Thanks ladies. It sounds really sad but the scan just felt like an anti climax and I felt like the consultant was really negative (IF we get this far this will happen etc) although oh thought she was really positive!! I just want someone to say "all looks great, you'll be fine now, just relax" but they won't because I think I'll have another few cardiac scans before we're anywhere near in the clear. Although they told us ages ago that normal rusk of cardiac problems is 1% but ours is now 3% so still pretty low?!?
Penguin your hubbie needs a massive slap! My oh wouldn't dare talk to me like that. My body, my decisions. Although I'm slightly wondering if he was trying to do the best for you? Like he's worried you'll not be happy if you're overeating? (Although in my opinion you have to eat what and when you fancy during pregnancy because your body tells you what baby and you need) I'd be telling him it was my business what I eat now or after the pregnancy so back off! Do you think you should tell him about the depression?
On the subject of baby purchases I've pretty much got everything big now but I was still buying stuff early this pregnancy (cloth nappies, wallpaper for the nursery) I figure if something did go wrong would you blame it on buying that crib??
I ordered a beautiful co sleeper crib and all the bedding etc before my 20 week scan last time and it arrived just after (days) we lost Rowan. It was hard but it was put in the garage and now I'm looking forward to getting it out again!