Positive thought for this month munchkinis your hubby ready for smep?
Munchkin - Yes, I passed LOTS and LOTS of clots as well this time! I guess I just felt it was 'better' because it didn't last as long as usual.Hopefully yours will clear up quickly as well.
That's a lot of vitamin!! I think I've spent about £30 buying from ebay. I had some still in date stored away which helped.
My HPT's seem to be stuck at the very faint 12dpo lvl, faint but not getting visibly fainter and disappearing altogether.
I'm on second day of caffeine detox. The only difference in by behaviours between miscarriage pregnancy and healthy pregnancies was I was drinking caffeine. So I've gone cold turkey swapping coffee for decaff green tea. And I feel totally crap with headaches and like I could sleep for a year. And on top of that I've got a bit of a throat/ear infection.
Definitely don't feel like DTD and I was hoping to get some recreational sex in prior to ovulation so DH doesn't feel like a sperm factory!!
Elizabeth it's sounds like you probably timed it right! I trust the opks, never had anything on the ferns! Isn't it wierd you felt the 'urge' just as your lh surge was happening?? Do you get ov pains? I can usually back up opks with the timing of ov pains too? The only other time you could get a positive opk is if your body was gearing up for ov but didn't quite manage it, when it'll have another go later, or if you're pregnant!!
I got a very short opk nearly bfp last cycle and I was testing 3 times a day! I also ovulated quite late compared to the opk. Usually it's the day after but it was 2 days this time I think so you might still be oving tomorrow?
I also use the clear blue fertility monitor which helps reassure when I've not quite caught the positive opk. I don't always temp but I will till I'm confident my cycles sorted itself out and it's a bit more predictable.
Welcome cjm! You must be on your way to ov soon??what cycle day do you usually ov?
I'm trying to decide when to start SMEP this month? It's meant to be cd8 but as I have longer cycles I'd usually make it cd10 so we don't burn out. I have no idea what will happen this month though! X
Im so sorryi too was thinking i should be having a gender scan next month
, ive stopped googling and just waiting til Tues...
Ive seen you obsess munchkin, i dont know if ill be able to keep you off google hehe