Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Munchkin - I agree with the other ladies, thanks for the list makes it a bit easier to know what stage we are all at :happydance: as for announcing it on FB I have never once go to do that yet:cry: Have you had your progesterone checked hun - if you are taking your temp correctly they are a bit close to the cover line:wacko:

Celine - Any news today hun? - when is it you get in touch with the M/W again?:hugs: Of course it's on your mind hun that's normal - hope you have fun with the girlies :happydance:

Liter - So when are you planning on testing hun - my test date according to FF is Thursday - no way will I wait that long:haha:

CJ - How are you feeling hun?:hugs:

Annie - I don't expect a reply from you :winkwink:

ItsAWonder - Hope you have also been lining his men up hun :haha: It's also good that you have made plans into the future (usually when we do that I find out I'm pg:happydance:) - did I mention we were thinking of going to Thailand in April just looking to see if I can get an insurance in case I fall pregnant in the meantime :happydance: Loving what you are doing for your anniversary - our anniversary this year (3rd) was spent on a plane coming home :cry:

Eliza - Hope she's leaving the building - any other plans on what to do different this month?:flower:

Penguin - Could be O - do you temp? that's the only way to know for sure whether you have O'd or not:growlmad: - I have also had spotting around O time - I like to think it is the egg shooting out to get to it's destination - a very determined eggy :happydance:

AFM - I'm 7DPO with mega high temps - too high for me - am I sick? - I don't feel it, so will test tomorrow usually this high means pregnancy, but of course all bets are still off. High temps mean nothing without a BFP:winkwink:


Annie - Deff a positive hun :happydance::happydance:



Yay!! Just sorting Annie out with her lunch then will get her down for a nap ASAP!

And that's fab news about your temps, how you feeling? I can't wait for your tests this week!
Ive been thinking alot about how to acknoweldge my rainbow baby, actually if we are 12 weeks or more by ch ristmas (that means we have to conceive this mnth hmmm) or maybe not even...i would like to have christmas ornaments to represent them, i fou nd on etsy glass see through baubkes with a white feather in and maybe engrave the date on in black, i could use that picture ultimatley whenever in 2014 i get to annouce, i dont think i could mention the next baby without acknowleding the two we lost.
Gafie - good news about your temps! Can't wait to see your test results.

Celine - sounds like you are making the most out of a tough situation. Glad to hear you are getting together with friends and being naughty!

Munchkin - I keep for getting about the time change between us (me being in the U.S.). So, when it was 11 dpo for me yesterday your were already a day ahead. Too bad I can't just fly to Europe and make my wait go faster! Think it would work??? :)

Re: your temps - each time I was pregnant my temps hovered above cover line. They were flatlined too so this may be a good sign.

Annie - congrats about your positive OPK! We will be in the same timeframe.

On my end - solid smiley!! I will ovulate either Monday or Tuesday but, most likely Tuesday. Bd'ing every morning for now. Just in case it doesn't work I bought a new ski set up for this winter - skies, binding and boots. Pregnant or not I am going to have a great winter! (Although I hope I'm pregnant. If so, the skis will still be new next year!)
Munchkin - I'm glad your mw changed your due date for you. With this last one I knew my due date based on LMP was 3 days off, and it drove me crazy. When you know so much about when you've Oved, it makes you a lot more certain about your exact due date!

Unfortunately, I caved and tested today to some bad news. BFN. :( I hadn't planned on testing at all, but when I took my temp and saw that it had gone up a fair bit, I got sort of hopeful and thought maybe some good news on a Sunday morning would be nice. Sadly, I instead got 2 BFNs and was very disappointed. I should definitely have at least a faint positive by 13 DPO, so I know I must be out. I might not even test tomorrow and just wait for AF to arrive...even though a small part of me remains slightly hopeful. :S

That's too bad your temps are so low this month. Mine have been really low for the TWW as well, which gave me a bad feeling right off the get-go. But as long as they are above coverline, you should be fine. Plus, I suspect your coverline might be at a weird spot this month since your temps were all over the place before Ov. So maybe that's what's throwing things off?

I really don't know how to acknowledge your angel baby when you make your announcement without taking away from the good news, but I do think it's a good idea to acknowledge your loss. That was a baby too and (s)he deserves a mention.

7 years is a long time to be together! Good job! Do you usually do something special?

Annie - That definitely looks positive. That's quite likely that the morning works better for you for opk testing. Good luck with BDing!

Garfie - If you read above you'll see I tested today and got a BFN. :( I know I must be out now. Just waiting for AF to start tomorrow. :cry:

That is amazing that your temps are so high! I definitely think this must mean BFP. Woohoo! :happydance:

Celine - That's a good idea to get a Christmas ornament to remember your angel babies by. It's definitely important to acknowledge the babies you've lost. I do hope we're all preggers by Christmas time this year. :(

ItsAWonder - That's exciting that you'll be ovulating in the next day or two! You have great chances for BDing this way. Good luck...I hope this is your month!
Hi Elizabean. So sorry she got you :( onwards and upwards, time for a fresh month ahead! How long was your LP in the end?
11 days LP in the end. So not too short, but I was so convinced I had a million signs of a BFP! I actually made a note of them this month so I can refer back in future and stop myself from becoming too crazy :wacko:

Munchkin when i start bleeding i want all your ov tips like eatingnpineapple! (For whatagan?) and i too also swear not to test early...

He he! It's meant to be good for implantation so you eat lots of raw pineapple including the core from 1dpo to 5dpo. You are meant to eat one over the 5 days but this month i'm going for at least 2!

I wonder if you could make a juice including the core? The core isn't too bad if you slice it really thin though.

So just wondering how old you lovely ladies are - am I the oldest I am ahem 42 years young:blush:

I am 28 trying for baby # 1. DH is 32 and we have been together about 8 and a half years. We only plan on having one child for several reasons, but mainly because I have type 1 diabetes. I have been working with my dr for the past 3 years or so to get optimal levels for a pregnancy. I have heard that it can be very stressful when it comes to food and medication as the hormones mess everything up and is classified as a "high risk" pregnancy (I don't feel high risk though!)

Eliza - Hope she's leaving the building - any other plans on what to do different this month?:flower:


AF has been extra awful this time around, some of the cramps were worse than the MC, and I have a pretty high pain threshold. Flow has been pretty heavy too. I woke up on Thursday morning and could hardly get out of bed because of the pain, but I had to go to work, so I took some ibuprofen. I don'T think I'd eaten enough to absorb it, so I got horrible stomach pains that only went away on Sunday and I was too scared to take any more painkillers for my cramps in case it made my stomach worse!

I was planning on SMEP this month, and DH has been briefed on the requirements, but I just remembered that DH is having surgery on his sinus this Thursday! Argh, hopefully he will feel a bit better by O time, but I would feel pretty mean pressuring him if his face hurts too much!

Fingers crossed we all have BFP's by Christmas. I want it so badly that it hurts :cry:
Ive been thinking alot about how to acknoweldge my rainbow baby, actually if we are 12 weeks or more by ch ristmas (that means we have to conceive this mnth hmmm) or maybe not even...i would like to have christmas ornaments to represent them, i fou nd on etsy glass see through baubkes with a white feather in and maybe engrave the date on in black, i could use that picture ultimatley whenever in 2014 i get to annouce, i dont think i could mention the next baby without acknowleding the two we lost.

What a wonderful idea celine! That way, during Christmas you can tell your children about the siblings lost while decorating the tree. Very nice!
Munchkin - I agree with the other ladies, thanks for the list makes it a bit easier to know what stage we are all at :happydance: as for announcing it on FB I have never once go to do that yet:cry: Have you had your progesterone checked hun - if you are taking your temp correctly they are a bit close to the cover line:wacko:

Celine - Any news today hun? - when is it you get in touch with the M/W again?:hugs: Of course it's on your mind hun that's normal - hope you have fun with the girlies :happydance:

Liter - So when are you planning on testing hun - my test date according to FF is Thursday - no way will I wait that long:haha:

CJ - How are you feeling hun?:hugs:

Annie - I don't expect a reply from you :winkwink:

ItsAWonder - Hope you have also been lining his men up hun :haha: It's also good that you have made plans into the future (usually when we do that I find out I'm pg:happydance:) - did I mention we were thinking of going to Thailand in April just looking to see if I can get an insurance in case I fall pregnant in the meantime :happydance: Loving what you are doing for your anniversary - our anniversary this year (3rd) was spent on a plane coming home :cry:

Eliza - Hope she's leaving the building - any other plans on what to do different this month?:flower:

Penguin - Could be O - do you temp? that's the only way to know for sure whether you have O'd or not:growlmad: - I have also had spotting around O time - I like to think it is the egg shooting out to get to it's destination - a very determined eggy :happydance:

AFM - I'm 7DPO with mega high temps - too high for me - am I sick? - I don't feel it, so will test tomorrow usually this high means pregnancy, but of course all bets are still off. High temps mean nothing without a BFP:winkwink:


I have not been temping. I got my full blown AF while at the town parade today. :growlmad: I had to walk from one end of town to the very end of the other side because my DD was in the parade for girl scouts. But at least I know where I am in my cycle when I go to see my Dr tomorrow. Maybe he can give me the script for my Femara and I can start it cd5! Its so frustrating cuz the last 2 cycles I get one little spot then nothing for a day and a half and then full blown when I least expect it! Grrrr!
Fingers crossed we all have BFP's by Christmas. I want it so badly that it hurts :cry:

I know how you feel. :hugs: This journey has been so tough on all of us. I never could have imagined my TTC journey would be so hard. All I want to do is be a mommy. :( Why is it so difficult? I'll hope and pray you get to be a mom very soon!

That makes sense why you're only going to have one kid since you are "high risk." That really sucks having to worry about levels and whatnot during pregnancy. I know it's not nearly the same thing, but I have a thyroid disorder and have to worry about keeping my levels at an ideal level for pregnancy, and we'll have to constantly monitor it throughout my pregnancy and probably up my med dose. Even that feels stressful to me, so I can't imagine all that you'll have to think about and deal with for your pregnancy. But it's so great that you take such good care of yourself and I know you will have a very healthy pregnancy and your diabetes shouldn't get in the way at all! :)
Hi all, I had my 12 week scan on 26 August, discovered mmc, baby had stopped developing around 5/6 weeks. Ended up having a natural m/c the next day (was already spotting and was progressively getting darker with more cramps the weekend before my scan).
Anyways bleeding stopped last Monday and spotting has got less each day.
Hpt has been getting lighter and had a proper squinty line last night. If I was testing for ttc purposes I wouldn't trust it as a line.
So we started dtd last night and Husbandface is really up for it every night until I get pregnant again apparently lol.
I've been having cramp pains on one side but they are a little more painful than ov usually is. I don't have any opks as found they never worked for me when I was ttc for my little monkey. Hoping things are just a bit more pronounced since the mc and will all settle down. Got the other ov symptoms too like bad headaches, wanting to drink lots of water etc.
So when should I use as my cut off point to test? 27th September as month after mc??
Hi jelly tots :wave: sorry about your loss. I'd say if you think you're oing now then you'd be able to test in 2 weeks. Good luck for this cycle, I'm also going for it before AF and am hopefully oing now.

Eliza that sucks your AF was a tough one, I have heard they can be messed up for a while after mc. I hope it's your last for the next 9 months.

I like the bauble idea, we bought one of those etched glass ones for dd it's adorable. For this baby I bought myself a ring with the due date birthstone in it (amethyst) I only wear my wedding and engagement ring so this is really special. I hope were all pregnant by Christmas too, I have to be pregnant by November otherwise I'd need to wait (holiday booked next September) who am I kidding, ill be gutted if I'm not pregnant in the next two weeks!

Literati I'm so sorry about the bfn, but don't give up hope yet! I really hope the :witch: stays away.
Hi Jelly - So sorry you find yourself here and so sorry for your loss:hugs: if you are O you will be able to test in two weeks as Annie says :happydance:

Eliza - My first AF kicked my ass - she was sooooo much heavier than I was used to - I think because of all the pain I'd already been through that my AF pain was mild in comparison I also got a headache (something I very rarely get) damn hormones:growlmad:

Literati - How are you today hun - hope she is staying away:happydance:

AFM - As you can see ladies my temps are still up, I've still got cramping and I woke up gagging this morning:wacko: so I did a cheapie and at the moment it is a squinter - of course I am not calling it a BFP yet as I know as well as the next person a lot can go wrong at this stage - but obviously I am also trying to remain optimistic that this is it:happydance:

I will try and post for you all to see:hugs:


Squint and you may see;) x


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Yay garfie :happydance: I definitely see something!!! I am so excited for you. Really hope this is it! Are you testing again tomorrow? How many dpo are you now?
Thanks Annie - Am I testing tomorrow - er let me think about that one:winkwink:

I am only 8DPO - so you can understand me being cautious - things have just felt off this month I have terrible cramping for days now and the temps are still up there.

I am hoping this is it - but also I have been through enough to realise anything can happen so for now I am cautiously pregnant:haha: sssssshhhhhh


Garfie - amazing news! At 8dpo even being able to see it on a pic is good! We really need a good BFP on this thread, i sooo hope it sticks! But don't stress if you're tests aren't getting darker over a few days, it can take ages and a bfp is a bfp! :happydance:

Welcome Jelly. Sorry you're here but glad you're here if you know what i mean. Fab your OH is ready for the challenge ahead. Are you temping at all? I'd have found it really hard to spot ov in the first cycle without opks and temping but so longas your just bding lots you'll be alright i'm sure!!

Literati have you tested again? Remember even at 13/14dpo a lot of people still don't get bfp's. You might just be one of them.

Celine :hugs: when is your next appointment? Your body is doing an amazing job keeping the tiny one safe, so sad :(

Annie how's the bding going?

AFM i'm feeling a bit more positive now.

I spent last night analysing and superimposing all my charts and although the chart for my pregnant cycle with my dd 2.5 years ago had very high temps, since ttc again this is my highest coverline, they've been slowly creeping up. I didn't however temp the month i got my last BFP. Anyway, my temps look like all my other cycles really so after googing causes and symptoms of progesterone deficiency for hours i'm starting to relax again now! Although i'm still not feeling very positive about this cycle.

At 6DPO i'm about to start symptom spotting so look out!!

In other news i got back from my trip to London to find my OH has decorated our new playroom! It's amazing, he's worked so hard. So i'm a happy mummy today xx
Jelly - sorry for your loss. Like everyone said, test in about two weeks and good luck this cycle.

Garfie - congrats on what looks like an early BFP!! Fingers crossed that this is it!!!

Looks like I will ovulate tomorrow so hoping everything lines up this month...
Yay Its A Wonder - hope you're cracking on!

I'm symptom spotting ALREADY. sore boobs but possibly not in the usual pre af way?? And i've been a bit icky and constipated today. I know it's all rubbish but it keeps me busy ;)

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