Munchkin I am so happy for you!!
Sara- I tested today and thought I might have seen a line, but it was just the line where a line would be if there were to be a line. My cramps are back a bit, kind of like a very mild twinge. It's not nearly as frequent or or intense as before, but my breasts are incredibly tender right now. So much so that I can feel them ache all day long. I'm hopefully going to retest on Friday or I might just wait until my period is due on Saturday.
I just wish I knew one way or the other right now. My other 3 bfps all came on 10 dpo, I'm on 11 dpo with nothing. I did go to the doctor on Monday. She basically gave me my shots, told me that my cervix and uterus are sitting extremely low (about an inch lower than pre-surgery) and said that they wouldn't know what to do besides natural trying because I ovulate on my own, have a normal luteal phase, hormone levels are perfect and eggs are great as far as they can tell.