Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Aww thanks for all your support ladies. Love you all, don't know what i'd do without you sometimes. We totally have the best thread on B and B!

You really get it and no one in the real world does. No one on here would say "just stop trying and it'll happen" or "you might as well wait a couple of cycles after your mc to try again, what's a couple of months" or "i'd NEVER test before a missed period, it's a total waste of money"!

I'm having a bad day today. I'm more and more convinced my body is just tricking me again and it's all going to come to nothing :( i'm also feeling a bit crampy tonight like AF is on her way :( and i know it can be a pregnancy symptom but i'm just doubting everything at the moment.

i've also had a text from one of my antenatal mummies. Most of us are still in touch, in fact we're going on holiday in a couple of weeks, but she just stopped returning our calls and messages a while ago. She's now abou 3 weeks less pregnant than i should be :cry: i told her about the miscarriage but now she keeps texting me and was moaning about how badly she's sleeping! I'm trying to ignore her and i sent her a message tonight saying i was still struggling with the miscarriage hoping she'd take the hint but she hasn't :( luckily i haven't seen her yet but i'm so angry that she's pregnant and putting fing scan pics on facebook and i should be MORE PREGNANT THAN HER and instead i'm sitting here praying AF doesn't turn up on time AGAIN.

Phew. Vent over. Sorry ladies. Love you all xxx
Im so ready to see some bfps in this thread!
:hugs: I'm very sorry, Munchkin! That sounds very insensitive of your friend that she won't take the hint that you are still struggling with your miscarriage. I feel bad, because she is probably just utterly clueless and way too excited about being pregnant to realize how hard it is to have lost one. I'm sure she doesn't mean any harm, but I know we've all been the brunt of someone's cluelessness since our m/cs...and it really hurts. :( I am so sorry you are feeling down and frustrated and upset and are struggling to deal with the fact that you should actually be ahead of her in your pregnancy. It is not fair and I don't understand why these things happen. I am so glad we have each other on this board because we really do seem to be the only ones who understand and don't say those stupid cliche things. Sigh.

Don't lose hope yet! You are right that cramps can be a pregnancy sign, and your chart looks amazing. It is so hard not to lose it at this stage in the game, but your BFP could just be days away and you could be thinking how silly it was to stress about it. And if it's not, then at least you know that your progesterone is probably very high, your body is all prepped for a pregnancy, and next month will be your month. But I think you have a very high chance this month and you need to hang in there until you can find out. :hugs:
Aww munchkin I'm sorry you're having such a hard day. I really hope you get that bfp soon. My best friend (who knows exactly what I've just been through) keeps posting updates on fb. She only just had her 12 week scan and posted it on Facebook on Wednesday. Since then we've had statuses and pictures every day about tiredness, names and baby clothes. I know she's only excited but wish it wasn't all the time!
Aw munchkin - sorry Hun maybe try in a few days, maybe you've only just implanted:hugs:

Looks like where in this boat together - I'm having the longest lp ever:growlmad:


So rubbish :( I had a squinter of an evap on the ic test but bfn on clearblue digi :( I had a decent bfp last pregnancy at 11dpo and a strong one at 13dpo with my dd so I reckon I'm out. I've just done another ic in case I'm magically pregnant now. Been up since 4am. I feel like I'm going totally crackers :cry:
Aw Hun at least you've had a squinter - I've had sod all:cry:

Your ic is a lot more sensitive than your digi Hun so that's probably why the bfn:hugs:

I got a bfp last time at 8dpo - every pregnancy is different it all depends when the hcg gets into the urine.

Your temp spike this morning Hun is looking very promising, how long is your lp normally?

Is this your second cycle after mc to? :flower:


Yes it's my second cycle. I woke at 4.30am thus morning and tossed and turned til 6.30 when I temped which might explain the spike. I can't even sleep long enough to temp properly :cry:
I looked at ff s statustics and 66% of pregnant ladies get bfps by 12dpo in an Internet cheapie and 63% on clearblue digi so I know there still time but after my temps and cramps showing implantation 5 days ago and all my stupid fake symptoms I really should have a bfp by now :(
My Lp is normally 13 days so due on Tuesday but last month it was 12, so I'd be due today.

I can't believe you're still waiting. Are you still taking the progesterone? Are you still testing? Xx
Aww munchkin you've held out so well I can't believe it's a bfn! It is still early days though, the day AF is due doesn't beat any relevance as to how quick the hcg will be in your urine though so just the fact that she isn't here yet is a fantastic sign. And then there's your chart! I only got a bfp last time at 13dpo, with Annie (I looked back to check my symptoms!) it was 10dpo. So different pregnancies will test differently. Don't let it get you down.

Garfie how are you holding up? I see your temps gone back up, is there any chance yesterday's was a false reading or do you think AF is about to show?
Thanks Annie. I can't believe I caved!! At least my false hopes are fading a bit now and u can start coming to terms with it. Did you test at 12dpo last time? Was your 13dpo really really faint? Xx
No I tested at 10dpo and it was a stark white bfn then because I was away for the weekend could only test on Monday when I got back and I was 13dpo. It was faint but there was no doubt if you know what I mean so I guess I'd have got really faint ones on the Saturday and Sunday.
That's what happened with my dd! I tested 10dpo which was a Friday and got bfn then went away for the weekend and tested 13dpo (Monday) and proper positive so I suspect if have had a faint one on 12dpo x
What does the ic look like? Have you got a pic for us? The digi wouldn't pick up this early so don't be too worried about that. Don't you usually get a temp dip before AF? If you are due on then shouldn't it have started dropping by now? I know you're preparing yourself that AF might show but you're not out yet!
Eurgh yes last month i had an 11day lp so would be due today but that was my first cycle after my miscarriage and usually it's 13 days so not due til tuesday. Also i took b6 this cycle and last time i did that i had a 14 day lp so could not happen til wednesday!
The line wouldn't show up on a pic so i won't bother taking it! My temp drop is usually on AF day but my temps still look really good so maybe i'm still in?? I'm going from feeling totally done with TTC at all to still holding out a bit of hope. My symptoms just don't feel that pregnant any more and i'm getting tummy twinges that feel suspiciously like early AF feelings. I'm cancelling my days activities and having a veg out day on the sofa with my DD. I've just had enough now!
I don't blame you, I'm doing the same because the weathers crap and me and dd both have colds!
Annie - Honestly? - I really don't know - yesterday was a normal reading (although when hubby saw this morning temp he said wtf dodgy thermometer):haha:

The last time my temp dipped and then went straight back up I was pregnant - so today seeing a bfn (again) was a double whammy:wacko:

I will see what my temps do tomorrow - but I have a feeling I may need to go to the docs for a test soon:shrug:

Munchkin - hope you have fun cuddled up with your daughter - my hubby has gone fishing (in the rain:haha:) so I am home alone with my boys busy preparing my avon paperwork for tomorrow - but my head keeps wandering and keeps going to visit Dr Google:growlmad:

Celine - How are things with you today?:hugs:


Munchkin do post that ic?

Im feeling positive and motivated and im sorry to say but so happy im not the only one dealing with f-ing fb nonesense. I was in church this morning, first time out of pjs in a few days! And i was thinking about when i have my bfp im really not going to say anything on fb til ive had the baby, ill never know how many ppl are hurting, how people will cry and be sad at the imagies.

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