Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Celine - That's tough...It seems like all your friends are pregnant right now! I understand how that would make you feel really crappy, especially when they were bragging about how great her first 3 months were. If only they knew the hell you've been going through! Good luck waiting til the scan tomorrow. :hugs:

Elizabean - That is very positive that you haven't had any more bleeding! Keep us posted! :happydance:

Munchkin - I am 8DPO according to me, and 7DPO according to OF. Yes, I hope those headaches were a good sign. I've also been having trouble sleeping for some reason. But today I feel like I'm "out." I was looking back at previous cycles, and it just seems like I'm in regular ole PMS. Sigh. I really, really want this month to be the month. :( I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Sending lots of BDing vibes to your hubby! Awful that he was working so late. I don't suppose you ended up BDing? Happy ov day! ;)

ItsAWonder - Probably not a bad idea to start trying on CD6! I hope your scheduled BDing works out great this month!

Garfie - Woohoo, Sept 5 is coming up fast! How many DPO will you be then? I will be testing Sept. 9! I hope we get some good news. Thanks for checking in!
11:30 my time its hour diff to uk not sure which way..might be the same time..nit sure. Will update when i get back..
Thanks literati. Yes we did end up BDing! Yay! Oh made a sterling effort bless him! I really hope it wasn't too late, we only did it after 10pm and I reckon I felt ov pains about 7 this morning. We'll have one more go tomorrow then that's all we can do for the month.
I really hope your instincts aren't right, it's far too early to tell yet anyway. I know what you mean though when you really really want your bfp this month and you're so scared it won't happen :( plenty of time x
I've also just put my data into ff and set ov day today and the timing analyser has given me a high! I've only had one of those once before. Oh and my due date would be may 27th. I'm not crazy at all, honest!! X
So I am totally impatient and called my Dr and told him that I am not ovulating. I wanted to get in before I have another AF. So he wants to see me next Monday and we will talk about Femara. I tried 7 rounds of clomid with no luck. Im pretty stoked about this one!!!! We don't have the funds for the injections and plus, they made me so sick! Wish me luck!
Munchkin - Well, I hope it wasn't too late for you! At least you did it before ovulation, so that's probably your best bet anyway. I hate it when stupid work/life gets in the way of BDing! Thanks for the encouragement...I really hope I'm not out this month. *sigh* My due date would be May 22nd. We'd be bump buddies. ;)

Penguin - I'm glad you called your dr. It is a serious thing to not be ovulating and it's time to take action! I hope the Femara helps you! :)
Thanks literati! I hope you have good luck this month!!!!
So I am totally impatient and called my Dr and told him that I am not ovulating. I wanted to get in before I have another AF. So he wants to see me next Monday and we will talk about Femara. I tried 7 rounds of clomid with no luck. Im pretty stoked about this one!!!! We don't have the funds for the injections and plus, they made me so sick! Wish me luck!

It's not impatient, its proactive! FX'd for you :flower:
what's bangers and mash?

It is possibly the most British of meals! It is basically sausages and mashed potato which I know doesn't sound great, but nice proper pork sausages on a huge bed of mashed potato. Comfort food :winkwink: Add peas and onion gravy for best results!

My mum does them in the oven so they are all crispy on the outside, which I think is the normal way to do them, but Munchkin let me know if I'm wrong!

I'm Australian but my mum is from the UK, and I am passionate about a good bangers and mash!
My mouth is watering at the description mmmmm
Ha ha yes it was oven baked sausages, a bit burnt on the edges, and rustic mash. New potatoes with their skins on mashed up, of course with garden peas and onion gravy. Yum. Obviously did the trick too ;)

Ladies can you reassure me... We DTD 9am sunday and Monday morning, I think I ov'd about 6 or 7am Tuesday and then we DTD again 10pm. Does that add up? How long do sperm live??

Literati - bump buddies would be fab! Lets pray for that. How happy would I be??

Penguin - I don't blame you, especcially as you've had issues in the past. Good to get something happening!

Celine - massive good luck hugs. Keep us posted. I'm off all day if you need me x x

Thanks all x x x
Celine I'll be thinking about you today, really hoping for the best but know that's not what you're expecting :hugs:

Munchkin yes you've covered your bases! You're definitely in the running

Literati so when's AF due? Are you an early tester?

Penguin that's great your doctor has an action plan, but hopefully your AF won't show this month because you'll be pg!

Elizabeth it does sound like ib especially because you've not bled since. When will you test?

It's a wonder good luck this cycle!

Garfie have fun with your last few days with the kids.

As for me, sorry to disappoint but bfns yesterday and today so I think we can safely say the spotting I had couldn't have been ib or I'd have been getting positives by now. It would have been extremely lucky of me to get pregnant so soon anyway! Haven't dtd since cd9 because of this stupid cold so will have to get back on that tonight! I test opks at lunchtime so fingers crossed that's looking positive today!
Morning Ladies

Quickly popping in to send Celine all the positive vibes in the world and to wish you loads of luck hunnie:hugs:

We are all there for you:hugs:

I am just getting my eldest ready for school - he's nearly 13 and a boy need I say anymore:dohh:

Will catch up with you all properly later:happydance:


Sorry anniebobs. We were hoping it was ib! Where are you now in your cycle?
Baby is dead :( so still waiting to mc, mw will call in a week to see if its started yet and if it hasnt may go to gyneacologyst to take some pills to help uterus contract it out.

What a crappy day.
Celine I'm so so sorry. I can't begin to understand how you must be feeling. It's just so so sad. Crappy day is the most enormous understatement. I'm here if you need me but you need to be so kind to yourself and just know you will get through this. So many hugs across the channel x x x
aww Celine :hugs: there are no words for this. Thinking of you.
Celine - I am so sorry hun - no words can express - just know we are all here for you and sending BIG group :hugs:

Once again please take care of yourself and I am so sorry:hugs:



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