Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Glad you're feeling so positive celine and great that you made it out of your pjs! Hope church was good.

Last time I probably posted about 5 times over the pregnancy - my 20 week scan pic then when i started mat leave and when I got admitted to hospital are the only ones I remember doing. I certainly wasn't going on about it like people seem to be doing at the moment!
I have to admit i was awful :( i had a weekly post showing my week of pregnancy and what was happening as well as lots of moaning and talking about baby stuff. And both my scan pics. I am sorry to the world for that!

Celine i'm glad you're feeling so positive. Well done honey. THere's no point posting the IC's because there was basically nothing. Just a shadow of an evap after about 40 mins. My pregnancy symptoms seem to be going and i'm getting AF cramps and wetness so i suspect i'm onto cycle number 3. Ive kind of figured out what's happening though, after ov i'm always really negative then after about 5 days i start feeling pregnant which is just the progesterone increasing as in a normal non pregnant cycle.

It peaks about 9 dpo when i'm CONVINCED i'm pregnant then it starts dropping and i cling on to any tiny bit of hope til AF comes around. I don't think i'm going crazy, just really atuned to my bodies hormonal changes at the mo but i have to remember just because i'm feeling pregnant at that point it means absolutely nothing!!

I've got to find a way to be ok with this though. Today was one of the only days me and OH and DD get to be together and i've had 4 nights of not sleeping, probably because of TTC stress/excitement, and today i've cancelled our visitors and i'm dribbling around feeling sooo sorry for myself. The only good thing is me and DD have had lots of lovely snuggles. The hours i've spent on here when i should've been looking after the house or playing with DD or talking to OH. I just don't know how to be OK with not being pregnant :(
Aww munchkin :hugs: it's just crap. I do exactly the same and know I'm setting myself up to be disappointed but when theres a bit of hope I cant help it. Enjoy your day with DH and DD today, they are the best cure.
Munchkin - Aw hun we all do that - a little bit of hope but also try to guard our heart:blush:

I am thinking it was the progesterone that is keeping her away but why the temp spike today after the drop yesterday:shrug: I guess for now all I can do is wait :coffee::coffee::coffee: and try and keep busy:wacko:

Enjoy your cuddles they're the best, they grown up so quickly. I suggested a family film today - nope the x-box wins:dohh:


Are you still on the progesterone Garfie?

DH has decided it's a football day. Luckily once Annie wakes up from her nap ill get control again. We went out for supplies this morning and got caught in the rain, then the shopping bag broke, nightmare! Got home to a nice cooked breakfast though, that's why I haven't put up a fight with the football (yet)!
Annie - Yes I am I daren't come off it yet until my temp drops and stays dropped:wacko: any ideas????

My hubby has gone fishing today (in the rain) :haha:

I can't remember the last time hubby made me breakfast - sometimes I get a cuppa if I'm lucky:winkwink:


Mmm breakfast in bed sounds good! Garfie what have the docs said about the progesterone? I don't blame you for taking it still, what's your normal Lp?

I've just had a good cry with oh. I think tirednesss and hirmones ate getting the better if me. Why does ttc have to be so hard? We were chatting about how I can learn to obsess less and think more long term. I still have no idea how to do that and I don't know how not to be sad that my LOs are getting a larger and larger age gap every month, if it happens at all, which is unthinkable. So sad every month when it just doesn't happen. I'm so much worse since the mc than I was before.
Munchkin - This is where it gets confusing :wacko: I was under a specialist (my age, fertility problems etc) then I managed to get pregnant so I was referred to another specialist who deals in recurrent m/c - I got pregnant again twice and was told I would need another referral from my own doc - the first appointment took over 3 months to come through and then there is the waiting for blood tests etc (time is not on my side:cry:)

Ffwd to my last pregnancy - I went for a regular scan and said I had read up all about progesterone and could this be the problem - the on call specialist said it wouldn't hurt to try - so I was prescribed progesterone.

Now my doc has it on his screen that I can have progesterone - I can go in and order some (I pay for it so why not use it). So this month after that is/isnt test I decided to use it (just in case).

My temp drop made me think she was on the way - so why the huge rise today?

So here I am again waiting :coffee::coffee::coffee:

I will test again tomorrow with a superdrug own - and see what my temps are doing.

My temps have always told me when there has been a problem or I have been pregnant in the past - so I would like to think I can believe them - but at the moment I am so confused and just want this cycle over and done with:cry:


Oh garfie :hugs: I'm so with you. Isn't it crazy that both of our temps look so ace but we're still in the bfn club?? It must be so difficult though because you don't want to stop the progesterone in case you're pregnant (which you definitely could still be) but the progesterone could be keeping AF away?! I'm also so sorry about the age thing. I feel like I've got a ticking clock just because if the age gap between my dd and no 2 but an age issue would make it just awful. Really hope I'm not still ttc when I head to 40! Although if I get my way we ' ll be ttc no 4 by then , though oh doesn't know yet!!
Hold out honey. It's so hideous but we'll get there x
I haven't been here for a while and thought I'd catch up a lil. so sorry that you girls are having so much trouble garfie and munchkin! ugg! so much stress for precious babies! It does take a toll on life and relationships.

I told my Mary Kay director I was taking a few month break and she is constantly calling me to come to meetings and work my business anyway. so frustrating. I told her she'd see me in October.

so I'm going to be finished talking my femara on Monday. I'm on 10mg which is a very high dose but not feeling any pains in my ovaries which I normally did with the injections so I hope I'm producing some mature eggs. I go in for my u/s Tuesday. so frustrating that I can't ovulate on my own. I don't wanna deal with 3 afs in one mo again!
Munchkin youve spoken straight to my heart when you said the age gaps between LOs getting larger, i was so lucky with 24 months between these two that all gone well i would of had 2,5 years between the last two, now its heading to 3 years and that killed me, butnove been thinking alot about it though, like how by then i know dd will be out of diapers (i had two in cloth diapers for a year!) she will startpreschool 3 hours a day 3 days a week and with ds in reception that ill leave me kid free for those hours to rest/enjoy the oregnancy. Ive vowed to get a cleaner then too as i do not want to spend my free time cleaning. And if i get a little girl i wanted the small age gap to put the girls in one room, a three year age gap is ok with that too.

Ive been thinking too will i get a june or july baby, will i be ok if i dont? In all fairness i hope with all my heart im oregnant by christmas or at the very latest feb2014 (aka edd#angel1)
Celine- I'm so sorry for your loss again. at least you know you can get pg! and fxed that you do before Christmas! it's nice to have them so close in age. I grew up with my cousins that were 1 to 1/2yrs apart and they are sooooo close, even now as adults.
wow, cloth diapers huh? you are an amazing mom!
Penguin - nice to see you back and am glad you got your meds. Hope they are working. Please let us know how your scan goes.

Garfie - could that dip have been late implantation?

Munchkin - sorry you are feeling so down. Your temps still look amazing but I also understand the frustration of trusting them when you can't get a good night's sleep. As you know and hear all the time, 11dpo is still really early. Hope AF stays away and you get your BFP this month!! The only good news is if AF comes, you will start trying again before you know it. The TWW is the longest part of the month.

AFM - only 5 dpo. Today was the celebration but luckily I slept through the whole event so when I woke up I knew the main event for pregnant women was over. The main event of the holiday will not be until Saturday but today was the hardest for me. Was at a wedding last night of my old roommate and his new wife who I adore. Danced my heart out until 2 am. My feet are bruised! So, all in all, feeling well today. Think I might go fishing with DH when he gets out of work.
Thanks celine. It's just horrid when the best laid plans come to nothing. Dd was so easy, took 3 months to conisve, pregnancy was perfect as was she! Thus time it's just such a struggle. Anyway after lots of tears today I'm coming to terms with moving on to next month. And now I'm daring myself a tiny bit of hope that I might still be in . I'm getting strong AF cramps, which I never get til afs here, and my temps are still looking fab. Ill have to see what tomorrow brings, although all my other pregnancy symptoms have now gone including the boob pain so I'm not holding out much hope! X
Itsawonder glad your days going well after all! And you enjoyed the dancing. Lots of fun x
So I was flipping through the ttc after 35 page and saw something about psychic predictions. For fun a took a peek. There is this really cool and fun at home prediction that is turning out to be really interesting.

thread a sewing needle with 12 inch length of thread (24 inches so it can be doubled and knotted.)

hold this so the needle dangles about 1 inch above your left palm (so palm facing up and in front of you)

Drop the needle so it drags along the crook of your thump and index finger 3 times and with the intention of it showing all your pregnancies (this will include miscarriages and chemicals)

Hold the needle again over the palm of your hand. It will start to move. A back and forth motion like a pendulum is a boy and a circle is a girl. It will stop briefly in between pregnancies and will stop completely when it's done.

Anytime you want to start a prediction over again drop the needle 3 times between your thumb and index finger and keep in mind your intention.

My first shows over and over boy, girl, girl, girl, boy (loss at 20, two losses at 36, have not been pregnant again - yet) I have done this every other day for about one week.

Today I asked it to show my mom's pregnancies (girl, girl - me and my sister)

Then my full term healthy pregnancies - girl, boy.

Give it a try and let me know what you think or find out.
I just tried this on my DH to see if his pattern matches mine. His was girl, girl, girl, boy. Same as my minus my pregnancy when I was young which was with someone else.
Cool itsawonder! I might try it later rather than obsessing!!
Garfie I have no idea but it's gotta be a good thing you're still on the progesterone, just in case. I really hope you see that bfp soon.

Munchkin I'm glad you've started allowing yourself to hope again, you're not out till she shows. It is so hard not to obsess when every day can mean so much between the likelihood of a bfp or bfn. Ill think long term once I'm pregnant :haha:

Celine I bet if you did get a June / July due date you'd love it! Party season round your house :happydance: I wanted a 2-3 year age gap and I still have a few months for that so fingers crossed.

Hi penguin, I hope the meds wok for you this cycle. Good luck with the scan.

Itsawonder I'm gonna have to give that a try tomorrow! The wedding sounds like a lot of fun. Have you thought about when to test yet?

I caved and tested this afternoon :dohh: but I can see something. Not getting my hopes up just yet, we'll see what the next few days tests show!
Wow anniebobs I so hope this is your bfp ! We really need one of those bad boys round here! Yah x

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