Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Haha munchkin love the symptom spotting! I had nosebleeds from very early to about 6 weeks when I was pregnant with DD. And I never get nosebleeds so take it as a good sign!

Literati I'm so sorry you're out this month, it sucks that we only have a 20% chance each month. Like munchkin said you do everything right and then the odds are it'll still be a bfn. But it's a fresh start and one day closer to your bfp.

Celine you do seem so positive I really hope the bleeding will be over for you soon. Enjoy the wine while you can!

Garfie boo for the bfn but with the mc I got a bfn at 11dpo and bfp at 13dpo, with dd my very faint bfp was at 12dpo so I still feel positive you'll get yours this month! Your temps look great.

Eliza what's your plan of attack this month? Are you still doing the ferning thing? When's o expected?

Jelly tot I hope you did o, fingers crossed we'll both get bfps at the end of next week!

Hope I didn't miss anyone...

As for me, nothing that I'd call a symptom yet but it's too soon anyway. Throwing myself into work so I'm keeping my mind off babies, I just want to be pregnant!! My best friend had her scan this morning, she's 12 1/2 weeks pregnant now. Im happy for her but just wish I was 17 weeks like I was supposed to be.
Sweiously! Wehn i found i was preg a sexond time in july a friend was posting all over fb that she was 6/7 weeks...every frikken week she posts updates and how she feels etc. Today i am being bombarded on fb with her 3d scan of pics from every angle.

For real. I was never that flaunty
Eurgh celine you just don't need that. Remember she probably doesn't understand the pain of loss, and hopefully she won't, but if she did she'd be far more sensitive. Just try and separate yourself. That's her story, this is yours. And I'm sure overall you'd rather be on yours ! X
Oh Celine that's all you need :hugs: delete / hide her!
Celine - Block her for now - if it's too painful for you to see her status :hugs:

I did that a while ago me and another girl on my FB (she bought some kids toys off me) so not really a friend - but she added me:growlmad:

I'm not kidding you I read every whinge, every moan, every gripe she went through saw every scan pic (I was a week ahead of her) before I lost my baby number 2:cry: and I tell you it was a good job we had moved away from her town and away from the work shy slut (3 children to 3 different daddies, baby number 4 another daddy) or else I would have ended up cracking her one at that time!!:haha:

Now I like to think I could handle things a bit better - but you know what if I saw someone whinging again on my FB how I'm getting fat, nothing fits me etc I would block them too!!!!:haha:

So ladies I have decided I will test up until 14DPO and then if nothing I will go to the Docs - I have a plan now :happydance:

Munchkin - I never got nose bleeds - but one of my early signs was sneezing all to do with the blood vessels thinning in your nose - to help with your nose bleed I read you can put lip balm up there - does it work? - I don't know - maybe you can tell us:hugs:


Garfie I think you are duffed, I was just comparing your chart with last months and your temps had already dropped by this time last month. I can't wait for the next few days tests!
:rofl: "Duffed" - Annie oh wow let's hope you are right, if my temps were lower I wouldn't be so excited:happydance:

I've never had them this high or consistent as I had a "maybe" test at 8DPO I put myself on my progesterone suppositories - so maybe this is why my temps are so high:shrug:

Although the other month when I used it (before baby died) it made absolutely no difference - just symptoms were more pronounced:shrug:

Confused muchly


Literati - so sorry you have been down. 20% is bullshit, I know. All I can tell myself is it's better to let any bad eggs shed each month because if they did fertilize, we would most likely miscarry again. Hang on until everything is healthy.

1 year Maternity Leave, really??? We get 12 weeks unpaid time off maximum.

Elizabean - where are you at in your cycle?

Garfie -your chart does look good....

Munchkin - hang in there. You will be testing soon!

Celine - I hope things progress quickly for you so you can try again as soon as you are ready.

AFM - dpo1. Of course, during my TWW I have a dinner to go to with investors of my husband's restaurant and they will be opening amazing wines and 3 weddings to attend. Will be worth not drinking if I get a positive at the end. :)
Garfield I've been sneezing lots too! OH joked I had hay fever yesterday (I never get it but slightly make fun of his!) oh no, more symptom spotting :(
Rushed to hospital with huge blood loss, was scary but home now, didnt want to stay over night. Blood loss slowed down, im on bedrest. Might need d&c tomorrow, hospital will call tomorrow to chat about it. :(
Aww celine I hope you're ok, as you know that's what happened to me. After everything, the surgery wasn't that bad. I was just glad for it to all be over and not to have any more pain. Let us know how you get on tomorrow
So sorry Celine. That happened to me as well. We kept thinking it was over but I ended up in the hospital a few times. My doc and I were hoping it would stop on it's own. Like Annie, I also ended up having surgery. It was quick and easy and I felt 1,000 times better after. 30 minutes of cramping and that was it. I took it easy for a few days to be safe. It's not harmful to your body (I used to work in the field and have assisted in close to 10,000 procedures. Please let me know if you have any questions.)
Celine - Thanks. :( AF really sucks. And that is so hard that you would have been having your gender scan already. :( It is so tiring to watch the time pass when you know you would have been hitting a new milestone.

Congrats on starting on CD1! I hope you can get pregnant again right away. Very sorry to hear you were in the hospital with so much bleeding. That must have been unpleasant. Let us know if you need the D&C and hopefully all goes well. :hugs: Hang in there...this will all be over before you know it.

Elizabean - Thanks. It is too bad you can relate so well, but it is comforting to know you understand. I think I have had a similar thought before about it seeming like my body is trying to spite me with terrible AFs. I know my uterus gets VERY, VERY angry when I don't get it pregnant! :haha:

I am a Technical Writer. I like what I do, but lately my workplace and co-workers themselves have really made it a very unpleasant place to be.

Munchkin - Thanks. Yeah, my due date would now be June 17th. I made a list today of all the perks of a June due date. It is getting pathetic how much I want this and can't stop thinking about it. I really hope this is my month. Your nosebleed and cramps sound like great pregnancy signs. I hope this is it for you! So weird about FF messing with your charts. I'm glad you've tweaked it back into submission! :haha:

By the way, have you officially stopped working altogether yet? I know you wanted to give your babysitter notice and all that.

Also - your list of symptom spotting thoughts made me laugh! Love it!

Jelly - Thanks. Sorry you're not feeling well and that you had a bad dream. I really hope you can conceive right away and have some happy things to dream about again. It isn't too too bad to have your children's birthdays close together. It is a good point that a joint party can make things easy. :)

Garfie - I can't believe you're stuck with BFNs now. But your chart really does look amazing, so maybe that line is just shy. I'm sure it will show up soon!

Annie - Thanks. The odds really do suck but I'll try not to let them get me down. I am sorry that you aren't where you're supposed to be. It's hard when friends reach those milestones that you should have already passed or been going through yourself.

IAW - Yeah, I know I'm blessed here with our 1-year mat leaves. My workplace is require to give me that long of a leave of absence, unpaid. Then, if I have worked enough hours (which I have), I can apply for employment insurance and they supplement part of my income for me. It's not a lot, but it definitely is the only way I would survive. I can't imagine only having 12 weeks like you. I would have to quit my job! I want to breastfeed for the full year and there's no way I could do that with a full-time job!

It is true that I don't want the bad eggs to fertilize. I want my body to at least wait til a really healthy one drops. But, is it too much to ask that that healthy one should drop this month? :shrug:

Welcome to the TWW and I hope all your not-drinking is worth it!
I thought after a d&c its best to wait a cycle? Im so confused :(
Celine the only reason they say to wait a cycle is so they can date it, that's the reason they gave here in Scotland when I went into hospital for the same reasons. The midwife said I could try straight away no problems.

Garfie your chart looks good and the fact the suppositories are giving you a different reaction is a good thing too from what I'm reading. Getting excited for you. When are you next going to test?

It'sawonder fx for this new cycle, always the way when tww lands. Sodsaw unfortunately. I'm sure it will be worth it and you get the most fabulous bfp when you test.

Literati there will be plenty of good eggys there just waiting patiently and I'm sure it will be one of them next.
Just popping in Ladies before I go to work:haha:

Celine - I hope everything goes smoothly for you hun :hugs:

AFM - Another BFN - what is going on, will test tomorrow of course with a cheapie:winkwink:

Have a lovely day ladies


Tx ladiew, im still home, no d&c required unless the bleeding comes back, but i bled hardcore for almost 2 hours yesterday and when i passed the sac while i was on the loo after that the bleeding slowed down, maybe it was my body just trying to rid itself of that?
Poor hubby checked on me every hour last night frightened id bleed to death but seriously the blood loss is so minimal compared to yesterday. Bedrest for me :)

The hospital did mention that my next period may be heavier and to expect that...will call my usual mw to ask about ttc...i dont want to wait..if my body does this naturally again i see no reason why.
I bled and bled and bled, needed an injection to stop the bleeding and an ERCP to get the last bits out.

I managed to speak to the consultant and her whole team during ward round and specifically asked "Is there any physiological reason why I can't TTC straight away? Is there research that supports waiting a cycle?". She said her advice is to wait a cycle to come to terms with the miscarriage, but that there is no physical reason why you can't start trying straight away.
Hey ladies,

Celine - hope you're resting well and feeling a bit better. I researched extensively after my mc and all i could find as a reason to wait was for dating purposes or emotional reasons. If your body isn't ready it won't get pregnant, that's the way i see it. In the olden days when people didn't even know they were having miscarriages it would have just been a very very heavy very late period and they wouldn't think anything of carrying on marital relations. ALso you have now already been pregnant in the first cycle after a miscarriage and quite correctly you're not blaming the mc on that. One of the main quesitons i asked myself when i was trying before AF was if i'd blame a subsequent mc on trying too soon. I say if you're happy go for it.

Garfie - rubbish BFN's but your chart still looks fab! I didn't get a bfp with my dd til 13dpo and it can be lots later!

Literati - keep up the PMA!!

AFM i'm totally feeling preggers but i know how much by body tricks me EVERY month so i'm trying to ignore it all, alternating with overthinking all my symptoms so basically i'm going crackers!

Symptoms today include....

Breast pain
Tiredness (although i was up v early and twice in the night to pee - another symptom!)
I'm dead thirsty and peeing lots even when i've not drunk much.
Feeling nauseous (although that could be because i'm tired)
Woke up with a sore throat and stuffy nose.
Still hungry after breakfast, empty stomach feeling.

But as i say pretty much every month i dont' think i can possibly not be 'duffered' :haha: I feel so pregnant!!

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