Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Hey munchkin - awww, sorry you're finding it tough. It's so different after a loss. You have to remember, you're more aware & vigilant now than ever before. I've heard lots of stories about people who have minimal symptoms at all and yet all is well. My sister being one! And she has two GORGEOUS little men, not that I'm biased!! It may all be on its way yet, and you'll groan that you complained at all. And I've seen people on here talk about having every symptom in the book, and it not working out. You're doing all you can - your baby has a good fighting chance - try not to presume the worst. Are you going to get an early reassurance scan?? <<hugs>> it's so lousy that the confidence in healthy pregnancies has been taken from us.
Thanks Boodley. I thought I was paranoid the last 2 pregnancies but it's nothing compared to this. I just seem to barely believe it's happening! Oh is getting excited and I'm just blank. I'm feeling a but better tonight because I'm seriously bloated! The top of my tummy is almost hard it's so bloated, disgusting! At least it's making me think something might be there. I think after last time I just don't know how to listen to my instincts, I dint know what they mean any more!
The gp said she'd ask for an 8 wk scan but she said they might not agree because they dint usually do reassurance scans. Haven't had a letter yet, if I've not heard anything by Tuesday I'll call. I'll have a private one if they won't do it but I'd trust an nhs one much more. I'm 6 weeks on Monday so it's getting closer. I'm not excited about it though I'm just dreading it! Sorry to moan, I'm so lucky to be here at all but it still feels like I'm ttc and waiting fir my 8 week then 12 week bfps if that makes sense!!
Afm - morning of day 2 without any further spotting. I am becoming hopeful, which seems almost forbidden...But I still have all my symptoms and according to every study I could find - bleeding after confirmation of heartbeat doesn't have the same terrible odds as bleeding without that. So, i'm back on statistics therapy until something happens or until the scan. X

I'm glad the spotting stopped! I really believe that everything is going well inside and the baby is perfectly fine. I did read that internal scans can cause some spotting.

AFM- cd 3, AF is tapering off, but the horrible respiratory virus I have is in full swing :( DS bounced back, I'm still horribly sick, and I think DF is starting to get it now soon. So FX we can get it out of the house in time for the BD Marathon to start in about 10 days. I'm kind of just going through the motions with it- I don't want to take a break, but I'm not really "into" the thought of TTC right now. Just going in to my 1st RE appt next week and see what she thinks we should do.

I hope you and your family kick the virus! Being sick is never fun, especially when it ruins your baby making plans.

Munchkin- so sorry you are struggling today. :hugs: I am sure things are probably okay but I know that won't really help you feel better. Hang in there! When do you get a scan?

Thanks for the comment about the collective cheer when I get my BFP! :) :hugs;

Ll- your chart is looking really really good. When are you planning on testing?

AFM: AF appears to be officially over. I bled heavily on Tuesday, had a ver light almost spotting flow on Wednesday and nothing but tinted color after having some adult fun with the hubby last night. I am physically exhausted, but I think finishing up with this move and Thanksgiving week off from work will do a world of good for my mood. Hubby and I had a good talk last night while strolling through Target about getting pregnant this month so that we can tell our families Christmas Day. I think I'm going to use his enthusiasm this month to get him to eat a little healthier.
It does indeed make sense! I think I'll be the same next time - I'll just keep it at a safe distance til I see proof that I've a reason to get excited. Well, delighted you're bloated \\:D/ Bring on the bulge :) So that's tiredness, bulge, and maybe feeling a bit emotional?! Three symptoms right there. There's no way I could wait till the dating scan if that's all they offer. I won't get scanned early either - they don't do that in my hospital unless you've had three losses - like after two your head should be fine! Ha!

Well, I've just had my first tiny speck of cm since erpc. Whoop whoop - one step closer!
Never thought that'd be something I'd joyfuly announce online as an achievement :happydance:

GRGirl - I've a good stash here too, donated by my friend who bought them to work on her no.2 & needed none of them - she got bfp accidentally before they started trying for real - there's evidence for the theory right there. Stock on up, I say!
Ooh, ooh - and first hint of a second line on opk! Maybe next week??
I also stock up so fate will swing the other way!!! :haha: When I got my bfp in august I had just bought $1000 worth of fertility meds. They are still sitting in my refrigerator just waiting to be used. Hopefully I'll get a period shortly and can start using all that medication.
Slg - how long has it been since your m/c? Have you peed on anything lately? I feel like your AF is taking forever.

Munchkin - yay for the bloat! When did you get nauseous with your dd? And that fatigue is definitely a good sign. My coworker who is annoyingly 30 weeks pregnant had zero nausea during the first tri: just fatigue and increased appetite. It can be totally normal!

Boodley - sounds like you're finally on your way to ov! Congrats! :happydance: Sometimes CM is something to celebrate. ;)

Jrepp- thanks! I am testing next Wednesday the 27th. I'm happy to hear AF has ended for you.

AFM - 8 DPO today. Have had the odd mild cramping, am hugely bloated (normal for me), have been plagued with tension headaches the past 2 days, and am irritable. Nothing that points one way or another sadly, but we shall see next week.
LL-sorry about your headache. I had a killer of a headache a few weeks ago and a massage is what finally got rid of it.

I believe I am cycle day 34 since my mc. It does feel like it's been forever but it's still a very reasonable time frame. I'm not sure if I Od yet or not. I haven't been doing OPKs much since the mc. They were positive all the time and I just started diluting my urine to get negatives this week. Hopefully I'll still see a spike. Had tons of CM today but thick and opaque. Who knows what my body is trying to do :shrug:
Slg my mmc at 10 weeks (baby was only 6) my body took 30 days to ov, you were more preg so maybe need more time? Hope it happens soon x
LL, bring on weds for good news for us both i so hope!

Munchkin what u feel is so normal, im about 2-3 weeks ahead so you can see my emotional rollercoaster match yours :)

Sorry for the others ive missed, im off to girlie weekend, terrified to lesve dh with kids! So badly wanted a scan this week but was scared if it was bad news id have to go on this weekend with my oreggo friend. So caution in the wind, having faith!
Morning Ladies

So I thought if I kept busy she wouldn't catch me - grrrrrr she did yesterday - CD32!!!!!:cry:

Celine - Enjoy your girlie weekend - go easy and try not to worry about the kiddies - they're with their dad - enjoy you deserve this:hugs:

slg - Who knows is the correct answer - all as you can do is BD when you feel like it - that's all I did:dohh:

LL - Aw sorry you have a tension headache - grrrr they're the worst kind - at least if it was a hangover you have some fun memories:haha:

Boodley - Hope you are getting busy lady - sounds like O is on the way :happydance:

Linny - How are thing with you flower:hugs:

Gr - Oh no - hope you are soon fighting fit again: kids seem to bring everything home with them - they're not afraid to share:haha:

JR - New house new baby - that's all I'm going to say:winkwink:

Munchkin - Symptoms are sounding good hun - I can fully understand you being nervous sending BIG :hugs:

AFM - I was meant to have bloods taken CD 1-3 - missed them this month as my cycle has already began and on a weekend to. I feel very disappointed this month as I was very convinced I was pregnant (I don't say this every month and I don't say it lightly) but there you go - how wrong was I:cry:

Who's next up to test?


Slg - Yeah, unfortunately I just got a massage 2 weeks ago (the same time you did, I think) so I feel a bit overindulgent getting another already. Hopefully it's just PMS-related and goes away soon. Maybe I can get dh to give me a scalp massage. :haha:

Hmm, thick and opaque? Sounds like TWW CM to me. You may be on your way to either a BFP or AF. Have you had any cramping since those original ovulation-like pains?

Celine - So...I have to admit I was bad today. I caved and tested and got a BFN. :cry: I know it's early still but I was getting a bit hopeful and now this killed it. I am going to try to keep my resolve and not test again til Wednesday like the original plan. You POAS-addicts are bad influences on me, I tell you!

I do hope you enjoy your girlie weekend! I think you made the right chance to allow yourself a few more days of "blissful" ignorance so that you can just enjoy the weekend and don't have the chance of it being extremely painful. But I am excited for you to get some good news on Wednesday to set your mind at ease. :happydance:

Garfie - So sorry that AF got you when you were so convinced you were preg. :cry::hugs: That is sooo not fair and I'm getting sooo tired of that happening to me as well. It is also too bad you now aren't able to get your blood work as planned. Hopefully there won't be a chance now because you'll be BFP this month!

I believe I'm up next to test, and if you read above I already did. :blush: But my official testing date remains Wednesday. And you are definitely right that a hangover would be much more fun than this. :haha:

How is everyone else today? Any weekend plans?
Garfie-sorry this wasn't your month. TTC is such an emotional roller coaster!

LL-I thought you were the other one that had just gotten a massage. My hubby massages my neck and head often and it really does help. Sorry you are disappointed with your test but it is still really early. When I was pregnant I only got convincing lines about 11 dpo.

I haven't had any convincing EWCM since mc. Twice I had a tiny bit so we BD just in case. I've had all kinds of weird twinges and pains in my abdomen since the mc. Nothing really painful and they only last a few seconds each time. Very strange. Just waiting it out because there is nothing else I can do :shrug:
Hey ladies, just popping in.

Boodley- congrats on the hints of an opk line! It's nice to know somewhere in the world someone's getting it on! Haha. :)

Celine- hope you have a great time on your girlie weekend and manage to escape unsuspected. I think that's a really solid decision to wait till after the trip. I think you'll be totally fine, but you wouldn't want even the sniff of a possibility of having to go and have fun if not.

Garfie- Sorry AF got you, especially after feeling like it might have been a bfp. Tww symptoms are built to confuse us. And sorry the testing situation is out the window for this month, but as LL says, let's hope you won't need it! X

Grgirl- I'm with you love, who needs caution after 3 mcs? It's not like they could suggest something worse could happen. I think just in your head remain firm on the fact that you are sticking to that as a treatment plan and just keep on that track. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise, you have the right. X

Munchkin - hugs to you missus!! Pal is such a terrifying period....I don't think anyone hasn't been where you are now...the only thing that helped me was to reiterate to myself that the strength of my negative feelings bears no relation to what's actually happening. It's not a sign that we know what's going on in our bodies, our gut instincts are well out of whack at this point. If you look up any kind of anxiety attack it's the very definition of pregnancy after loss feelings. Endless anxiety attacks. Sometimes founded, but mostly unfounded...you've gotta believe it love! Most pregnancies after loss have a perfect outcome! As for sleep, I have difficulty but don't like taking anything for it so what I do is download audio books to my iPhone and listen to them on earbuds very low. Listening to something while trying to sleep allows you to take the focus off your thoughts and removes the tension. X

LL - I totally understand why you poas! I would have done too if DF hadn't insisted. I don't reckon I'd have got a + at 9 days either. So weds would be expected af? Sounds like a good plan, let's hope she doesn't show up. Your temps are looking nice! X

Slg- oh that's a neat trick to dilute, I hope it works out and you get some good indications next time!

Afm - still no more blood but I got a little hint of red in my cm yesterday, it was very faint though. The jury's still out but I still got all the symptoms, some are far worse. Of course I've read women can mc with all the symptoms and all that jazz. But for whatever reason I'm preferring to look on the optimistic side of things, I think the last few weeks of fearing the worst have really worn me down and now I've had it! Can't deny it might be bad news on Monday, but it might be good too. Love to you all x
Linny - Nope, AF is actually due Thursday...but I wanted to test one day early. :)

Sorry you've had a bit of red in your CM again but I'm glad you're taking the optimistic route. It honestly helps so much to be hopeful. At least you will know in just 2 days...and I truly hope and think everything is going to be okay with the little baby! :hugs:
image.jpgI just did an opk but ive never used one before....it looks positive but the test line is like the control line....did i ovulate already or am i heading there?
Jalanis - a positive OPK means that ovulation will occur in the next 24-36 hours (or sooner), so you should get BDing ASAP!
Hey everyone,

Jalanis – it’s so hard first cycle after mc. You just don’t know what’s going on with your body, so it makes it hard ttc because you’re guessing, really. Was that your first OPK?? Sometimes they stay positive for a few days – you’re supposed to calculate OV from the first positive one. When did you last BD? You could still be in with a chance.

JRepp – hope the headache’s better. We had one week of frost here, now it’s back to about 5degrees at night – so mild! Are you near skiing territory? Jealous, if you are!! Drastic steps – well, I once had a tattoo done when I was bummed out (years ago, nowhere prominent). And during the summer, I chopped my long hair into a really short bob-style. I think they’re attempts to take back control from bad situations, and also something nicer to put a little energy into. Shopping fills that void too :0) Sounds like you and OH are having some fun thinking about the future and being pregnant again – it’s good when you get back to that more positive/excited place, even just at intervals.

Slg – hopefully you’ve had a better night’s sleep since! Hands down, you’re winning so far on the investment in TTC front – I got those OPKs for free! $1000 is quite the sum of money. Really hope the investment pays off for ya. CM is a good sign one way or the other – shows hormones are doing something in there! The waiting can be a bit frustrating though – hope you’re feeling ok. I had all kinds of twinges and funny stuff going on as my body settled back – some carried over into following cycles, but I got it checked out and they were happy everything was OK. As you already well know, your body needs a while after being through something traumatic. I just find it so hard to stay calm and relaxed when I want to be straight back pregnant again!!

Linny – GOOD LUCK tomorrow!!! Let us know how you get on. It’s great that things have settled anyway. Nice to know you’re thinking of me doing the deed :0) I’ll have to up my performance in your honour. WAAAGH, that’s gone too far!

GRGirl – hope you’re feeling a bit better! You could do without being ill on top of everything else! Definitely push your RE for a plan Wednesday – like you say, you’d do anything to have it be different next time. Gosh, only two months left til your wedding! How are plans coming along? Will it be a quiet celebration or a big party??

Munchkin – hope the head’s in a good place today! Another few days closer!!

Garfie – sorry to hear that, missus. I’m the opposite of you in some ways – I manage to convince myself every cycle that I’m pregnant. It’s tough when you have that positive feeling and it doesn’t work out. And then the timing meaning you missed your tests – grrr! Dunno if you’d have this option, but I managed to find a GP here that does a drop-in clinic on Saturdays, so there’s a back up plan for getting bloods done if the timing is wrong – might be worth looking into?

L.L. – sorry to hear bout the negative. But as others have said – it might be too early yet. I tested regularly for both previous pregnancies, and didn’t get anything positive until 14dpo either time. And my HCG was in the good ranges…..you’re still in with a chance!! I hope it turns around for ya.

Hi to everyone else too!

AFM – having lovely relaxed weekend. Just watching Ireland take on New Zealand in rugby – doing well so far!!! Fingers crossed. What beautiful men!
CM has continued, yippee. Nothing fertile-looking yet, and OPKs still negative. Have decided to just go with it after all this month. Sure, you never know, right?? Heading away for a night with DH Friday, so maybe that timing will work out perfectly!

Lots of love, and wishes for good baby making/baby baking!

Boodley...i have NO chance....we BD only once last week due to my hubby wanting to wait so i can at least cycle once....and yes before i left to where hes at i did an oPK and it was negative and that one i just did it yesterday....i really dont know how they worked since i never used one but now im using em a bit due to the MC so we can try again....but might to cycle once then we will be fully BDing
Boodley - Thanks. That is comforting to know that you didn't get a positive result until 14 DPO both times. I didn't test today and am going to try to wait til 13 DPO on Wednesday. I don't feel very hopeful though. I had a bit of a sulk last night at the thought of not being pregnant once again. But I know I'm not quite out yet.

Hope you're all having a good weekend.

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