Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

I think dh is working from home tomorrow, i have a girlie night planned for sat and i plan on drinking my sorrows away! Ill just take it easy and take the paracetomol as needed. It is a sigh of relief more than sadness.
Ok no fancy knickers! Ve already brought down my sexy lingeree from my bridal shower years ago for when my mum leaves woohoo.
Literati - sorry you think you are out but I hope that's not the case.

Garfie - I agree with Munchkin - you are only 9 dpo. It could easily be the urine concentration. Fingers crossed that it was a true positive!

Celine - hang in there. I remember reading that parsley tea can bring on AF, I wonder if it can do the same for m/c. It causes the uterus to contract. Maybe try reading up on it online. I don't think it can harm you in any way. Same with Raspberry Leaf tea.

Munchkin - One week to go! I always feel like the second week goes by more slowly than the first but, hang in there. You will know soon!

Penguin - how are things going with you? Have you been able to catch up with your doctor?

Jelly tots - great attitude. Keep us posted!

Annie - any progress?

On my end - ovulation should occur today. Not temping anymore so won't back it up but, it has always come the day after I get a negative afternoon OPK. We bd every other day from cd 6, 8, 11 (skipped 10 b/c we were tired) 12, 13 and 14. Typically try not to bd 4 days in a row but got my positive OPK in the AM of CD12. Wearing my rose quartz and moonstone today and hoping they bring some fertile vibes! Also went for acupuncture last night.

Doing a remodel on our house so trying not to stress about that. Kitchen paint is done, bathroom almost done, tile and casing ripped out, bathroom vanity, counter top and cabinets installed. Still need to finish ripping out kitchen cabinets, install the new ones, cut and install new casing, tile the entry way, have the counter top installed in kitchen, paint the living room etc. Luckily our place is really small or this project would be a lot more daunting!
Itsawonder post before and after pics! We did our kitchen thismpast Feb, should make the tww fly by!

Me - im having an aweful time with thenkids, after last night being up every 1-2 hours last night they were monsters today, tonight both refusee lasagne :( fought me tooth and nail, little girl being such a brat and i lost it and they are bith in bed early! I think little man is snoring aready, they are both still knackered from busy weekend and busy Monday afternoon birthday party. Still they were both so mean :(

Lucky for me i can have a glass of wine!
Oh celine it sounds like you are doing so well. Children are infuriating sometimes, especcially when you're struggling. My dd has been really hard work today, really clingy and whingeing, and she was so hungry when I was cooking dinner I have her a packet of mini cheddars which pretty much was all she are for dinner ! Bad mummy. How is the bleeding now? How are you feeling xx
Just a quick check in before bed how are things celine BIG :hugs:


Garfie - Your chart and symptoms still seem super hopeful. I bet you'll get a clearer BFP tomorrow!

Celine - Sorry to hear that you are still in this waiting game but it is positive that it appears to be starting naturally. I hope you're doing okay, emotionally. A girls' night sounds very good for you. I hope you can make it until then! Also sorry that your kids were being troublesome today. :(

Munchkin - Did your coverline suddenly change? Your chart is looking quite good now. I am feeling hopeful for you! This had better be your month! Although, I will be a bit jealous if it is. :blush:

ItsaWonder - Thanks, but I'm out for sure now. AF arrived today. Blech. Hopefully next month...

Sounds like your BD timing is amazing this month...so good luck finishing off that marathon and then enduring the TWW!

So, as I said to IAW, AF officially started this morning. :( I knew for sure I was out because of my temp drop and testing, so that sort of helped ease me into the disappointment. Obviously it really sucks and now I feel like I am infertile since we had our timing perfect and I just don't get it. I don't get why there's only a 20% chance of getting pregnant every month. It just ISN'T RIGHT! And I'm about ready to snap! I had an absolutely horrific day at work and I spent most of the day crying in my office, so that was awful. I just want to be pregnant and go on mat leave already. That way I can finally have my baby and ALSO not have to be at crappy work for a year. :(
<3literati im so sorry for af :( its so frustrating, i keep trying to block out that i should be having my gender scan this month its killer. I dont even go there in my mind as it just hurts.

Munchkin good to know im not alone with frustrating kids! I love them to death but last night was so bad! Oh and i agree your chart is looking good...hope you can hold out haha before testing :)

Garfie good luck cant wait to hear about todays test :)

Me - im excited to start counting today as cd1. The bleeding is not shy, there are lotsbof tiny clots. Im confident ill pass the sac etc by tonight. I cant help but try to work out my edd if today is cd1 (tryng not to!) of course i dont know when ill ov but looking forward to pos after the bleeing. Also ive just gotten oregnant two cycles in a row...its chancy to think it will happen so soon again.
Hi Garfie. Sorry you didn't wake up to a glaring bfp thus morning but remember you're only 9dpo!! It's still stupid early and the bfp yesterday might have just been more concentrated urine than today and you'll get a better bfp tomorrow. It takes 48 hrs for levels to double x

I have my fingers crossed for you Garfie :baby:

Oh poor you :( although with what your body's going through I'm not surprised you're run down. I had the worst cold ever after my miscarriage, I think it was due to mental and physical stress and not sleeping well.

I had an awful cold too after my MC, I wonder if that is something that has ever been researched or looked into? I was so miserable, I called it the man flu!

Ok i wont need medical intervention, looks like mc is startng on its own yeay, never thought id be this excited at the thought of blood. No spotting ( well im wearng like hot pink underwear so!) but when i wiped i got full on pinky so its starting at last!
I'm glad you have some signs of moving forward Celine. Remember we ar all here for you :hugs:

So, as I said to IAW, AF officially started this morning. :( I knew for sure I was out because of my temp drop and testing, so that sort of helped ease me into the disappointment. Obviously it really sucks and now I feel like I am infertile since we had our timing perfect and I just don't get it. I don't get why there's only a 20% chance of getting pregnant every month. It just ISN'T RIGHT! And I'm about ready to snap! I had an absolutely horrific day at work and I spent most of the day crying in my office, so that was awful. I just want to be pregnant and go on mat leave already. That way I can finally have my baby and ALSO not have to be at crappy work for a year. :(

Literati, I am so sorry this wasn't your month.
That was me a week ago, down to the crying in my office, its the absolute worst.

I honestly feel like my body betrays me every month by not conceiving, then gives me a horrible AF just to spite me.

What do you do for work?
OOH, and I meant to say hi to Jelly Tots, I'm sorry for your loss and that you had to join us here, but welcome :hugs:
Wow celine you sound amazingly positive! The only thing to do is look forward. And actually you might not have lost any time, you may still not be pregnant after your first miscarriage so maybe this was a practice run for your real rainbow? I also know you probably don't feel as positive as you're telling us but that's ok x hope the bleeding is what it should be today. Will you have a scan to check everything's gone? I know just what you mean about wirking out due dates etc, i even worked out mine before i went into hosputal for the miscarriage! positive thinking. will you try again straight away? X

Garfie any news?

Literati so sorry AF came. And yes I totally understand. You think you've done everything right and in any other part of life you'd get the results you deserve from all that hard work! So it stinks when you still don't get the 'prize' at the end. And yes I get the work thing. If I hadn't had my first misvarriage I could've stopped in November!! BUT when we do get our rainbow babies we'll be thinking 'if I'd have had the first baby I'd be back at work by now and I get another x months off. Yay'.
Your time will come and if you look at FFs stats, there are far more bfps post miscarriage so the odds are in our favour. And now you're looking at a June baby. How cool would that be?? But yes it's rubbish :(
AFM I've had a bit of a nose bleed today and lots of cramps yesterday (although they could be from my dd jumping on me and making me do sit ups. Lol!)

Celine My chart is totally screwed! I got rid of my cd15 temp which lowered my coverline to where it is now so it started looking better. Then I realised my settings were still on research instead of advanced as it should be then when I changed it it doesn't even recognise ovulation. So I changed it back to research and then today I added today's temp, a little higher than the others, and it changed my ov day from cd16 to cd18! So I've now manually set my ov day and coverline. Screw fertility friend! X
Hi all, hope those waiting to test are okay and time isn't going too slowly.

Celine hope you are okay, huge hugs and fabulous you are soo positive still.

Literati so sorry af came, fx for this next cycle.

Garfie hope your okay and the lines will get darker for you. Could indeed be concentration coupled with only being a few days early to test properly iykwim

Sorry if missed anyone out

Afm, well had an early night last night (as in went to bed at 9pm after bake off) I felt horrendous like a bad cold/virus or something was coming, still feel a bit crap this morning.
Hoping it was ov this week as had the most awful dream, I had just moved house so boxes were everywhere and was unpacking then the next minute I was being rushed to hospital for a c-section when I was saying I wanted my home birth. Woke up sweating.
Plan to test end of next week and then every couple of days til af comes.
Just thought if we do conceive in the next few weeks they will be due around monkeys birthday :/ still that's not a hugely bad thing, they can have a joint party lol. Well me and my sister had to and there was a month between our birthdays.
Oh and I've just changed it to fertility awareness method and my ov and cl are right where I think they should be. I feel like I cheated a bit though but I'm sure I'm right about ov day and cl so I don't care!
nothing like tweaking your chart to make it look better. If it makes you feel more hopeful then that's fine.
Glad it's looking better now. All these modes are confusing to me I just keep it on whatever its set at, although might have to make up a new email address so can get the 30 day free upgrade to tell me all that extra stuff. Think will have to get a new thermometer as I'm feeling left out of the chart hoo ha....eBay here i come lol
nothing like tweaking your chart to make it look better. If it makes you feel more hopeful then that's fine.
Glad it's looking better now. All these modes are confusing to me I just keep it on whatever its set at, although might have to make up a new email address so can get the 30 day free upgrade to tell me all that extra stuff. Think will have to get a new thermometer as I'm feeling left out of the chart hoo ha....eBay here i come lol

Yes I don't know why it's being so rubbish this month. I think it's because my pre ov temps were so crazy for no reason! I don't always temp, in over 3 years of charting I think I've only temped properly 5 months. But after this misvarriage I really want to know what my body's doing, I don't think I'd trust it at all without temping. But it gives you another thing to obsess about which might be bad!!
I really hope you ov'd and you caught the eggy. Testing will be crazy not knowing what dpo you are but eventually you've either got to get AF or bfp!! Xxx
Something else to obsess over can be a good thing lol, stops me whinging at oh about lack of symptoms or otherwise lol.

Aye, I've never charted much either then the one time I decided not to I fell pregnant straight away. the first cycle after is always hard, whether it be after birth or mc. As at the time you don't think about tracking so pointless halfway through to begin properly. Plus such mixed reviews in whether its so many days after passing the baby or so many days after stopping bleeding or getting that first -ve test.
Just glad I've got 30+ ic's sitting in my drawer ready for the mad poas addiction I'm likely to have very soon :) x
Jelly tota the is 2 weeks 2 days between my kids birthdays and i made them a joint party this year (and if i conceive in this or next cycle ill have 3 summer babies!)
Well Ladies

Tested this morning - deff BFN - so now I wait :coffee::coffee::coffee:

Hope I'm not waiting 7weeks like last time :growlmad:

Of course to keep up this thread tradition I will test in the morning when I will be 11DPO - it's just my temps are still quite high that is what is giving me a glimmer of hope:dohh:

Celine - Hun I hope you are okay today and the discomfort was manageable:hugs:

Munchkin - Wow now your chart looks good, a nose bleed can be an early sign of pregnancy did you know that (of course you did:haha:)

Jelly - Can't wait until we can start obsessing over your ICs - it makes the tww go much quicker:happydance: I also had a dream about a c-section the night before last - I was in hospital and was watching one being performed and I was next but had the flattest tummy you ever saw:wacko: (haven't had one of them for a while:haha:) Also another of my weird dreams was I was taking my temp and the thermometer just kept going up and up and up:haha: so is pregnancy on my mind - it must be:winkwink:

Liter - Sorry she got you - I will probably be joining you soon BIG :hugs:

Love to all the other ladies, today I will crack on with some housework and prepping my avon books as tomorrow is my day for work:happydance: what are you ladies up to?:hugs:


Oh Garfie sorry it's another bfn but with my dd I got a bfn at 10dpo and then bfp at 13dpo and your temps look fab!! No reason to not stay big fat positive!

Yes I know nosebleeds are an early pregnancy sign :haha: and honest I haven't been googling 'nosebleed 8dpo' all morning! :dohh: but the cause of nosebleeds is increased blood pressure and surely at 8dpo even if you were pregnant your blood pressure wouldn't have changed?? Anyway onwards and upwards in symptom spotting world!!

Today it's "are my nipples looking darker?"

"Are my boobs a different shape?"

"I've only had 1 cup of tea, should I really need to pee this badly?"

"Is my cm usually this much at this stage?"

"Am I usually thus hungry just after breakfast?"

"Am I feeling nauseous??"

And the list goes on!! And it's only 9.17am :wacko:
Haha i love the sympton spotting!
Garfie your temps are too fab for you to give up hope already xxx although it would be fab to have so many of us bee cycle buddies this mnth ;)

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