It's just so frustrating. I think we all feel like this to some degree. And, I think some months are just harder given what else is going on in life.
I am two days away from AF (my best guess). I'm pretty sure I O'd this month but I didn't get the blood work done to confirm it. My LH surge wasn't as quick and certain as prior months but my other O signs were there. Still testing negative on HPT.
Do you ladies have opinions on this....
When I look on websites from the HPT manufacturers they have research that indicates that the majority of women don't get a positive until 14 dpo. But, it seems like on the forums so many women get positives on day 10 or 11. Why the discrepancy? Maybe the early testers are the ones that are more likely to post results? I get into this mindset that if I don't have a line by 11 dpo or so then I'm out but logically I know that's not true.
I would say that they are using an average, as a good portion of the population don't test until their period is at least a week late (probably not trying) whereas the earlier dpo people are testing early. But it also seems like the people that test at 10dpo, had a quick implantation whereas the 14dpos probably didn't implant until the 9dpo average.
Congrats Anniebobs!
Jrepp - good luck for your surgery. Those odds for mc sound crazy high... Do you think they're genuinely that accurate?
Ladies getting effed off with the ttc game- good luck this coming cycle, I hope you can get off the crazy ttc train as soon as possible!
Thanks. After seeing the ultrasound and knowing where the scar tissue and damage is, I do believe that number is accurate. It does sound high, but the scar tissue connects the sides of my uterus and possibly the top to the bottom, and is very noticeable in the common places for implantation.
I am stressing big time and don't really know what to do! The teacher that I work with is giving me grief about having to take so much time off and how accommodating she has been. She wants to know why I can't push the surgery back 3 months until we are on summer break. I think that I need to do what's best for me, and if that means taking 2 weeks off for surgery than so be it. It would have been 6 weeks if any of these pregnancies would have stuck.
A librarian position became available starting right after spring break and I want to go for it, but with all the time off I need, I don't think it's going to be well received by the teacher I work with because I am a major part of the classroom. It's more responsibility but I wouldn't have to restrain or chase any children around. I just don't know if I should go for it or not. Or try for teacher positions for next year elsewhere.
Besides that, the landlord says we have to remove the dog they previously ok'd because people are complaining and it is a breach of contract. Our only option is to take the dog back to my recovering mil and build a fence on her property out her back door so she can let him in and out. We looked into the cost and the cheapest fence type enclosure is going to cost about $200 to build.