Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

almost all my friends know what I have been going through. I feel like if I don't tell people then they can't really know me because my miscarriage and fertility issues are such a big part of my life. My friends have been very supportive and I have realized that many women in my little community are struggling with fertility. I am much more relaxed and happier when everything is out on the table.
I'm with you on that! all my friends, fb and all know what I'm going through. actually by coming out after my first few m/c I found my current dr from a friend who had experienced the same thing I have and she referred me to him. I love having a good support system and have had co-workers who have come to confide in me by being so open.
Celine- so sorry about the mother/MIL drama :( you don't need any more stress *hugs*

Penguin- yay for treatment! Here's to hoping it gets things moving for you!

Jrepp- good on you for FBing it. I think one of the hardest things for me was that no one other than OH knows how much I've been hurting this past year. I'm intensely private IRL and chose not to tell anyone but the downside is there's been no one to grieve with.

AFM- 4 weeks today :) feels like time is crawling but I guess that's what happens when you find out at 9dpo! ;) trying my hardest to be positive and I tell myself every day, "today I'm pregnant and I'm just going to be happy about that". I know you guys understand the paranoia. First Ultrasound is 2/3 so I gotta stay busy for the next 17 days. I'll be 6w3d and hoping to see the baby and sac then.

I have a lot of symptoms, primarily exhaustion. I feel like a narcoleptic! I wake up tired and stay tired all day, nap around 1 pm, and can barely stay awake after 8 pm. Then I wake during the night to pee, pee every 20 min, and my nipples feel bruised. Oh and I get dizzy standing up too quickly and have had sinus congestion the last 2 days. Other than that not much. I remember the exhaustion from DS and didn't have it to this extent with any of my losses so I'm clinging to the hope that it's a good sign. I'm craving spicy Mexican food and chocolate.

Just preparing for the wedding next Saturday (eek!!!!) and then going to Mexico next Sunday for 6 days. That should almost get me through until the Ultrasound (can you tell I'm nervous?!)

thanks! I'm super excited to get things going full bore!

I'm sure the wedding will keep you busy and your honeymoon! how exciting! so happy for you! I'm glad you have good symptoms to keep you from wondering/ worrying about the pregnancy. I have high hopes for you!
Hi ladies, hope you all had a good weekend. I finished making my rainbow baby blanket for dh friends from church, dh said i would have to explain why it was a rainbow, turns out i didnt have to. Her edd is two days before my first one. It was so healing to be done, instarted that blanket just after my 2nd mc and now ds says i should make one for "our baby"

So anyway i went to the crochet/craft shop where i kind of know the lady, told her my news and she said she had four losses before getting pregnant with her dd, then she had a second dd again without issues. And when she spoke to me it was like a click and right then i knew with all my heart that my mil is a loar, my mil claims to have had a mc but yet she has shown no sympathy nor said anything to me after mine...i think mc scars your heart and u cant forget. Lady at the shop was asking about ppls reactions and said oh i hated when ppl told me youre younge, you will have another, etc. I was like YES! It wasnt a sad chat but a chat like wow, you are an angel mommy too <3. Ill post my finished rainbow blanket here later. X


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Wow celine that's amazing, what am incredible blanket. Is it crochet? I really want to knit a blanket for baby no2 but I still haven't finished the one for dd, tbh it's still about as big as her socks!! Glad you had such a lovely conversation too. Heartwarming x
That's gorgeous Celine! I started a cross stitch blanket for baby #1 before miscarrying......waiting for my forever baby to start it back up.
Apple - it's very true, and generally I am feeling really grateful and happy...it caught me off guard when the old PAL thought struck! And, symptom spotting is practically the law! :) I don't think I could do anything but over analyse through the tww! I hope this is your month! X

Penguin - yep I'm good thanks x are you excited about the up coming cycle? X

Celine - lovely blanket! It's such a good thing to be able to chat in real about it...I was able to with my sil, and like you say, it's really not depressing,,,,if anything it gives you hope and makes you feel less isolated. Glad you were able to do that x
Thanks linnypops.

Celine love the blanket think ill ask my sis to do me a rainbow 1. Ds hs a blue one.

Afm well my left Boob pain is back lol that was there last month too. Ahh it would be amazing if it works out.
Celine, your blanket it beautiful. I'm glad you found some support at the yarn shop! I do wonder what your MIL experience was. I'm sure some people are much more affected than others by a miscarriage but it's hard to imagine not having any emotion about it. My husband is actually having a harder time with our loss than I am :(

Hubby and I hiked up in the hills yesterday. We found a lovely spot by a tree on the bank of a stream/waterfall. We had a little memorial for the baby we lost. It feels more like I can move on now. Part of me wasn't ready to get pregnant again because I felt like I hadn't finished the pregnancy with the baby I lost. It was a very nice day. Very few people on the trails. Snow/ice on the ground but sunny and pretty warm. Only downfall was I slipped on some ice and fell on my butt. Ouch! Sore neck and wrists yesterday but today all seems fine.
Celine, the blanket is beautiful!! I'd absolutely love to make one, I've been thinking of a project to help keep my mind off my mc and that would be perfect. Would you tell us how you made it? X

I need to catch up with everyone's posts as I'm in my phone and its hard to scroll back. So apologies this isn't a proper update but I will catch up tomorrow.

Afm.... Dtd for the first time since the mc today, yay!! X
We went to Castlewood canyon. It is a state park just outside Castle Rock. It was nice. A waterfall and stream down in the canyon and pretty views. The canyon splits the park in half and we went to the more secluded side. We sat for about 45 minutes and only two or three people passed us. I'm looking forward to going back in the spring. We couldn't do the whole hike that we wanted to because of the ice; turns out my tennis shoes are really slippery. I actually fell twice :shy: but only one of the falls really hurt.
You should check out green mountain falls (between Manitou and woodland park). It's a gorgeous hike.....but not easy.

Afm: still waiting for AF to arrive. This cycle is really starting to annoy me lol.
Celine, beautiful blanket! what a talent! agree with the others, it is so nice when you meet someone that shares your feelings about a loss.

linny- so glad you are feeling well. I'm super excited about next month. just have to get my butt in gear and finish my tax prep so we have some $ for the meds.

afm- witch showed yesterday, during my co-workers jewelry party. been laying low today. feeling kinda ick.
I wish i could make everyone of you a rainbow blanket <3 its a crochet pattern and im no expert at all, i taught myself on an easy online tutorial and this is the first blanket ive finished.

If anyne is interetd. Could post the tutorial or blanket pattern?

Pengium sorry af showed, it always a sucky time :( i hope you do smething good for yourself x
Slg what a loverly time to be out on a hike, in nature, to remember.
Hi ladies
Penguin - sorry af showed. I'm always really down on the 1st day or 2 of a new cycle then I try to get positive and think that its a new cycle and this month might be it.
Celine - blanket is lovely. I'm so jealous! I'm useless at arts and crafts so I think it would be totally beyond my skills!
Jrepp - I know what its like waiting for AF.
AFM - I'm now somewhere in the region of 9-10dpo. Got a bfn this morning which left me feeling kind of low. Then I got a phone call from the nhs funeral director letting me know when the service of remembrance is. I'd totally forgotten that we'd asked to be notified. Its brought back all these feelings that I thought I'd gotten over.
I'm going to test again on thurs if af hasn't shown. The only good thing is that I'm not spotting yet.
Hope everyone else is having a better day than me.
L x
Loribelle, keeping fingers crossed for you that it will be a bfp this month.

Jrepp - will you test again if AF doesnt show soon?

Cecine yes please, I'd love the pattern or tutorial. Im sure its quite difficult and I havent done anything like it before but Id like the challenge so id like to give it a go.

We have decided to each get something as a memory of our angel baby. Husband has chosen a leather links of london bracelet and I have chosen a pandora charm for my bracelet with a star on. we havent got them yet but I am pleased we have decided to do this.

I dtd at the wkend for the first time since the mc! I think ov is at the very earliest a week off yet but will bd every other day so hope the wait isnt too long haha!
slg - what a lovely idea to have a memorial and now a place you can go to think of your angel and reflect. A really special time xx

Penguin - sorry the witch showed hun. at least you are at the start of a brand new cycle now. I have days where I lie low and feel very down too. xx
Sara- that's such an awesome thing to do. Sorry you fell :(

Penguin- so sorry AF showed but you have a plan for this cycle so FX it helps!

Celine- I'd love the tutorial. I'd love to try and make a blanket for my (hopefully) rainbow baby.

AFM- still very pregnant, exhausted and emotional. Trying so hard to be positive and believe we're taking our baby home in September, but I still get scared and nervous most days. I honestly don't know how I'll deal if I have another loss, so I put it out of my mind.

Just focusing on the wedding (it's this Saturday, argh!) and honeymoon in Mexico. 14 days until my ultrasound and I'm just crossing my fingers we see a heartbeat. I so very much want this little one already but I'm scared of being hopeful, so I'm cautiously optimistic I guess? I'm still on the Progesterone and baby aspirin, high dose folic acid, and a regular prenatal, but nothing else.
GRGirl - Feeling anxious every day is only normal after a loss. I felt (and still feel) the same way with not even being able to THINK about something going wrong again because I honestly don't know how I would live, so I try to put it out of my mind as much as possible. Your u/s will be here before you know it! These first couple weeks are hard, but you will get through them.

Celine - I love the blanket!!! :)

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