Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

I never thought about it that way, that my body is clinging to a baby...well i will still ask mw and if she says to wait three months...i guess i will...

I had a hard day today, but im looking forward to better days ahead.
Wish we could take away the hard days. I hope things begin to move forward for you sooner rather than later. Your body will come back, as Munchkin said, faster than you realize. However long you wait, it will be a time to reconnect with your life, friends and family. Positive things will come your way when you are ready for them.
Celine - That was what got me through - thinking that my body did what it had to do (just a shame the baby died:cry:) so this makes me more positive for next time :happydance:

Its A Wonder - It's crap we have to go through the hard days - but trust me when I say we will come out stronger than other ladies, if not just from the friendships we have made over the internet :hugs:

Munchkin - Enjoy the pineapple do you eat the core too - I can't remember:dohh:


Celine I'm sorry you're having a hard day, it's awful that anyone has to go through this :hugs:

Garfie boo for the bfn but fingers crossed AF wont show! When is she due I forget?

Munchkin this will be funny seeing how long you will last without POAS! I aim to do the same next tww though. I think I might be heading for a tww soon... I got a darker negative on my opk today, I did one at 12 and one at 4 and they were both the same. Usually my second line is really faint, but these weren't so hopefully that means o is around the corner!
Annie - Get his men lined up ready :happydance:

Pick a date - I don't have any idea when she is due, this is my second cycle after DNC not even sure I have even ovulated:cry: hope I have and my body is not that cruel.:growlmad:

Pre DNC my cycles were very short - 20 - 24 days so by now it would deff be in the bag :haha: so I guess this time I just wait :coffee::coffee::coffee:


Celine - Sounds like you have a really positive attitude about this, which is great. I hope you don't have to wait too terribly long to start trying again, as I know even waiting for one AF felt way too long. I do hope your mc progresses on its own so you don't need to have any procedures/medication. Natural is always better, but of course don't feel bad if you have to wait for the meds. I like what Munchkin and garfie said about how at least your body is holding on to your body. :)

Elizabean - Wow, that's really too bad AF came. :( Very sorry to hear that. Definitely all there is to do is to try again. Good luck this month. Keep us updated!

Munchkin - I had NO idea about that pineapple thing. Now I'm regretting not eating pineapple after ovulation! And I do LOVE pineapple, too! welcome to the TWW and good luck waiting until AF is due to test! I am waiting until mine is due too. Well, I may be due either the 9th or the 10th, but I am going to test on the 9th for sure. :p

ItsaWonder - Sounds like you've got it covered. Good luck this month!

Garfie - You're not out yet! I hope this is your month! That is great that you can now work once a week. If it makes you "feel like a person" again, then that's all that matters! It's wonderful you are a stay-at-home mom, though!
Annie - Get his men lined up ready :happydance:

Pick a date - I don't have any idea when she is due, this is my second cycle after DNC not even sure I have even ovulated:cry: hope I have and my body is not that cruel.:growlmad:

Pre DNC my cycles were very short - 20 - 24 days so by now it would deff be in the bag :haha: so I guess this time I just wait :coffee::coffee::coffee:



We DTD again today :happydance: I feel like I am about to o because the sex is better! That's my main o symptom :blush:

I also had short cycles - they'd been 24 days since dd and 25 days before her. Annoying when not ttc! So what cd are you on now? I'm cd18 and think I'm about to o so AF won't show until at least cd32 which is long for me. I really hope you just o'd late, here's hoping you'll get that bfp in a few days. When do you plan on testing next?
Celine - how are you doing today?

Yes Garfie you have to eat the core, it's the most important bit!

Literati any symptoms yet?

Annie bobs - sounds good! I'm always far more enthusiastic around ov :)
Munchkin - :haha: of course I have tested - BFN - still no witch, so I guess I'm in limbo land :coffee::coffee::coffee: How is the pineapple going isn't the core the toughest bit?:wacko:

Celine - How are you today hun any progress :hugs:

Annie - I don't have a clue anymore about my cycles since this last DNC - so long as I don't have to wait as long as last month - 7 weeks I will be happy:happydance: that's a long time out of TTC land:winkwink:

So just wondering how old you lovely ladies are - am I the oldest I am ahem 42 years young:blush:


Hey Garfie. Still no witch so you're still I'm the game!! I'm "only" 33! Lol but my oh is 42. My sis is 35 and her oh is 51 and she's due her second baby in december with an 18 month age gap!! The pineapple core is pretty tough but it's quite nice and compared with the other stuff I do ttc it's a bit of a treat! Grapefruit is meant to be v good for cm but I can't stand it!!
I like pineapple but I don't think I could eat the core! Though if I'm still trying this time next year I'll be giving anything a go!

I'm 28, hubby is 30. I had DD when I was 26 which is quite old round here! My older sister was 16 and my younger sister was 23 when they had their babies.

So I just tested on an OPK and it's now a proper negative. I bet I don't O this month, it's just gonna drag on! The whole of ttc and pregnancy is just waiting isn't it! I am not the patient type either!
I like pineapple but I don't think I could eat the core! Though if I'm still trying this time next year I'll be giving anything a go!

I'm 28, hubby is 30. I had DD when I was 26 which is quite old round here! My older sister was 16 and my younger sister was 23 when they had their babies.

So I just tested on an OPK and it's now a proper negative. I bet I don't O this month, it's just gonna drag on! The whole of ttc and pregnancy is just waiting isn't it! I am not the patient type either!

Boo :( no I'm not patient either its so hard! Where are you from? If your opks had a fade in pattern then went faint its possible you just missed the proper positive? Xxx
Anniebobs - Is this your first cycle after M/C - if so I didn't O till very late - you might be able to see from my charts:wacko:

So I would suggest you keep OPKing hun - as it could just creep up on you:winkwink:

Munchkin - I prefer grapefruit juice to pineapple core :dohh: I have no problems with drinking it (I take my folic acid with it) although this month I didn't drink it - because as you all know (and are probably sick of hearing me) so I'll whisper I was away:haha: By the way my hubby is 34 :happydance: and my two boys are from a previous marriage - so just one more would be nice:cloud9:


Hello ladies.

Annie - I also have some dark (but still neg) OPKs and light until I finally get a positive. Maybe it has to do with the concentration of urine. Last month I had a stark white OPK and the next morning it was raging positive. I have switched to the digitals so I either see a smiley or I don't.

Garfie - DH and I are both 36.

Annie - funny how different things are from location to location. 1/2 of my friends had kids in their late 20s and the rest are just starting now. Seems like my age is the new norm here. My sister just had her first and she is 39. I actually have/had 6 weddings to attend this summer - all people my age. DH and I met when we were 30 but just got married last year as well. Will have our 1 year anniversary on the 29th of this month. Can't wait!!
Celine can I ask if you've always planned 3 children? Did you have to persuade your oh? I'd love 3 and oh knows it but point blank refuses to entertain the idea, mainly for financial reasons although we're actually very comfortable! He's just worried he won't be able to give 3 the help he'd like to x
Munchkin - No symptoms for me. I am a little irritable, but not bad. I am not worried about the lack of symptoms since I didn't have any last time either, but I also don't feel very hopeful. I guess we'll see soon enough. *sigh* I just really, really want this! Do you have any symptoms yet?

That's really nice that you want 3 kids but not so great that your husband won't agree to it! I would hate it if I had to lower my number for my hubby. DH and I want 4 kids! But...that will depend on if I am even capable of carrying 1 healthy pregnancy. :S

Garfie - I might be the youngest here. I am 25 and we are trying for my first (DH is 27). I would really like to be a mom while I am still 25, which could still happen, but 26 isn't too bad either I guess. Sorry you're in limbo land! Blahh.

Its a Wonder - Ooh, that's exciting your anniversary is coming up. Any big plans?
Anniebobs- so sorry you missed it, or might have. Im in the same boat.

Literati-You are a youngin'! I know what you mean by wanting one at 25. I had my DD at 24 and now I feel like an oldie trying for more babies!

Here in WI there are A LOT of older parents! My DD classmates parents are all in their upper 30's to 40's. Since we are a small town, the parents are some of my classmates as well. LOL

Well, I seem to have hit the motherload on AFs. I have mine yet again after 2 1/2 wks. But hopefully when I go in on Monday my dr can prescribe me the Femara and I can start on cd5. I really don't want to have to wait another month. BLAH! I just wanna scream!

I'm going to have to look back on the information about eating pineapple cores. lol Seems like I'm missing out from not being on here for a few days!

How is everyone doing?
Anniebobs dont give in, my last opk snuck up on me three weeks after mc and i was so surprised. Besides would you rob yourself of peeing on a stick?

Penguin that sucks about af so soon...hope docs will help you out Monday :)

Munchkin i think when i was a kid i had wanted 3/4, my mom was one of three and i was technically one ofnthree, my mother gave birth to a daughter who died at birth prematureky. So i was happy with two. But i said with sabrina i wasnt going to linger on the fact that she was my kast or id be sad the entire baby phase, we said we would discuss it later. On a whime we ntnp in may and 2 weeks later bfp! Of course you know how it goes from there, one of the sadest things when i mc-ed was talking to dh aboutnweather he wanted to try again. I was so happy when he swid yes.

To be fair i do alot with the kids, a new baby wouldnt on him it would be more for me to juggle :p he doesnt hear e kids or babies in the night, he doesnt get upmearly..its not glam being a mom but its the love <3
Penguin - Wow, that sucks AF is so bad and that you got it again so quickly! Your cycles really are so messed up right now! I really hope your dr's appointment on Monday gets you some good results. Bring on the Femara! :happydance:

Celine - You sound like an amazing mom! Your story of trying for your 3rd is very sad...but I'm glad you both agree you want to keep trying. It sounds like you are very involved in your kids' lives and your little ones are very lucky to have you! Pssst...it also sounds like it wouldn't hurt your hubby to help out a bit more. ;)

As for me, I am 11DPO (40 minutes away from being 12DPO) and I just started getting fairly medium-strength cramps, and I felt all drippy and wet like AF had already started. Thankfully I checked and it was just a bunch of creamy CM, but the cramps are still disconcerting. I know you can still have cramps when pregnant, but I never had them this bad when I was pregs...so I'm not too hopeful. :wacko:

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