Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Hey Jalanis - welcome! Sorry for your loss. Be warned - it can be busy in here, but you get the hang of it really quickly! I've had 3 d&c's so far - for me, it has taken weeks for my body to get back on track afterwards. First time, I thought I got an AF after four weeks, but really it was only spotting and could have been mid-cycle bleeding with AF only happening after 8 weeks. I wasn't charting so don't know. That time, it took my body a few months to get back into the swing of a normal cycle. Others have a quicker recovery than that - hope all sorts itself soon for you. Only saying about my experience so you don't stress too much! (you can read from the above that I stressed loads!)

Literati - cool! That's just under a week.....tick tock, tick tock!! I really, really hope this is it for you! Wouldn't that be lovely before Christmas! I'm actually not worrying, for once, which is a change for me :coffee:. I've just been thinking about how there was nothing at all I could have done differently. Fate has brought me here, and if that's how it is - then that's what I have to work with. 2013 has been rough, and maybe I'm as well to see it out and try afresh in the new year.

Linny - Love it!! Snorts ahoy. Hope you're doin well x

Celine - yeah, I think I was overly optimistic thinking I might ov as scheduled today. Ah well - I'm just impatient. I came off birth control just about two years ago, and still nothing! My friend is on her second pregnancy in the same timeframe. Did not think it would go like this!

Hey Jrepp - yeah, I think it's reset too. We might end up cycle-buddies (of sorts!) so. It's funny - I'm no biologist, but.....HCG was almost gone anyway (last level was 42), I was deffo ovulating and having AF, and was certainly cd6 at time of the procedure. I would have thought follicle would have been developing at that point and that my pituatary was in control, and that hormones from remaining tissue weren't having an effect - but it seems not. Bodies are amazing (and frustrating!) things, so who knows! Hmmmm, look who's overthinking everything, as usual!
Hope your headache's easing? What's the weather like where you are? We've had such a mild autumn/winter here in Ireland - first frosts only happening in last couple of weeks.

GRGirl - wow, they got back quickly! OK, so that's a good few things ruled out. Did they test progesterone? You probably have more appointments to follow up from here anyway. Thinking of you lots.

IAW - thinking of you with the big scan tomorrow! I hope it is 100% positive. Be sure and let us know!

So, I'm either CD14 or CD8, depending on how I look at it. Today is the one year anniversary of my first D&C. I'm a bit frustrated because I feel like I'm no further on. Here I am, one year later, still recovering from miscarriage. Ah well - fire's on, dogs are lying out in front of the fire, I'm having a large glass of Medoc wine, I've an admin day in work tomorrow so relatively low-stress - I guess it could be worse :thumbup:

Hmm, I've already chopped all my hair off - what drastic step could I take next!?!?!?!?

Elizabean - just see below that you're online. Hope you're doing well! You're in Australia, right? My sis lives in Sydney - miss her loads!!
Elizabean - just see below that you're online. Hope you're doing well! You're in Australia, right? My sis lives in Sydney - miss her loads!!

Haha, caught lurking!

I'm in Sydney too, have you even been to visit?
Ha, sorry - just spotted your name as I was about to move away from the page!

Yes! We were over a few years ago, for a visit. Loved Sydney! We went up to Hunter Valley, and ate a lot in Dixon House :0) It's true what they say about the Sydney Stone! We'd a wedding in NZ the following week, and I could barely squeeze into the dress. Hope you weren't in line of the fires?
Thanks boodley....well i had done an hpt test two days ago and its alot fainter than the week before....im just hoping i dont take long to go back as im TTC...i had CM a few days ago and we. BD but oh well only god knows.
GRGirl - It's good to rule things out. I hope your RE makes a good assessment as to whether to add Heparin injections, since I would hate for them to ignore the low Protein S just because it wasn't "too low." I totally understand how it doesn't seem like it could possibly be "bad luck" but there are definitely many success stories of people who have had 3+ unexplained miscarriages and then went on to have healthy pregnancies without any interventions. Our bodies are very strange. :wacko:

Boodley - So sorry that you are no further ahead than you were one year ago today. That must be really tough. I am glad you're looking at the bright side, though. There are lots of things to be thankful for always, so sometimes it is good to focus on that when everything else seems crap.

I do hope you ovulate soon!
Jalanis- welcome! I count first day of red bleeding as cd 1. I did with all my losses too.

Jrepp- I actually can't take NSAIDs, so I never do, except this last cycle I started a low dose baby aspirin. I usually just grit my teeth and deal with cramps or pop a Tylenol.

Afm- got most of my blood work back, everything ok, no clotting disorders, just low Protein S. It wasn't too low though. Doc says it may be just "bad luck", keep taking my baby aspirin, and the RE will decide if we should add Heparin injections (I guess standard treatment is baby asp & the Heparin, but since it isn't that low, it may not be necessary to do shots?) idk guess we will see but tbh I don't think 3 losses is "bad luck". Maybe it is :(

Do you mind if I ask why you can't take nsaids either? If you don't want to say, its totally fine! Isn't baby aspirin still the same thing? I am hoping that you get everything figured out so you can get a sticky bean already!

Hey Jrepp - yeah, I think it's reset too. We might end up cycle-buddies (of sorts!) so. It's funny - I'm no biologist, but.....HCG was almost gone anyway (last level was 42), I was deffo ovulating and having AF, and was certainly cd6 at time of the procedure. I would have thought follicle would have been developing at that point and that my pituatary was in control, and that hormones from remaining tissue weren't having an effect - but it seems not. Bodies are amazing (and frustrating!) things, so who knows! Hmmmm, look who's overthinking everything, as usual!
Hope your headache's easing? What's the weather like where you are? We've had such a mild autumn/winter here in Ireland - first frosts only happening in last couple of weeks.

So, I'm either CD14 or CD8, depending on how I look at it. Today is the one year anniversary of my first D&C. I'm a bit frustrated because I feel like I'm no further on. Here I am, one year later, still recovering from miscarriage. Ah well - fire's on, dogs are lying out in front of the fire, I'm having a large glass of Medoc wine, I've an admin day in work tomorrow so relatively low-stress - I guess it could be worse :thumbup:

Hmm, I've already chopped all my hair off - what drastic step could I take next!?!?!?!?


Surprisingly, the weather here has been in the mid to upper 60's when it should be very cold. Today however, a snowstorm blew through. I think the drop in barameteric pressure caused my headache. It certainly wasn't the stress of work as we only had 1 out of 8 students show up for school before 11:30am (4 more showed up at about 11:30) due to the icy roads.

I'm sorry your mc has dragged on for so long! It seems as if you are in a better place now, and hopefully you can get some answers/a bfp. I am curious what you mean by drastic steps!
hey LL wishing you lots of baby dust.
boodley I am feeling the same. most of the girls are preggies now and feel like we are left behind. lol but so happy for you all! I'm just awaiting next month fir another dose of meds. apparently I may never ovulate on my own.
Sending everyone a hug tonight :hugs:
I'm reading all but a little busy with my daughter who has decided that she doesn't want to sleep anymore...ever....
Thanks, penguin. I hope that cyst disappears so next cycle can be your BFP!

Slg - yikes! That does not sound fun! I hope your daughter caves and starts sleeping again soon. How old is she?
She is 3 and 4 months. Two nights ago I put her to bed at 9 and she didn't fall asleep until 3 AM!!! Last night was much better than that but I am one tired mommy. I feel bad for her. Even when she cooperates she is having trouble getting to sleep. Not sure what else to do to help her. Starting today I am stopping her naps. Hopefully that helps.
hey LL wishing you lots of baby dust.
boodley I am feeling the same. most of the girls are preggies now and feel like we are left behind. lol but so happy for you all! I'm just awaiting next month fir another dose of meds. apparently I may never ovulate on my own.
It'll be our turn soon, Penguin! Our babies are just taking their time to get here. They're in no rush - sure, they'll have the rest of their lives with us!
GrGirl - Wow that was quick, awesome....So see that protein S thing, that causes clotting as well doesn't it? Presumably heparin would thin clotting irrespective of the reasons for the clotting. According to dr google most people who have a deficiency are in the mild low range, and yet still suffer. Extremely low ranges are rare....so i wouldn't see low-ish as a reason not to treat it. How are you feeling about it all now? X

Slg - sorry to hear your daughters having difficulty sleeping. My neice went through an intense period of this but she's gotten better recently X

Jalanis - yeah most count from the day of D&C. Like I say, some women seem to start their cycles again like normal but on the whole the cycles *seem* to be longer which makes sense if HCG is still leaving the system. It's perfectly possible to get to CD22 and still not have O'd yet.

Afm - morning of day 2 without any further spotting. I am becoming hopeful, which seems almost forbidden...But I still have all my symptoms and according to every study I could find - bleeding after confirmation of heartbeat doesn't have the same terrible odds as bleeding without that. So, i'm back on statistics therapy until something happens or until the scan. X
Linny - glad you are feeling a bit more positive. It's good news that it has stopped again, and you'll get reassurance Monday at the scan. Could have just been bubs snuggling in a bit tighter :) All fingers still crossed for you here!
Linny- I'm going in to the RE next Wed and I'll check then, but I'm of the opinion that I don't want #4 and I'm ALL about injections if it'll prevent it happening again. Bring on the Heparin. I'm not a cautious person anyway, but after 3 losses IDC, inject me, give me a pill, tell me to stand on my head, whatever- I'll do it. I'm going to see how the RE feels, but I don't buy the "it's not low enough" logic. It's low, low levels can cause clots, clots can cause MCs= give me things to thin blood.

Jrepp- I had stomach surgery in 2008 so NSAIDs are a big no-no due to ulcers but my surgeon (I still see him once a year) said baby aspirin is ok to take since it's only 81mg and unlikely to cause damage at such a low level. I did have to weigh the risk, though, and decided that the possibility of it helping with pregnancy was worth the risk of a stomach ulcer.

Boodley- I know you'll get your baby soon; it's just taking longer than you'd like :p

AFM- cd 3, AF is tapering off, but the horrible respiratory virus I have is in full swing :( DS bounced back, I'm still horribly sick, and I think DF is starting to get it now soon. So FX we can get it out of the house in time for the BD Marathon to start in about 10 days. I'm kind of just going through the motions with it- I don't want to take a break, but I'm not really "into" the thought of TTC right now. Just going in to my 1st RE appt next week and see what she thinks we should do.
GRgirl i'm afraid i don't really know what all the tests mean but it looks like they've moved quickly and i agree, after 3 losses i would litereally be prepared to stand on my head for 12 weeks if it meant it would keep the 4th safe. Even with TTC i've always just thrown everything at it even if we didn't know we had a problem.
Maybe you should take the baby aspirin with your main meal so it's not on an empty stomach??

Welcome Jalanis and so sorry about yout loss, yes this thread moves fast! Blink and you're behind so don't stress too much about keeping up. I've counted the MC as CD1 and Ov is usually late in that cycle, mine was 10 days late which i was pleased with, but at least it gives you somewhere to start!

Boodley i love your attitude although i'm sure you don't feel like that all the time, the bubs will take it's own time and if i'd conceived my DD the first month we'd tried we wouldn't have my DD and that would be such a huge loss.

Linny i'm glad you're feeling more positive and the bleeding has stopped. A lot of women seem to get spotting from internals. I've never had one but certainly my GP doesn't do pap smears on pregnant ladies so it must be for a reason!

Sig sorry about your night owl daughter. It's so hard isn't it, and when they can't sleep it's heartbreaking to watch, although your first thought is that you'll be losing sleep! My DD was coughing all night last night, she was sleeping through it so i couldn't even give her medicine but we were awake listening to it!

Penguin yay for next month and meds again.

Literati i think when you do get your BFP there will be such a massive collective cheer from this forum running around the world :) I hope it's next week but if it isn't it will be soon xxx

Itsawonder did you have your scan today??

Everyone else massive :hugs:

AFM i am getting increasingly stressed and paranoid. I just keep having this moments where my blood runs cold and i just 'know' things are going to go wrong or i'm not pregnant at all or it's a molar or something. I haven't really had any cramps which is scaring me, why am i not getting growing pains?

Is bubs or whatever's in there not growing at all?? My sore boobs are getting less sore too over the past few days and i just need someone to tell me if it's going to be ok or not and soon so i can just deal with it if it's not happening.

I've had 2 really bad night's sleep so i'm struggling to read my body and symptoms and i know i'm mentally vulnerable when i'm that tired, i'm just not feeling that neuseous or anythign really other than very very tired!

A few days ago i was feeling more positive like i 'knew' it would be ok but now this just feels like my last pregnancy and i'm terrified :(

Sorry to moan but i'm struggling a lot today!
Awww Munchkin- exhaustion is a symptom though too! So you still have symptoms. I know it's impossible to stop stressing, but bubs is the size of your pinkie nail right now so your uterus may not be doing a ton of stretching yet. Could just be settling in and you'll wake up tomorrow crampy and feeling it stretch. Wish I could reassure you more, but I'm thinking of you!

AFM- went to Target on lunch to do a tiny bit of retail therapy- got a nice sweater (jumper) and earrings that I'll probably wear tomorrow for DS' birthday party (Future in laws wanted to come over and I didn't have the heart to say no), some Vit D and FRERs were on sale again so I bought 4 of them. Have enough tests for 2 cycles now, JIC. Got some more OPKs, too, so I have enough for 2-3 cycles of those now. Figure maybe it'll be Murphy's Law and if I stock up on babymaking supplies I won't need them ;)
Munchkin- so sorry you are struggling today. :hugs: I am sure things are probably okay but I know that won't really help you feel better. Hang in there! When do you get a scan?

Thanks for the comment about the collective cheer when I get my BFP! :) :hugs;
Thanks ladies and gr girl I'd just stocked up on a new tube of preseed when I got my bfp. I've still got it sealed in the box off next time ;) I was thinking Murphy's law too!

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