Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Jelly i think lots of babies are conceived on a diet of alcohol! And lots of girls i know went out on a big drinking session just before they found out they were pregnant! I reckon it helps!! I drank wine til 7DPO this month just so i'd end up being pregnant to spite myself!
Thanks IAW. The other chart was from when i was pregnant with my DD!
Oh and IAW i'm so sorry about your event :( must be horrid to have to do that. Next year you'll probably have a baby in your arms for the event though. But i know that doesn't help this year.
I hope so Munchkin - thanks! Just have this down feeling to day like it will never happen.
Eurgh i'm finally home! I've been feeling rubbish all day. So praying it's because i'm 'duffered' but probably just sleep deprivation. Although i've got really itchy boobs and in fact itchy skin generally now. Symptom??
evening all

iaw - it will happen chick, unfortunately for some it just takes time. there is still time so dont give up hope yet.

not sure munchkin, i think ive seen a few people mention being itchy as a symptom. itchy boobs defo, but not sure about everyone else.
Munchkin - Your chart DEFINITELY looks triphasic, and that is an excellent sign. I also had a triphasic sign with my BFP. And I believe itchy boobs *is* a symptoms. My co-worker had that before she even found out she was pregnant.

Jelly - Exciting that you might have Oed already! I think there's no point BDing tonight if you Oed on Thursday. You probably have it covered, especially with your Wednesday BD.

Annie - I hope that pregnancy dream is a sign. I can't wait til you can test!

Garfie - That really sucks about your continued BFNs. You still have a chance but idk if maybe the progesterone is keeping AF away. It's definitely possible. Do you have a medical reason to take the progesterone? Maybe you should try going off of it for a couple days. And, yes, PMA definitely goes downhill by the end. :(

Celine - Sorry you didn't get your date night and are having so much cramping. I hope you start feeling like your normal self soon. I hope you get a date night tonight or this weekend instead! Also, I really hope you're managing okay emotionally. You are being SO brave and strong getting through this. :hugs:

IAW- That is awful that you are supposed to attend an event to celebrate the pregnant ladies...when YOU should be one. That is so awful. Reading that made me mad.

I'm in a bloody terrible mood at the moment. I had to waste my lunch break helping my husband with his resume. That is the last thing I wanted to do in the middle of my workday. I hate working. I am so grouchy. I hate everything. I want to scream! This better be my BFP month. I'm SO done with this crap.
Literati I'm not surprised you're grumpy, I would be too. Are you looking for a new job at all? Is oh job hunting? Has AF stopped now?

Celine how are you? How's the bleeding?

Jelly - dud you manage another bd? I don't think it'll metter anyway. Yay for being post ovulation!

Garfie - any news?? When is AF due ?

Annie what dpo are you now? When are you testing? I really need to do another list!

It's a wonder - are you feeling any more positive today?

AFM I had another rubbish nights sleep and some horrid dreams about my dd dying and being in hospital having operations. I'm very grateful for early morning snuggles in front of cbeebies today! I woke to pee 3 times last night and woke to stabbing pains in my boobs too. I've also got a sore throat again thus morning and generally feel rubbish!
My chart is still triphasic too.

I feel like I could be pregnant but I've been so sure before and got bfns so I really don't feel like I can trust myself any more.

I nearly caved and tested this morning but I want it to be definitive when I test, not a squinted or a bfn that could turn bfp or vice versa. By my last cycle (lp was 11days) I'm due AF tomorrow but by my normal cycles I'm not due til Tuesday. We'll see if I can hold out!
Munchkin you can hold out on the weekend you can do it!
Thanks celine. I'm gettin quite stressed now! I think it's sleep deprivation but i'm feelng so irritable. It's probably just PMS. I hate hate hate waiting!
Waiting sucks! Waitng for ov then tww waiting then waiting thru first tri...

Btw yet another person announced on fb that shes preggo!

Just quickly popping in - as I'm off to see about a special centre for Wills - so he can meet people with the same condition as him:cry:

As you can see from my chart - looks like she is on the way - would expect her within a few days:cry: unless by some miracle my temps shoot up tomorrow I will stop the progesterone tomorrow:dohh:

I am on progesterone as a last ditch attempt to keep a baby (under the specialist) - I've had 5 m/c all unexplained even the last one where they took the baby away for examination - baby was perfect just like it was sleeping:sleep:

I will check back in later :hugs:


Garfie sorry about your temp dip. It's probably not looking good but you're not out til the :witch: shows. But your lp was good, your post ov temps were lovely so your body obviously knows what it's doing, just needs the right egg. Although that doesn't help right now :cry:
So sorry about your mcs too. How awful to go through all that. Something's got to work fir you and at least the consultants have a plan x

Celine sorry about your friend on Facebook :(

I was so tired and ratty I've come back to bed for a couple of he's whilst dd sleeps. Oh is now in a Mard because he wanted me to help with decorating, which I will later but if I'd have tried now I'd have probably chucked the paint at him! I'm now terrified my symptoms are all in my mind, it's happened so many times. There are inky a few solid things different about this cycle, my temps, my insomnia and my stabbing boob pain. It's so scary though, I could just be imagining all of it or convincing my body to behave like this because I want it so much :(
Munchkin if you've added me on fb you arevery likely to get a bfp, its a huge sumptom haha
Celine - that sucks about fb announcements but great sense of humor telling Munchkin to friend you. Got a good chuckle with that one. How are you feeling today?

Literati - I say if you want to scream go scream. Sometimes it just feels good. I go for drives and get it all out.

Muchkin - itchy skin and nipples are a great sign. When I was pg my nipples were very sensitive - they hurt when I first took my bra off. All of those symptoms are due to an increase in blood pressure.

Garfie - sorry for your temp dip

Thanks Jelly and all of you ladies for your kind words about coping with this week. I do feel much better today. Went for a good ride yesterday and will try to get some more exercise today. Have a wedding to attend tonight as well which should be a blast. Going to dance the night away!
Munchkin - Thanks. Sorry for my little temper tantrum but it was just a bad moment for me...and everyone in my path got the brunt of it! haha. I am not looking for a job (I just hate working in general - I want to be a SAHM :(). DH is looking for one because his is not very steady work. He was hired as "full-time" but he's only called in as seniority allows and many times he is left at home twiddling his thumbs, even during the busy season. If we're hoping to start a family, he really needs to get a better job so he can support me while I'm on mat leave. At the moment, we rely on my income to survive - a position I really do not enjoy being in! :(

Your symptoms all sound super promising, but I know they always do. :( But I would say that your chart is the hugest sign. It looks so amazing! I had a triphasic chart with my BFP as well and I haven't had one since. It sucks near the end of the TWW when you realize how much you want is SO bad but there's nothing you can do about it anymore, and you just have to wait and see to either get the best news of your life, or to be crushed into a thousand pieces. :( Good luck holding off testing...although I'm super eager to hear the news!

Garfie - That is good that specialist is helping you figure out what to do to help prevent another m/c. That is a good sign that your last baby was perfect. I would imagine something like progesterone is a lot easier to fix than a genetic abnormality. Hopefully that works for you the next time!

Very sorry about your temp drop. :cry: You must be crushed. I know when mine dropped this past cycle, I started AF the next day, so maybe if it is going to come it will at least put you out of your misery soon. But of course I will hope that it will miraculously climb back up and give you your BFP. We will wish anything at this point, won't we? :hugs:

Munchkin if you've added me on fb you arevery likely to get a bfp, its a huge sumptom haha

Celine - That is hilarious. :haha: You crack me up! ;)

AFM, my pregnant co-worker had her gender scan yesterday and found out she is having a girl. Hearing about it really got me down. I didn't really get sad, but it just made it all the more real that she is still very pregnant, and I am still very not. It just seems like I'm never going to reach that huge milestone of 20 weeks and seeing what gender I will be having. And she gets to just float along and have it all happen by "accident." Sigh.
Literati sounds like you and me need a huge tall glass of wine tonight! Im supposed to be on my fun girlie night out but stuck on bedrest :( consoling myself with chocolate. My mom might only be moving at end of october now but going to look for a place to stay in oct for about 10 days, so i feel like my life is moving so slowly, she was supposed to be out of this house, i was supposed to be pregnant...not stuck here.
Plus my mom and hubby are whingy at each ither, she is whingy cos he is cranby cos he has to run up and down stairs getting the kids etc which what i freaking do all day long!
He promised to quite smoking by this weekend and he has already broken that promise by extending it to Tues so i think that waiting a cycle in case he finally quits smoking is a bad bad bad idea!
Ok rant over...will get wine...
Yes, a tall glass of wine is definitely in order for us tonight. To be honest, I've had wine every single day this week since AF arrived! hahaha. It is the only thing keeping me going. :p Very sorry that you have to miss your girls' night because you're on bed rest. I know how much you were looking forward to that. I hope you can find some comfort in a quiet night at home with some wine (and while you're at it, why not add some chocolate?)

That is very annoying that your hubby keeps extending his time to quit smoking. It definitely sounds like waiting to try until he quits is a bad idea. Besides, the sperm he releases now is really from 2 months ago, so even if he quit immediately, he would still have smoke-affected sperm for another 2 months. So you might as well keep trying, because I know there's no way you're waiting THAT long!
Munchkin I can't believe you've not tested yet, your chart looks amazing! I have high hopes for you next week!!

Garfie I'm so sorry your temp has taken a dive. I have no idea about the side effects of progesterone but imagine they'd be similar to the early pregnancy symptoms as thats what causes it all isnt it. I hope AF starts up soon for you if she's definitely coming and I hope it's the last time you see AF for the next 9 months.

Celine I'm sorry you're stuck on bedrest, but yeah you may as well enjoy it with a bit of wine and chocolate. I agree that if your dh has already put back his giving up date that can't really be used as an excuse not to ttc.

I can't wait to start testing, I'm going to start with ics on Monday at 8dpo (I know, ridiculous, but I can't wait!!) and have ordered some frers which are due to arrive on thursday (11dpo) at the earliest so hopefully I'll have an answer by then!

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