Morning Ladies
Another BFN
so I guess it must just be the progesterone that is keeping my temps up and my AF away - maybe I should face facts its not my month
My symptoms last night were very strong - but again was that due to the progesterone? - I felt sick whilst sleeping a few times it woke me up I took a deep breath and then went back to sleep again. Had some very vivid dreams that I kept returning to despite waking. Woke a few times in the night as explained. Hubby moved to the spare room again
I have been on the progesterone for 5 nights now - I thought side effects didn't kick in until a week
this is my first month taking them properly
What do you ladies think - anyone know anything about progesterone, should I just keep testing?
Munchkin - Wow hun that's a positive in itself - I only have the FF free if I knew then what I know now I might have paid for a years subscription
your symptoms also sound great - so when is testing day for you?
Celine - I agree it is personal choice whether to try straight away or wait, we had a NTNP the first month after our DNC - but I was unable to keep it up for long (even this month I was only scribbling my temps down) I soon had to have them on my chart
I'm with Munchkin on a date night - we don't get out nearly enough - usually a date night for us means a bottle of
and one of us falling asleep on the couch
during a movie
Jelly - I would say you are covered hun - the one's before I have always found have been the most important, usually 4 days before has been fine for me - this time we had plenty of
on holiday but that came to an abrupt end when the kiddies got back
we managed a sneaky one on O so I really don't know if that was enough for us
Annie - Must be something in the air - all of us are having sleepless nights - I woke up far to many times last night
Liter - PMA is what all us ladies have at the beginning of our TWW then as time goes on our PMA goes down the plug hole - that is why we have each other to put the plug back in for us and so restore our PMA
IAW - It can be fun when you are the only one who can recall the antics of your drunk colleagues the next day - even better when you are sat stroking your belly and thinking bless em I used to be just the same