Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Positive thought for this month munchkin :) is your hubby ready for smep?
Positive thought for this month munchkin :) is your hubby ready for smep?

I'm not sure he's ready Celine but he's going to have to be!! :winkwink: how are you today honey? So wish I could have joined you in the bfp club :( x
Me too :( i feel like im in a different kind of limbo..is this really going to be ok or not, with both my kids i had such bad ms and with the mc none and this time im not feeling it either..so im almost convinced its already over or an ectopic or something, i cant be in the first tri forum all omg i bought this this n that...im just waiting it out :) then again bu the time you get your bfp this month, if im ok that would be such a great hope for you and the others here.
Oh honey it's so scary. The first tri is so horrible whatever's happening. I hated it both times, I think you just have to ride it out. There's nothing you can do sadly but there's also NO reason there'd be anything wrong. All pregnancies are different, my sis felt absolutely fine through both her pregnancies and she's never had a mc. I wasn't sick at all with my dd, a bit of nausea but not much, and I think I felt sicker with my last pregnancy so although you're looking for every sign its ok or not ok none of it means anything :( just remember there's no reason everything's not totally fine x
:blush:Eurgh I've just spent £75 on vitamins! Last month I must've spent double that. Oops.
Munchkin - Yes, I passed LOTS and LOTS of clots as well this time! I guess I just felt it was 'better' because it didn't last as long as usual. :) Hopefully yours will clear up quickly as well.

Thanks hon. Well I'm halfway through day 3 and after having 2 unusually heavy days its really light now. It's gone to brown though (tmi much!!) which I never get so it shows there was something left from the miscarriage. Good to have a proper clear out! But my AF usually lasts at least 5 days so it looks like a short one too for me x
That's a lot of vitamin!! I think I've spent about £30 buying from ebay. I had some still in date stored away which helped.

My HPT's seem to be stuck at the very faint 12dpo lvl, faint but not getting visibly fainter and disappearing altogether.

I'm on second day of caffeine detox. The only difference in by behaviours between miscarriage pregnancy and healthy pregnancies was I was drinking caffeine. So I've gone cold turkey swapping coffee for decaff green tea. And I feel totally crap with headaches and like I could sleep for a year. And on top of that I've got a bit of a throat/ear infection.

Definitely don't feel like DTD and I was hoping to get some recreational sex in prior to ovulation so DH doesn't feel like a sperm factory!!
That's a lot of vitamin!! I think I've spent about £30 buying from ebay. I had some still in date stored away which helped.

My HPT's seem to be stuck at the very faint 12dpo lvl, faint but not getting visibly fainter and disappearing altogether.

I'm on second day of caffeine detox. The only difference in by behaviours between miscarriage pregnancy and healthy pregnancies was I was drinking caffeine. So I've gone cold turkey swapping coffee for decaff green tea. And I feel totally crap with headaches and like I could sleep for a year. And on top of that I've got a bit of a throat/ear infection.

Definitely don't feel like DTD and I was hoping to get some recreational sex in prior to ovulation so DH doesn't feel like a sperm factory!!

Oh bless you :( it's horrid isn't it? I don't drink much caffeine but I went cold turkey on sugar and it really hurt :( I was under a dark cloud for days!
I'm enjoying the decaf green tea as well. It's far nicer than the caffeinated one. I took some of your advice when I went shopping today. I'm basing each days meal on good protein so we've got smoked haddock new potatoes and mane tout tonight, turkey stir fry tomorrow and tuna baked potato on Friday instead of pasta and veggies all the time. I've had a few daysof being a bit naughty (had pizza last night!) but now AF is petering out I'm back on the wagon!

Me and oh are rubbish at Dtd unless its fertile time but we really should, if just to keep the swimmers fresh! Unfortunately he's a bit damaged down there at the moment from dd jumping on him :haha: really hope it doesn't affect the swimmers! :wacko:
Elizabeth it's sounds like you probably timed it right! I trust the opks, never had anything on the ferns! Isn't it wierd you felt the 'urge' just as your lh surge was happening?? Do you get ov pains? I can usually back up opks with the timing of ov pains too? The only other time you could get a positive opk is if your body was gearing up for ov but didn't quite manage it, when it'll have another go later, or if you're pregnant!!
I got a very short opk nearly bfp last cycle and I was testing 3 times a day! I also ovulated quite late compared to the opk. Usually it's the day after but it was 2 days this time I think so you might still be oving tomorrow?
I also use the clear blue fertility monitor which helps reassure when I've not quite caught the positive opk. I don't always temp but I will till I'm confident my cycles sorted itself out and it's a bit more predictable.

Welcome cjm! You must be on your way to ov soon??what cycle day do you usually ov?

I'm trying to decide when to start SMEP this month? It's meant to be cd8 but as I have longer cycles I'd usually make it cd10 so we don't burn out. I have no idea what will happen this month though! X

I have no idea LOL this is my first time using opks...my son was a lucky 1st try and my mc was also a lucky 1st try but ended in the BO. Now I have NO idea which is why I started using opks and charting to help me out. We will also be using the SMEP this month also!
Afternoon all.

Hows hubbys collarbobe ItsAWonder?

Welcome CJJM the ladies in here are totally lovely :)

Fingers x this month it it for you Munchkin and wow what a lot of vitamins x

Well ive got really sore :holly: today and low backache so not sure if thats a sign AF is on her way or what......fingers x im getting back to normal as sore boobs had gone away weeks ago and now back along with my usual pre period back ache.

Hope everyone is ok xx
Won't be long and we'll have lots of testers in here, I'd say you DTD at the right time Elizabeth and aurora could they be pregnancy symptoms? Are you tracking ov?

As for me, I've been keeping busy working today and think I did too much as I've had some quite bad cramps today after feeling ok yesterday (when taking it easy). Very light blood loss now so at least that's a good sign. I'm off for some wine and chat with good friends tonight, looking forward to being out of the house!
Urgh i keep googling ectopic symptoms :( have light cramps and so worried...i just need to keep calm and wait it out
Oh honey :( my dr said the only time to worry is if you have single sided pain that gets worse quickly. Any other cramps unless you're doubled over in pain are perfectly normal. Your uterus is having to grow lots to fit everything in :) if you're really worried though go and make a fuss at the dr/hospital and they might give you an early scan and you can be reassured :) xx
Wow there is a lot going on here! I only had time to skim everything.

Celine - I know you are scared but am so hopeful for you. Stay strong when you can and try to keep busy when you can't! How long until your scan again? Is it this week?

For those talking OPKs - I had those digis that are supposed to have a blinking smiley before solid. One day mine was an empty circle, the next it was solid. Maybe after m/c's ovulations comes fast and hard.

Re my DH - he did it mountain biking and it's a very common injury where we live. It sucks, he can't really do anything right now but the recovery won't be terribly long. He should be back on a road bike in 4 weeks and on a mt. bike in 6. One plate and 9 screws plus some wire can put almost anything back together! Vicodin helps a lot too....

Lucking I am about 7 dpo so no need to bd at the moment.... (Yes, this was one of my first thoughts however selfish that may be...)

I will check in when I can but thinking of you all!
Elizabean - I think it means you ovulated on the day you took your OPK. I always just get a positive result one day and then negative the next. You probably just caught your LH surge in time! So great job on the timing. I know nothing about ferning so I can't help you there.

Celine - Ee, Tuesday is so soon! I can't wait to hear the news. But it is definitely a good idea to distract yourself until then. And PLEASE stop googling ectopic pregnancy! You have no reason to believe you're having one! Please spare yourself the anxiety and don't think about it!

Munchkin - Funny how we sort of had similar AFs. Good thing we're both getting cleared out. Now our bodies will *really* be ready for a new, healthy pregnancy!
It really must be so hard to get through the 1st trimester. I really don't know how anyone does it! The stress almost killed me just getting til 6 weeks! It is going to be so hard to wait this time.

DH and I BDed last night. I know I'm not fertile yet, but I want to be doing it every other day until my fertile time so that we don't miss it and to ensure his sperm quality is top notch! ;) It feels good to finally be able to *do* something about wanting to have a baby again!
Hey literati. Nice one for getting BDing! I think it is important to keep the swimmers fresh but we're rubbish at that. As soon as AF is over I'm getting on it this month. What cd are you on now? When do you usually ov? Are you poasing yet?

How are you today celine? Pleeeese stop googling. I keep promising myself I won't google next time but I know how hard it is. There really aren't any answers in google specific to you :( an ectopic is sooo unlikely and it doesn't sound like you have any real reason to think it is.

AFM I was feeling dead positive and happy until I got an email this morning about my 19 th week or pregnancy! It was from some wierd website I can't remember registering on and forgot to cancel. I can kind of cope til I start thinking what if? And it's gutting to think I'd be getting a cute bump and feeling baby move by now and getting ready for my 20 week scan :cry:
And instead I'm waiting to ovulate again!
I really need to keep focused on the future and not think about what might have been :(

How's everyone else doing?

Im so sorry :( i too was thinking i should be having a gender scan next month :(, ive stopped googling and just waiting til Tues...
Im so sorry :( i too was thinking i should be having a gender scan next month :(, ive stopped googling and just waiting til Tues...

I know! You just think you're getting over it and then something else happens! My sis is coming to stay next week, I think she's about 24 weeks now. I'm dead happy for her but I'll still be thinking it should've been me too and we'd have had matching bumps :(

Well done for keeping off google, it really won't help. But if and when I get my bfp I know you'll be saying the same to me as I google EVERYTHING! :hugs:
Ive seen you obsess munchkin, i dont know if ill be able to keep you off google hehe

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