Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Oh and by the way I'm SMEPing this month if anyone wants to join me? X

I wasn't intentionally but it seems like we started so may as well keep going now! Funny how it works out.

Currently cycle 1 CD12.

No signs of ferning as of this morning so not sure how long/ short/ normal/ abnormal my cycle will be this month. Before TTC I used to be so regular! I had been off hormonal BC for 3 years prior to TTC, it is so annoying to be out of whack now.

I'll be back in the next day or so with lots of questions, pretty busy at work today!

Thanks Elizabean I've updated the list. Yay for smep! I usuall ov cd16-17 and I'm hoping this cycle will be normal but who knows? I ferned last month and def ovulated but never got any ferning?? Maybe I'm doing it wrong??
I ended up being admitted to hospital last night and had an erpc today - full story is in my journal but its quite long so won't post it here.

So anyway, I'm hoping it's all nearly over. Munchkin great idea about keeping a list of where we all are. For me mc started on 8th Aug, classed as incomplete so erpc on 19th Aug (after the worst 11 days of my life so far) Hopefully will get my bfn soon, will update when I do.

So glad I have this forum, it's good to have people to talk to who have been through it and can't wait to see some more BFPs in here :hugs:

Oh no Annie that's awful :( poor you. We're you bleeding lots then? Hope you're ok now x shall I put u at cycle 0 cd1? Or go by 8th August? X
Aurora - It is just weird that my periods seem to have gotten better after the m/c as opposed to much worse, like most people say your first one after an m/c will be. I am perfectly happy about it, though.

Annie - Sorry you ended up in the hospital! I hope this whole ordeal can be over for you soon. :( I know how emotionally draining it is.

Glad your AF wasn't too bad. I'm on day 2 and mine is really heavy so far. Lots of clots and horrid but not too much pain. I'm quite glad though cos I feel like my body is having a good clear out!! X
I ended up being admitted to hospital last night and had an erpc today - full story is in my journal but its quite long so won't post it here.

So anyway, I'm hoping it's all nearly over. Munchkin great idea about keeping a list of where we all are. For me mc started on 8th Aug, classed as incomplete so erpc on 19th Aug (after the worst 11 days of my life so far) Hopefully will get my bfn soon, will update when I do.

So glad I have this forum, it's good to have people to talk to who have been through it and can't wait to see some more BFPs in here :hugs:

Oh no Annie that's awful :( poor you. We're you bleeding lots then? Hope you're ok now x shall I put u at cycle 0 cd1? Or go by 8th August? X

Yes it was pretty scary, no blood transfusion needed though. I don't know, probably cd1 would make more sense as we know for definite (hopefully) its done with. Not sure when to start opks though, should i wait for the bleeding to stop then start right away?
Oh Annie, hope you are feeling a little better today, everything is now away and you can focus on getting that next BFP without worrying anything is still there.

Well i have no idea where my AF is going to be as mine usually came 10-15th of the month depending on my stress levels. So il just write it off for this month as had MC when period usually was and wait for next month.

Hope everyone else is fine today, My kids are back to school today so its a mad house here xx
I ended up being admitted to hospital last night and had an erpc today - full story is in my journal but its quite long so won't post it here.

So anyway, I'm hoping it's all nearly over. Munchkin great idea about keeping a list of where we all are. For me mc started on 8th Aug, classed as incomplete so erpc on 19th Aug (after the worst 11 days of my life so far) Hopefully will get my bfn soon, will update when I do.

So glad I have this forum, it's good to have people to talk to who have been through it and can't wait to see some more BFPs in here :hugs:

Oh no Annie that's awful :( poor you. We're you bleeding lots then? Hope you're ok now x shall I put u at cycle 0 cd1? Or go by 8th August? X

Yes it was pretty scary, no blood transfusion needed though. I don't know, probably cd1 would make more sense as we know for definite (hopefully) its done with. Not sure when to start opks though, should i wait for the bleeding to stop then start right away?

Poor you :( time to move on now though. I was doing opks whilst I was still getting faint positives on hpts. In fact I got my +ve opk on the same day as my last +ve hpt.
If you're still getting very positive hpts you will get positive opks so maybe wait til they're pretty faint and then start x
I think anniebobs, start poas once the bleeding stops.
Anniebobs, I had similar. Medical management on 1st August that was supposed to have worked. On 9th August I started bleeding really heavy and passing clots and passed some tissue, but carried on bleeding. They managed to stop the bleeding with an injection, but I needed an ERCP first thing on 10th.

..But I felt instantly better and then went camping for a week.

Bleeding lasted about a week with a bit of spotting for another couple of days. I'm now 10 days post ERCP and my tests are very very faint, down to 12dpo level.
Anniebobs, I had similar. Medical management on 1st August that was supposed to have worked. On 9th August I started bleeding really heavy and passing clots and passed some tissue, but carried on bleeding. They managed to stop the bleeding with an injection, but I needed an ERCP first thing on 10th.

..But I felt instantly better and then went camping for a week.

Bleeding lasted about a week with a bit of spotting for another couple of days. I'm now 10 days post ERCP and my tests are very very faint, down to 12dpo level.

I do feel instantly better. My headache and stomachache have gone and I've had them since the 8th when the bleeding started. I just hope this is the start of the end of it. The bleeding's very light now so hopefully can start testing in a few days!
Annie - I also went through a similar thing. Had a medically induced miscarriage on 6/7 and kept bleeding. I was in and out of the hospital every other day, etc., etc. Had d&c on 6/25 and also felt instantly better. My first AF and first full cycle were off, very light AF followed by very early ovulation. After that, all seems back to normal if not better. CM is better, less PMS. It's almost like it helps reset our bodies. I wish you the best.

Hope everyone else is well.

My DH broke his collar bone yesterday so we will be at the hospital most of the day today for his surgery. Blah. Looks like it's going to be a long month. Maybe it's good my mom is coming in a few weeks. She can give me a hand helping him.
Oh itsawonder! How did he break it? Is it bad when I read that I was all oh no now they cant dtd!!!
Oh no it's a wonder that's awful! Really hope he's ok and on the mend soon
Munchkin - Yes, I passed LOTS and LOTS of clots as well this time! I guess I just felt it was 'better' because it didn't last as long as usual. :) Hopefully yours will clear up quickly as well.

Itsawonder - So sorry about your hubby! Hope his surgery goes well. Definitely sounds like you're having a rough month.

Celine - Do you have an appointment with your MW yet? How are your symptoms?
Hi ladies can I join in? :)

I had a blighted ovum June 2013...as of yesterday my hcg is 12. I got my first AF August 11th and started using opks CD7 and today as of CD10 still no smiley face. I just want to O already! :(
Hi ladies can I join in? :)

I had a blighted ovum June 2013...as of yesterday my hcg is 12. I got my first AF August 11th and started using opks CD7 and today as of CD10 still no smiley face. I just want to O already! :(

Of course, welcome and sorry that you had to join this thread. There are a lot of us waiting around for smiley faces and lines!

As some of you know, I have been using a ferning kit since my MC due to my dislike of OPK's in the past (I've never been sure of the result), but yesterday I just felt the need to POAS (I'm starting not to trust the ferns either!) so I left work early, went to the chemist and bought a pack of OPK's.

I was going to wait until this morning to test but thought hey, why not test after work? So I did, and got 2 dark identical lines... DH agreed the colour was the same, which seems to be positive for LH surge. Yesterday was day 12 so that stands to reason. We BD last night, then I decided to POAS again this morning and it was a very clear negative, the test line was much lighter.

As I'm not really into the whole OPK thing and I started testing later in the cycle than I probably should have, I don't know if that is a normal thing to happen?

This morning I also saw what could be the start of some ferns, but having not seen them before I can't really be sure. What do you all think? Is it possible Ov is still a few days away or could I have missed it?:dohh:
My DH broke his collar bone yesterday so we will be at the hospital most of the day today for his surgery. Blah. Looks like it's going to be a long month.

Oh no, that's terrible news. How long will his recovery be?
Thanks Elizabean I've updated the list. Yay for smep! I usuall ov cd16-17 and I'm hoping this cycle will be normal but who knows? I ferned last month and def ovulated but never got any ferning?? Maybe I'm doing it wrong??

The lack of ferns are making me nervous. What happened to the 98% success rate?!

If this isn't my cycle then I am definitely temping next month... I feel like a crazy woman right now!
Hi ladies can I join in? :)

I had a blighted ovum June 2013...as of yesterday my hcg is 12. I got my first AF August 11th and started using opks CD7 and today as of CD10 still no smiley face. I just want to O already! :(

Of course, welcome and sorry that you had to join this thread. There are a lot of us waiting around for smiley faces and lines!

As some of you know, I have been using a ferning kit since my MC due to my dislike of OPK's in the past (I've never been sure of the result), but yesterday I just felt the need to POAS (I'm starting not to trust the ferns either!) so I left work early, went to the chemist and bought a pack of OPK's.

I was going to wait until this morning to test but thought hey, why not test after work? So I did, and got 2 dark identical lines... DH agreed the colour was the same, which seems to be positive for LH surge. Yesterday was day 12 so that stands to reason. We BD last night, then I decided to POAS again this morning and it was a very clear negative, the test line was much lighter.

As I'm not really into the whole OPK thing and I started testing later in the cycle than I probably should have, I don't know if that is a normal thing to happen?

This morning I also saw what could be the start of some ferns, but having not seen them before I can't really be sure. What do you all think? Is it possible Ov is still a few days away or could I have missed it?:dohh:

Since you got a positive opk last night you probably just caught the end of your surge! Good thing you BD'd last night...I'd do it tonight too if you can!

I started temping so hopefully that along with the opks will help me figure out my cycle
Elizabean i agree with CJJM54, and its what happened to me to, i thought i would never ovulate and on cd 20 opks were so light nowhere near getting darker, cd 21 i gor avdarkmpos followed by testing this with a digi smiley and yup! So we bd that night and next day negative....and i got my bfp so there is hope!
I know munchkin tried ferning but i dont think she for any ferning when she ovulated?

Welcome CJJM54 :)

Literati my appointment is Tues 7:45...im trying not to think about it (as i ait watching a documentary called how does life begin)
Elizabeth it's sounds like you probably timed it right! I trust the opks, never had anything on the ferns! Isn't it wierd you felt the 'urge' just as your lh surge was happening?? Do you get ov pains? I can usually back up opks with the timing of ov pains too? The only other time you could get a positive opk is if your body was gearing up for ov but didn't quite manage it, when it'll have another go later, or if you're pregnant!!
I got a very short opk nearly bfp last cycle and I was testing 3 times a day! I also ovulated quite late compared to the opk. Usually it's the day after but it was 2 days this time I think so you might still be oving tomorrow?
I also use the clear blue fertility monitor which helps reassure when I've not quite caught the positive opk. I don't always temp but I will till I'm confident my cycles sorted itself out and it's a bit more predictable.

Welcome cjm! You must be on your way to ov soon??what cycle day do you usually ov?

I'm trying to decide when to start SMEP this month? It's meant to be cd8 but as I have longer cycles I'd usually make it cd10 so we don't burn out. I have no idea what will happen this month though! X

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