Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Hi garfie, happy birthday! Sounds like you had an amazing time. What a distraction!!

Penguin I get not wanting to go to a baby shower it's not exactly great timing to be congratulating someone :hugs: I'm hoping it'll get easier once we get that bfp

Liberati I think it's good that you're feeling positive about this cycle! I'm guessing you'd be gutted if AF shows anyway so why not have a few weeks where you can hope to be a tiny bit pregnant! Only 2 weeks till you find out, hopefully ill be joining you in the tww soon!

Elizabeth it's a killer isn't it, I don't get AF or pregnancy symptoms really so if I feel ANYTHING different I go mad trying to analyse it! At least you'll know one way or another next week. When are you testing?

As for me, I'm just trying to eat well and keep busy. I had a huge hangover off a few glasses of wine the other day so think it was due to dehydration (too much crying and bleeding, not enough drinking) so I've been getting as much water in me as I can. I'm on day 5 and feel a lot better for it. Still crying at least once a day but overall I'm feeling good.
Penguin at the farewell i was at on saturday a friend of mine had announced she was preg on fb, when i was there she told me she was due feb 5th (day after i was) and if i hadnt had mybfp i know i would of walked out. No one there knows but truely i wouldnt of been able to stand it. It was still tough looking at her and seeing her bump.
Wow - a lot to catch up on!

I am at work so will backtrack on everyone's progress later today.

Hope you are all doing well. I know there have been a lot of ups and downs recently, some in TWW, some post AF. I wish everyone luck and happiness and wish I had time to acknowledge each of you directly.

Celine - I did see your full comment about your friends announcement. I know how you feel. I was due mid January and three of my friends (one who never even wanted kids) are all due then. My sister also had a baby about 2 weeks after my m/c - another person who never wanted children. It's hard. I skipped a baby shower as well but she knew what I was going through so she got it.

12 dpo here and still just waiting. AF due on Thursday and I do expect her to show which I think is good. I will not be as disappointed when she does and will be very surprised if she doesn't.
Annie - Thanks. I think I am losing my positive feeling about this cycle because I really do not feel very fertile this month! I normally get 3-4 days of ewcm, and so far I only have had one (Saturday). According to my OPK, I should be ovulating at some point today, but I don't have *any* ovulation cramps...and I *always* get them! So I am just very confused about whether I'm even ovulating this month, but it doesn't seem like my body is as fertile as usual. :( Sigh. But it is true that I will be soo sad if AF arrives either way, so I might as well remain hopeful until then.

Very sorry that you're still crying every day. It makes total sense but is just so sad. :( Hopefully things start looking up soon.

ItsaWonder - Whoa, I didn't realize how close you were to finding out! I really hope your 'feeling' is wrong that AF will arrive. That would be a shame. And that is very hard about 3 of your friends being due the same month as you were. :( It is getting to the point when people due in March are going to start announcing, and I am dreading the day that I find out about someone I know being due then. :(
Munchkin - Where did you go? You must have been busy over the weekend. I am excited for this week's update of everyone's progress. I am CD12 and had had a +opk today and yesterday, so I'm probably going to ovulate later today or tomorrow!
Munchkin - Where did you go? You must have been busy over the weekend. I am excited for this week's update of everyone's progress. I am CD12 and had had a +opk today and yesterday, so I'm probably going to ovulate later today or tomorrow!

yay! Good luck to you! Hope to not see you on here for those days. haha. I am on cd10 so I'm prob going to wait to test on cd12.
Hi all, im going for my scan in 30 mins, will updat e when back. Been so nervous as have no symptoms at all (after being so ill with first two kids and when i mc i also had mo symptoms) also just not feeling pregnant at all. Am worried its something like left over matter that grew or something stupid...

Updated to say once agan baby measured too small and no hb...they scheduled me for another scan in a week..until then i guess im waiting to mc, there is a slight chance that the embryo was just in a bad position and they measured it wrong...but at over 7 weeks id have expected a hb.
Celine I was just on here to say good luck, but read your post?? So sorry you didn't get the reassurance you needed :( really so sorry but I don't think this means things won't go well. When my baby was measuring small at 8 weeks my mudwife, the sonographer and loads of women on here said it was very normal at this stage. Don't lose hope, although I know it's so hard to believe it'll all be ok.
The other thing to remember is that if it isn't all ok you WILL cope, you know you can and you will and one day it'll just be another part of your story. But PLEASE try and have faith that it will be ok x x x pm me if you need me. I'm not posting much because I'm busy and not much to say but I am checking regularly and thinking of you all the time x x
Celine - BIG :hugs: try and keep positive hun your baby needs you - I agree with Munchkin a lot can happen in a week, have you had cramping or bleeding? :hugs:

Munchkin - So are you still waiting to O this cycle - damn I've lost track :dohh: is this your first cycle after your M/C - this is mine although this month not temping, trying the grab my hubby and go approach :haha:

Liter - Hope you are getting busy lady :winkwink:

Penguin - Hi I don't think we've met - I'm Garfie and my story is in my sig, so what CD are you on and are you waiting to O?:hugs:

ItsaWonder - Hi I'm Garfie - hopefully she will have gone on a long long holiday :happydance:

Annie - Hi it was amazing - a total feeling of weightlessness, no worries no cares just floating in the sky:flower: although I would have given it all up in a heartbeat to have been half way through my pregnancy:cry: But then I wouldn't have met all you wonderful ladies would I :happydance:

Eliza - Luckily the witch didn't put hubby off to much :winkwink: this holiday turned out to be quite liberating for me, I am not a very strong swimmer:dohh: but by the end of the holiday I was swimming in the deep end of the pool and swimming in the sea without a float, jumping off the boats and generally behaving like a teenager :haha: in fact despite not getting in until 3 ish in the morning I never missed breakfast unlike the teenagers:haha:

So ladies hope you are all feeling a little bit more positive as we continue our journeys with each others support:hugs:


Aww Celine :hugs: so so sorry to hear this, I was thinking about you this morning but haven't had time to get on here. I'm praying that next week will have a better outcome. Is there any way you could have ovulated later than you thought? I know it's recommended around here that you wait until 8 weeks for an early scan because of the risk of not seeing a heartbeat even in a perfectly healthy pregnancy. Really hope it is good news for you next week :hugs:

Its a wonder so you'll be 13dpo today, any AF symptoms yet? I'm really hoping she doesn't show for you!

Literati our bodies are bound to still be a bit weird so maybe you won't notice the usual O pains this month. At least you're in the tww now, hope it's not too crazy for you.

Penguin good luck for that positve opk! When do you normally O? Almost tww time!

I'm still getting negative OPKs but I normally O on CD10/11 so that's fine. Trying to keep myself busy so I don't drive myself so mad. I feel bipolar at the moment, I get so low and then when I'm all cried out I try and keep myself busy so the house is perfect and work is going well, I'm doing a lot with my DD and my family but then I'm alone again and it starts :nope: Even when I'm just driving somewhere, I'll start thinking about it again. I just hate so much that I should have been 15 weeks and now I'm back to trying :cry: So glad I have you lot on here to talk with.
I hear you anniebobs, it almost feel like wasted time even though its not. Sigh. I dont think i ovulated later as i had a pos opk on 18th July and we dtd and then went on hols so didnt dtd til August! I hope the scan was just inaccurate but im orepping for the worst. Waiting on bleeding.
Celine - I am so, so sorry. I really hope all is okay and just behind schedule. Please keep us posted and know that we are here no matter what happens. Deep breaths...... My fingers are crossed for you.

Hi Garfie!

Literati and Penguin - good luck with your OPKs!

Annie - how are you today?

Well - I did test this AM and BFN. Still no PMS at all. I did read that after a m/c our bodies can reset and have a new "norm". Those with PMS have none and vice versa. I'll take it. Really not upset about the BFN as my mom is coming to town this weekend and it will be nice to have wine while she is here. On to AF on Thursday and next cycle. Will go back to SMEP.
Well ladies I need to do an updated list as so many are now in the 2ww or waiting to ov. I'm now cd9 and I stopped bleeding on cd4 with spotting on 5/6 but last night I had horrendous vomiting and diarrhoea and I think the spasms made me bleed again, had proper blood overnight and spotting today, it's made me realise my body isn't back to normal yet. We start SMEP tomorrow and opks so at least we're getting to an interesting bit of the cycle, although I reckon I'll ov later than by cd16/17 norm. We'll see.
When I've got a bit more energy ill reply to you all properly but I'm feeling ill and harassed today!

Celine - how are you feeling now? Are you feeling hopeful? Thinking of you lots x x
Munchkin - sorry you feel so crappy. Hope you feel better soon. Isn't there a theory that sperm are more likely to survive when we are sick b/c the body can't spend so much energy trying to fight them when fighting illness???
I've never heard that theory but I like it lots! Although I'm praying I won't still be ill be ov ;)
Aww Celine :hugs: so so sorry to hear this, I was thinking about you this morning but haven't had time to get on here. I'm praying that next week will have a better outcome. Is there any way you could have ovulated later than you thought? I know it's recommended around here that you wait until 8 weeks for an early scan because of the risk of not seeing a heartbeat even in a perfectly healthy pregnancy. Really hope it is good news for you next week :hugs:

Its a wonder so you'll be 13dpo today, any AF symptoms yet? I'm really hoping she doesn't show for you!

Literati our bodies are bound to still be a bit weird so maybe you won't notice the usual O pains this month. At least you're in the tww now, hope it's not too crazy for you.

Penguin good luck for that positve opk! When do you normally O? Almost tww time!

I'm still getting negative OPKs but I normally O on CD10/11 so that's fine. Trying to keep myself busy so I don't drive myself so mad. I feel bipolar at the moment, I get so low and then when I'm all cried out I try and keep myself busy so the house is perfect and work is going well, I'm doing a lot with my DD and my family but then I'm alone again and it starts :nope: Even when I'm just driving somewhere, I'll start thinking about it again. I just hate so much that I should have been 15 weeks and now I'm back to trying :cry: So glad I have you lot on here to talk with.
I usually O cd 14/15. Thanks and yes! I've been waiting 2 months to see if I O!
Celine- I hope too that the scan was just off and it's just being difficult! All pgs can be different!

Itsawonder- I'm so sorry it's neg, enjoy that glass of wine

Garfie-Hello to you as well! I will read your sig soon!
Celine, I'm sorry the scan wasn't clear, I really hope it goes really well for you next week and this week was just a dodgy result. My thoughts are with you :hugs:
Celine - I am so sorry about the results of your scan. That is very scary and disheartening and I'm sure you are feeling really discouraged right now. Of course I really hope that the embryo wasn't in the right position and that when you go back again all will be well. :hugs: Hang in there. You are so brave and we are going to help you through this, whatever the result. My heart is aching for you.

Garfie - How is your cycle going now? When do you usually O?

Annie - Thanks! I suppose it's good to be in the TWW although this stage always makes me crazy. I'm actually having trouble believing I already ovulated again. It feels like just yesterday I was ovulating last cycle!

I totally hear you on the bipolar thing. I can be like that too when I am upset. That is sooo frustrating that you should have been 15 weeks already. It really does feel like such a waste and it is so hard to actually accept that you are stuck back in the TTC stage again. I hope you ovulate soon and can get back to the baby-making! Hopefully that is the distraction you need.

ItsaWonder - Glad you're not too put out by AF possibly arriving. Being able to have wine is my main comfort when AF arrives. So, I'm glad you'll be able to indulge if that is the case. However, I am still waiting to see if you got that BFP. You just never know! :happydance:

Munchkin - SO sorry to hear that you've been ill! That feels just awful! And it's also unfortunate that your body decided to start bleeding again. It's weird how long it takes for the body to go back to normal. But think about how long it takes after you give birth, and technically that is kind of what we all did...just way, way, way too early. :(

It's interesting, because before I read your post I looked at your chart and figured you probably ovulated today! But if you were sick that probably messed with your temps a bit this cycle, and I'm not sure of your usual temp pattern. Hopefully your body has fully recovered by the time you do ov so that you can get all your BDing in! Feel better soon and get some much needed :sleep:.
Hey all,
Ill definitely do an updated list later because everyone is all over the place now but if you could possibly pm me where you are it would be a massive help! This thread is so busy it's hard to trawl through everyone's posts and get accurate info sometimes!
Celine :hugs: how are you feeling today?

Literati thanks, I've definitely not ov'd but yes my temps are all over the place. They're usually so stable, and last month they were textbook! I'm worrying that its cos I'm taking so many supplements and its messing with my hormones. I'm using the fertility monitor though and opks from today cd10. I've never ov'd before cd14 and I'm usually 16/17 but I'm expecting this month to be late.

Annie I'm totally bipolar sometimes too. I pick myself up and become the perfect housewife then I'm exhausted and low and everything goes to pit!

Itsawonder what dpo are you now? You're not out til she shows :) xx

Anyway I've got to run now as have a house full of visitors and a mountain of washing to do!
Don't forget to pm me where you are. Ill do the list later x x x

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