Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Munchkin when were u due? I think we were due close together? I was due round 4th february
Eurgh my dd is having an epic 4hr nap which has given me far too long to speculate! I've been googling (yes celine I KNOW!) ovulation and cycles after mc to see if this one is likely to be normal and there are so many stories of crazy 2nd and 3rd cycles after miscarriage :( I'm hoping to start smep on cd8 and the cbfm will start asking for sticks on cd6 in case it's early (yes please!!) I usually ov cd16 or 17 but ov'd cd5 in February and 14 in march then 17 again in April so I'm praying it won't be really late or not at all this month. Grr!!
Munchkin we ought to joing step away from google anon! I doubt you will ov too late or early, i think your bodys had a good clearing and should be on track, plus with smep starting cd8 youre bound to have all your ducks in a row to give it your best shot. So youre cd4? In 4 days youbill be obsessing about bding where and when and how ;) and fx ill have seen a healthy hb and give you loads of hope! Onwards and upwards ladies!

Luckily i have a busy weekend ahead to keep me occupied and my mind busy enough with a farewell in the morning and a 40th in the eve on Sat,church sunday morning and relax sunday afternoon ( withoutmthinking about google) and you all?
Right that's it! If you stop googling I will too ;) so excited about your scan now. Can't wait to hear all the news. Best to keep super busy this weekend though I agree. I've had some bad news today, we were expecting it but its difficult. My mum was an only child and her and my dad died in my 20s, I've always been dead close to my gran and I live in the same village now. She's very physically fit although she's 89 she walks her dog every day looks after her house and garden etc but she's just been diagnosed with a lung tumour. I think they're going to operate and it'll obviously knock her down a lot but I'm hoping she will be ok. She's going to need some extra help for a bit though.
I've been umming and ahhing about quitting work for a while and I think it might be the way forward. I need to talk to oh about it but we've been having a couple of issues with the childminder recently so I'd be glad to keep dd at home. Also our house is big and I've got 2 acres of garden too and oh is no help at all! And if I do get pregnant again I'm going to be under a lot of pressure with everything and I'm worried it'll exhaust/stress me out.
Ill chat to oh tonight and have a think.
Big choices there munchkin. I hope you and oh will agree on what will be best. Im so sorry about ur gran :( but if she is super fit alteady hopefully she wont be knocked down too long and bounce back fx.
Ok so no more googling!
Are you doing anything to remember your angel baby? I used to think it was wierd, but this baby will never leave my heart. I wish i had buried it at least in the garden (when it happened i found the fetus on my pad) i held it with toilet paper and just stared in wonder, then in a fak panic flushed it away..no one else got to see it. Its like i wanted to throw it away. Gosh im feeling so emotional about itmtoday. My friend who was preg 4 weeks ahead had her 20 week scan today so its on fb and in my face right now. Its hard.
Oh honey :( the recent loss and the anxiety about this this pregnancy and the hormones will really be messing you up right now. Its horrid, I'm so glad I passed lo I'm hospital and they said it'd be cremated there during a little service, not sure if that's true. My best friend told me about a neighbour who had lots of children and a beautiful rambling rose in the garden. One day she asked he neighbour about the rose and it was planted for the baby she'd lost and they looked after it and nurtured it. They had lots of children but still never forgot the baby they lost. I'm planning on getting a rosé too, I'd love one in my garden any way. So, ladies oh here have bought a piece of jewellery they always wear too. Hope that helps a bit but please be kind to yourself honey :hugs: xxx
Hey ladies - only have a second to check in.

Munchkin - so sorry about your Gran. I wish you both the best.

I know you are worried your cycle will be way off, and there are lots of stories. Just so you know, my first full cycle was but this one is practically normal. Usually I ovulated between cd 13-17, this month was cd18. My PMS is actually better as is my CM so it's almost like the m/c's got my body back to it's normal, younger, self.

Celine - looks like maybe you stopped googling for now. Congrats! It's not an easy addiction to break.

Carybear - hope those cramps are the good kind and you are pg!
Munchkin - I usually ovulate CD12, 13, or 14...but that was before the m/c so I'm not entirely sure what to expect. I've also adjusted my thyroid medication because it was a bit on the low side so I'm sort of wondering if that was making me ovulate early before. It'd be nice if I could go back to CD14/15 just so I have more regular cycles.

I am currently on CD 8 (wow, when did that happen?). I am not POASing yet. I am thinking this month I will wait until I get ewcm because I usually get that for at least 3 days before O, so I might as well not waste tests before then. My body is a bit of a giveaway when it comes to Oving so I just use OPKs as a supplement to make sure I can really get my timing perfect!

That's exciting that you're already soon to be using your OPKs and ramping up the SMEP plan! I hope it works for you this month! I also hope you don't ov too late. That would be frustrating. According to my plan we need to BD today just to keep things fresh ahha. I'm not exactly sure how that will go as DH and I had trouble getting along last night. :( I had a *huge* meltdown/nervous breakdown/hysterical crying fit about all the stress of TTC and losing our last one (among other things), and today I actually came home from work early because I kept crying. :( I am hoping a nap and some "me" time will have me feeling a lot better for tonight.

Very sorry to hear about your grandma's lung tumor. That sounds very major and would be hard to go through surgery at her age. I really hope she is okay. I am sure you would really appreciate having her around for many more years. :hugs: It does sound like it would be worth considering quitting work for a while. You are definitely stressed to the max, and pregnancy is only going to add to that. I hope your discussion with your husband goes well and you can figure out a good plan.

That must be so hard for you guys, celine and Munchkin, that you have are passing all these milestones that you should have been going through. I was not as far along when my m/c happened so I was due March 9th. Now when I hear of people due in March, I feel sick to my stomach. Coming up on labour day weekend is when I finally would have been 13 weeks and would have announced to everyone at work...so that is a little hard. *sigh*

Celine - Good job on not googling! I should really join you on the pact to not google (well - not google things going wrong? I still like to stay informed)! I was terrible for googling constantly while pregnant and I made myself sick with worry. I guess in the end it was merited, but I think I'd rather have enjoyed the short time I was pregnant in peace.
Well it looks like I'm going to be a sahm! Oh agrees although I don't think he's quite realised the financial implications, I imagine my pocket will take the full brunt! I'm suddenly really nervous about telling my childminder and my boss and wondering if ill cope. I'm not at all sure it's the right decision but we'll soon find out! X
Literati sounds like you'll know when o is about to happen so that's a good plan.

Celine step away from the computer, keeping yourself busy this weekend sounds like it'll be great idea! I'm excited to hear how your scan goes.

Munchkin so sorry to hear about you gran, hopefully the surgery will go well seeing as she's quite fit. It's bound to be stressful for you so becoming a sahm should take some of that stress away.

I had a faint bfp today so getting a bit closer to that bfn. Bleeding has pretty much stopped and just having a few cramps when I do too much now. Can't wait to get back to bding, even if its not for baby making, I miss my husband!
Munchkin - That's great! It is a big decision so it's no wonder you feel a little unsure. I'm sure the financial implications are a little scary (they would be for me)! I hope your boss is understanding and that everything goes well. How much notice are you going to give? I hope you enjoy this new journey of being a SAHM and find it very rewarding. I'm sure you can always go back to work if you're not enjoying being a SAHM as much as you'd hoped.

Annie - Thanks! Hopefully it all works out. Just watch - this will be the month that my body throws me for a loop. :p

That is very good that you're getting close to your BFN. I know what you mean about missing your hubby. I think the only time I've ever missed dtd is when I was waiting to after the m/c. When are you going to start BDing again? I just waited a couple days after I'd stopped bleeding.
I think we bded like 10 days aftermc and i was so scared, it didnt hurt but it fet so good to know my body worked again and of course the intimacy with hubby.
Munchkin, I'm so sorry to hear your grandmother is unwell. Congratulations on your decision to become a sahm though, I hope it is everything you dream of!

Celine, I think a break away from google for the weekend will do wonders for you! I hope you have a lovely and relaxing time.

This thread is getting very busy, I always feel bad for not responding to everyone!

I like the idea of a rose bush or something to care for in memory. It's a very sweet idea :flower:

Literati, I hope the cry made you feel better in the end. I was like that about 2 weeks ago, i felt miserable, but afterwards I felt just a teensy bit better.I'ts also when I decided I needed a hair cut which made me feel nice and confident! I think the men-folk get scared because they can't do anything to "fix" you, so they retreat. I'm sure it is tougher for them than they let on too.

As for me, I am on CD15 today and I'm pretty sure I ovulated yesterday evening- pos opk on Tuesday night and twingey pain in left side and EWCM yesterday and the day before. Was able to DTD Tue Wed and Thur and will try again tonight. Poor hubby was exhausted last night but we managed! Looking back on my tracker app, last time I conceived we used that pattern, so I feel a bit more positive. Looks like I'm in the TWW again... eek.
As you can see, SMEP has gone out the window for me, I was too worried we'd miss it!

In other news, my SIL will be staying with us for the next 2 weeks, starting today, with her 25 month old daughter and 6 month old son as her hubby is going away for work. It will be good to be distracted, but she really is a terrible house guest- so messy and entitled, plus we don't even have enough rooms for them to all sleep comfortably.

I don't know if the baby sleeps through the night either, but if I spend every night of the TWW with a crying baby (that isn't mine) keeping me awake I might just go insane! hopefully I can stay nice and not get into too much trouble!

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend- its nearly 3pm on Friday afternoon here now, so I'm officially excited and ready for a few days off!
Elizabeth :happydance: yay for being in the tww, sounds like you'll definitely be distracted through it! Do you test early or wait for AF? I don't have the willpower to wait!

I don't know when we'll bd again, I'm still bleeding slightly (tmi - I could wear a pad for a day and it not get filled) so once it's definitely stopped we'll get back to normal I think. Still having cramps too, guess that's my uterus shrinking back down so hopefully they'll stop soon.
Thanks Annie. Waiting for that bfn is the weirdest thing ever isn't it? When I saw you'd got a faint bfp I was excited then remembered! Stupid miscarriages. You're on your way though. I ov'd straight after my first bfn. Good luck with the BDing!

Thanks literati. I'm soo nervous. I've got to tell the childminder this morning and ill probably cry :( my dd loves her and her children. But there have been a few episodes where dd has been hit or bitten by the boys, I imagine she have as good as she got but I think she will do better being at home. The childminder does loads of cool stuff with them though so I'm dead nervous about doing all that myself and terrified if its the right decision for us :( I haven't actually got to give notice to work because I'm not on a contract but I have with the childminder, a month I think, so that will determine when I'll stop work. Although if gran needs me sooner ill stop sooner and just pay the childminder anyway. I was up at 5.30 stressing. I'm usually so calm about decisions but I'm feeling really stressed and upset about it now.

Elizabean yay for ov! Back in 2ww land for you!

Celine how are you today? Xxx
Yeay a 2ww! Elizabean when are you testing? Its a wonder you are now 10dpo right? Symptoms?

Me im feeling good today, despite my promises i did google last night again but i swear its over now. I also checked when did i start bleeding in my mc as im supposedly 7 weeks now :( the baby died last time before then and i started bleeding close to 9 weeks...oh please let it be Tuesday already!
Literati - sounds like a good plan and I really hope it works for you this month!

Annie - it's great to hear you are getting back to normal. It's such a long process but it's comforting to see our bodies work again - at least it was for me. You are right, the cramping is probably your uterus shrinking. I was also nervous to bd the first time but it was fine. Waited for 2 weeks post surgery.

Munchkin - I hope this decision works in your favor. Being a SAHM will have it's challenges, as will taking care of your gran, but I hope you love it (and believe you will). If you run out of things to do with your dd just ask us. I bet as a group we can come up with some fun ideas.

Celine - how are you? Tuesday will be here before you know it!

Elizabean - Welcome to the tww!!! It's great to see that you are back! Good luck with your sister. I hope that she has had some sort of change and will be a better house guest. And who knows, maybe hearing a baby cry will help get your body ready for pregnancy. Never know!

I am cd9 today (O'd on the 14th) and still just waiting. No symptoms. Before I was ttc I would get sore boobs about 1 week before AF. As soon as I started ttc my boobs would get sore from O-AF. Since m/c I am back to my old routine. Boobs started to get sore yesterday but feels like normal PMS. When I was pg I couldn't even put my arms down b/c it would hurt to rub them (and I am only an A cup!). This is not nearly that painful. Although I know that I am not out of the running yet!
It's a wonder when will you test? Not long till AF or a bfp! I never really get symptoms early but am a bit of a POAS addict!

Speaking of which I got a very faint positive on an ic so took my first opk which was negative, looks like my hcg levels are coming down quite quick so hopefully ill get a negative ic soon (I know munchkin, you can't help but initially read that as bad and positive as good!)
When are you testing itsawonder? Thanks I might be looking for advice! I am at home anyway other than 2.5 days a week but I tend to leave all the creative stuff to the childminder so ill have to pull my finger out and get crafty!! X

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