Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Literati you're at the exciting/scary bit of the cycle! When are you testing again? I had AF cramps and wetness with both my pregnancies. And the creamy cm is a good sign too ;)
At 25 you've got plenty of time for 4 bundles!!

I always wanted 2 but I can't bare the thought of the next one being my last, and I want to do something different to everyone else and I reckon I could handle a little brood! I'm only 33 though so I'm sure there's time for a couple more if I can persuade oh ;)

Celine my oh has never done nights or early mornings, in fact he did one night feed when I was literally vomiting!! I don't mind because he works long hours but I need him to appreciate it ;)
I don't talk a lot about my wanting 3 children but he knows and brings up why we shouldn't a lot! I suspect if we have another girl he'll consider it, although that's ridiculous because we'll probably end up with 3 girls! I'd like one more girl then a boy ideally. Oh how we dream!!

Penguin why do you think your cycles are struggling so much? How will the femara help? Even if I don't get my bfp this cycle I am so grateful to my body that it seems to have dealt with the mc and hormones so well. It's impressive after 12 weeks of pregnancy that my first cycle was 10 days longer than normal with perfect temps and ov, my lp was 1 day shorter than normal, and my ov came bang on time second cycle. I'd go crazy if it took long to regulate! Although I've been taking getting on for 20 supplements a day so I don't know if that's helping too?

Garfie any tests today?

Afm no symptoms but I am only 4dpo! Even I don't symptom spot this early :wacko: I do have an upset stomach but with all the supplements and pineapple it's not surprising!

How's everyone else doing?
Literati wetness and cm is a huge pg symtpom ;)

Btw is it just here in the netheralnds but dammit there are preggo bellies everuwhere i go!
Celine - Aw hun there are preggo bellys everywhere and soon it will be our turn :hugs:

Munchkin - I never really thought about kids I was a bit of a career girl but then I met a soldier - was told I couldn't have children (have endo) so that was the icing on the cake really :cry: and low and behold a few years after marriage I fell with Wills then shortly after that I fell with Josh (that was me done or so I thought:haha:) Ffwd to when Josh was 4 and I met my husband he was happy and so was I about him joining our unit and we had a if it happens it happens approach so we got married in 2011 and within a year we lost our baby:cry: then it just seemed to be a downward spiral from there on - testing, getting BFP, blood test, scans, DNC:cry::cry: we have of course had the chat - the one I hope you ladies are nowhere near - if it doesn't happen soon perhaps it's not meant to be - every month I push for a bit longer to try by indulging him in what he wants to do such as sky diving :haha:

Literati - I didn't understand what women were on about with the wetness - but oh yes this last pregnancy I was wet I had to wear panty liners:blush: so this sounds like a good sign for you:happydance:

Annie - Hope you are still busy:winkwink:

Penguin - Hope you get some answers soon hun :hugs:

Its a wonder - We went to Paris for our first anniversary (mind you we could hardly celebrate properly living in a caravan with two kids two dogs and a hamster) if you know what I mean:haha: so has he got any plans or is it top secret:happydance:

So ladies I appear to be the granny of the bunch:haha: well as you can see I have filled in my chart for you all to stalk - I wasn't sure whether it would mess everything up as I didn't take my temps at the beginning of the month, but as you can see FF has clearly detected O :)happydance:) and I appear to be 6DPO (so not far in front of Munchkin) FF has got a new test date of Thursday - hmmmmm do I listen????:winkwink:

Love to all the stalkers :flower:


I'm still using the opks and no sign of o! I just wonder if its already happened and I missed it, we started off dtd every other day then I got ill and we stopped for almost a week, probably my fertile week too! Now were back dtd but I just hope I didn't miss o, I want to at least be in with a shot this month! Plan of attack is to still use the opk every day but also do a hpt every Monday until I get a pos on something or AF shows!

Hubby and I want 3 babies, so third baby we'll just ntnp from birth of the next baby (though ill be breast feeding so probably won't conceive right away anyway)

I'm from Cumbria, the north west of England. Most people in this town have babies very early but for some reason my friends and I were late starters! I was the first at 26 to have a baby, then the next 2 were 27 & 28 and my friend who's pregnant now will be 29 when she has hers. There's 5 of us who just got married in the last 2 years so I suppose babies are just on the agenda now! I have another friend getting married in Cyprus next year, I'm booked to go with my husband, dd and the baby (I was pregnant when I booked), I need to get pregnant before November otherwise ill have to wait to ttc which would suck. I really want to go to this wedding though.
I can't wait for the testing to start literati, garfie and munchkin you are my entertainment for next week I hope we see some bfps in here!! And yes wetness is a massive pg sign!
Yay, I did my first opk at 12 today and got an almost positive! So I seduced dh and had some nap time action (we can only really dtd when Annie naps or is asleep so it was perfect timing if this is o day!) I've attached a pic, what do you think?


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Annie - His boys are lined up and ready for duty:haha:

I would say not quite - but every one knows what is positive for them:hugs:


Annie I'd take that as a positive if it was me, but test again tonight and see if it gets darker it lighter. Ov could well be in the next 24-48hrs. Yay!! Xxx
Munchkin - I plan on testing Monday. Only 2 more days!!!!! Wow. I'm glad those were signs for you when you were pregnant! I remember the 'wetness' from the last pregnancy, but I never had such noticeable cramps. Hmm! Who knows. But so far today no cramps yet.

You're definitely young enough to pop out a couple more yet! I hope you can change your hubby's mind. Let's hope for a girl this time so that he can be fooled into thinking you need to try again for a boy. ;)

Yeah, 4 DPO is pretty early for symptoms! I'm glad you're playing it cool so far, just eating pineapple! hhaha. I do hope your hubby appreciates that you always get up in the night! He should consider you a goddess for that! I have already made my husband promise to get up sometimes in the mornings so I can sleep in when he doesn't work. I know he'll do it, too. He is a very thoughtful husband and likes to get me surprise presents, wake up early and make me breakfast in bed, and he'll even go sleep on the couch if I am having trouble sleeping so I can sleep better. I think he knows what a monster I am with lack of sleep, so he probably figures helping me out with the baby in the night will be better for BOTH of us! :haha: Now, diaper changing on the other hand... :wacko:

Celine - Woohoo! I hope it is a good sign!

Um, yep, everyone here is pregnant too! I noticed especially all summer. i think it's because some of the most common due dates are Aug/Sept/Oct so makes sense we'd notice a lot of big round bellies around this time. Sorry it's making you feel awful. :( :hugs:

Garfie - Thanks for sharing a bit of your story! It's so nice that you and your husband want a child together now, but so sad that you've started to have to have "the talk." I really hope it all works out. Have you seen a fertility specialist at all?

Wow, 6DPO already! I am so confused because I was totally lost on where your cycle was! I'm glad I have some idea now. ;)

And thanks! I really hope last night was a good sign.

Annie - YAY! I'm so glad you got an (almost) positive OPK! Personally, sometimes a line like that is the darkest I get before I ovulate, so that could be your positive! And if it's an almost positive, it means you might have one extra day to BD, so that's great. Either way, you have a great chance for this month! So great that your daughter napped so you were able to dtd!
I'm confused now, my 4pm opk was another dark negative, this is the same as what I had the other day. So does that mean the surge could have been last night and I missed it? I hope I did ovulate at some point anyway! If I ovulate tomorrow my due date would be 1st June, our wedding anniversary. Cute!

I second seeing the bumps everywhere, it sucks. Those pregnant bumps will be us next year, it has to be!

So what's everyone up to this weekend? Annie's just been put to bed so were waiting on an Indian and about to watch some breaking bad. Then maybe DTD if I can seduce hubby again :haha:
Annie, you might have ovulated sometime early morning and caught the end of the surge. Either way, if you BD early enough today you shouldn't miss it.
So ladies this is where we are on Saturday 7th September. Literati is testing soon and there are lots of us testing in the next week and a half so exciting times for some of us. As always if I've missed anyone out or got it wrong let me know. Love you all xx

Celine - waiting to mc :cry:

Literati - 12dpo

Garfie - 6dpo

Munchkin - 4dpo

CJJM - 3dpo

Anniebobs - ov day! :happydance:

Itsawonder - cd11 waiting for ov

Elizabean - cd4

Penguin - cd1 again :(
Looks good to me. Thanks munchkin! I did stop bleeding today, had some brownish spotting this morning and nothing today. I took an OPK this am and noticed my test line is almost as dark as the reference line. Hmmm. I haven't tested in like 3 days cuz there was no test line before, so....maybe its an O and not cd2?
Yes I had bleeding quite close to ov this month, like cd12 I think? And it was proper blood. Keep an eye on toss opks hon x
Muchkin - thanks for keeping this list going - I don't know how you keep up. I am cd 11 today. The only digitals I could get recently are the one that have a blinking smiley before the solid smiley. It was blinking this morning so I will keep you all posted.

Penguin- I hope the meds work for you.

I will reread everyone's stories soon so I catch everything but:

Celine - you will get your number three. At least what you have gone through has gotten DH on board and he will be stoked when all finally works if your favor.

Annie - that OPK looked pretty good to me. As someone else said it could have been that you caught the end of your surge. Hope it works out.

Garfie - 6 dpo already - that's great!! Hope you tww goes by quickly.

Re: our anniversary. We have a really busy weekend with work for DH and helping with a race for me. On the day of our anniversary we will probably go to dinner at a restaurant that we love. The chef/owner cooked for our wedding. Other than that not much. We are not big celebrators. Usually people here travel during off seasons (fall and spring) so we will probably go on a vacation in October or November and will celebrate more then. I think we will head to the desert to go mt. biking/hiking/camping.
Thanks for doing a list again, Munchkin! It helps so much to see everyone's progress in a list like that. I should just clarify that, while my chart claims I am 11DPO, I do still believe I am 12DPO. My stupid chart changed it on me and it never changed back, but I really think I'm right (and if I'm not...whatever...I like seeming further along)! :)

Penguin - That is so weird that now you have a +opk. Your body is sooo confusing! Better get BDing!
Most of that list is waiting on good, woohoo exciting times in the next few weeks :)

Me - still no bleeding, the other night i had a dream that i gave birth to a baby boy and last nighti dremt i started to mc but i had this long umbellical corn coming out? So its def on my mind. Going out Sat night with girlies and looking forward to drinking and having a good old naughty time while i still can :) i do hope we all have our bfps by christmas. Oh and last night i made sushi cos i can! And drank some wine, things i will miss eventually :)

Hope you all having a gd weekend, looking forward to testng week with literati! Tx for doing the lost munchkin
Itsawonder - the anniversary idea sounds lovely, nice to keep it low key and personal. As oh and I aren't married we don't have an anniversary as such but we like to mark the 7th October when we met. I think it's 7 years this year! I've changed your cd x

Penguin how are you? Any more bleeding or ate you on ov watch now?

Literati - I've changed your date too. We all want to be as far along as we can. My mw gave me a due date 3 days off what I thought it was in my last pregnancy and I got very annoyed and made her change it!! Come on , when are you testing??

Celine it sounds like you're doing amazingly, how brave you are! I saw the pics of your sushi, looks amazing, wish I was that clever!! When do you have your next appointment?

AFM I am feeling less positive this month. My temps are rubbish, just hovering on the coverline and after the first half of my cycles temps being such a mess I'm not feeling good about this month now.

I also posted a thread about how you'd announce your rainbow baby especcially on Facebook whilst still acknowledging your angel baby? I was waiting til 12 weeks to put my pregnancy on Facebook so never did as I lost at 12 weeks and id announce the next pregnancy after my 12 week scan too. How could you do it posituvely whilst letting everyone know the journey you've been on, how it should've been sooner etc??.
Now I'm depressed :( just asked ff to find charts that match my pre and post ov temps, ov day and cover line, and only 9% resulted in pregnancy. Boo :(
Munchkin thanks for doing a list again - I forget where everyone is unless they've just said it! Have you been accurate with your temps this month? I know you get up with the baby so unless its the same time every day you can't rely on that too much, plus so long as AF isn't here you're still in! I was 13 weeks and showing so a lot of people knew I was pregnant, I was at a christening with a lot of our friends at 12 weeks so it was hard to keep it a secret. I never announced on Facebook but think next time ill announce around 20 weeks, if I can keep quiet!

It's a wonder hope o shows for you soon, we could be testing around the same time!

This mornings test was a definite positive I reckon, what do you think? I wonder if my afternoon tests are a bit crap because I drink a lot of water, whereas in the morning I can manage to get quite dark pee!


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