Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

That's brilliant. You're already past the most dangerous bit of your pregnancy xx
Kitty - Congratulations!!!! That's so exciting! When's your due date?

Linny - That is both hilarious and disgusting!!! I don't know how anyone found that! :haha:

Mrs W - I am glad you are treating yourself...you deserve it! I hope you get a negative soon.

Jrepp - The faintest of lines is very promising! Try not to lose hope. I am sorry you're feeling discouraged. :hugs:

GRGirl - Those are GREAT levels!!! My betas were only 185 at 15DPO and my baby is still kicking. I know none of us can "know" for sure, but I have an extremely good feeling about this pregnancy for you! I'm glad you can get an early scan.
Congrats on the bfp kitty.

Jrepp- a very faint line? That could become a bfp. I hope it is your temps are amazing and symptoms..

I think.I'm 2dpo so too early for me to symptom spot lol.

I don't even know it was there. I had to tilt the test around and squint hard to even see it. It very possibly was just the line where color would be. Who knows!?!?

GRGirl- Sweet:) You in the USA? Can't wait to see your update!

I'm in The US, in Michigan :)

Results came back- my numbers quadrupled!!! 44 @ 10dpo, 185 @ 12dpo. Doubling time 22.7 hours :D

So next hurdle is a clear ultrasound on 2/3/14 when I'll be about 6.5 weeks :) hopefully that's ok. Just gotta get through the next 19 days until I get the scan!!! Yay! I'm SO relieved!!

Your levels are great!

Kitty - Congratulations!!!! That's so exciting! When's your due date?

Linny - That is both hilarious and disgusting!!! I don't know how anyone found that! :haha:

Mrs W - I am glad you are treating yourself...you deserve it! I hope you get a negative soon.

Jrepp - The faintest of lines is very promising! Try not to lose hope. I am sorry you're feeling discouraged. :hugs:

GRGirl - Those are GREAT levels!!! My betas were only 185 at 15DPO and my baby is still kicking. I know none of us can "know" for sure, but I have an extremely good feeling about this pregnancy for you! I'm glad you can get an early scan.

I don't know what to think.....hormones are going crazy. Last night I started to cry when hubby woke me up while we were watching a movie. It was rediculous! I feel like AF is around the corner, although I am still a bit nauseous.
I took a FRER(we have a love hate as I get indents all the time and split second they look like BFP. I was able to take 2 pics off camera on phone but realized it never had cord. The Navigator has one I will look for. The First Signals are HARD to read but this FRER was pretty easy. Going to grab a digi week one to show husband. I never got to use it and was so jealous of you girls in UK. It came out few months ago I think.

Had a few cans of beer other day and stopped when I had a good feeling. Now to unload my 9 bottles of Diet Pepsi. WATER WATER WATER!!!

I am due September 28 based on O date:)
Kittycat congrats!

Jrepp i hopemyou get an answer soon..im hoping a positive one but i do beleive a squinter is a good sign!

Mrw good on you to keep busy, i was a 35 day average cycle kind of gal myself and it sucked! I hated being on ttc where i felt i had 3 cycles in the time some girls had 4-5! Definatly treat yourself x

Afm i need to vent and im really a bit gutted tonight, had a crap bad fall last night. Long story but hubby left a drawer open and in the dark i tripped over and fell but it impacted my knees most. Im ok but was quite shaken.

So today we told my mom the news, she sounded happy and then said she was planning on visiting in the summer but now not anymore with the baby coming, so i said are you sure cos i dont mind, i def dont want mil here. My mom said no but i could send her the other kids if i wanted (they would of just turned 5& 3) erm..no!
So that pissed me off!
Then hubby quickly called his mom which also made me mad cos we usually skype her saturday, anyway he said she may be jealous? So the first tgree things she asks on getting the news 1. Was it an accident, 2. How far preg are we and 3. Did my mom know first?

Really? Wtf! Ironically mil (who came for dd birth) cared more about cleaning the house than my well being or the kids, she never changed one diaper and i was cooking for the entire famiky from the time dd was three days old! She prob will want to come but i will refuse. Id like my mom though but she doesnt want to :(
Eurgh so sorry celine that's rubbish. Just not helpful! It sounds like you might be better off without them anyway, although that sounds harsh. Do u have close friends or a sitter to help with the children whilst you're in? Can u get a cleaner for a few weeks to help out? I understand it must feel rubbish though :(
When I told my gran the first thing she said was 'so will you do it properly this time??' She knew about the miscarriage. Although she's 90 so I'll let her off! I also told my boss at work and she said 'was it expected?' Bearing in mind it was her I spoke to when I phoned in sick for my miscarriage less than 6 months ago!!

Not as bad as what you've had to face though celine so I'm sorry xx :hugs:
Lol munchkin when mil asked if it was planned (wtf she knew i had one mc also 6m ago) hubby almst said well she has been oregnant going on 38 weeks now!

Sorry this is the ttcal thread, so ladies what h out, crappy mean stupid comments come after mc and apparently after pal too!
Celine - I'm sorry your mom isn't coming out and mil is being a pain in the rear. She'll get her come up ins! Let it roll off your shoulders and just be happy with the baby you have growing inside.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about this whole ttc thing, and if this cycle was unsuccessful I'm going to talk to hubby about taking a break from opk's and just temp/check cm and position. I'm sure I've collected enough data for the re by now, so one more cycle isn't going to say much more. I'm thinking about trying preseed as well and then dtd every other day from the day I stop bleeding through cd 10 and then every day from cd10 to cd 20 or ovulation confirmed with temps and then go back to every other day. For a week or so. I'm thinking of putting hubby on a multi vitamin in the mean time.
Just got back from my scan...it was great! Saw a little heart beating away! I'm measuring ahead by a day (8+3), but I know dating is more accurate in a few weeks. Either way, it was amazing! I know it's still early, but it was such a relief to see that little heart beating!
Yay Arabelle. Great news. If you see a hb and baby's measuring right at 8 weeks it's amazing and there's no reason not to get excited now :) xxx
Yayyyyyy Arabelle!!!! So happy for you!!!! That's such a good sign!
Jrepp – uugh, sorry it’s messing with your head so much. Looking at your CM & cervix I’d say you have the right ovulation day alright. Hopefully it’s just a reluctant positive. I know I got negatives at 12dpo and positives at 14…..

Literati – delighted to hear things have settled with no more spotting. Bundling up sounds like a good idea! I way prefer winter clothes to summer stuff anyway, do you? Scarves, gloves, hats, really warm coats – I just love being toasty warm! Thanks re. the BFP. I’m trying not to get my hopes up, else I’ll be grieving and disappointed on the same day. Well, I know I’ll be disappointed if it’s not a BFP anyway….but trying to do damage control!

Penguin – glad you have a plan you have confidence in. What a lot of money!!! When will you be able to start? I’d say those injections are lots of fun, not! Funny, you’re the second person to ask me if I thought about assisted conception this past few weeks. To be honest, I fundamentally don’t think we have difficulty conceiving – but my body’s really stubborn and awkward and won’t be rushed after I miscarry. The last MC took soooooo long to complete, then the retained tissue meant another three cycles were gone, I didn’t really expect to conceive first cycle after repeat d&c and then I had that anovulatory one in December (which is not usual for me) – so the second d&c cycle is the only non-wonky one I’ve had (and that’s saying something!). I’m hoping things are more settled this month, and I’m going to count this in my head as our first month TTC again since the MC. We’ll see! I’m open to anything, but I think our problems are more after conception, unfortunately. Whether we’ve had really bad luck or whether there’s something more sinister going on – we’ll have to wait and see. I really hope number 3 is it though – I honestly don’t know how I’d get through all of it again – my body just doesn’t want to let them go!

Sara – I’m a real believer in trusting your instinct – so if you’re confident you’ll have another baby, I think that’s some really strong positive evidence! I hope your levels right themselves quickly for you.

MrsW – hope your hpts show negative quickly so you can get ready for the next egg!

Eliza - Hey! Glad you're feeling well and energised. Almost half way! Congrats.

Annie – delighted to hear that! It’s nice to give your brain a rest! Not the same thing, but I stopped temping for the first half of December – so nice not to have to wake up and think about TTC first thing! When was your due date, if you don’t mind me asking – we’d have been quite close, it seems.

Kate – my OPKs stay really faint up until the surge, when they get really dark – so I don’t get a gradual lead up, if that makes sense – just an indication the day before that they’re almost positive, then a positive, then negative. They say they’re not meant to be viewed quantitatively – and your levels can vary at different times of the day (usually low in am, higher around lunch) – so you should take them about the same time each day. Your EWCM would be a better indicator of approaching OV. I usually start the OPKs when I see EWCM.

Apple – good BD rota there! I’d say you’ve OVd – good luck!!!

Garfie – I just see your chart has moved on to a new cycle – sorry missus.

Arabelle – were you in today???? AARGH – just saw your update – CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Brilliant news. I’m so delighted for you! What an amazing thing to see. You must be so relieved.

Kitty – CONGRATS!! :happydance: Great news, and lovely to see another BFP on here.

GRGirl – your news just gets better and better. Talk about a happy way to kick off wedding celebrations! Hmmm – are there twins in your family?? :winkwink:

Celine – uugh, firstly that sounds like a horrible fall – hope your knees are OK. As for your mum – I wonder if she thinks she’s doing the right thing by not coming – maybe she thinks she’ll be in the way and you’d like your space (particularly after MIL last time). Could you ask her more directly, tell her you’d appreciate/need her help. MIL – well, not sure I’ve enough space here….. Sending you love :hugs:

AFM – tick, tock – waiting to get jiggy!! OH away til Sunday, so hoping not to see EWCM before then…….:coffee:

Just went back to gym after my time off – HA! Gonna be sore tomorrow. Heading up for a warm soak in the bath now before bed.

Anyone have any good book recommendations? Other than recipes with semen, Linny! :spermy:

Goodness me but we're a busy thread these days! Sorry for loooooong post.
Got a clearblue weeks test. They are new and I wanted to use one so bad. Got pregnant 1-2. Last had sex January 4th and think O 5th. Also OPK is getting DARK. I would say if I was waiting to O it would be + within day.

Got gifts for husband from baby. He does not know yet. My cable man knows though...lmao

For months this site has been SLOW and it is pretty sad as it takes long time to reply and navigate.

I got a box of 2 FRER and a 3 pack of Clearblue weeks. PEE PEE PEE.
Just got back from my scan...it was great! Saw a little heart beating away! I'm measuring ahead by a day (8+3), but I know dating is more accurate in a few weeks. Either way, it was amazing! I know it's still early, but it was such a relief to see that little heart beating!

That is so exciting! Have you told anyone yet or are you still waiting?

Jrepp – uugh, sorry it’s messing with your head so much. Looking at your CM & cervix I’d say you have the right ovulation day alright. Hopefully it’s just a reluctant positive. I know I got negatives at 12dpo and positives at 14…..

AFM – tick, tock – waiting to get jiggy!! OH away til Sunday, so hoping not to see EWCM before then…….:coffee:

Just went back to gym after my time off – HA! Gonna be sore tomorrow. Heading up for a warm soak in the bath now before bed.

Anyone have any good book recommendations? Other than recipes with semen, Linny! :spermy:

Goodness me but we're a busy thread these days! Sorry for loooooong post.

I just checked the hpt from this morning and it is negative. With my first pregnancy I got a positive on 9dpo and with my second 10 dpo. AF should be here either tomorrow or Friday, so if she hasn't shown by Saturday I'll retest (that would put me at 15 dpo (or 9dpo if I just ovulated). I guess I'll know more in a day or two.

Do you like mysteries? I got into a series by Sue Grafton that uses the alphabet for its titles. I just read u is for undertow, and q is for quarry. I'm now on r is for ricochet.

In other news: I tried to move my re appointment up again only to find out that they miss scheduled me and I was with a gastroenterologist on the 19th. They are going to see what they can do about getting me in because the next available appointment isn't until the end of March! I am not a happy camper. I did speak to hubby and he agreed with my new plan sort of. He's fine with no more opk's and just temping with the bd party every other day leading up to my fertile window and then daily sex until a temp rise ........ but he didn't know how he would like the preseed. He said he was worried that we wouldn't like it or I would have an allergic reaction to it (and "a vagina is not a good place for the hives") have any of you tried it? Do you ladies have any other advice?
Jrepp - I've used it. It's just a very watery lubricant, really. If you're producing ewcm, you may not need it coz that's the most fertile environment for sperm, but it doesn't do harm, to my knowledge. You can either insert some up there with a little thingy that comes in the box (also handy for cytotec, coincidentally! ) - if so, use less than they recommend coz it's so watery it just runs back out & makes a mess - or use it as a general lubricant.

Thanks for the recommendation! I like all sorts of books - always on the lookout for a new suggestion. I'm in a bookclub here, which is great for exposing you to things you generally wouldn't pick yourself. I'll have a look for those in my library!

And how annoying about your appointment! Good job you checked! Imagine if you'd just shown up on the day - the fury! Hopefully they fit you in - they should, it's their mistake - grrrrr!
The divergent series is also really good. I read it before it became the cool thing to read and before they decided to turn it into a movie. It's similar to hunger games, but different.

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