Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Hi Penguin - Welcome!

My second miscarriage was also a mmc at 8 weeks and I had two procedures. First was Miso which did not work, lots of other stuff happened, then I had a d&c about 2 1/2 weeks later on 6/25. Once my HCG hit 6 I had AF w/out ovulation and it was very light. Since my body was dropping HCG normally after the Miso - even with retained tissue - and then I had a d&c, there wasn't much to shed. My first full cycle I missed ovulation with OPKs. I ovulated on or about cd9 (after my chemical I ovulated early as well cd10). I then had a fairly normal AF although still a bit light. This cycle I ovulated about 2 days late, CD 18 but I am much happier with that. It's normal not to ovulate, or to ovulate off schedule, after a miscarriage for a up to a few months or more. It will regulate and you may get pg again before it does.

(Looks like we were on about the same schedule. I got pg on 4/18 or thereabout, found out about mmc on 6/4, Miso 6/7 and d&c 6/25.)
Munchkin - just an FYI - the digitals are really, really sensitive. I got a big fat "Pregnant" with my first which was a chemical. I also used it b/c my hpts were still faint and I thought the digi would be reassurance. Boy did that slap me in the face. Personally, I think your lines are light b/c it's so early but, I just thought you might want to know.

Oh - and congrats on your LP - what a relief!!
Oh wow that is crazy that we are pretty much on the same schedule ItsAWonder! And what is a Miso?
Welcome penguin :)
Ive found this group such a welcome support. Its so great i dont want to leave and gor my bfp over two weeks ago. Im so paranoid so i poas this morning, my last IC and it was dak so im releived. 8 days til scan.
Yay! Nice one celine. I'm sure the scan will really help out your mind to rest.

I'm afraid I'm pretty sure I'm out here. Had blood when I woke and my temp has started dropping. I'm dissapointed but ok with it and feeling really glad to separate myself and the next pregnancy from the miscarriage. My body obviously wasn't quite ready for it thus month, clever body for letting me know! So we'll see how today goes but pretty sure I'm cd1. Had an 11 day Lp though so I'm pleased my body's getting back to normal. Hopefully I can get some sleep now !! X
Oh no munchkin i was stalking the thread this morning :( im so sad for you but at the same time happy that you are happier to have had an af inbetween, it is something that also freaks me out not having one inbetween.
So it looks like im not leaving this thread just yet :)
Thanks celine, obviously I'm not really happier having AF in beteeen but you always have to look for the positives! I'm most gutted about having to tell oh really :( but I always said of my body wasn't ready it wouldn't happen so obviously it wasn't quite ready and I'm not surprised! I'm not calling this a chemical, just a practice run for next month.
Ill do a roundup later of where everyone is in their cycle. And yes celine you're going to have to hang around a while longer ;) x x
Thanks celine, obviously I'm not really happier having AF in beteeen but you always have to look for the positives! I'm most gutted about having to tell oh really :( but I always said of my body wasn't ready it wouldn't happen so obviously it wasn't quite ready and I'm not surprised! I'm not calling this a chemical, just a practice run for next month.
Ill do a roundup later of where everyone is in their cycle. And yes celine you're going to have to hang around a while longer ;) x x
Oh and by the way I'm SMEPing this month if anyone wants to join me? X
Good on you for doing a roundup, will be nice to cheer on whoever is poas opk or other :)
Well ladies as promised i'm putting together a round up of where we all are. I'll try and do one every monday so we can keep track! I'm doing this at work though so please PM me if i've missed you out/got it wrong or if i haven't got your dates, it's quite hard trawling through 29 pages of posts at work! I'm putting them in order or progress since MC.... I've also considered first cycle after MC at cycle 0 and after the first AF cycle 1.

CELINE BFP!! pregnant 6+4
PENGUIN cycle 2 CD3
LITERATI cycle 1 CD5
MUNCHKIN cycle 1 CD1
ITS A WONDER cycle 2 since mc, cycle 1 ttc 5DPO
AURORA cycle 0 CD10
CELESSE cycle 0 CD9
GARFIE?? DnC 26th June
ELIZABEAN cycle 1 CD11
I'd like to join! I'm currently on ov watch post miscarriage. I had (failed) medical miscarriage on 1st August and emergency surgical management on 10th Aug..... So I suppose I should count from the 10th since those days in between I was still kinda half pregnant. So I'm CD9.

HPT's still positive and match around the same darkness as 14/15dpo. But bleeding finally stopped yesterday and I'm on my first pad free day this month (wearing big black period pants though!!)
Hi Celesse :hugs: I've been following your story and it sounds horrendous but so glad you're on your way now. Great to have you here. I've put you on the list. Are you trying this month? X
I really don't know what to do.

I want to try, but I'm about to hit the danger zone where I'll be due around my sisters wedding. I kind of have a back up plan.... my parents could take my kids to the wedding and we could Skype them with good news.... would make an interesting wedding. But it could be a bit of a faff.... or I could be newly delivered, or heavily pregnant.

I lost a lot of blood and I know my Hb was already down when they did it in A&E. So 8 weeks of being pregnant and my body putting a lot of resources into making a faulty pregnancy followed by a big blood loss must have drained my body of stuff.

But I feel fine and REALLY just want to be pregnant again. I want my bump, I want my baby, I don't want a big age gap and I don't really want to wait!!!

So conflicted.
Hi Celesse! Ive been seeing you on these forums too, the confliction is frustrating :( at the end od the day its your body...i may be selfish if i were you but id go for it, if you skip this month and dont conceive nxt month you may kick yourself? What are everyone elses thought? What does your hubby say Celesse?
My Hubby is pretty easy going and also easily persuaded. I think he'll go with whatever will make me happy. Which is nice but doesn't help. He said he wants me strong enough, and I can easily argue I am strong enough. I'm taking iron so get my Hb back up and folic acid and I'm on a health kick so I'm sure I'll have replaced everything before a new pregnancy starts to take its share.
Hi Celesse. It's so difficult isn't it? I tried and looks like I didn't succeed this month, it was stressful trying to pinpoint ov and the 2ww was hard but I'm really glad I did. Now if I don't conceive next cycle I won't be thinking 'maybe I would have if I'd tried the first month'.
On the other hand, if I wasn't so impatient I'm a but relieved I can now try officially because my mw said wait 2 afs so if I'd gone back straight away I'd have had to lie to her! And although there is NO evidence of increased miscarriage conceiving straight away if I did mcarry again i might have always wondered?
Honestly if I were you I'd be trying again but doing EVERYTHING I could to get my body ready, eating healthily, drinking lots of water, iron rich foods etc. and if your bodies not ready, like mine, it won't happen anyway but you'll know you tried! X
My Hubby is pretty easy going and also easily persuaded. I think he'll go with whatever will make me happy. Which is nice but doesn't help. He said he wants me strong enough, and I can easily argue I am strong enough. I'm taking iron so get my Hb back up and folic acid and I'm on a health kick so I'm sure I'll have replaced everything before a new pregnancy starts to take its share.

You wrote this as I was writing my message but sounds like you're doing it already! My oh kept asking if I was sure it was ok to try but he went with it anyway. I'd say go for it ;) xx
munchkin - thanks for putting that list together! I am very sorry to hear about AF - I really thought this may be your month. Since you mentioned looking for the positive - you are one day closer to your next ovulation and one day closer to finally getting a sticky BFP :).

About your list - by "cycle" do you mean cycles trying since m/c?

Penguin - (shoot, I think this is who asked) - Miso is short for Misoprostol. Medicine given to induce contractions to miscarry at home. I actually wanted a d&c but the doc I was seeing refused the surgery. The meds caused a lot of problems. I got 2 second opinions after and both doc said I should have been given the surgery. Oh well, it's behind me now.

Celine - hang in there. This week will feel slow, but once you are at your scan looking back it will feel like the time flew by, right? I know, blah. Cannot wait to hear your results and I will be thinking of you!

Celesse - Welcome!! Celine asked for people's thoughts so I thought I would share my experience. I waited for two periods to start ttc. I also lot a lot of blood and my iron was down. I did have some complications, but I knew that if I m/c again (I have had 2) I would blame myself for not waiting. Now, I do not necessarily know that it would have been the cause but I wanted to be sure that an area I cannot see was healed. I do not regret my decision at all - but it's a very personal decision and I understand and fully support not waiting as well. It was good b/c my first AF was so light that it would not have sustained a pregnancy. The second was better, but I ovulated early. Both of my m/c were pregnancies with early ovulation. This is just my experience. Waiting gave me time to feel healthy, feel like myself, get happy, get in shape, drink wine, eat sushi and hang with friends. I was just me again.

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