Sorry ladies,
I've been stopping in but too busy to write. Jrepp I'm so happy they fixed you up! Can't believe you actually got an inplant in that small area! You definitely have a chance now!!!!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. We were busy with my hubby out of town, and I co-hosted Easter dinner with my side of the family at my uncle's house since my aunt passed this Christmas. We had a wonderful time watching some video diaries she made for us when she first found out she had cancer. Then spent Easter morning making ham stuffed rolls for hubby's side.
Anyway, update time! We had our insemination this afternoon. All went well and dr thinks we have a good shot. I'm so tired of waiting! Got to see an old college classmate who had been ttc 6 yrs ago while we were in school together. She now has a 15 month old dd and 2 wk old ds. Bittersweet, and she still drs with mine! She said she would be praying for me and all of us! So nice to share with someone else who understands.
Mrs W looks like we are in the same boat, I think 1dpo for me today!