Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

GRGirl--I'm so so sorry that this one isn't sticking. Sending you a huge hug :hug:

Linny--I'm so happy that your scan looked good!!!! :thumbup: What a huge relief for you!

AFM--got a beta done today. Last week was 11 and it only went down to 7 this week. I was sure it was going to be negative. Now I'm going to spend a week wondering in the back of my mind if it might be on its way back up. It's not likely but it doesn't take much to give just a bit of hope.
Awe sig, I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could say! I'm sending lots of orayer and a nice tight e- hug your way.

AFM: AF arrived at lunchtime today, so I am officially on cd1. I'm going to get through this week and then I have between 1.5-2.5 weeks to get hubby in the mood nightly to try and catch the eggy. He seems down with the idea, but we'll see how he feels when he's all sexed out.
Hey ladies

Not sure if i spoke too soon about the positive scan, last night i got some brown tinged cm and a bit of mild cramping. This morning it seems to have gone but not sure if that's just because of lying down while sleeping. Effing Eff it....What is it about not being able to catch a break? 8 hours of blissful confidence/ignorance has been wiped out. Oh well, back to the usual low grade anxiety and constant worry it is then.

Off work today, I don't think i could concentrate even if i wanted to.

Oh Linny I'm crossing all of my crossable parts that it's all just the normal settling in and everything's ok. I'm sure it'll be ok for you- I took the statistical bullet for you and Munchkin and Celine so you guys will all be ok now :p

slg- :( I wish the numbers would just completely go to <5, preferrably 0, so you could stop wondering :(

Jrepp- I think I'm a day behind you in the cycles, so we'll see if AF comes today or tomorrow for me. She was due on Sunday and doesn't seem to want to appear yet.

AFM- stark white negative test this am at 15dpo *sigh* Dr appointment at 11 am today, but I know it'll just be to run a beta and not much else. I'm taking a list of suggested blood tests for a recurrent loss panel and I also have the number of an RE that I'll call today and schedule an appointment for more thorough testing. AF still isn't here- due Sunday, the horrible dark red spots yesterday, now nothing today.
DF and I got into a huge horrible fight last night, which we did last cycle when I started to miscarry. I think it's because subconsciously I'm hurting so much that I snap at him and then he gets upset and I continue the fight to get the emotions out? IDK, I'm not the best at psychology, and I don't mean to fight, I just sometimes feel like the pain is unbearable.
On top of it, I'm getting a cold and so is DS. His birthday party was going to be Sat but I think I'm cancelling it. :(
Oh linny how scary :( i would say spotting is common and you that too but truth is if i had the same id be thinking the worst too. :( when is ur next appointment or scan?
Grgirl - thanks! I wish all of us were sitting on the better side of the stats! The stats say we ought to be!

Celine - totally, I've now read 100 spotting stories which ended up being fine but the fact is, my memory is of where spotting led last time. I'm so sick of this feeling of uncertainty now, I can't believe the relief lasted only 8 hours. No appts booked in yet but I called epau this morning and they said they'd have me in for a scan if it continues. Sigh.
Linny - I am SO sorry that you've started spotting. I feel so bad for you that your joy and reassurance was so short-lived! :hugs: I am very glad they will book you in for another scan if it continues! My advice is be insistent to get in ASAP if you're still spotting in a few days! You shouldn't have to torture yourself for long. :hugs: hang in there. I SO want this to be your rainbow baby, and I hope and pray that it will be!

Boodley - I think garfie is in the TWW as well, and of course GR at the very end of it. I guess I am rather alone this cycle! Hopefully Garfie and I have good news soon.

GRgirl - so sorry you're feelin down but glad you're going to get all those tests done. And I agree with your explanation of why you argued with your husband. Sometimes stress and emotions about one thing transfer over to other things instead. :hugs:

How is everyone else?

Penguin- sorry you're having a boring cycle of waiting.

Jrepp- so sorry AF arrived. It's always a bummer part of the cycle. :hugs:

Slg - I totally understand that seed of hope! I hope it either goes to zero immediately or it goes up from a new BFP!
Linny big hugs! Spotting can be totally normal, which is cruel, since it's totally terrifying. You had a good scan, try to focus on that.

GrGirl- hugs for you too. I think the stress of losses is bound to cause some arguments. It's hard to be on an emotional rollercoaster all the time and not lose control sometimes. I think it's also hard for partners to understand what it's like for us. Yes it's tough for them too, yes it's a loss for them too, but we are the ones who go through it. I'm not sure they appreciate how much more intense it is for the person having and then losing a pregnancy. A cold on top of everything seems cruel. I hope it's just a teaser and leaves.

Slg- if it's on its way up, you should be able to pick it up on a hpt in a day or two. Where are you in your cycle?

LL and garfie how many dpo? Testing?!

AFM - AF finally showed up this morning. Spotting yesterday, but this is cd1. Now on to ov... Terrible cramps and low back pain today, worse than usual. Does the first cycle after mc tend to be heavier?
Linny - so sorry that you are spotting. I have everything crossed for you. I agree with Literati - insist that you are seen within the next few days. Another reassurance scan will help settle your nerves and give you answers. Most likely you just ruptured a capillary on your cervix which is very common. (I understand the worry with spotting, just trying to stay positive.) Can you take today off of work and lay down with your legs up to get some rest?
Arabelle- I think it's quite common for the first AF after the m/c to be quite heavy. Mine was heavier and more full of clots than the actual m/c! Mine actually stayed extremely heavy for 3 cycles but then stabilized this last one.

I am 5 DPO, have zero hope for this month, but might test Nov 27th if my temps aren't way down by then, which they likely will be.
Arabelle- all my cycles after MC have been heavier for the first one, heavier and more painful.

Went to the dr, waiting right now to have blood drawn for a ton of tests and I was referred to a RE. He told me stop the Biotin, keep on high dose Folic Acid and do Vit D, and I'll add whatever else the RE recommends.
Munchkin and Celine - You need some positive pregnancy affirmations! We all understand why you're worrying. Hopefully as time goes by, you'll find it easier to relax and trust that you are carrying your rainbows :)

Thank you Arabelle! I could do with getting a few of them going that I could chant or something! Glad you're feeling more positive after your break. Next month will be fun ttc with all the excitement of early ttc months! :happydance: my first AF after mc was very heavy. It's not surprising really, the mw told me it would be xxx

Rachel you're so early you can't be sure AF will come but I totally understand the "defensive pessimism"

Grgirl I totally understand. In all my ttc time I have never once taken a month off, couldn't bear to watch ov go past. But some ladies on here seem to think it really helps and I kind of get that too. I hope you get some answers from your drs appointment. Me and oh always row at AF time. I get so anxious and shut him out in my own little world then just blow up when I know AF is on her way. But then we end up talking and feeling closer for if. Ttc puts so much pressure on relationships it's not surprising. Sorry you're feeling ill too. What a crappy few days for you but it will get better and the hope will return xxx

Boodley I'm glad you're not feeling too bad and as I said taking that month off does seem to help. And you can enjoy Christmas and relax and not worry. I worked out if I'd not got my bfp bding would be starting again tomorrow and the thought of that exhausts me!! I understand the timeframe bit too. It's the same with babies as well, if someone could say 'by June you'll be getting a straight 8 hrs sleep' it would be so much better. But as you said they are totally worth it, a true blessing x

Penguin I hope you get some positive answers from the dr xx

Literati you're totally in this month. I think with so many ladies having time out this month all our hopes are on you and Rachel. But I also get the negativity and not wanting to get your hopes up.
Your bding timing was brilliant though so maybe allow yourself to be a bit hopeful :hugs:

Sig 7 is really really low. My epu said they don't consider you might be pregnant unless your level is 25 or up. And it's dropped so it sounds like residual hormone. Drink loads of water and nettle tea and flush your system. Are you getting any more tests? I'm sure my epu wouldn't test again after that.

Jrepp sorry she arrived. :growlmad: but glad you can now get on with your next cycle and some serious loving! I'd recommend the every other day from cd8 til a pos opk then every day for 2-3days so your hubbies doesn't get too exhausted. You could even turn him down on the off days to really get him going!! :haha:

Linny I'm sorry about the cm and that your lovely confidence has been chipped :( it would scare the bejesus out of me but cramping is so normal (I'm worried at the moment cos I've had no cramping!) and there's so much going on down there a but of old blood creeping out sounds normal, but I'd say don't be worried about nagging your epu and 'exxagerating' a bit if necessary to get reassurance if it carries on or gets worse xxx
AFM I have had some reassuring nausea most of today. I'd still like to be puking my guts up but I'll take this so long as it keeps going and my boobs still hurt! I'm burping lots too and still peeing a pooing a lot so I'm feeling more positive. Torturing myself with another digi tomorrow which is probably stupid! I also haven't had an appointment for an 8 week scan yet so I'll give it another week then call the gp xx
Thanks girls. Things is munchkin I've had no cramping at all till now and I was taking it as a good sign because last time it was very cramps from beginning to end....I assumed it was normal but this time around changed my opinion....I have no idea what a normal pregnancy is at this point....I would take it as a good sign tbh!

Grgirl - really good to hear the test are underway! Let's hope there's an explanation and something easy to fix!

I spent most of this afternoon in a crying mess....there's been no more spotting but I just feel utterly helpless. I will pester the epu in a few days....I feel bad about potentially wasting their time but if I'm going to mc I'd rather not invest any more emotions into this pregnancy...god it's hard isn't it? That little beating heart and I'm already fearing the worst....love to you all x
Linny - hugs - sorry to see you so worried. I'd call them tomorrow. You're not wasting anyone's time - your baby will benefit from you being relaxed & happy. It'll take them two minutes to put your mind at rest. Better that than you staying stressed.
It's definitely not pestering them, I'm sure there are people who are far more pestery than you and you have a reason. You'll be far happier once you've seen your happy little bean again x
AFM - AF finally showed up this morning. Spotting yesterday, but this is cd1. Now on to ov... Terrible cramps and low back pain today, worse than usual. Does the first cycle after mc tend to be heavier?

On my experience, the cycle following my first mc was actually very light. I had a bit of cramping but the flow wasn't at the level it normally is. This last cm, I bled very heavily for almost a week (to the point of a pad every half hour or so) and then it just stopped. I also had massive cramps and could barely move. This cycle started yesterday with medium flow, but today is just where it normally would be, with cramps and all. Perhaps it depends on the person?

Arabelle- I think it's quite common for the first AF after the m/c to be quite heavy. Mine was heavier and more full of clots than the actual m/c! Mine actually stayed extremely heavy for 3 cycles but then stabilized this last one.

I am 5 DPO, have zero hope for this month, but might test Nov 27th if my temps aren't way down by then, which they likely will be.

Why do yo have zero hope?

AFM I have had some reassuring nausea most of today. I'd still like to be puking my guts up but I'll take this so long as it keeps going and my boobs still hurt! I'm burping lots too and still peeing a pooing a lot so I'm feeling more positive. Torturing myself with another digi tomorrow which is probably stupid! I also haven't had an appointment for an 8 week scan yet so I'll give it another week then call the gp xx

Good luck! Isn't it funny how the things we dreaded so much are now small victories worthy of celebration?

Thanks girls. Things is munchkin I've had no cramping at all till now and I was taking it as a good sign because last time it was very cramps from beginning to end....I assumed it was normal but this time around changed my opinion....I have no idea what a normal pregnancy is at this point....I would take it as a good sign tbh!

Grgirl - really good to hear the test are underway! Let's hope there's an explanation and something easy to fix!

I spent most of this afternoon in a crying mess....there's been no more spotting but I just feel utterly helpless. I will pester the epu in a few days....I feel bad about potentially wasting their time but if I'm going to mc I'd rather not invest any more emotions into this pregnancy...god it's hard isn't it? That little beating heart and I'm already fearing the worst....love to you all x

Awwww. I would say call them and see what is going on. There is no point worrying if there isn't anything wrong. Some people spot their entire pregnancy and give birth to happy healthy babies. I hope that's what's going on with you.
Thanks girls. Things is munchkin I've had no cramping at all till now and I was taking it as a good sign because last time it was very cramps from beginning to end....I assumed it was normal but this time around changed my opinion....I have no idea what a normal pregnancy is at this point....I would take it as a good sign tbh!

Grgirl - really good to hear the test are underway! Let's hope there's an explanation and something easy to fix!

I spent most of this afternoon in a crying mess....there's been no more spotting but I just feel utterly helpless. I will pester the epu in a few days....I feel bad about potentially wasting their time but if I'm going to mc I'd rather not invest any more emotions into this pregnancy...god it's hard isn't it? That little beating heart and I'm already fearing the worst....love to you all x

Linny, did they do an internal scan? If so, could it have irritated your cervix and started the spotting?

I had spotting on and off from 6-8 weeks which was terrifying and all you can think of is last time. My doctor said spotting is very common and around 6 weeks it can be a sign of further implantation where the baby is snuggling deeper into the lining. Please relax and try not to stress!

We are all here for you though and understand :hugs:
Jrepp - My temps are crap, and I had my hopes up the last 3 cycles for nothing, so I figure why have hope now? I am just "hoping" I'll get pregnant within 6 cycles. If I don't, I am really going to start freaking out about being infertile.
LL theres always hope hun xxx you will know next week.
Linny, elizabean has a good point i have heard many cases of spotting after an internal scan. But you should contact epu for your own sanity if needs be.

Afm - heartburn, nausea..8 weeks so past a milestone no spotting! Next milestone is scan in one week x

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