Hi literati - wierdly I do feel like it's flown! I think this last bit will go very very slowly though. Baby doesn't look like it's making an appearance any time soon and quite frankly I can't be bothered to do much to get it moving!! I'm just accepting I have a 42 week gestation period!!
Garfie I'm so sorry your hubbie doesn't seem to be on the same page as you. I know he's struggled in the past and then turned around and got back on board and I kind of get it. He doesn't have the instincts and urges you have so he sees it more logically and can see how hard you're having to work emotionally to get your rainbow. Hopefully he'll be back on board soon. My oh has made it very clear that if anything went wrong with this pregnancy he couldn't do it again, and we certainly won't be trying for number 3, although I'd love to, because of wE've been through it's too hard for him.
Of course you know it's a numbers game and it only takes one of the little blighters and a good egg to get those lines, sadly it seems your numbers are just a bit tighter than a lot. I'm afraid I don't know anything about those tests but it's great your cycle seemed more normal!!
Penguin I hope things are going well with your little one and Jrepp I hope pregnancy is treating you well! You're flying through it now.
I'm still in touch with celine on Facebook and she's doing great with her 3. The little one is now pulling herself up on things and looks like a real character!! It makes me sad thinking Rowan should be that age now but know she's in a better place.