Its certainly possible, but I don't know either. I used to get them every single month when I was a teenager (how embarrassing) but they went away during my period until after the septum was removed. I am wondering if my hormones are back where they should be and that's what's going on. Of course Ronny and I are convinced that I was pregnant for a very short time this month but lost it before a test would be positive. I know it sounds weird and I have a lot of symptoms every month, but there is just something telling us we had a baby and it didnt make it.
The orajel one dose cold sore treatment works well, but it leaves an unsightly scab where the sore was. I don't know that it is any better than the cold sore itself.
We are on cycle day 5 and hoping that af is gone tomorrow. Based on the previous few cycles, we are about 9 days away from O, so we need to get busy on the baby making!