Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Garfie that is such hard news to take, of course you'll be right back there. I hope you have some good support around you at home but you know we are here so you can vent / rant or whatever. I am so sorry you had to go through that when you thought all was fine months ago.

Garfie I am sorry. I feel frustrated over the doctors mistake and it didn't even happen to me. I wish I had something to say to make it better. We are here, as Annie said, anytime to need to vent.

Rachel - it's not really the size of the sac that determines how long it will take to stop getting positives, but the amount of HCG in your system which can only be determined with blood draws. As an example, I m/c at 8 weeks (the second time) and my HCG was 56,800+. I had formed a sac and yolk and the sac was the correct size for 8 weeks. my friend m/c at 16 weeks and her HCG was about 20,000. Her body noticed the m/c a number of weeks before and started reducing her hormones at a faster rate to bring on her m/c. So, she got negatives in a shorter timeframe than I did. Took me about 5 weeks or so. Hope this helps - it's just a waiting game to see how your body handles things.

Jelly - you think you ovulated last Thurs, right? Could this have been implantation bleeding??? Or do you think it's residual?

Annie - glad there have been no tears as of yet today and a due date on your anniversary is thre greatest gift I can think of! Sending you and your bean loving vibes.

Munchkin - what's going on with you? Did AF arrive? Are you still holding out???
IAW - Oh thank you, they never explained any of this to me I basically got the impression of 'If at the end of the month it's still positive there's something wrong and we'll need to drag this whole process on longer' If it's still positive in 3 weeks shall I ring or shall I just take it as it's taking longer? As I said before if I hadn't gone for the scan then she would have never said come back in 3 weeks if it's still positive. I assume my body stopped the HC G in my body as I started bleeding before the pill (I didn't realise till after I'd taken the pill) but who knows.. Why can't this just be a straight forward time :( xx
I always err on the side of caution and ring the doc if and when they say to, or if I have questions. Let them decide if all seems normal, if you need an ultrasound or a blood draw. Each doctors seems to handle things a bit differently so stick with what they say. Anytime you take the pill (I am assuming you mean Misoprostol to induce miscarriage or induce contraction to expel retained products of conception) they should do an ultrasound to confirm that your body has properly expelled all tissues. They should also check your HCG to confirm that it does drop to 0. (But this is based on medicine practices in the U.S. and they always seems to take things a bit further here - be that good or bad.)
Garfie I'm so sorry. What an awful shock when you just feel like you've been dealing with it, especcially after the past week you've had. I wonder why they felt they had to tell you now? Is there an increased chance of downs in another baby? what else did they tell you? Let the tears come x we're all here for you x

Rachel I was told to call the hospital if I still had heavy bleeding after. 2 weeks. I didn't but I was still testing faint positive after 3 weeks so I called them and they got me in that day for a blood test. My levels were at 41 so we didn't do any more and by the next week I'd had a negative and ovulated!

Anniebobs I'm so glad you're feeling a bit better. I always say that if I get another bfp ill just enjoy being 4 weeks 5 weeks 6 weeks pregnant and try not to plan much further but it's not that easy I suppose! Hopefully ill find out soon x

Itsawonder yes I'm on cd2 and its heavy this time. Trying to be positive and adjusting to a 3 instead of 2 yr gap for my babies :(

Celine how's the bleeding? Have you done any opks yet?
I've stopped bleeding so that's no concern :) After I paid off some bits I'll see what money we have left (sorta went over our monthly spend as me and OH spent a weekish spoiling ourselves to try help deal with it all :dohh: ) then I'll buy some tests :) Do you think they'll be upset if it's been longer than 3 weeks? I don't get paid till around the 1st so I might not be able to test at the end of the month :( x
IAW it shouldn't be anything residual as had -ve tests since nearly two weeks ago. Not had any spotting since either. I've got a funny feeling in my tummy low down so will just have to wait it out. I'm just being too impatient now lol did 3 hpt tonight just to make sure my ones last week and week before were right and they were white as white could be.

Rachel maybe if you have them a call and mention you can't afford to buy any tests until another week or so later they may even offer to give you some. Worth a try anyways and at least you will find out how they want to progress.
Jellytots - sounds like possible implantation. If so, you may get a faint line as early as two days from now!
Jelly tots that would be amazing! Crossing everything for you! Lets have a good round of bfp dominoes after Annie. Yay!

Garfie how are you feeling? Remember we're all here if you need us x

Rachel you can get packs of 10 of those Internet pregnancy tests even cheaper. But yes asking the hospital for some would be a good idea, and I'm sure they'll be fine if you go bavk later anyway and hopefully by then you'll have your bfn!!

Garfie, I'm so sorry, what a shock it must have been for you, and a sad reminder of what happened :hugs:
Garfie - :hugs: So sorry about your bad news. I am sure this must bring up a whole lot of feelings and must be very difficult for you. Best of luck as you discuss this with your husband and make your decisions. I know this must be hard on you! :cry:

Annie - I know, it was very flippant of her! I hope I can be out of the first tri before I find out she's pregnant as well. Thanks!

June 1st sounds like a lovely due date! So happy for you. It will be a great anniversary present.

Munchkin - Haha! Thank you for saying that. ;) I'm glad you'd rather be my baby than hers! :haha:

Sorry AF is so heavy for you. Is it really possible for your lining to be too thick? I would think a thick lining would be a good thing since the lining is to prepare you for a baby? I had a very heavy AF the last 2 times as well. Hopefully our bodies have normalized now and everything will be perfect now.

IAW - Yeah, I'm sure you're pretty safe in the TWW. You can't put your whole life on hold for a "what if?" And it's a good time the staining is getting over with before you actually are preggers! In-laws did not move in with me, thankfully.

Jelly - Thanks. Yeah, she would definitely change her tune if it happened to her or if she has troubles conceiving. She is not a heartless person so I think she just does NOT get it. But she would if it happened to her. :nope:

Hopefully that spotting was just IB! Good luck!
Will have to re-read everyone else's posts. I remember in-laws moved in - was that Literati? What a sucky situation and bad timing! My family is 2,000 miles away, as is my DH's. Of course we miss them but we never have an unexpected drop in.

Nah, lucky for Literati, it was mine that moved in!
Let's just say there is a reason SIL lives a long long way away :wacko:

I'm trying not to stress myself out- all signs point to ov happening late on Tuesday 17th or early Wednesday 18th. We managed to BD on 11th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th. I just hope it was enough. Poor DH just needed a rest last night even though I was keen for one last chance :haha: Do you think that will be enough?

Instead of entertaining DH's unexpected and uninvited parents last night we had an impromptu date night, was lovely to get out of the house, eat some amazing pizza- the base is about 5 cm thick!- and I even had a glass of red wine (I'm sure that ok on ov day or day after!) We didn't want to go home straight after dinner (how sad is that!) so we stayed out a bit longer to get dessert at another place down the road. It was such a simple but nice thing to do together especially after a stressful week.

We are going away to visit my grandparents this weekend too, they live about 3 hours drive away in a tourist town by the coast, so its like a mini break with the added bonus of yorkshire pudding made by nan! :happydance:
Will have to re-read everyone else's posts. I remember in-laws moved in - was that Literati? What a sucky situation and bad timing! My family is 2,000 miles away, as is my DH's. Of course we miss them but we never have an unexpected drop in.

Nah, lucky for Literati, it was mine that moved in!
Let's just say there is a reason SIL lives a long long way away :wacko:

Oh my goodness that made me laugh! :haha: I am in a very emotional state right now. I had just started laughing at some girl's post in the pregnancy forum about "pregnancy rage," and then I suddenly started crying because I wish I was hormonal and could have pregnancy rage. :( Then I went over to this thread (still crying) and started laughing again at your post! If it weren't for the fact that I haven't Oved yet, I'd be guessing I was pregnant! Shows how our symptoms in the TWW often mean nothing at all...especially when you can get them BEFORE ov!

Your BD timing sounds AMAZING. The BDs immediately before ovulation matter the most anyway, so even if you Oved yesterday and didn't BD, you probably still caught it with the earlier ones. I know how you feel with the stressing, though. I NEED my timing to be perfect!

I am so glad you had a fun date night and managed to avoid your uninvited guests!

I hope you enjoy your visit to your grandparents this weekend! That will be lovely.
Literati, I'm glad I made you laugh!

I agree on the symptom spotting, you can cry at any time! I have actually been putting every.single.thing in my cycle app his month, to remind myself in future of things that happen throughout my cycle. Hopefully that will help with my late TWW crazy brain that thinks every pimple or twinge is a sign!

I stopped over in the TWW forum today, but I don't feel like that's the place for me... too many women obsessing over everything. I want to stay with you ladies and obsess over everything with people I care about! I'm also not going to join a testing thread this month, too stressful, and sad to update if its a negative.
Yes, agreed. I like it over here the best. I never thought I'd *prefer* the TTCAL forum, but I do find I get the best support here and I like that we all follow each other's cycles even if we're on totally different timelines.
Want to chime in to say i agree i love this forum and hope to prob stay here looooong til after my bfp (not for loss reasons though lol) when i got my bfp after loss i tried the pregnancy after loss but it was very quietish and clickish, the first tri really got me down...i remembernne thread was calle omg! And was about how she worshipsnginger...now inhad severe morning sickness with both kiddos but i never had to go on about it. Urgh.
I like it here too! I'm staying, you can't make me go over there!!

Elizabeth that sounds like more than enough, I think I oved on 8th but it could have been the 9th (though that would mean my positive tests were REALLY early) and we DTD 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th and 10th. I think it's the day of and day before that you need to try and get in, you definitely will have had some swimmers there waiting! I really hope you'll have some good news for us in a few weeks!!
Stayed home from playgroup today, apparently two mommas announced a pregnancy (both due a week within the limits of both my previous due dates!) and one brought her 6 week old :(
Hope this will make you all laugh just mentioning about in laws.
The day before yesterday me and my OH decided as I wasn't bleeding we could try and DTD.. Well we started to get into it and suddenly our buzzer went off so OH got up thinking it was the postman or something. So him with a dressing gown on, me still in bed and all I here is 'Oh hi Dad..' safe to say we didn't DTD at that point :haha:
But we successfully DTD yesterday, no after bleeding or anything so yay!
Hope everyone's doing ok!
I'm determined to read this thread so see you soon! x
Morning ladies. Elizabean that sounds like great timing! And the date night sounds good too. Enjoy. Wish i was going to the seaside it's miserable and drizzly here!

Annie how are you feeling today? Any more pics??

Garfie where are you honey? :hugs:

Celine obviously none of us can go anywhere now, we're stuck here til our rainbow babies leave home! :rofl:

Rachel how are you feeling? Got any hpts yet?

Everyone else :wave:

I am ok today but it is dead drizzly.

But i've had a bit of a breakthrough in my coping mechanism after my MC. I've realised i've been trying to get back to where i was, with the baby i was carrying before, and it was never going to be ok because i'd be 4, 5, 6,7,8 months behind with a different baby not the one i lost. THis is why i'm so cross and jealous of pregnant ladies who are anywhere near where i should have been because i think i SHOULD be there and i'm not and i've been chasing to get back there, and i can't.

When i had the mc i read that you shouldn't TTC when you're trying to replace the lost baby but i didn't quite get it before, i just though "I just want to be pregnant still so i need to pregnant again" and that's not the point.

So I have now accepted that we'll never get to meet baby number 2, but baby number 2 did exist and won't be forgotten and we are now trying for baby number 3. What it means is that i'm not behind, i'm not trying to get back to where i was, i am starting a whole new journey with another baby and i actually got to carry baby number 2 for 12 weeks AND hopefully will get to take home baby number 3.

I don't know if that makes any sense to you all but i suddenly feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I even know how i will announce baby number 3 on Facebook.

So yes i think i'm going to be ok.

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