Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Anniebobs when the lady told me "it was bareky a baby" yesterday i didnt have a good cry but i did feel emotional and let my mond wonder and i was all, to YOU lady it was bareky a baby...but it was MY baby! I wanted that baby and i wanted the one before! They were my babies. Grrrr!

Im not one who keeps up with everybody so sorry but hope we all have good days today. Anniebobspls post your latest bfp so we can all gawk and cheer you on xxx
Morning Ladies

HELP I feel sick - just had a phone call from the hospital saying they want to see me this afternoon - to discuss some results:cry:

What results? - I was told verbally weeks and weeks ago the baby was fine - everything was fine.

So what results??? - my appointment is at 2.00pm (UK time) - do you think maybe they are going to discuss a way forward:happydance:

Sorry for the selfish post - I'm in shock will keep you all updated I'm probably worrying over nothing - but well you know how our minds take over.

Right I'd better get my ass in gear - my ladies need their avon - hope it takes my mind of it.

Who am I kidding:cry:


Morning, wow I've missed loads to catch up on later. Was quite busy yesterday.
Hope all are well, will catch up properly on train on way home.

I've started with pink cm half hour ago and now getting some cramping. Could it be early af? Mc was three weeks ago yesterday
Garfie hopefully it'll be something fixable. If they have results then surely there is hope there might be a reason for the mcs. Let us know how it goes, try not to worry too much before. This is a good thing, a new cycle and new info to work with! It was meant to be.

As for me, it's sinking in a bit. I'm a tiny bit pregnant!


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I've just read back but can't quite remember everything. But yay penguin for some healthy eggs!! Now you just have to make sure you've got a nice spermie to meet them!!

Elizabeth what bad timing!! Hope you've bded enough to have a good supply of sperm up there waiting!

Literati I can't believe any woman would be so flippant! And I know exactly what you mean about wanting to be pregnant first, you should be. Hopefully you'll be a few months in front of her so you're safe(ish) by the time she announces :hugs:
Thinking of you garfie!
Congrats annie :)

Me - ive been too active and had a light bleed :(
Garfie, hope its something positive

Lovely line there Anniebobs, look forward to seeing progression

Celine that's awful saying that to you. Some people are just don't think
Garfie- it's pretty exciting but yes obviously scary. Hopefullly you might get some info/answers that will help. When was your last test? Please please update us as soon as you can xx

Annibobs loving the BFP! So very very exciting. I'm so happy for you. How are you feeling today? How are the leaky eyes??

Celine i kept thinking my bleeding had stopped then it would be back again. All you can do is look after yourself as well as you can but i'm sure you won't be causing any real damage. Just take care xx

Literati - what a total cow. I have to say even if your baby takes a bit longer (which hopefully it won't) i'd much much rather be your baby than hers. If that makes sense!

Rachel how are you feeling today? Managed to read the whole thread yet?? :rofl:

AFM i had a good sleep last night and me and DD went swimming this morning and got some plants for my outdoor pots for the winter. The only annoying thing is my AF is really heavy again, it woke me up last night, i usually have pretty normal periods but this one and the last one were really heavy. Maybe thats why my BFP isn't happening? My lining is still too thick?? Hopefully i'll be back to normal after theis AF x
I'm feeling a bit poop as I've got a headache :( Should really be testing on Friday as that's what the Nurse in the Women's Ward said but then the women from EPAC(EPU) said the end of the month so don't know when to test - why can't pregnancy tests be free?! -.- No :haha: I might get back to it when my heard starts hurting all I'll just give up :dohh: I might read it all when I've got a whole day to myself haha xx
Get some internet cheapies hon https://www.amazon.co.uk/Highly-Sen...qid=1379507248&sr=8-6&keywords=pregnancy+test 20 for £2.69 and they're very accurate! My testing addiction wouldve made me bankrupt without these!! And the equivalent OPK's are fab too x
Oooo! That is amazing, I was going to pay £1 for one :L Harry mentioned about getting the normal ones I used (2 from Boots at £2.99) as they've always been good and weren't stupidly expensive but I said even if it was 200 for £2.99 I couldn't use the same tests I used when I got my BFP :/ I don't mind using them getting a BFN when I'm TTC but I don't want to get a BFP from it when it's not a 'real' BFP :/ xx
Rachel i want to test using the same brand as i usually use so i can be sure when theline gets darker iykwim? But i do understand - i wouldnt use a digi unless its for a real bfp so its kind of the same :)
So u are testing friday? Did she say why you must test fri? Last time i forgot to test and checked two weeks after the bleeding had started so cd14, i was thinking of testing this weekend so about cd11 to see if its out of my system.

My first mc took a week with blood loss spread evenly, this one is over in a week if today is e last daynof bleeding but most of my blood loss was def within the first 48hours....hope u and i get bfns rachel!
Wow - lots going on this morning.

Garfie - My doc calls me in with any news, good, bad, etc. Let's cross our fingers that it's something silly like low iron. Please keep us posted. We are here for you.

Penguin - good luck!!! Great news about 2 mature eggs!

Annie - looking good! I see that line. Are any positive feelings starting to sink in yet?

Literati - I did not actually stain the boards, they just have to dry in the house b/c of rain. We kept the fans on and windows open so there isn't much more I can do. I do not think I am pregnant, but if I am we would not yet be sharing a blood stream so I feel kind of okay about it. The project had to get done but trust me, the thought did go through my mind.

Will have to re-read everyone else's posts. I remember in-laws moved in - was that Literati? What a sucky situation and bad timing! My family is 2,000 miles away, as is my DH's. Of course we miss them but we never have an unexpected drop in.

Rachel - sorry you are not feeling well today.

Celine, Jelly, Elizabean - I will re-read your posts soon. Early in the AM here and about to leave for work so only did a rushed read this AM.
Rachel i want to test using the same brand as i usually use so i can be sure when theline gets darker iykwim? But i do understand - i wouldnt use a digi unless its for a real bfp so its kind of the same :)
So u are testing friday? Did she say why you must test fri? Last time i forgot to test and checked two weeks after the bleeding had started so cd14, i was thinking of testing this weekend so about cd11 to see if its out of my system.

My first mc took a week with blood loss spread evenly, this one is over in a week if today is e last daynof bleeding but most of my blood loss was def within the first 48hours....hope u and i get bfns rachel!

Yeah, I trust them but getting a BFP from then when it's not a real one will remind me of when I first got my BFP and I'd rather not :( She said because that would be around 2 weeks after I started to bleed and if I was still getting a BFP then to ring EPAC but I rang them to get a scan and she said if by the end of the month I still get a dark BFP or it's really persistent then to ring them and they'll do blood work and it may mean that my hormones have messed up and somethings up or something - I don't really remember all my appointments have seemed to merge into one with 5 didn't medical professionals telling me different things. I bleed heavily in the first 48 hours, and as far as I'm aware I passed everything (but a bit of lining) in those 48 hours then I bled a bit more, sort of like my normal period, one night then stopped then for a good week or so it's been brown blood on and off, it can go from every time I wipe to not having any for two days for it to come back to ever so often when I wipe. So do I!

Question for anyone really - The test I did this week was about as dark as the one I did went I found out and I was between 5 and 6 weeks along. If my sac etc was measuring 12 weeks would that means my hormones would be at 12 weeks so therefore 2 weeks after starting to bleed a test that is the same as my first ever BFP (so 5-6 weeks along) is a good sign? Or would it just not get darker after that point? I think I've made sense if not I'll try to explain again haha. Oh also my BFP in July came up straight away but this one took about a minute or so to start getting darker.
No more tears today, I'm feeling good. I'm trying to bring myself round to the mindset that I am pregnant and I can and should enjoy it. And trying to stop that niggling voice in the back of my head the 'what if...'

I am due on 1st June which is a very good omen, it's our wedding anniversary! So this time it's meant to be. Hopefully we'll see a lot more June due dates in here soon!
Hi Ladies

Just got back - my results were from the DNC carried out months ago (the same DNC where I have been told twice everything was okay)

Well everything was not okay - I was having another little boy and he had downs:cry:

The doc thinks that's why my body m/c - should this make me feel better.:nope:

Now I'm back to the day of my m/c in my head even though I had almost moved on and was feeling a lot more positive.

Now all I want to do is :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

For what could have been and what I have lost all over again - I need to get my head round this - first being told everything was okay and now realising that not only am I high risk for my age - but as it's happened once it could possibly happen again and I may have to make some tough decisions:cry:

I just feel so sad and empty again:cry:


Right, managed to have a brief catch up before the 3G runs out after the tunnel.

Literati what an awful way to talk about it maybe she really doesn't understand the implications of a loss. She might change her tune if she doesn't fall straight away.

Penguin that's fantastic about the eggs, get bding like crazy lol

Elizabean hope you've managed to catch the eggy, fx for you. Shame that's all happened right now

Munchkin hope your okay, such a shame about af, but new month new cycle new chance

Rachel I got 40 cheapie a off eBay for £4.50 similar to those, defo worth getting for those poas addictions
I managed to get a negative about ten days after my natural mc, I know everyone is different but hoping it will for you when you test. I was told to test after three weeks and if still positive go back for a scan to check.

Hope I haven't missed anyone off these last two posts.

Afm well the spotting/pink cm stopped as soon as it started. Still have weird feelings as if af is about to come bit I'm trying to be hopeful I did ov on Thursday and we were lucky enough to catch. Planning to test on Monday as might see something by then
:( garfie, of course this will bring the day of mc right back, knowing it was a boy makes it more real and hurts even more that he isnt he any longer. Ill keep you in my prayers and thoughts xx

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