Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

lol, i keep getting multiple posts when i go on here on my phone.

nope had a natural mc, i found out at my 12 week scan on 26th aug, but had been spotting since the saturday, it steadily got worse and lost everything on the next day. went into hospital for pain relief and because i was losing so much (was literally sat on the loo for 3 hours continuously bleeding which resulted in a lovely pile i cant get shot of now), they did an internal and removed everything they could see near my cervix. didnt have a medical one or anything. think that helped though as the bleeding tailed off quite quickly, by the friday it was just about only spotting and then got my -ve within 10 days of it starting0.
i defo know i ov'd last week as had the same crampy feeling i always get and had my watery cm. it turned lotiony like normal friday/saturday and has been since.
I ovulated three weeks after my natural mc (previous one) but i used to have longish cycles so could of just been that?
Apple where are you off to? The distractions will do you good :)
I ovd 3 weeks later too. I usually ov cd16-17 and it was CD27
Grrrr! My laptop internet messed up.. Now to rewrite :Dohh:
I finished reading it all!
I've pee'd so much today with all this water I'm drinking, never realised how bland it was until now :(
AFM - Well this part sucks, it's like a TWW but not. I'm not bleeding anymore but I can't try to work out when I ov as my bodys still sorting out. I can't actively TTC as according to my body I'm still pregnant, I can't test to see if I'm pregnant as I 'already am', I don't care if I come on my period or if I ov I just want that negative test and be able to be somewhere, I don't consider myself anywhere as I may be 'CD15' but I'm not and I'm not any 'dpo' I'm not on my period I'm just nowhere :cry:
Ok, rant over, sorry :blush:
Hope everyones ok, I'm totally lost where everyone is now so sorry if I get everything wrong :dohh: xx
Rachel - we all know how you feel. It's sucks going through it but it will pass.

Jelly - really hope it's implantation for you. Sounds like it is! I have never had an implantation bleed but would love to have the head's up.

Everyone else - seems like we are all is some form of waiting game. At least the time is going by even if it is slow......
Before I say congrats is that a bad positive (Like I'm getting -.-) or a possible good positive sorry I've lost track :blush: x
I can see a shadow of a line! Your really early, right? I bet that will get much darker :)
It's a good one (hopefully) rachel

It looks darker irl, I hope it gets darker. For another tesco cheapie as was a two pack so will try and save it for Monday for hopefully some progression. Keep thinking maybe its still from mc but I've been testing -ve since cd13
YAY! Congratulations! How far would you be at the moment? How far past your MC are you? I soo need to write a list of everyone on here so I remember :dohh: xx
It's 4 weeks on Tuesday since mc, I'm about 9 dpo so is quite early hence why a bit hesitant to believe it at the moment.
Supposed to be going out tomorrow night with sis in law now she's back onshore, don't know what to do
Does she know you've been TTC? And you could always say you're on some kind of anti-biotics so you can't drink? I used that when I was newly pregnant and OH family kept telling me to have a drink haha.
I guess just play it safe and see what happens - personally I don't think I'll believe it till I get a scan :haha:
Oh wow i got chills looking at that! How excitng!
Rachel ive been too scared to test :( been avoiding hpt...i only have a digi so maybe will just get itmover with and do a digi tomorrow.
Rachel ive been too scared to test :( been avoiding hpt...i only have a digi so maybe will just get itmover with and do a digi tomorrow.

Yeah, I was meant to test today according to the nurse at the Women's Ward but the EPU nurse said to wait till the end of the month so going to wait till the end of the month as I have a feeling it'll still be positive today, I've been drinking loads of water so hoping that works :( Have you tested at all or not? I think we started MC on the same day actually or VERY close xx
Does she know you've been TTC? And you could always say you're on some kind of anti-biotics so you can't drink? I used that when I was newly pregnant and OH family kept telling me to have a drink haha.
I guess just play it safe and see what happens - personally I don't think I'll believe it till I get a scan :haha:

no she doesn't, we haven't told anyone we are ttc again. we wont be telling anyone either if this is it until had at least one scan where i've seen the heart bearting. been told i can have one at 6 weeks to check. decided if when i do test on monday its not darker or is lighter i will be calling the hospital for a check up scan, just to make sure nothing untoward is going on.
one or two drinks wont hurt, ill just make sure when in bars i get just lemonade etc and pretend its a g&t
Does she know you've been TTC? And you could always say you're on some kind of anti-biotics so you can't drink? I used that when I was newly pregnant and OH family kept telling me to have a drink haha.
I guess just play it safe and see what happens - personally I don't think I'll believe it till I get a scan :haha:

no she doesn't, we haven't told anyone we are ttc again. we wont be telling anyone either if this is it until had at least one scan where i've seen the heart bearting. been told i can have one at 6 weeks to check. decided if when i do test on monday its not darker or is lighter i will be calling the hospital for a check up scan, just to make sure nothing untoward is going on.
one or two drinks wont hurt, ill just make sure when in bars i get just lemonade etc and pretend its a g&t

Oh right, yeah I'm going to wait till 12 weeks to tell anyone - I know they won't give me an early scan as 'I've only had one MC' -.- but it's good you can.
Yeah that's a good idea, did you have a scan after your MC or would that be the first?
Fx'd it's a new and healthy pregnancy! xx
Rachel i had an early scan here after my first mc but itbwas at 7 weeks plus 4.
I think we started mc the same day too, i started bleeding sept 10th :)
Havent been good about drinking water etc but do drink lots of tea and lately at night alcohol!
So that makes me cd 10 likely to ovulate round cd21 bleh.
Rachel i had an early scan here after my first mc but itbwas at 7 weeks plus 4.
I think we started mc the same day too, i started bleeding sept 10th :)
Havent been good about drinking water etc but do drink lots of tea and lately at night alcohol!
So that makes me cd 10 likely to ovulate round cd21 bleh.

I had my 12 week scan but 'it' stopped at 8 weeks I think, I heard 8 weeks and that was all I remember that whole day is a bleh :/ I started on the 4th of September bleed the 4th and 5th stopped on the 6th bled on the 6th(night) and 7th then on the 8th to around the 17th it was brown blood. No blood but as of the 16th I had retaining tissue which she said she wasn't concern about. On the 16th took a test and it was about the darkness of me at 6ish weeks I think, but took longer to develop. Hoping all this water is doing me some good haha. I really should drink more water but it's so tasteless after a while only good think of dehydration water always tastes so nice haha. So we're sort of close. I'm a few days in front although you're more likely ahead of me in terms of hormones yours seems to go pretty quick, my body just holds onto everything :/ xx
Jelly tots - If I don't want people to know I am not drinking I also get tonic water with lime, a non-alcoholic beer which I slyly ask the bartender to serve me in a glass, or a shot glass of water. Then just slur your speech a bit and hit the dance floor!

So... I might - and I stress the "might" - be pregnant. I never do this. I don't test until AF is due or very near due. I am 10 dpo and used an IC. I got what I thought was an evap. I waited a few hours and tested with more concentrated urine and there is a faint pink line that came up within the 10 minute mark. I do not know exactly when it showed b/c I set a timer for 10 min and then look. Will keep you all posted and really hoping it's not a fake positive or a chemical!!

Still no symptoms other than being really bloated the past few days.
eeeeekkkkkk!!!!!! IAW i want pics!!!!!! how exciting. you are a day or two ahead of me so you must have a better line than what i have posted. my ic's had a shadow hence why i did the tesco cheapie when my shopping arrived. still no obvious symptoms for me, but i may be 'ignoring' some as i think its normal for tww.

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