Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*



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I just went to the bathroom and I got blood when I wiped. I'm only on CD26 and the witch isn't supposed to be due until Thursday or Friday. I was so convinced this was my month, I had so many symptoms! :nope:

I'm trying to hang on to the tiniest bit of hope that I can still get my BFP this month because last time around I spotted for a few days (which I initially thought was a light period, but then turned into a BFP.)

I'm so disappointed though as I really believed this was the month:cry:. I even went to a wine and cheese night at a friends place last Friday and didn't eat any soft cheese or have any wine as a precaution. I said no to triple brie!

This morning one of our managers at work told me one of his staff is 14 weeks pg, and was asking for advice about her leave and payments. I told the manager all about it and sent him some information. Then he went to a meeting and I went to the bathroom and saw the blood, then he came back immediately after to talk about her maternity leave again and what she should do about her uniform as she gets bigger :growlmad:

I'm at work with my office door half closed now which means fewer people will bother me. I feel like I'm about to cry. I was thinking of telling my manager I don't feel well and taking the afternoon off, but my SIL is still staying with us, so I'm sure I'd be roped into baby sitting as soon as I got home which isn't what I feel like doing, I just want to lay in bed.

I really hope its not AF
Good luck to you anniebobs and hope it wasn't a mind trick! Yay!!!!

I took a day break on my OPKs to see if there will be a faint line to tell me that I am getting close to Oing. So far there is just the test line and nooooo other line. lol Hate the wait.
I worked 10 hrs today since my manager let everyone else off for Labor Day. Ugg but at least it kept me busy and it was so cloudy and cold, so good weather to work. Feeling drained the last month so I told my Mary Kay boss I am putting my business on hold for a while. My DD starts 3rd grade tomorrow and dh is taking online business classes. I need a break!
I just went to the bathroom and I got blood when I wiped. I'm only on CD26 and the witch isn't supposed to be due until Thursday or Friday. I was so convinced this was my month, I had so many symptoms! :nope:

I'm trying to hang on to the tiniest bit of hope that I can still get my BFP this month because last time around I spotted for a few days (which I initially thought was a light period, but then turned into a BFP.)

I'm so disappointed though as I really believed this was the month:cry:. I even went to a wine and cheese night at a friends place last Friday and didn't eat any soft cheese or have any wine as a precaution. I said no to triple brie!

This morning one of our managers at work told me one of his staff is 14 weeks pg, and was asking for advice about her leave and payments. I told the manager all about it and sent him some information. Then he went to a meeting and I went to the bathroom and saw the blood, then he came back immediately after to talk about her maternity leave again and what she should do about her uniform as she gets bigger :growlmad:

I'm at work with my office door half closed now which means fewer people will bother me. I feel like I'm about to cry. I was thinking of telling my manager I don't feel well and taking the afternoon off, but my SIL is still staying with us, so I'm sure I'd be roped into baby sitting as soon as I got home which isn't what I feel like doing, I just want to lay in bed.

I really hope its not AF

Keep your head up! Maybe it was inplantation bleeding??? It really stinks when everyone around you is getting pregnant I know. My coworker put off telling everyone at work for a month since she knew I had a hard time getting pg and didn't tell them til I said I was (at the time). Im sure your SIL would understand if you didn't want to babysit. Maybe a good nap wouldn't hurt after the day you had. :sleep:
Annie - Ooh, I hope your headache is a good sign as well. That's exciting that you might have seen a faint line today? Keep us posted!

Elizabean - Wow, that is disappointing. :( It's the worst when you have a lot of symptoms and figure you *must* be pregnant. I do hope it's just IB but if it's not, don't lose hope! I'm sure next month can be your month. I totally understand feeling really down, though. :( It's awful when you're at work and all you want to do is cry and sulk. I hope you got some time to relax when you got home.
Wow things are moving in this thread! Lots of pos opks and maybe a bfp anniebobs post a pic of that indent!

Elizabean im so sorry if it is af...id be so mad at missing triple brie...

I went out to meet uni friends i hadnt seen in 4 years and urgh one girl was pregnant (we were two couples and two ladies) i was not one of the couple, i had to sit opposite the preggo couple while he rubbed her belly and spoke about how the first three months were so great. Urgh :( so at that poont i was all "pass the wine!) so i drank a lil wine...scan tomorrow, no bleeding yet. Im trying to make a list of questions of what i want to ask the mw about what happens next after two mc in a row.

Thats my debbie downier rant of the day :p so thankful for this thread!
:hugs: Thanks Penguin and Literati.

I hadn't thought of implantation bleeding. I don't know much about it so I did some googling and it said it normally happens 6-12 days after ovulation, and I'm at 12 days post ovulation now so hopefully that was it. For some reason I had assumed it would happen at a few dpo. Google also said that at lot of women get upset and think it is their period coming early.

Its been about 4 and a half hours since I saw it, and I haven't had any since :shrug:, so hopefully its all ok and a BFP is still possible.

My hopes are back up again...
i had to sit opposite the preggo couple while he rubbed her belly and spoke about how the first three months were so great.

I certainly hope that if I ever end up with a bump I don't become as infuriatingly smug as those people. That sounds awful under any circumstance. You poor thing.

I felt a bit petty that I was upset at missing out on triple brie, I'm glad you understand!
Morning ladies. Happy ov day to me :happydance:

Literati - thanks yes my temps are all over the place. It could be the bug I had or the stress of having visitors or waking up at funny times. Hopefully they'll calm down after ov and ff will be able to pinpoint ov. I had horrid headaches with both my pregnancies and I never get headaches so hopefully it's a good sign! What dpo are you now? I'm sure you'll be time once you're back at work but yes thinking about it is horrid.

Anniebobs I hope the indent turns into something more this morning! But I didn't get a bfp until 13dpo with my dd so don't give up hope if its a bfn. Keep us posted!

CJJM yay for your smiley face! :happydance: get bding! How's the bding been going so far? We're probably 1 day apart in our cycles now. We can be crazy 2wwers together (although I always win the crazy race!)

Elizabean with my last pregnancy I had spotting 11dpo and 13dpo. It's extremely normal. Unless it turns into full flow I wouldn't worry.what dpo are you? I didn't drink on my weekend away last month because I thought I was pregnant and I'm gutted now. I totally understand!

Penguin it sounds like you def need a break. What cd are you on? My opks were brought white til the day before I got my pos this month so keep testing!

Celine so sorry you had to go out with preggers uni friend :( I hate smug preggers ladies, well all preggers ladies at the mo (apart from you!) although I went to a family do the other day and was really peed off because I thought one girl was pregnant again and we got chatting and it turned out she had a mc in may and they were trying again and had been ttc for over a year. Her dd is nearly 3 and she was desperate for a 2 year gap. Maybe your uni friend had been on a difficult journey herself? I will definitely be ,ore sensitive when I get ,y next bfp now I know how hard it can be for other people.
Not long now til you get some answers. I am crossing everything that it will surprise you. The fact you've still not had bleeding must be a good sign hon but its so difficult to second guess. Hope you're holding on there :hugs:

AFM it is probably ov day today. I've been getting some good twinges so hopefully it won't be 48 hrs after my opk like last month. The only trouble is we did yesterday am and the morning before but on had to leave very early for work today so we've not dtd yet and I'll be stressing all day he'll be too tired to manage It tonight! I always think the morning of ov is the best time so there's loads of fresh swimmers up there waiting! I'll try and persuade him to do today and tomorrow, then we'll have done all we can. Please everyone send bding vibes to my oh today so he's totally in the mood when he gets home!

Munchkin good luck! Get dd to bed asap and dress sexy or wear nothng but get to it!
Hahaha, desperate times! :) anniebobs where arrreee you and your bfps?
Now dd has drawn on his expensive cream sofa in red biro!! That'll really get him in the mood :dohh:
Would it be really bad to hide it til after ov?? I've got most if it off with a baby wipe but there's still definitely some pink scribble! I'm blaming it all on him anyway for leaving a red biro out!
Thriw a blanket over it? Deffo dont mention it til after ov
Hi ladies -

Annie - looks promising. Good luck!!

Munchkin - seems like you had a few rough days. Hope you and your DH are back on track.

Celine - hang in. I hope you receive good news tomorrow.

Elizabean - good luck!! Hope it's implantation

CCJM - congrats on your smiley!

CD 7 here. Can't believe how fast the days are going by. DH and I always try to wait until CD8 to start SMEP but started last night. Seems like CD6 is as far as we can make it. Will BD in the evenings until I get a pos OPK then will switch to mornings. We are typically just too tired then but we can handle three AM bd's.
Hi Ladies

Sorry I've not been on much - I've been trying to have fun with the kiddies before they go back to school and sort out school uniforms - not as easy as it sounds:wacko:

Anyway just nipping on to wish Celine all the love and luck in the world tomorrow and hope that you come to us saying wow what a wriggly baby I have :happydance: if not you know we are all here for you:hugs:

Love you all gotta dash again - shoes need polishing for tomorrow and hubby will be home for tea :dohh:

Still down for testing 5 September so not long to wait :happydance:


Garfie thats like 2/3 more days to go!
Celine what time is your appointment tomorrow? What's the time difference to the uk?
Argh now I'm really stressed! It's 7pm and oh left for work at 6.30am. He's working 3 he's away and hasn't texted to say he's even left yet! Clearly not going to get any BDing in today and the last time we did it was yesterday am :( why didn't we do it last night instead? Boo. And I've still got bangers and mash to make!

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