a bitch today:haha: (luckily I've been on my own today) - I am also 6DPFO. So now I wonder should I test on Sunday - yes yes I know I will only be 8DPO - but last month I only got as far as 8DPO and she came - so for a girl with a POAS habit that made me growl hmmmm what should I do - Test or wait?


Oh no rachel! I think def see the doc, wither now if it is af or later when af comes and you have time but i agree it doesnt sound normal, good on you keeping track of those dates!

Arabelle hun two weeks after my 2nd mc whoch i did not feel emotional about at all was the day when i broke down in front of my two preggo friend and the one with a newborn. I felt ridiculous and they didnt know but it was so hard for me. Slowly after that i began to heal emotionally and it took some time before i was genuinely happy for them albeit sad for me.

<3 you need to be sad and grieve, its the only way forward. So this thread is fab for that too, shout and scream and cry if you need, chances are someone here will know how you feel x
Slg - I have no clue, I don't use OPK and my CM goes from fertile (I had it once the other day but only once) to non existent to the CM you get just before AF turns up.

Garfie - Before my MC between 29-31 days the after MC it's been 34, 23 and now 16 days later I've gotten spotting so :shrug:

EDIT - You commented when I comment sorry! Good old iPhone apps ;) And yeah, I might ring up Monday as they're shut for the weekend and get an appointment as I'm now worrying, I'm trying to stay off google and knowing it it'll say I have cancer or something when in fact it could be something harmless like my hormones sorting out.
Quick read here -

Munchkin - it depends on the type of therapy your gran is having. When my mom had radiation laser therapy for cancer there was no concern of pregnant women being around her. My neighbor, however, had to be injected with a radioactive dye for a thyroid condition. His wife was pregnant and could not be around him during the procedure and for 2 weeks after. She couldn't even enter the house if he was not home during that 2 week period. She stayed with a friend. I am sure this pregnancy will be successful for you and you will be at or near your 12 week mark when you have to tell your gran. You can ask the doctor in the meantime what type of therapy she is having and he/she will keep your pregnancy confidential. It may help you plan.

Good luck to you and your gran.
Celine - Sorry to hear you've had a rubbish time of it. I think whenever oh's don't seem to 'get it' it brings out the worst feelings. I think bc we're sort of carrying about all our fears and hopes and sickness and all that - if our oh's seem all relaxed it's a bit irritating...How do they get to be having a nice old nap and going out for drinks!? heh. Anyway, hopefully you're feeling bit better and your hubs gets the message he needs to be more contactable!

GRGirl - Thanks love! it's a little milestone. It would be good if they could pinpoint something fixable for you.... or even if not it still seems like even after 3 the chances of live birth next time are still higher than mc, but I agree - why risk it if you can check for other issues and avoid all the heartache and uncertainty? I think being proactive at this time as well is really good, with mc's so much of it is just waiting at the mercy of things, unable to get answers etc, and this way you're taking things into your hands, getting more control...That's surely going to be good both for future pregnancys and your emotional wellbeing. X

Arabelle- me either, it feels like years! hehe.
I cannot even imagine a close friend being pregnant right now ...even when pregnant (I know that's madness!). I think all your feelings are really understandable, don't beat yourself up -I bet your freind totally understands how you must be feeling and is more concerned for you than sorry for herself X
Wow ladies chatty much?!? What a day!
I can only reply briefly so
Rachel i'm sorry you're feeling so crappy. I'm sure stuff will sort itself out but hormones are just maybe taking ages to regulate.

Literati i took ibuprofen the night of ov last month and was really paranoid it would stop me ovulating or something. Looks like it was my lucky charm ;) your timing looks fine, get another in tonight to seal the deal xx

Celine sorry your OH is being a pain.. They are sometimes aren't they and they won't get it whatever you do!

I had a nice day today in the end, my boobs are hurting more and i was feeling a bit icky and dizzy which i think is a good sign. Come on quality nausea!! My DD had her second trial session at the new nursery and she seemed to really enjoy it so she starts properly 2 days a week on monday, it's lovely there so i'm very happy with it!

GRgirl sorry things aren't going too well, you never know the HPT's might turn soon xx

So sorry everyone else i'm meant to be going out tonight and got sooo much to do first but i love you all xxx
Oh and itsawonder thank you so much for that. I really hope it's one i can be around her for as she'll need the support but if not i'll have to be really sensible. i'll have a chat with the dr xx
Linny- well, if you've seen "the Great Sperm Race" it is quite a treacherous journey for those poor spermies so maybe the left side is more treacherous. Either that, or the eggs are all impenetrable or crappy because I know I'm still ovulating every month!

I think I ended up ovulating last night around 10:00 and I'm not sure we really BDed on time to catch that egg so I'm probably out this month. I couldn't really tell which side I ovulated from this time. It could have been the right, but there were also some twinges in the left. Who knows. At least if I'm not BFP this month I don't have to worry about miscarrying over Christmas. But if I don't get pregnant before the end of 2013 I will be rather upset!

GRgirl- so sorry you seem to be having a CP. I am glad at least this means you can get testing done. So sorry you are one of the rare 2%. That is why stats never make me feel better, because it doesn't really matter if YOU are part of the marginal percentile that has everything go wrong. :(

Munchkin - so sorry you are so grumpy, but hopefully it is a good sign. Lots of people don't get nauseous til 6 or 7 weeks. When did you get nauseous last time?

Celine- so sorry you are also feeling irritable and your husband is being annoying! Men these days. I do hope your day gets better.

AFM - I either ovulated last night or early this morning. I guess I could be 1 DPO today. We will be trying for that romantic dinner again tonight but it's a shame now I won't be able to have a drink.

I took 2 ibuprofen last night to sleep because my cramps were so bad. I know you shouldn't have ibuprofen when pregnant, but do you think it would cause harm on the day OF conception? Surely many women take ibuprofen before they find out they are pregnant.

I don't think a drink or the ibuprofen will do anything as you have just ovulated and the eggy is still traveling. I know quite a few people that hard core partied for a month before finding out they were pregnant.

Ladies! I have 10 pages to catch up on! You lot sure do know how to talk!
It's been so busy here I haven't had the time to do anything I came on here the other day and just as I was about to read and catch up another thing came up!
I'm on holiday for a few days on Saturday so try to keep the conversation to a minimum so I don't have a lot to read as the 10 pages I've already missed probably won't get read until after my holiday :dohh:

My body is f***ed up. I never normally swear but I think it calls for it. A quick rerun..
Sept 4th - MC
Oct 8th - First AF since after 34 days
Oct 29th - Started spotting (21 days later)
Oct 31st - Second AF starts after 23 days
Nov 15th - After 16 days! Yes 16.. I've started to spot again.. So far it's brown and only on my pants..
What the f is going on?! :cry:

I can't reply to anyone as I haven't actually read through anything so..
Yay! for any + tests (HPT and OPK)
:hugs: for any bad news
:hugs: for people feeling down
:wave: for any new people
Keep those positive thoughts for anyone in the TWW
Keep that bed a rockin' for anyone ov
And keep that chocolate cupboard stocked up for anyone at the beginning of the cycle.

This cycle won't be my cycle as since AF stopped we've DTD once as we've had people staying here since so I'm already getting ready for the next cycle :)

I don't know what is going on with your cycles, but of it makes you feel better my sister had 3 periods 10 days apart before finding out she was pregnant.

Wow ladies chatty much?!? What a day!
I can only reply briefly so
Rachel i'm sorry you're feeling so crappy. I'm sure stuff will sort itself out but hormones are just maybe taking ages to regulate.

Literati i took ibuprofen the night of ov last month and was really paranoid it would stop me ovulating or something. Looks like it was my lucky charm ;) your timing looks fine, get another in tonight to seal the deal xx

Celine sorry your OH is being a pain.. They are sometimes aren't they and they won't get it whatever you do!

I had a nice day today in the end, my boobs are hurting more and i was feeling a bit icky and dizzy which i think is a good sign. Come on quality nausea!! My DD had her second trial session at the new nursery and she seemed to really enjoy it so she starts properly 2 days a week on monday, it's lovely there so i'm very happy with it!

GRgirl sorry things aren't going too well, you never know the HPT's might turn soon xx

So sorry everyone else i'm meant to be going out tonight and got sooo much to do first but i love you all xxx

I know you are rooting for nausea, but my sister had no nausea what's so ever with her first pregnancy.

As for me, I feel like AF is coming but my cervix is still high and closed. Maybe I finally need to use the bathroom
SLG - I have no reason to think my left tube is blocked and don't really feel like getting paranoid about that. It doesn't matter anyway, as they would never do any testing on that unless I had an ectopic. But I actually read a study which showed that eggs from the right ovary are more likely to be fertilized than the left, and it's appearing to be true for me. I really don't want to start worrying about hypothetical scenarios, though.

And yeah, I kind of figured the same thing since the embryo wouldn't be receiving any nutrients from me yet, but it's hard not to worry.

Garfie - I am a perfectionist and we only BDed a few hours before I think I ovulated, and then a full 57 hours before ovulation. I don't really think my dh has the best spermies so I'm worried that won't be enough.

Sorry you're grumpy too. It seems like everyone has a case of the grumps today! Good luck if you test on Sunday!

Rachel - I feel the same way. I'm probably never going to get pregnant again, so why try?

Munchkin - Good to know. I hope it's my lucky charm as well. ;)

I hope you have fun going out tonight and can get all your stuff done before that!
Oh LL- I wish I was near you and we could eat chocolate and vent together ;) I'm a major grumpy cat today.

I've decided I'm not testing for another 2 days, maybe even 3. AF is due Sunday, so I may test late that night or just wait til Monday. I have horrible symptoms, just like last month, which is what makes it so bad- having major symptoms but still just getting faint lines :( Either way, I'm done testing. I'm turning into a stark raving b*tch and I'm tired of the rollercoaster. If I start bleeding, I'll know I guess.
Oh LL- I wish I was near you and we could eat chocolate and vent together ;) I'm a major grumpy cat today.

I've decided I'm not testing for another 2 days, maybe even 3. AF is due Sunday, so I may test late that night or just wait til Monday. I have horrible symptoms, just like last month, which is what makes it so bad- having major symptoms but still just getting faint lines :( Either way, I'm done testing. I'm turning into a stark raving b*tch and I'm tired of the rollercoaster. If I start bleeding, I'll know I guess.

My heart goes out to you. I know exactly how you must be feeling! Everything that you have been going through gives you every reason to be in a grumpy mood. I'm no expert, but if you are still getting faint lines than it's possible that everything is still gong just fine. I'm testing Sunday too, so we can test together :) I tried to move my testing date up, but hubby hid the tests and I have no idea where they are. :hugs:
I'd lose it on my hubby if he hid my tests! And then I would go buy more!

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