Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

I'm feeling ok at the moment, OH had a fit the other night and then a smaller one last night so he's off work today - my poor sweetie :( Thinking maybe about making home made pizza and cup cakes today :) No I think I'm going to leave it until the end of the month to get some :)
Is there any way of flushing this HCG out my body? Well speeding it up anyway. I don't mind if I don't ovulate or if I get AF just want to get a negative test :( xx
Rachel this won't be long cos I'm at work but I researched this and used milk thistle, raspberry leaf tea, nettle tea, decaff green tea, evening primrose oil and lots and lots and lots and lots of water xx
Munchkin - I really like what you had to say about carrying baby no 2 to three months and now trying for baby number three. I still feel like I am trying for baby number one but you are right, I am really trying for baby number 3 and first take-home child.

Elizabean - I think your timing is perfect and your date night sounded amazing. Glad you got out and enjoyed yourselves.

Have fun at your grandma's!

Literati - at least if you are going laugh and cry you are ending with a laugh. Go out with a bang, right? I hope all your emotional moments end with joy and laughter :)

Celine - probably a good day to have stayed home from playgroup. Sorry to hear about the announcements. Just think, it sucks now but one day it will be you making the announcement.

Rachel - I don't know of a way to flush your system of HCG. Munchkin seems to have some ideas that are worth trying. I remember being really stressed during that time so I started to go to acupuncture. It doesn't flush the system, just helps equalize your emotions. It helped me cope with the waiting period and waiting for two AFs to try again.

AFM - I completely agree that this group just fits. I looked at the TWW as well and it's a lot of people who have not tried for very long, look at every little symptom and will probably get pregnant and be fine for 9 months (I know that's not the case but it's how that site makes me feel.) I like it here and will probably still be here when I am trying for my second baby.

Garfie - how are you today?

Penguin - hope you are having fun with those healthy eggs!

Thanks ladies - for being here day after day!!
Honestly Rachel I think the water in gallons is the most important thing if you're still a but skint but the teas are good and cheap too. Just flush your system!

Celine I'm glad you missed playgroup. Not what you need.

In my moment of revelation oh came up with an idea, I don't know what I think if it yet and would appreciate your thoughts. The idea is instead if giving baby number 3 just one middle name, give it two. One for the baby we lost. Does that sound odd or nice? The child would always know that extra name was for its big brother or sister that couldn't be here. Honestly what do you think? Xx
Munchkon you are so right, im a bit pissy at the two preggo moms due when i would of been but those babies are never going to come back and i am goong ahead to ttc number 5 and hoping number 5 comes home. It cant be baby number three because number 3 will always be a part of me, as is number 4 but by saying im ttc 3 i am disregarding their existance. What a revelation <3

Now could my body Please behave so i can do the naughty with my hubby! Havent had any bleeds since yesterday so fingers crossed for the weekend nookie! Seriously since we heard the first mc diagnosis end of aug we havent been intimate bcos i was waiting to mc, now we cant be intimate til the bkeeding stops blablabla i have needs too!

Thank you for that rant :)
Celine, all I can say is GIT SOME! (Where I live "git some" means so much more than "get some".)
Hi can I join?

So I found out I was pg with no. 2 in July and was so excited as it was second month trying. Unfortunately it ended when I went for a scan at 7 weeks because of bleeding. It was a blighted ovum (bleeding not related but glad I didn't find out any later) I ended up with a d&c as my levels kept going up and my body hadn't figured it out. That didn't work and I had to have another a week later after a lot of pain and bleeding.

That was over two weeks ago and I finally got a bfn. Seeing those lines was heartbreaking.

I should have been 12 weeks today which is tough but im looking to the future. I would like to start ttc soon but for now we are ntnp. My gynecologist said after a negative test we could try again.

So that's me. I'm sorry that everyone has ended up here but glad to have people to talk to who can understand
Hello apple! So sorry for your loss but lovely to have you here with us x i don't know much about blighted ovums sadly but it sounds like your mw is ok with you trying again so that's great!! Keep with us and we'll all get there together. Come on bfps!! X
Celine - Sorry it seems like everyone you know is pregnant right now. That must be really annoying and saddening. At church we usually see huge waves of pregnant people all at once and so far no one is currently pregnant (that I know of). Every Sunday I brace myself for someone announcing her pregnancy, as she would probably be due in March and also that would probably mean there would be a whole new surge of pregnant people that I don't get to be a part of. :nope:

I hope you get to DTD with your hubby ASAP! Sounds like you really need it!

Rachel - :haha: That's disappointing about your hopeful DTD session-turn father-in-law visiting! I am glad you were still able to dtd the next day though.

Munchkin - I love your revelation. I still don't think I can be over where "I'm supposed to be" but I have been saying that I am trying for baby number 2 for some time now. It would be dismissive to say I'm still trying for number 1. We had number 1 already, and yes our time with him/her was brief but (s)he was still ours for a time. Now we can't do anything but move forward and try for #2. Other people may not understand this since they see I have no children, but this one really will be my second. I still don't know how to stop feeling "behind." It is really frustrating, but I'm hoping what you said will help me to move on as well.

BTW, I absolutely LOVE your idea of giving your next baby 2 middle names with one to represent the baby you lost! What a wonderful way to honour your 2nd baby's life while still celebrating your 3rd. I think that is such a great idea.

IAW - Thanks...it is true that at least I ended with a laugh. :) Your comment made me a bit sniffly, but in a good way. :) How is your cycle going?

Apple - Welcome, and very sorry for your loss. :( It is hard getting over some of the milestones that you would have passed. I should have been 16 weeks today. *sigh* I am "glad" you finally got your BFN and can start trying again. I know it is a relief to start fresh again. :hugs:

AFM - I'm rather grumpy today... I'm confused about my cycle because I just had some watery CM yesterday and nothing yet today. I normally start out my fertile period with EWCM so not sure what's going on. I can't decide if we should start the BD every-single-day marathon, or if I should continue dtd every other day until EWCM shows up. But what if I'm not getting any ewcm this month? Not sure what to do!
Literati what cd are you on? When do you normally ov? Are you doing opks? My cm is totally unreliable, there is no way I could bd based on that! Also I always get dead confused between ewcm and spermies!

I'm still struggling to not still feel behind. I feel weaker again tonight, things aren't quite so clear, but I still think If I keep trying to think like I was earlier it will eventually sink in. I daren't even work out how pregnant if be by now, I was 12 weeks on the 10th July. I feel sick thinking about it.

Garfie :hugs:
Literati - that's a tough question - when to start the marathon. I don't get EWCM every month, actually didn't get it for about 6 months straight until my miscarriages. Do you want to use OPKs?

Re: me - 9 dpo.... waiting.... nothing really going on other than some normal PMS. In a good mood so just hanging onto that feeling and trying to wait it out. The second week of the tww is always hardest for me and I am really anxious this time. Usually have a 14 day lp but last month it was 13. I am ready to know and either be pregnant or move onto the next cycle. Obviously you all know what I want!!

Apple - welcome. This is a great thread. Of course I am sorry you have had to go through a loss but I am glad you found us. I should be 6 months if my first one survived and 5 months if my second did. Finally, I have lost track of the weeks and don't think about it quite as much. Just focusing on my future pregnancy.
Munchkin - I am on CD10 and I usually ov on CD12 or CD13. I am using OPKs, but I *usually* only get one day of positives, so I like to rely on my CM to ensure I BD every day for the full 3 days prior (as well as the day of O and the day after). While the amount of ewcm varies for me, I do generally always get at least 3 days of fertile CM, and sometimes up to 5 days, so I do find it fairly reliable for me. It has been slightly different since the m/c though so it's hard to know what to trust. Thankfully, my body answered its own question today and gave me a dollop of EWCM this afternoon. So we'll definitely be BDing tonight! Hopefully dh doesn't get too worn out!

That is okay that you're still struggling. There are always good and bad days. It is awful to think about it now really so sometimes it's better to just distract yourself. :S

IAW - Wow, can't believe you didn't get any ewcm for 6 months straight! That is something my body always gives me. It is usually a dead giveaway during my fertile time...but once in a while the body will play a trick on you!

The 2nd week of TWW is always hard, I know! I wish there was a way to know immediately whether you were preg or not, and if you weren't, it'd be nice to just fast forward til AF so that you could try again. It's so annoying to waste an entire 2 weeks just to find out it's BFN. :( Good luck, though! No signs so far could be a good sign!
Yay literati go for it !! I had much better cm last month either because of my vitamins or the miscarriage. But still after we start BDing I haven't got a clue ! I wish I ov'd as early as you , I'll have to wait til cd16/17 and I'm only on cd4. Yawn!!

Itsawonder I'm glad you're surviving the 2ww. Sounds like you're staying sane beautifully ! Not long now. I agree that no symptoms could well be a good thing.

Celine how did the BDing go? Are you opking yet?

Garfie :hugs:
Hubby was hme far too late and i think he will work late again tonight :(
morning, hope you are all well.

im working from home today so will flick the heating back on, grab a cuppa and a few biccies and catch up properly the last few days for my morning break. been a bit busy and no wifi on the trains yesterday - whats that about?!?!
Elizabean - hope you have a lovely weekend

Literati - glad your ewcm finally turned up, have fun ;)

Celine - sorry to hear about playgroup and hope your feeling okay and manage to get to dtd soon

Rachel - no idea how to flush hcg but have heard things about drinking lots of water. hope you get your negative as quickly as i did. oops! about your interruption.

Garfie - how are you chick?

Penguin - hope your doing okay

Apple - welcome along, unfortunate circumstances obviously. it takes time hun, what seems to have worked for me is thinking to the future. of course milestones are hard. but we will all get through it im sure.

Munchkin - hope you are okay chick

IAW - its horrible with this waiting feeling isn't it. Hopefully it will go really quick for us.

Hope I haven't missed anyone out, there was a lot to read there lol.

AFM well im 8dpo today and still have brown tinted cm. starting to now think it is just af on its way. i tested again this morning with fmu and of course -ve. I knew it would be but just had to make sure. This second week is just going to drag
Morning. Oh I hate the tww it's very frustrating. I'm thinking I'm going to avoid opks for a bit in the hope that I can stay more relaxed if I don't have a tww. That could work the other way and stress me more, but since I could o at any time or even could have done already I could waste a lot of time testing.

My fingers are crossed for people waiting to test keep busy and hide the tests.

I'm going on holiday on Monday so that is a good distraction. My toddler distracts me well too.
Jelly tots it looks like you ovulate d pretty much two weeks after mc? Do you mind me asking did you have a d&c?

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