Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Right im physching myself for all these bfps coming on in here! And trying to be realistic to myself, with my live kiddos it took 3 months to conceive and with my mc i got oreg right away which is why i feel so confident that i could conceive again right away but then its never that eay (dont we all know it!) so i do have my heart set on a june/july baby to match with my june & july kiddos (im a july baby too) as much as id like to be knocked up by christmas...if im not 12 weeks by then i dont know how merry i would feel :(
Then i think ahead ok an august baby would be too, step those birthdays june july and aug?
September baby would be fun...that would mean a squishy smiley 3 month old by next chrostmas...october is my anniversary mnth also a good month for a baby but if im aiming for october that means id have passed my first edd (feb) and also passed christmas...urgh!
Thanks celine x and penguin yes it's drives me mad ttc because first of all I can't get up to per in the night as I need my fmu for my fertility monitor tests, and it screws up the temps, and you have to wake up at a specific time to temp and recently I've been waking before 5 and having to try to stay in. 'Sleep' mode til at least 6.30, without getting up to pre! It's not fun. And it dies make me look like and obsessive nutter to oh!! However I will be temping tomorrow to see if AF is definitely on her way. I've only ever had a Lp longer than 13 days once and it was when I took vitamin b6, which I have again this month, so it could hold off til Wednesday at the latest x
Munchkin - SO sorry that you think you're out this month and that you're feeling fed up. I feel a bit sad because it seems like on all the threads I'm on, people are taking a step back and deciding not to post as much, or not to try anymore, or this and that. It just makes me sad that everyone is getting so down. :( I am glad you will still be around and that you are just taking a more relaxed approach next cycle (if it comes - still hoping it doesn't)! That does sound like just what you need, and I hope it works out for you! The obsessing over temps and every symptom is definitely hard on you emotionally every month, and it's always better not to stress.

Penguin - I really hope the femara worked! Let us know the results at your u/s tomorrow!

Jelly - That cake looks amazing! Wish I could have some. Good job on keeping up the BDing!

Celine - You definitely sound like you are stepping up your game this time! That's great. You seem really positive, so that's wonderful. I hope you get pregnant your first month again, but definitely no reason to get down if you don't on your first try. I agree a July - October baby would be pretty good! But I hope you get one sooner rather than later! I know what you mean, though. I REALLY want to be done my first trimester by Christmas. It's going to be extremely hard on me if I'm not.

Garfie - I hope AF stays away and that your BFP is just taking a little longer to show up. :hugs:

AFM - I am CD7 today and AF finally just finished off yesterday. We are going to start our BD marathon tonight. Tonight's job is just getting rid of those dead spermies. :haha:
Ooo good luck literati! And have fun!

Munchkin I know its hard and its so very hard not to obsess. I've been putting life on hold a lot more now cuz Im not so young anymore and my DD is getting so old! But, soon we will all be holding those babies and wishing for more sleep soon!

Yet another coworker is preggos and my supervisor thinks she is as well. She's been getting very sick with any alcohol consumption. It would be horrible if all 3 of us got preggos at the same time as I work as a therapist and that would be half of our team at the nursing home I work in!!!!

I will keep you ladies up to date on my scan tomorrow. They changed my time and will be going in at 4pm US central time. Thanks so much ladies and keep positive!
Good luck tomorrow! That is funny that another co-worker is pregnant and possibly even your supervisor. But, as much as it might be crazy to have half your team be pregnant, I still hope you get pregnant this month! You deserve it!
Wow, again there is a lot happening around here and I'm struggling to keep up!

Celine, I cant believe it is time for you to POAS again! Glad to see you are feeling positive about getting back into the swing of TTC :thumbup:

Literati, day 7 already, that hass gone so quickly! I hope you have plenty of time to BD this week

Munchkin, how are you? Any news yet? Fingers crossed for you.

Garfie, I'm sorry you feel like the progesterone hasn't done anything this month.

Penguin, half your team off having bubs would be crazy, but not much you can do about it! I work in HR, and earlier this year we had 2 out of 2 accounts receivable people on mat leave! The manager freaked out a bit but it always works out :winkwink: Keep us updated on your scan today.

Wonder, good luck, you are halfway through the dreaded TWW. What are your plans for staying sane this week?

Jelly, that is a gorgeous cake! Did you say it is gluten free as well? I may need to get the recipe as my best friend is gluten free.

Annie, any updates?

I hope I haven't missed anyone :wacko:

As for me, I am CD 14 today and got the most gorgeous pos opk last night. The line was so dark! Poor DH has been recovering from surgery this week and is supposed to be resting, but he is a trooper. This month we have managed to BD on days 8, 11,12 and 13. We missed 2 days in between due to the surgery but I'm not too worried about that. Hopefully the anaesthetic hasn't made his swimmers all dopey! I'm thinking today then tomorrow should do it, then a rest for a day.

In non TTC news, we are moving in a bit less than 2 months, so we have been shopping for new furniture which is exciting. Currently we live in DH's parents house and they live on the same property (but not the same house) which is a bit too close for comfort! But our house is half our furniture, half theirs, so as things get delivered it feels more and more like living in an episode of hoarders! Moving out and having our own space will be such a positive thing though, I'm so looking forward to it! Pinterest and interior design will be a good distraction during the TWW as well :haha:
Elizabean - I was wondering where you have been. Congrats on the OPK and more power to your DH for getting to it after surgery! Good luck with this and your move. So exciting!

I have no idea how I will stay sane for the second half of the tww. It's the second week that is always hard. We are still in the middle of our remodel and I am actually sitting next to freshly stained boards of wood which smell awful, but hopefully that will keep me busy.
Elizabean how fun! Will it be your forever home? I hope u not planning much remodelling (ahem its a wnder?) cos im sure u will be too exhausted when u get that bfp :)

I had a stalk at anniebobs journal and i saw that pic of the hpt and i deffo saw a faint pink line..anniebobs pls post here too and give us our kicks :)

Munchkin any news?

Me - with my immune system so down i think im coming down with flu uurggh!
Celine, I've been feeling a bit under the weather too. Is it the whole mc (physically & mentally) that runs you down a bit?
Hoping for lots of bfps too, also hope we both manage to fall straight away too.

Munchkin, hope your ok. Hope that if it is af this month it hurries up for you so you can get
Back on it.

Literati good luck with your marathon, make him eat pumpkin seeds and there's also another which help boost quality etc, can't remember. Got my oh to have them last time we were ttc, he didn't mind them as got him some with vanilla flavouring :)

Penguin good luck with the scan, I find it quite funny a few people in your team are pregnant, one more wouldn't hurt ;)

IAW hoes it going?

ELizabean that's nice of your oh to keep going despite recovering. Hope it wasn't for anything serious. Sounds like you've got all bases covered. That's lovely with moving house. I can't wait til we can buy our own house again (husbandface is in the raf so live in quarters) be lovely to buy decent furniture (we daren't incase the movers ruin it).

I'm at 5dpo and not sure whether I'm impatient or indifferent or just scared. Was going to test next Friday when I would be 15dpo but not sure if I should wait longer. Also hoping I don't get the urge to start testing from Monday as really don't want to be crazy poas lady again. Last time I was testing all sorts just to satisfy the urge. Opk's and everything were tested just to make sure with fmu, smu, late night you name it.
Well ladies i think it's high time for another lovely roundup of where we're all at xx

Munchkin CD1 bang on time :happydance: cycle 2 after mc.

Celine CD7 after second mc but on to a very happy new cycle xx

Itsawonder CD7

Literati CD8

Penguin CD10

RachelLynda CD14 1st cycle after miscarriage :wave:

Elizabean CD14 Ov day - 1!!

Jellytots 5DPO

Anniebobs 9DPO

CJJM 13DPO - where are you honey??

Garfie CD35 16DPO come on AF or BFP!!

Lots of lovely BFP's this month please ladies we need a massive sack of babydust over here right now!

As always message me with changes or if i've stupidly forgotten someone :dohh:
Elizabean - I was wondering where you have been. Congrats on the OPK and more power to your DH for getting to it after surgery! Good luck with this and your move. So exciting!

I have no idea how I will stay sane for the second half of the tww. It's the second week that is always hard. We are still in the middle of our remodel and I am actually sitting next to freshly stained boards of wood which smell awful, but hopefully that will keep me busy.

Yep, I was pretty impressed by DH. I was willing to wait until next month, but he started the ball rolling, so to speak, so we just went with it!

The second week is definitely the longest week of the cycle! Remodeling is a good distraction! It will feel so fantastic to have your dream home become a reality.

Elizabean how fun! Will it be your forever home? I hope u not planning much remodelling (ahem its a wnder?) cos im sure u will be too exhausted when u get that bfp :)

I had a stalk at anniebobs journal and i saw that pic of the hpt and i deffo saw a faint pink line..anniebobs pls post here too and give us our kicks :)

Munchkin any news?

Me - with my immune system so down i think im coming down with flu uurggh!

Maybe not a forever home, but 10 years at least- it will be a great house for our eventual child to grow up in. Its where I grew up, a 3 minute walk from my mum's house and my close friends all live within a 5 minute drive (I live about a 45 minute drive away at the moment). Its a short walk to the beach, so our lifestyle will be so much better than living in the suburbs of the city as we do now. There are some small renovations to be done, and some decorating but nothing major. DH and my step dad will be doing most of the heavy work whilst I choose colours etc :haha:

I'm excited for news from Anniebobs!!!!!!!! Get over here!

I hope your flu goes away soon :hugs:
So im cycle buddies with IAW & Literati? Woohoo, munchkin we may be bump buddies as im assumng ill only obulate in 2 weeks anyway (i am sorry for af though but happy to be on blard with you) onto the bfp train!
Anniebobs where are youuuu!
So I think I may be pregnant :happydance: still waiting to see over the next few days but here's this mornings tesco test (my IC is very very faint, same as yesterday) What do you think?


  • 9dpo.jpg
    19.5 KB · Views: 8
Annie - looks like you are duffed lol - tescos are supposed to be 25ml or something aren't they - so not as sensitive, well done you :happydance::happydance:

I'm out and about doing my avon - well I need the distraction - so speak as soon as I get in and catch up.:flower:

Sorry Munchkin - she got you - can you send her my way please, so ready for this cycle to be over now :hugs:


Anniebobs i dont even have to enkarge that pic to see that line! What wonderful news <3 what does hubby say?
Thanks for the updated list Munchkin :thumbup: I hope AF isn't as bad as it was last month and good luck for this cycle. Come on rainbow!

Garfie hope you're ok and not going too mad waiting for AF / BFP, think coming off the progesterone was a good idea, you can just start up again if you need to and won't have to deal with the confusing side effects.

Elizabean it sounds promising, lets hope one of them spermies got the egg :happydance: hope the tww goes quick for you. That house sounds ideal. We just moved too, we were an hour away from our family and friends but now we can walk to all of my family and the in laws are a 10 minute car journey away (perfect)

Jelly I am totally that crazy POAS lady right now!! I sortof wish I'd waited because of the time and energy that I've wasted on squinting at lines :dohh: but I needed to do it. I think it helps prepare you for AF sometimes too - I don't get spotting before. Anyway whenever you decide, good luck! Hope the tww isn't dragging too much.

IAW glad you're keeping busy with the remodel, upload some pics once it's done I love watching those property shows and nosing at other peoples houses! :blush:

Literati you're at the fun part of the cycle already! Enjoy it :haha:

Celine that seems to be what happens when you have a mc, you go through all that then you get sick! A few of us have had it on here! Just another fantastic side effect. Hope you're being well looked after anyway :hugs: you're just being so positive about it, I really hope you get your rainbow soon.

Hope I haven't missed anyone, I'm sure I only posted yesterday and so much to reply to!
I can't get my head around it that I might be duffed so soon (I love that word :haha:), if the lines stay pink then on Monday I'll take a digi then it will sink in for hubby. He knows I'm not due on until the weekend so I don't think he'll really believe it until then. I didn't realise tescos were 25miu, I couldn't find it on the box anywhere but when I read the instructions it said to take on the day of your missed period so I thought they might not be great.
Annie that's totally a line! Brilliant! So happy for you x and with any luck it'll start a big string of BFPs on this thread!
Right im physching myself for all these bfps coming on in here! And trying to be realistic to myself, with my live kiddos it took 3 months to conceive and with my mc i got oreg right away which is why i feel so confident that i could conceive again right away but then its never that eay (dont we all know it!) so i do have my heart set on a june/july baby to match with my june & july kiddos (im a july baby too) as much as id like to be knocked up by christmas...if im not 12 weeks by then i dont know how merry i would feel :(
Then i think ahead ok an august baby would be too, step those birthdays june july and aug?
September baby would be fun...that would mean a squishy smiley 3 month old by next chrostmas...october is my anniversary mnth also a good month for a baby but if im aiming for october that means id have passed my first edd (feb) and also passed christmas...urgh!

Honey it's so hard isn't trying not to plan ahead too much. Every month there's a reason why i HAVE to get pregnant this month, why it would be brilliant and why it would be terrible not to. This month it means an end of June birthday which would be dead summery without LO being too young for the school year. It would be rubbish NOT to get pregnant because i NEED to pbe pregnant in time for my DD's 2nd birthday at the end of October. No pressure eh?? If it only took 3 months to conceive your babies i'm sure you won't still be here by february honey! I'm desperately trying to come to terms with the 3 year age gap now, which just means i need to be pregnant by my original January due date. Again no pressure!! x

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