Jrepp - Sorry your dr was uselesssounds a lot like my doctor from my old city completely useless but glad the other ones good! Are you still constsntly in a lot of pain? hopefully its all worth it when baby comes a long
I THINK for the first time since my mc I had EWCM! Havent had any since before I was pregnant! Never been so happy over some mucus haha. But it might not have been - due to my extremely low/non exsistant sex drive we use.. aids.. to help get me in the mood and he'd used thrm and it was there but I'm not sure if it was from him or me so I felt doen there to check (sexy right? Hold on hunny like me just check my mucus) and it was there so I'm guessing I'm 1dpo right? or not.. I havent had ewcm since ttc so not sure
On my phone so sorry if I missed something out!
Hi Ladies thanks for your wishes - I'm very nervous of course
Rachel - The only way to know for sure that O has taken place is to temp hun - good luck anyway
JR - Sometimes Dr's can be so insensitive can't they - they really make my blood boil - how long have we known our bodies for and they do a quick examination (or not and say it's this or that)
AFM - I got my first beta back 160! - yep I couldn't believe it either BUT the Dr said it was on the low side (13DPO) so of course I was a nervous wreck last night and when I woke and took my temperature it had DROPPED down to 36.63and of course I have convinced myself that my symptoms are going etc etc - I know it's quite a drop but hubby confessed this morning to opening the window last night as I was boiling and he went downstairs for a few hours
maybe that had something to do with my temps
Anyway today I go for my second HCG test so here's hoping it's 320 or more
If not I know what the temp drop meant
I'm sorry for the hassle but so glad they found your sample.
I had to give blood sample the other day. The nurse in the office poked me twice and couldn't get a vein. She said I needed to go to the lab. Ok, not a big deal since it was just downstairs in the main hospital. I go down to the lab and they say I have to check in at the front desk. I had to go back to the hospital admin. office and fill out paperwork as if I were being admitted! Took forever. Then she sends me back to the lab. The girl there says, oh I see the vein they were trying to get. It takes her all of 30 seconds to poke me and get the blood. All this because the nurse upstairs couldn't do her job. Ug!! Did I mention I had my three year old with me???
Why are doctors' visits never easy??!!
Can't wait to see your beta results. I think things are looking great for you and I wouldn't worry one bit about your beta number unless it isn't close to doubling.