Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Arabelle – thanks for the list! Hope the TWW is going quickly – Mine’s not!

GRGirl – where are you going on honeymoon – hope it’s somewhere nice! Your BD timing sound great this cycle – you’ll know soon enough! Glad you’ve reassurance about work till the New Year anyway – will they review it again then? It’s such an uncertain time.

LL – I’ve heard of getting easily winded as a pregnancy symptom too – sounds good!

Sara – would you believe, I’ve only been to Scotland once myself! It’s almost too close, I don’t think about it when I’m planning a trip. Edinburgh is supposed to be soooo beautiful – might need to think of arranging a trip there soon. Are you testing again today……..?????

Elizabean – you’ve a great stretch off! Enjoy. Hope your dad & stepmum are having a fab time over here. Are they taking in many places? You’re a more tolerant traveller than I am! I remember on one of the flights I dropped my lip balm, and the seats were so tight I couldn’t reach my arm down to pick it up – Cabin Fever!!

Jrepp – that app sounds cute. How are you getting on with the cream now?

Rachel – totally get how you feel about those announcements, honey. Mine are happening irl – there’s an epidemic at work!! I have to smile through every announcement – I am genuinely happy for them, but feel like every person who has good news pushes me further back in the queue. It must be my turn soon, right? Great – gonna stalk your journal so :0) We’re about half an hour outside Dublin – it’s perfect! We can pop up to the city really easily, but we’re away from the madness of the traffic. Yeah, we’re an island of many accents alright! My OH is from the north – he can’t understand people from the most southern counties, and vice versa. I’m originally from the midlands, so I translate! Where are your relatives? (they’ll be yours and not just Harry’s very very soon!!)

Penguin – hope this is a good sign for you!! If AF comes, are you due to start your meds??

Munchkin – glad you’re feeling a little calmer in yourself, though you do sound like you’re having an awful time of it – which is great, but awful! We’ll be thinking of you for next week.

Linny – glad your session with the counsellor was useful. Hope you get well pampered today!

Celine - <<hugs>> - yeah, those reminders will always be there. None of us will ever forget. Hopefully we&#8217;ll all go on to have our rainbow babies, but the little ones we lost will always be a part of our story. I know I&#8217;ll always feel that loss.

You all sound much more organised than me for Christmas &#8211; going into town tomorrow to try and do it all in one blast!

AFM &#8211; 9dpo today. It took everything I had not to test earlier on &#8211; I ended up marching to our downstairs loo so I wouldn&#8217;t even have to look at the tests tempting me! Holding out till next Wednesday. Still not hopeful &#8211; not a whisper of a symptom so far. Yet, at the same time have opened the calendar to calculate when I&#8217;d book my scan &#61516; Know I&#8217;ll be let down but not surprised on Wednesday if it&#8217;s BFN.

Hope everyone&#8217;s having a nice weekend so far!
Jrepp - Wow, that sounds like a crazy day! At least you got some fun in at the end. How did you like Hunger Games 2? DH and I saw it on Thursday and loved it.

Those sound like promising symptoms! I sure hope it's a BFP for you!

Munchkin - Wow, that's awful you're so sick with a cold on top of all your pregnancy symptoms! That doesn't sound fun. I'm glad you're feeling relaxed about it, and I very much hope and believe it's because subconsciously you know everything is going well. I understand not looking forward to your scan next week. It's so hard. I really hope everything is good at the scan. All your bad symptoms are a great sign, after all.

Linny - I'm glad your first meeting with your counselor went well. That's great that you're feeling better now. Enjoy your hair cut! It's always nice to have a change.

Celine - That is so sad and so true. It is just such an awful, awful feeling to find out you're having an mc. In a way I feel it's ruined my life...at least temporarily. Remember you are nearly out of your first trimester already and things are going so well this time. Hopefully having your beautiful rainbow baby will at least allow you some joy again even if it doesn't lessen the pain from the past.

Boodley - Good for you for not testing! Wednesday sounds like a good plan.

AFM - I only got a 2-3 on a digi today. I feel fairly convinced this pregnancy is going exactly as the last one did, and I will likely never get a 3+. It isn't fair, and the thought of this coming to an end again is making me so sick.
Munchkin - We haven't heard from you in a little while. Are you doing okay?

Hey there. Yes sorry I've not been posting but I have been trying to keep up with reading! I've been working lots and got a horrific cold, totally lost my voice which is very hard for me! With the nausea and exhaustion and insomnia I'm basically a zombie! Pregnancy wise it's wierd though, I feel fairly relaxed. It's either because everything's going well and I know it subconsciously or I'm protecting myself so much I don't really care. My 8 wk scan is the start if next week and I'm not looking forward to it, and I'm not bothered if oh doesn't come, it just feels like a medical procedure that could go either way! Obviously I'll be gutted if it goes the wrong way but I'm not letting myself get too excited or scared, just nothingy really! Xx

I'm sorry you got so sick! Did you know that when you are pregnant, your body actually produces a hormone called relaxin, which initially helps with implantation and later loosens your pelvic muscles and cervix to get ready for birth? Interestingly enough, it also gives you a feel good feeling! Maybe that's what you are experiencing.

Munchkin - I can understand your approach, felt much the same before mine. Still, the signs are good, if quite rubbish for your daily existence. The insomnia is a bitch it has to be said. Thinking of you x

Celine - you're closing in on 11 weeks missy! Awesome! X

Jrepp - what dpo are you testing this month?

Grgirl - glad your job is lasting after Christmas, awful time for it to end otherwise! I guess it gives you a bit of time after the holidays to look for something else.

Afm - saw my counsellor yesterday and she was great! Feel a lot better today.... I got myself into a lot of thinking which didn't add up. Anyway, today I'm trying to get in for a haircut, the grey roots are depressing me so I'm hoping a good cut will improve things! Lx

I'm kind of playing it by ear right now. My temps are holding steady, so I'm hoping for the second jump like in September. If I go triphasic, I'll be testing 4 days later, if I don't go triphasic I'll be testing at 12 dpo, as AF usually comes 12-13 dpo. I've been feeling a lot of pressure and fullness in my uterus, and some very mild twinges.

I'm glad you saw a counselor. Are you going to go back and see her again? A new haircut will be great! Post a pic, I want to see it :thumbup:

H girls i was thinkin of you all last night,mhubby and i watched a sad series and an old lady had lost her second husband, she was so sad and the frief she had when she had to walk back into her empry house was heartbreaking, in her mind she could still picture him and she was crying/ begging "please dont leave me"
Well imlost it! The grief came over me :( i could feel that hollowness sadness of co ing home after thst first mc. I recalled lying next to my son on his birthday as he watched tv and indrifted in and out of sleep each time waking up to remember what was going on :(

Even though i never met that baby, never knew if it would be a boy or girl, never knew him or her i felt so empty and sad :(. Mc has changed my life so much. Our hearts will always bear the that scar.

That's is so sad! I couldn't even imagine loosing my husband. Losing a child, is always difficult, even more so when we never got the opportunity to meet the baby. It will be difficult for the rest of our lives. My mom had 4 miscarriages, my aunt had 7 and my grandma had 9. All of them told me that they still think about what could have been with each baby, but are so thankful for the loses because without those loses they wouldn't have the children they do today.

My husband and I watched hunger games 2 last night and I cried several times. My husband said "oh no, not again!" I asked him what he meant and he said I've only had really bad mood swings twice and both times I was pregnant. :shrug: temps are pretty level, and I went from 1/4 tsp twice a day to 1/8 tsp twice a day of progesterone cream. Despite the 1/2 dose my temps didn't drop like they normally are by now.
Ll - I loved it! I cried a lot, but hormones :shrug: I can't wait fir three to moe out! Did you read the books at all?
Boodley- I'm doing alright with it. Halved the dose as I read the recommended dies is between 15-24 mcg a day and I was applying 40. Still don't notice much, but my temps are level for the first time.

Ll - despite crying several times (the hardest being when Catniss and Peeta were at district 11 and Catniss spoke about Rue), I loved it! I can't wait fir 3 to come out. Have you read the books?
Jrepp - I've read the first one but only half of Catching Fire. I rarely have time to read so it was hard to get into it when I was putting it down for weeks at a time in between. The movie was awesome, though. Have you read the books? I hope your mood swings mean you are super preggers!
I did read the books. Can't seem to be patient enough to wait for the movies to come out!

Oh I had a dream last night that I lived in this weird house and slept in the closet. When I went outside to get something these gangsters were waiting for me and I tried to run away but they chased me into a pit of ferocious dogs who attacked me. Then the police came and took the group of people to jail and wanted to know if I would testify
Tried to catch up but it's almost impossble :haha: but just wanted to say literati the conception indicator isn't 100% so don't be worried that you got a 2-3, you're only a day off that anyway.

I am currently in limbo at the moment, I started spotting last month on 11th Nov and AF showed properly about 9pm so I classed 12th as cd1. I normally have a 24/25 day cycle so based on the 25 day cycle I'd have been due on today but I've had no signs. Trying not to get my hopes up too much but we've only been using the pullout method and a couple of times we've done it twice (thanks to being more relaxed and not tracking o). No symptoms to indicate AF or 'other' but eeek I'm getting a teeny bit excited! Should I test?
Thanks, Annie. That sounds promising that AF still isn't showing any signs of arriving. I think you totally should test...;)

Jrepp - Crazy dreams could be a good sign.
I think you should test Annie, but if you are nervous you can always wait and see what happens in the next few days.
Annie if u are on here aking us if you should test....subconsiously u must want to test cos we all say hell yea!
Tried to catch up but it's almost impossble :haha: but just wanted to say literati the conception indicator isn't 100% so don't be worried that you got a 2-3, you're only a day off that anyway.

I am currently in limbo at the moment, I started spotting last month on 11th Nov and AF showed properly about 9pm so I classed 12th as cd1. I normally have a 24/25 day cycle so based on the 25 day cycle I'd have been due on today but I've had no signs. Trying not to get my hopes up too much but we've only been using the pullout method and a couple of times we've done it twice (thanks to being more relaxed and not tracking o). No symptoms to indicate AF or 'other' but eeek I'm getting a teeny bit excited! Should I test?

Lovely to see you back Annie! All exciting stuff, the first time I ever got pregnant I only did it once genuinely so it's definitely possible! If I were being a good fairy I'd say leave it a few days but the evil Poas fairy says test test test!!
Literati I'm so sorry you're feeling low about this pregnancy but it's all very normal to not be hopeful. I've lost count of the number of posts I've read about the clearblue digi being inaccurate, certainly far more than the ones where it's been accurate! I know how you feel though because I did the clearblue digi thing early on and it was really nerve wracking. I also did internet cheapies alongside them so even if the weeks didn't change I could see the line getting darker.

There's no reason it shouldn't all be fine, and as plenty of people on here have told me, this is a totally new pregnancy and whatever happened before has no bearing on this one. Xxx

Boodley 9dpo is getting to the exciting bit! Good luck on Wednesday xx
We'll I didn't need to test because AF was waiting for me this morning! Going to take 26 days as my cycle now because this has happened to me twice and got me excited! At least I know the pullout method works though, only 2 more AFs to go till we will try again
Boo :( I think if I were you I'd be having a few little accidents in the next couple of months! Xx
Boo :( I think if I were you I'd be having a few little accidents in the next couple of months! Xx

It's tempting but I really do want to go to my friends wedding in Cyprus next year and you can't be more than 36 weeks to fly so I do need to wait. But if it happened I'd be thrilled obviously. My husband is really excited about our first family holiday too.
Annie - so sorry AF got you. That is awful you had your hopes up. Sounds like a good idea to count your cycle as 26 days.

Munchkin - thanks for your understanding. Are you still feelin nice and rubbish?

Celine - how are you feeling? You rarely mention yourself!

AFM - I half expected this pregnancy to take the exact same timeline as the last which would mean some pink CM this morning, but thankfully there was none. Looks like maybe I'll get to carry this pregnancy for at least an extra day or so.
Good morning/afternoon ladies!

Annie-I'm sorry you got AF today. I know you don't want to try again just yet, so I'm happy for you at the same time.

Ll- I'm glad this pregnancy is different for you. Hopefully it's sticky and that's why there is such a difference. How are you feeling today?

Munchkin- how are you feeling? I know your scan is coming up! How exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time?

AFM: just awoke from a horrid dream. I was working and a guy came up and started shooting kids and teachers. I was able to get some of the class I was in to safety, but not before two children were shot right in front of me. Then there was an explosion in the cafeteria and we all ran outside. I went with this bus driver to make sure the kids get home safely and the bus driver would not let me off the bus! Stupid dreams!

My temp slightly increased this morning after having small twinges throughout the day yesterday. Made myself a nice serving of asparagus, but after having a few spears I couldn't stand the taste anymore and gave them to hubby, who said they were great :shrug: I have a stuffy nose and a bit of a sore throat. Boobs are tender, but not that painful. It did hurt to lay on my stomach yesterday. Still bloated and constipated.
LL - I've got a good feeling for you love! the frers having stronger line than control line, there's no spotting, not just an extra day, you'll get 8 more months x

Jrepp - crazy dreams and your temps look really consistent. Looks good! X

Boodley - good luck for test day! X

Annie - sorry af got you! The wedding next year sounds like good fun though!
Jrepp - You have some very good signs! I so hope you're pregnant! When will you test?

Actually, today my boobs are more sore than usual. Yesterday they were barely sore at all which had me worried, but today they've been sore since the morning (they still barely hurt, but I'll take anything) and that feels like a good sign since usually they don't hurt til the evening. I am still feeling out of breath and tired out.

Linny - Thanks. I truly hope I get 8 more months. For days I've been feeling wet and drippy down there, so I keep thinking I'm going to go to the washroom and see blood, but so far nothing and I am very thankful for that.

I hope you're managing to stay calm. Are you going to see your counselor again?

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