Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

I'm still trying to decide lol. The frers are still packed away and I don't have the motivation needed to locate them right now. I'm 7dpo right now. Will probably wait until at least 12dpo, as LP is usually 12-13 days long (stats skewed due to mc), but the poas in me will probably get a dollar store test and try at 10dpo to satisfy the need.

Now that I've been up and about for a while now, my boobs are killing me and I am quite nauseous. :shrug:

I just looked at the calendar and noticed that today is hubby's and my 6 month wedding anniversary. I'm going to try to get him to take me out for dinner.
LL - Glad to hear the boobs are getting sorer! It doesn't have to mean anything, but it's nice to get some symptomatic reassurance! I'm still quite calm, this morning there was a clump of quite hard pink stuff. I was a wee bit alarmed at the consistency - but remembered i'd had a thrush pessary in :dohh:. Spoke to DF about it and we decided to try the doppler for some reassurance, found the heartbeat after a few minutes. :thumbup:

So yeah, gave myself a little pat on the back for not losing my shiz today. I might call my counsellor again if i feel overwhelmed, she helped me a lot after my brother passed and turns out more than a little helpful this time as she also counsels couples at the IVF clinic (I didn't realise this before) so had more to say about miscarriage and bleeding etc than even my doctor did. So, yeah pretty great coincidence!
Linny - That is good you were able to hear the baby's heartbeat on the doppler! You are actually so lucky to be hearing the heartbeat so early! I know lots of people can't hear it until 12 weeks. Where did you get your doppler? Was it very expensive? I might like one if I ever make it to 8ish weeks which seems unlikely. I think I would listen to it every night just to reassure myself for the first little while. Do you listen to it very much?

That is so great that your counselor is so well-versed in miscarriage/fertility matters. I'm glad she was such a great help to you. :hugs:

Also - I noticed from your sig that you lost your baby at 5 w 4 d last time. I am just curious if your baby stopped developing at that stage, or if that's the day when you actually miscarried? How did it feel passing that same day this time?
LL oh hun i know this is different for you, those super dark frers were not for nothing <3 when will you have a scan?
Munchkin, when is yours?
Jrpp ypur symptoms are so good right now!

Me - hmm not much, m tired, crabby at times...we bought a toddler bed for dd so nervous about that. Keep forgetting how far i am, i need to go for bloods this week and next week thur is my 12 weeks scan whaaaaat?
I was vomiting again this morning :( its ok its just really gets to me in the morning but with nothing in my stomach its basically my stomach turning itself inside out and i feel yucky and end up peeing myself (so glam?)
Literati yay for sore boobs! Mine are getting less sore but I'm feeling so icky I'm not too worried.

Jrepp sounding good! Exciting stuff xx

Annie boo but also glad you're excited about your holiday x

AFM I've had a hard day. I'm starting to get really nervous about next weeks scan. Reality is kicking in. I've still got a horrid cold and was up a lot coughing and I've been feeling really icky. Starving hungry but can't find anything I can eat :( I'm also feeling proper fat and succumbed to my maternity leggings today which made me feel bad because last time I wore my maternity jeans but it feels like a fake pregnancy looking back and I was so sad to put my maternity clothes away :( also my NCT friends came round and the girl that was 3 weeks ahead of me is ready to pop. All day everyone just talked about it and she is so sweet and understanding but it really hurts I should be nearly 34 weeks! She kept asking me how I was feeling and if we were trying again so u said we were secretly pregnant and she was so happy for me :( I think it's cos my due date is coming round so quick and I'm not 'safe' yet.
If it all works out I think I'll announce on my previous due date when I'll be just over 14 weeks. Please let it all be ok :(
Celine I'm not sure when my scan is, I've got to call my mw tomorrow so she can book me in for an emergency appointment because of the 'bleeding' :dohh:hopefully Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday x
Celine - I have no idea when I will ever get a scan since I can't even get in contact with my doctor. I think I have no chance of having one before 8 weeks now unless I start bleeding. And my doctor is on holidays in a week so I won't even be able to contact her if anything goes wrong.

Sorry to hear you are vomiting but that is definitely a good sign. That sounds absolutely awful though, especially with the peeing yourself part! You poor thing. Thankfully you'll be out of the first tri in no time!

Munchkin - So sorry that you've had a hard day. Sounds like you're feeling pretty yuck. I'm sorry taking out your maternity clothes made you feel bad but remember this is not a 'pretend' pregnancy and after your scan this week you are going to get so much reassurance! Sounds like a good idea to announce on your previous due date. Will you mention your previous loss at that time?
LL - Yeah, I was worried we might not, but I knew i'd seen bean a few days ago...so thought now might be a good time to try??. I watched some YouTube videos to try and figure out the best location to find hb (really low next to pubic hairline!).....It's the Sonoline B Economy Fetal Doppler, I think there's a professional version too. It was pretty cheap actually at £50 - might be about $85 where you are?? You can also rent professional ones really cheaply. You'd probably be more likely to find it clearer with those.

I'm trying not to rely on it too much because I think it's one of those things that could easily add to stress rather than relieve it! Say, if I couldn't find the hb today I might have been 10x worse. But, because I did find it there were no calls to epu, or endless googling/fretting. It's a toss up really! But, it is a good investment actually, especially if you can't go for early ultrasounds etc for reassurance.

I started bleeding on 5+4, passed baby probably about 6w.. Felt great to pass 5+4 without bleeding but not much felt different except for a searing pain in my left hand side! No obvious nausea, sore boobs same as mc etc. The symptoms of nausea came much later at late 6 weeks. So tbh, I was on the fence until we saw a heartbeat.

Did you have any signs last time before the 6 weeks? As in, spotting or severe cramping etc?
Celine - Sorry you;re feeling rubbish love...I think a bit of wee is very glamorous though. :)

Munchkin - Ahhhh! Your brilliant midwife, I was a bit worried at first before I remembered your secret pact :) Hopefully soon then! Yes, reality - but reality can also be extremely nice! I hope and believe it will be. x
Linny - yeah, last time at 5 w 2 days, I had a tiny bit of pink CM just in the morning when I wiped. Then nothing until a couple days later when I had a tiny tinge of bright red blood in a big glob of egg-whitey CM. Then nothing again until about 6 w 1 day when I started having some bright red blood but only when I wiped. At 6 w 2 days I just had some dark dried up spotting at the end of the night so I thought maybe it was going away. Then at 6 w 3 days I started bleeding steadily. It was very light but it wasn't just when I wiped. That is when I went to the hospital. They did a scan the next day and the baby was only measuring at 4 w 6 d. I passed the baby a couple days later. If you started bleeding at 5 w 4 d, do you know what your baby was actually measuring at that point?

Sorry if that was too much detail but it's very imprinted on my mind. :p

Thanks for letting me know about the doppler. Did you buy it locally, or order it online?
After any loss i think you cant forget "the day" that it all happened, i too this time was so sure id wake up and spot at 8 weeks. My scan was on 8+6 and i could see. Unchkins signature in my minds eye and even after the hb when mw said lets measure i was sure i would relive munchkins scan where the baby measured too smal. These things just stay with you..maybe thats why i keep thinking im like 7/8 weeks because its the weeks i found out the bad news. Technically i was 10 weeks when i passed the baby and ended up in hospital with uncontrollable bleeding...thats like...this week.

Munchkin try not to focus on it (easier said than done i know) and i hope your scan comes sooner! I know what u mean about the maturnity wear, i wore my black trousers that i wore once during my last pregnancy and i felt like i was tempting fate. I actually held out til after my scan this time, but i was using the rubber band round the button trick :)

Im going out bowling on tuesday night, its a drinkfest night so another night of faking it yikes! I have my two besties who will cover for me tho, hope i can pull off a good show like last time.
Jrepp: fingers are crossed tightly for you!

LL: I'm so sorry you are having so much anxiety about your pregnancy. I absolutely understand why but it makes me sad for you that you aren't able to enjoy the pregnancy at all. I don't understand how your medical system works. Here if a doctor wasn't getting back to me I would just find a new doctor. Is that an option?

Celine: I think a little splash of pee is all the rage with the pregnant ladies :haha:

Munchkin: sending a hug :hugs: No reason to think anything is wrong!

AFM: I think my squinter the other day was a fluke. My tests since have been bfn. AF due in a day or two I think. We'll see :shrug:
Slg :( i hope todays tests were just bad tests?
Sig yes I really hope it was just a bad test :( it's so hard at this stage, the hours I've spent squinting at stupid lines :(

Thanks celine and sorry my ticker was causing you stress :( you're doing so well getting past your milestones, you have to believe you're 10 weeks now, you're so close to surviving the first tri and I love watching your progression because I feel I'm hot on your heels. It doesn't seem long since you were 8 weeks so hopefully in no time I'll be where you are :) I found a good trick for fake drinking today. I did mulled wine and non alcoholic mulled wine so nobody noticed which one I was drinking! By the way the weeing thing is making me laugh. I do love you, wish I knew you irl I could do with a celine in my world!!
Celine - good luck with faking it at the bowling night. I am sure you'll do a great performance as always. :haha: so sorry you're around the time when you actually started bleeding last time but I have full confidence your baby is doing well this time and there will be no more heartache in your future.

Slg - Thanks. I really hate that I can't enjoy this pregnancy as well because when I was TTC I told myself I would enjoy every minute of it when I finally was preg again.

I would rather not switch doctors. It is very difficult to get a doctor here as they're almost all full here. I would end up with a very crappy doctor who doesn't know much. My dr is a very good doctor especially with prenatal patients and I trust her judgment a lot. Also, she will actually give me advice over the phone which most doctors here will not do. Usually you have to go in but she will call me even from her own house if I have concerns. But unfortunately she is close to retirement and only works part-time which I think is why I have had a difficult time contacting her this time. It really is frustrating but I don't have a whole lot of other options. I am going to call and leave another message on Monday about my anxiety because I think she would be more likely to call about that since she probably figured by now I already knew I was pregnant.

So sorry you have only had BFNs since. That is really too bad. :( But at least you know you have fertility meds to use next month if need be and hopefully those will do the trick!

Munchkin - yum I LOVE mulled wine. My mom always makes it at Christmas and it is my favourite thing ever. I want to ask her to make non-alcoholic this year but that would involve telling her I'm pregnant. I am guessing she already knows anyway because I have rejected wine several weeks in a row now! :haha: I know your scan is this week, but what is the actual day of it?
LL - Glad to hear the boobs are getting sorer! It doesn't have to mean anything, but it's nice to get some symptomatic reassurance! I'm still quite calm, this morning there was a clump of quite hard pink stuff. I was a wee bit alarmed at the consistency - but remembered i'd had a thrush pessary in :dohh:. Spoke to DF about it and we decided to try the doppler for some reassurance, found the heartbeat after a few minutes. :thumbup:

So yeah, gave myself a little pat on the back for not losing my shiz today. I might call my counsellor again if i feel overwhelmed, she helped me a lot after my brother passed and turns out more than a little helpful this time as she also counsels couples at the IVF clinic (I didn't realise this before) so had more to say about miscarriage and bleeding etc than even my doctor did. So, yeah pretty great coincidence!

yay!! I'm glad you found the heart beat. I got a Doppler for my sister when she was pregnant with my nephew and she couldn't ever find a heartbeat with it.

LL oh hun i know this is different for you, those super dark frers were not for nothing <3 when will you have a scan?
Munchkin, when is yours?
Jrpp ypur symptoms are so good right now!

Me - hmm not much, m tired, crabby at times...we bought a toddler bed for dd so nervous about that. Keep forgetting how far i am, i need to go for bloods this week and next week thur is my 12 weeks scan whaaaaat?
I was vomiting again this morning :( its ok its just really gets to me in the morning but with nothing in my stomach its basically my stomach turning itself inside out and i feel yucky and end up peeing myself (so glam?)

Please post pics from your 12 week scan. My doctor told me to try and eat something right before bed because your food digests much slower and it will help with the nausea. She also said to try and keep something small next to the bed and nibble on them before ever getting up. Oh the joys of pregnancy!

Literati yay for sore boobs! Mine are getting less sore but I'm feeling so icky I'm not too worried.

Jrepp sounding good! Exciting stuff xx

Annie boo but also glad you're excited about your holiday x

AFM I've had a hard day. I'm starting to get really nervous about next weeks scan. Reality is kicking in. I've still got a horrid cold and was up a lot coughing and I've been feeling really icky. Starving hungry but can't find anything I can eat :( I'm also feeling proper fat and succumbed to my maternity leggings today which made me feel bad because last time I wore my maternity jeans but it feels like a fake pregnancy looking back and I was so sad to put my maternity clothes away :( also my NCT friends came round and the girl that was 3 weeks ahead of me is ready to pop. All day everyone just talked about it and she is so sweet and understanding but it really hurts I should be nearly 34 weeks! She kept asking me how I was feeling and if we were trying again so u said we were secretly pregnant and she was so happy for me :( I think it's cos my due date is coming round so quick and I'm not 'safe' yet.
If it all works out I think I'll announce on my previous due date when I'll be just over 14 weeks. Please let it all be ok :(

I'm sorry your day wasn't spectacular! I haven't the fortune of having a cold while pregnant, but I bet it sucks. You can't take much for the symptoms, only grin and bear it. Have you tried steam for your cough? If it makes you feel better, in October I was wearing maternity jeans at about 4.5 weeks because I was so bloated that my jeans wouldn't fit. That's great about telling your friend. I told my husband that I feel like I am keeping a huge secret by not telling people that we miscarried. Do your families know that you are pregnant?

LL - Yeah, I was worried we might not, but I knew i'd seen bean a few days ago...so thought now might be a good time to try??. I watched some YouTube videos to try and figure out the best location to find hb (really low next to pubic hairline!).....It's the Sonoline B Economy Fetal Doppler, I think there's a professional version too. It was pretty cheap actually at £50 - might be about $85 where you are?? You can also rent professional ones really cheaply. You'd probably be more likely to find it clearer with those.

I'm trying not to rely on it too much because I think it's one of those things that could easily add to stress rather than relieve it! Say, if I couldn't find the hb today I might have been 10x worse. But, because I did find it there were no calls to epu, or endless googling/fretting. It's a toss up really! But, it is a good investment actually, especially if you can't go for early ultrasounds etc for reassurance.

I started bleeding on 5+4, passed baby probably about 6w.. Felt great to pass 5+4 without bleeding but not much felt different except for a searing pain in my left hand side! No obvious nausea, sore boobs same as mc etc. The symptoms of nausea came much later at late 6 weeks. So tbh, I was on the fence until we saw a heartbeat.

Did you have any signs last time before the 6 weeks? As in, spotting or severe cramping etc?

I think I have said this before, but my sister had no symptoms throughout her entire pregnancy and delivered a healthy baby boy almost 3 years ago. You saw a heartbeat so your chances of a mc are so much less than they would be otherwise. I know this is going to stick for you!

Sig- I really hope that the positive you got the other day shows up brighter and that there is a fluke with the tests you took after that one.
Yes literati the non alcoholic was yum! And I am a real wine drinker so it takes a lot for fake alcohol to work for me! I'm not sure the day of the scan, I've got to call the midwife to get her to book me in for the 'emergency' scan because of the 'bleeding'!! Hopefully tues weds or thurs though because my sis is booked in for a c section on Tuesday so I'm heading straight down there after my grans 90th on Friday.

Jrepp a few people know now including my ohs sister who he accidentally told. None of the rest of my family know though. Pretty much everyone knows about the miscarriage xx
Munchkin - Oo, we got some non alcoholic mulled wine from ikea last weekend, I might have a shot at it!

Slg - hopefully you've got some duff tests... Any chance of trying a frer soon? X

Jrepp - that's good to know!

LL- by the time I went to the epu it was all over.... Didn't bother with a&e and passed everything over the weekend before having a scan in the Tuesday. So, well never know, but was so early nothing will have developed I guess :( so sad to hear about yours and other ladies experiences too. We end up knowing so much about what can go wrong, but hopefully this time more about what can go right xx
LL, I hope you can get through to your doctor soon. I'm sorry you are feeling so down. I remember passing my milestone date- I was glad to get there and still feel pregnant, but its still such an uncertain time. Its only natural to worry, especially if your only experience being pregnant didn't end well.

Munchkin I'm glad you have a scan coming up. Your midwife sounds great! And what a lovely idea to announce in January. I think that would make a sad day much more positive.

Celine, coming up to 12 weeks already, that is amazing! You really are so glam. Its good you can see the funny side of it!

Penguin, I hope it was ov for you. Fingers and toes are crossed :winkwink:

Sara, I'm sorry the tests were mean to you :nope:

Linny, I'm glad things are progressing well for you- its amazing your heard the bub on the doppler. I was tempted to get one but personally I think it would cause me more worry than necessary.

Jrepp, everything is sounding awesome for you. I hope an early Christmas pressie is on its way in pink line form! Congrats on 6 months since your wedding. What a 6 months its been eh? Things can only get better.

AFM, today is moving day for us. Its been a massive few weeks with not enough sleep and we still didn't manage to pack everything. We got removalists to get all of our big stuff and boxes and DH will be with them today.
I'm at work as I obviously cant carry much, but I'll take tomorrow off work to unpack some stuff and hopefully make things look pretty. I haven't had any actual sickness for the last few weeks, but this morning I had a farewell vomit (in the toilet I had just cleaned:nope:). I sure know how to pick my timing!

Sorry to anyone I missed. love to all x
Arabelle – thanks for the list! Hope the TWW is going quickly – Mine’s not!

GRGirl – where are you going on honeymoon – hope it’s somewhere nice! Your BD timing sound great this cycle – you’ll know soon enough! Glad you’ve reassurance about work till the New Year anyway – will they review it again then? It’s such an uncertain time.

LL – I’ve heard of getting easily winded as a pregnancy symptom too – sounds good!

Sara – would you believe, I’ve only been to Scotland once myself! It’s almost too close, I don’t think about it when I’m planning a trip. Edinburgh is supposed to be soooo beautiful – might need to think of arranging a trip there soon. Are you testing again today……..?????

Elizabean – you’ve a great stretch off! Enjoy. Hope your dad & stepmum are having a fab time over here. Are they taking in many places? You’re a more tolerant traveller than I am! I remember on one of the flights I dropped my lip balm, and the seats were so tight I couldn’t reach my arm down to pick it up – Cabin Fever!!

Jrepp – that app sounds cute. How are you getting on with the cream now?

Rachel – totally get how you feel about those announcements, honey. Mine are happening irl – there’s an epidemic at work!! I have to smile through every announcement – I am genuinely happy for them, but feel like every person who has good news pushes me further back in the queue. It must be my turn soon, right? Great – gonna stalk your journal so :0) We’re about half an hour outside Dublin – it’s perfect! We can pop up to the city really easily, but we’re away from the madness of the traffic. Yeah, we’re an island of many accents alright! My OH is from the north – he can’t understand people from the most southern counties, and vice versa. I’m originally from the midlands, so I translate! Where are your relatives? (they’ll be yours and not just Harry’s very very soon!!)

Penguin – hope this is a good sign for you!! If AF comes, are you due to start your meds??

Munchkin – glad you’re feeling a little calmer in yourself, though you do sound like you’re having an awful time of it – which is great, but awful! We’ll be thinking of you for next week.

Linny – glad your session with the counsellor was useful. Hope you get well pampered today!

Celine - <<hugs>> - yeah, those reminders will always be there. None of us will ever forget. Hopefully we’ll all go on to have our rainbow babies, but the little ones we lost will always be a part of our story. I know I’ll always feel that loss.

You all sound much more organised than me for Christmas – going into town tomorrow to try and do it all in one blast!

AFM – 9dpo today. It took everything I had not to test earlier on – I ended up marching to our downstairs loo so I wouldn’t even have to look at the tests tempting me! Holding out till next Wednesday. Still not hopeful – not a whisper of a symptom so far. Yet, at the same time have opened the calendar to calculate when I’d book my scan &#61516; Know I’ll be let down but not surprised on Wednesday if it’s BFN.

Hope everyone’s having a nice weekend so far!
hey boodley! I do hope you get a bfp!
still no af, if I do get it I'll go in for a scan to make sure the cyst is smaller and yes more meds! I was hoping to get it last week but I'll for sure get it by the 16th!

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