Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

IAW! How exciting! Super stoked!!! Isn't it super exciting when it gets darker and darker!!!?

Jelly- I really hope this is your month!!

So I am now in my TWW. As of the 18th. I had horrid pain yesterday all day at work! I thought my ovaries were going to burst from the eggs passing through. My DH did not want to DTD yesterday morning and I told him he was going against dr's orders!!! Im hoping that last night and the night before will be enough.
Munchkin - Thanks. That's lucky your CM has been better since the m/c. Mine has been worse. I feel like my body isn't very fertile anymore. That sucks you have to wait til cd16/17 to ov. I definitely would not be patient enough for that!

Jelly - Omg! I would love to work from home sometimes. What do you do for a living?

Your test strip looks good! You are super early on so a faint line is totally normal at this point!

Apple - I oved 18 days after my m/c.

Rachel - Sorry you're in such a frustrating position. We all went through that frustration at some point! It really sucks. I hope you get your negative test soon!

IAW - Wow! That is super exciting that you saw a faint line! This seems to be BFP month for people! It is great but I'm a little jealous. :blush: Hopefully this is my cycle as well. I hope a darker line comes up for you tomorrow! I am sure by 12 dpo it should be a lot clearer.

Penguin - That is frustrating about your DH! At least if you Oved on the 18th, the 19th BD session was really just a formality anyway. You have all your bases covered.

AFM - I am very annoyed with myself because today my package of pre-seed and cheap HPTs arrived, but I haven't ovulated yet, which MEANS I should have ordered cheapie OPKs after all! I never ordered them because I thought they wouldn't arrive on time, but now they would have arrived for half of my OPK testing, and besides I would like them for next month anyway! I am tired of spending $16 for my ovusee tests. Argh! I wish I could go back in time and order those test strips now!

I am on cd11...I don't think I've Oved yet. Had a bit more ewcm, but it had more of a creamy colour (but still stretchy and slipper like ewcm), so not sure what's up with that. My guess is I just have crappy ewcm this time because I'm not very fertile. Blech. I haven't been home all day so I haven't had a chance to POAS yet. I'm just drinking some water to make that happen. ;) Hopefully it's positive! We might BD a bit later this evening since we can't BD til around midnight tomorrow (aka technically Sunday), so I don't want to leave too big of a gap just in case!
Jelly - Omg! I would love to work from home sometimes. What do you do for a living?

Your test strip looks good! You are super early on so a faint line is totally normal at this point!

AFM - I am very annoyed with myself because today my package of pre-seed and cheap HPTs arrived, but I haven't ovulated yet, which MEANS I should have ordered cheapie OPKs after all! I never ordered them because I thought they wouldn't arrive on time, but now they would have arrived for half of my OPK testing, and besides I would like them for next month anyway! I am tired of spending $16 for my ovusee tests. Argh! I wish I could go back in time and order those test strips now!

I am on cd11...I don't think I've Oved yet. Had a bit more ewcm, but it had more of a creamy colour (but still stretchy and slipper like ewcm), so not sure what's up with that. My guess is I just have crappy ewcm this time because I'm not very fertile. Blech. I haven't been home all day so I haven't had a chance to POAS yet. I'm just drinking some water to make that happen. ;) Hopefully it's positive! We might BD a bit later this evening since we can't BD til around midnight tomorrow (aka technically Sunday), so I don't want to leave too big of a gap just in case!

hope you manage to dtd a few times in time for ov, try not to stress about it and just use the preseed everyt time. oh didnt notice too much as used half the recommended amount and ended up with my little monkey.
got my fx for you!

im a civil servant, i work for the food standards agency at the moment. we have laptops on docking stations (cheaper than desktops and more user friendly considering what we do so) have the option to work from home on days like today when its a half day and i commute 1.5 hours each way. had a half day balk holiday today this afternoon so wasnt worth travelling in and back.
Wow more bfps! I could join i tested this morning with my digi and its still bfp but not the good kind darn! So my body still thinks its duffed :( ill test again next week wed at the two week mark.

But IAW im so happy for you, jelly tot and anniebobs <3 although a slight jealous streak you are all so deserving indeed.

Garfie where are ou hun :(
Wow love the BFPs (in a jealous way obv :wacko:)

Celine i don't liike your BFP :( won't be long now though. And remember to keep doing the OPKS! How faint is the BFP now?

Its a Wonder, Jelly Tots and Anniebobs i need your weeks and days for the next roundup and of course photos. And obviously you've all worked out your due dates by now ;) :happydance:

Literati it must be annoying not having the cheapie opks but you're so close to ov you probably wouldn't have got to use many anyway! You could always order some for next month, then sods law you'll end up duffered and won't get to use them. Wouldn't that be a shame eh?? HOw's the timing looking? Remember it only takes one of the little blighters to do the job and they CAN live for up to a week.

Rachel and Apple how are you getting on? What are you peeing on at the moment? :haha: By the end of that first cycle i had a sack of used OPKs and HPTs with all the cycle days on i could compare them all to!

Penguin YAY for the 2WW! What's the plan for staying sane this month? Whats your testing strategy?? Glad your OH followed drs orders!

Garfie :hugs:

AFM i think i might be managing to be less obsessive this month. I've enjoyed a glass or two of wine, i keep forgetting to take my evening vitamins (i take about a million in the morning though!!) and i haven't been temping. I even forgot what cd i was on this morning! I also think after a few days of total misery from this weekend on i am slowly dealing with the mc at last. I'm finally accepting that that baby is gone and i won't get it back, even a few months late. I think i've been burying myself in TTC to forget the loss of the baby, which i needed to do at the time, but now it's time to start dealing with it and i'm feeling more relaxed already.

I am trying to look at the positives of having one on one time with my DD for longer and spreading out the baby bit for a bit longer! I will still be raising my hopes for a BFP this month but i think i might be resigning myself a bit more to it taking longer. I think i read too much about being super fertile after mc and expected to fall straight away but it's not happened so far so it could take us 5 months like last time or even longer.

It's my OHs birthday tomorrow so i'm off to bake a cake and do some wrapping before he gets up!!

Love you all xxx:hugs:
I was inspired by jelly tots cake last week and attempted one too!

It was a digi bfp for me it simply said pregnant (albeit in dutch) im in two minds as i have no more ic hpt only a mass of opk, so will buy the cheapest i can find hpt next week and test tues, opks ill test maybe from wed 2xa day...not sure.


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Wow what a cake! Ohs birthday cake won't be half as posh! Just doing a basic chocolate Victoria sponge with buttercream icing and filling.
Do you order opks and hpts from amazon? It saves me a literal fortune and I do trust them!
I'll post the links if you like. I'm sure they must do the same things in holland. By the way what is 'pregnant' in Dutch?? X
The ic take ages to get here tho, last time they took like 3 weeks, we usually order via amazon...wonder if we ordered from amazon.belgium it would be quicker? Dutch preggo = zwanger :)
Btw i also made millionaire shortbread last night m mm looks like shit but tastes so good!
Munchkin - I'm alright at the moment, had a terrible night last night. Me and OH got in a massive argument as I get pain during sex (after 2 loooong years they're FINALLY sending me to gyn, after going through the stages of 'your fine its your body getting used to it' 'We'll send you for a scan for endo' 'Try different positions' 'maybe it's your mind' so on Monday I went to the doctor and said 'Look I'm not imagining this pain, it's not my minds problem it's my body and I want to see someone, so either you send the referral letter or I'll ring the hospital myself and complain to them about it' so yay she's FINALLY sending it. So after 2 years, 5 doctors and 1 nurse I get to be seen!) anyway.. OH got to the point where he said he was no longer hurting me and said he wasn't going to have DTD until it was sorted and that could be MONTHS AND MONTHS and that means no baby for months - but apparently this morning he showed that he didn't mean it :haha: :blush:
And I'm currently peeing in the toilet :haha:!! I have nothing to pee on and to be honest the less I pee on the less I stress, at least at the moment I can pretend my body's doing something good for once haha!

Random question but does anyone know how to gain weight!? I've always been thin but since being pregnant/MCing I've managed to lose 12lbs, my BMI is waaaay lower than it should be and my body's just being a pain! I eat loads of carbs and nothings working - trying to eat healthy and put on weight just doesn't go together haha!

Opps this is really long sorry :blush:
Rachel - I have a few friend with unexplained sexual pain - meaning the pain is very real but there is no cause. Both of them, after having a vaginal delivery, feel great and the pain is gone. Maybe let DH know pregnancy can be the cure if nothing is found.

I am also very thin and have been the same size since I was about 13 (except for getting some small curves.) When I was pg it's the first time I gained weight and have been able to keep it. For me, the best way to gain weight was just to gain muscle - no fat could be added. My docs even tried me on a cookie diet b/c they were out of idea. I am allergic to dairy but usually they tell you to drink Ensure to gain.

Penguin - so glad you o'd!! Can't wait to see your results.

Literati - I use preseed as well but I stopped inserting it. Either way, when CM isn't great I think it helps. Does anyone know if preseed is safe during pregnancy or only when ttc?

Sorry you didn't order the OPKs - I have been there before too.

Celine - hope you get your negative soon. That cake looks amazing!

Munchkin - glad to hear you are relaxing a bit, having some wine and forgetting what day you are on. I hope the stress reduction is what you need to feel better. It's hard to let go of the past.

Apple - were you asking when people o'd after m/c? After my chemical I o'd 10 days later - really early. After my m/c, when my HCG hit 6 I got AF w/out o'ing. Then I o'd on cd9. The next cycle was more normal, CD18, this one was in my normal range cd14.

AFM - line this morning was same color as yesterday but did show up w/in the 5 minute timeframe. Still not taking it too seriously. I want to miss a period before I know that I am pregnant and to see the line get darker. Once I rule out chemical I will feel better. AF due on 25th at the latest. If it doesn't show I will call the doc on Thurs, see if I can get progesterone, blood draw and schedule an early scan. I think he said I could have one at 6 or 7 weeks.

Oh - and my camera is broken. I ordered a new one so once it arrives I can pics of tests if they stay positive. And thanks everyone for the well wishes. It means a lot and you know I understand the jealousy factor :)
Rachel - I have a few friend with unexplained sexual pain - meaning the pain is very real but there is no cause. Both of them, after having a vaginal delivery, feel great and the pain is gone. Maybe let DH know pregnancy can be the cure if nothing is found.

I am also very thin and have been the same size since I was about 13 (except for getting some small curves.) When I was pg it's the first time I gained weight and have been able to keep it. For me, the best way to gain weight was just to gain muscle - no fat could be added. My docs even tried me on a cookie diet b/c they were out of idea. I am allergic to dairy but usually they tell you to drink Ensure to gain.

I don't mind if they don't find anything and it's just my body (the MW also said it could change after giving birth) it's the fact everyone just push it off as nothing and I was sick of having doctors tell me it was all in my head so sort of lost it :blush: I just don't want to say 'it'll change after birth' then they find something wrong and I'd never forgive myself for not pushing to be seen. And yeah I've told him that but I see where he's coming from I'd hate it to be the other way round, the one person I love and care about the most and I'm putting them through pain :(
I was the same weight from however long I can remember so 14 at the oldest till before I got pregnant. I weighed myself for the MW and BAM 12lbs less :dohh: God knows how that happened. I'm glad I'm not the only one - did you get told you had to see a consultant due to your weight? I've been told that my weight was nothing to do with the MC and I did everything I could have and I know it's silly and I've sort of got over it but I do blame myself for not being able to gain weight especially as my MW said 'We want to make sure as your so underweight that your baby's getting enough and is growing well' so when I found out about the MC I automatically thought.. It's my fault this happened I didn't gain weight quick enough and I also apologise to OH 10000000 times because I blamed myself then and still do a bit now but I'm coming to terms that it wasn't my fault it just wasn't meant to be. Blaaaah now I'm crying. Right back to pizza making!
Hope everyone's well! <3 xxx
Wow love the BFPs (in a jealous way obv :wacko:)

Celine i don't liike your BFP :( won't be long now though. And remember to keep doing the OPKS! How faint is the BFP now?

Its a Wonder, Jelly Tots and Anniebobs i need your weeks and days for the next roundup and of course photos. And obviously you've all worked out your due dates by now ;) :happydance:

Literati it must be annoying not having the cheapie opks but you're so close to ov you probably wouldn't have got to use many anyway! You could always order some for next month, then sods law you'll end up duffered and won't get to use them. Wouldn't that be a shame eh?? HOw's the timing looking? Remember it only takes one of the little blighters to do the job and they CAN live for up to a week.

Rachel and Apple how are you getting on? What are you peeing on at the moment? :haha: By the end of that first cycle i had a sack of used OPKs and HPTs with all the cycle days on i could compare them all to!

Penguin YAY for the 2WW! What's the plan for staying sane this month? Whats your testing strategy?? Glad your OH followed drs orders!

Garfie :hugs:

AFM i think i might be managing to be less obsessive this month. I've enjoyed a glass or two of wine, i keep forgetting to take my evening vitamins (i take about a million in the morning though!!) and i haven't been temping. I even forgot what cd i was on this morning! I also think after a few days of total misery from this weekend on i am slowly dealing with the mc at last. I'm finally accepting that that baby is gone and i won't get it back, even a few months late. I think i've been burying myself in TTC to forget the loss of the baby, which i needed to do at the time, but now it's time to start dealing with it and i'm feeling more relaxed already.

I am trying to look at the positives of having one on one time with my DD for longer and spreading out the baby bit for a bit longer! I will still be raising my hopes for a BFP this month but i think i might be resigning myself a bit more to it taking longer. I think i read too much about being super fertile after mc and expected to fall straight away but it's not happened so far so it could take us 5 months like last time or even longer.

It's my OHs birthday tomorrow so i'm off to bake a cake and do some wrapping before he gets up!!

Love you all xxx:hugs:

Hey munchkin! Im a busy person anyways so I keep VERY busy all the time! Today I am a bridesmaid at a friends' wedding, tomorrow we are going to the Rennaissance Festival. Its a yearly ritual! Next weekend I don't know what I have planned but I work long days during the week. But to tell you the truth, I am a POAS addict as well! So by the end of next week I will probably be doing just that!
Oh Rachel I am so sorry. But you really can't blame yourself like that! It's going to get you no where and it will just stress you out. :flower: I can't see that your weight can cause the mc, I know plenty of mothers who were very tiny and had perfectly healthy babies. Even ones who were on meth before they knew! You will get your rainbow soon! :hugs:
And IAW is correct! Protein stuff, ensure or other vitamin/protein health shakes. We have to use them at the rest home I work at for some very thin, fragile patients.
Jelly - That is neat! Sounds like a good job and I'm glad you get a few job perks. We will definitely keep using our pre-seed and hopefully that will be enough!

Celine - Sorry to hear you have the bad kind of BFP still. :( That is frustrating when your body won't cooperate after a m/c!

Munchkin -
Thanks! I was hoping that even with the pre-seed I would "regret" buying it because I'd get pregnant right away! I suppose if I order a bunch of OPKs now it'll surely seal the deal. ;) Buahhaha.

Our timing is going great and we've dtd CD7, CD9, CD10, and CD11. The wedding is today, but we didn't BD until 8:20 last night, and so if we dtd close to midnight tonight it will barely even be more than 24 hours! I am quite pleased. Let's just hope we get home at a decent time and aren't too tired!

I am glad you are looking at the positives and feeling more relaxed! I TOTALLY hear you on the "read too much about being super fertile after mc and expected to fall straight away" part. I was totally convinced that I would get pregnant immediately because I'd be sooo fertile after the m/c. Well, no such luck. Also, since I got pregnant on my 2nd month trying last time, I've felt convinced that this month HAS to be my month because it is my 2nd cycle trying. However, I know it really doesn't work that way, and I am starting to realize I might take about 6 months to finally conceive this time. The thought of it kills me, so I think I might just stick to the optimistic "I'm GOING to get pregnant this month!"

What kind of cake are you baking OH? I hope he has a lovely birthday!

Rachel - I definitely understand the urge to blame yourself, but you definitely shouldn't! As long as you're healthy and were eating properly I am sure your weight would not be to blame for the m/c. I would suggest adding things like Boost, protein shakes and smoothies BETWEEN meals. They're just a lot of extra calories that way and you're still getting some nutrition. And, of course, stuffing yourself with a few donuts and cookies wouldn't hurt. ;)

I am glad you are finally getting looked at for your sexual pain! That definitely sounds like you should not have to deal with that. For me, DH cannot fit all the way in and it hurts me if he goes more than a few inches in! But I think I am just shallow because when I was pregnant and my cervix had risen, he fit all the way in and it didn't hurt at all!
Oh Rachel I am so sorry. But you really can't blame yourself like that! It's going to get you no where and it will just stress you out. :flower: I can't see that your weight can cause the mc, I know plenty of mothers who were very tiny and had perfectly healthy babies. Even ones who were on meth before they knew! You will get your rainbow soon! :hugs:

Thank you <3! I'm slowly getting there I think as I accept the MC I accept that it's not my fault but sometimes the thought comes back :(
I know my MW was only concerned and doing her job but the she didn't help by what she said, she's a lovely women but yeah :(
That gives me hope thank you!
Hopefully soon! I've set myself loads of goals throughout the next year e.g. Hope I get my BFP by Christmas so I can tell my OH for a Christmas present but then I could do it for his birthday in April but then maybe in July when it's my birthday or Valentines day in February so I don't pin my hopes on one date e.g. by Christmas :) xx
Rachel - I have a few friend with unexplained sexual pain - meaning the pain is very real but there is no cause. Both of them, after having a vaginal delivery, feel great and the pain is gone. Maybe let DH know pregnancy can be the cure if nothing is found.

I am also very thin and have been the same size since I was about 13 (except for getting some small curves.) When I was pg it's the first time I gained weight and have been able to keep it. For me, the best way to gain weight was just to gain muscle - no fat could be added. My docs even tried me on a cookie diet b/c they were out of idea. I am allergic to dairy but usually they tell you to drink Ensure to gain.

Penguin - so glad you o'd!! Can't wait to see your results.

Literati - I use preseed as well but I stopped inserting it. Either way, when CM isn't great I think it helps. Does anyone know if preseed is safe during pregnancy or only when ttc?

Sorry you didn't order the OPKs - I have been there before too.

Celine - hope you get your negative soon. That cake looks amazing!

Munchkin - glad to hear you are relaxing a bit, having some wine and forgetting what day you are on. I hope the stress reduction is what you need to feel better. It's hard to let go of the past.

Apple - were you asking when people o'd after m/c? After my chemical I o'd 10 days later - really early. After my m/c, when my HCG hit 6 I got AF w/out o'ing. Then I o'd on cd9. The next cycle was more normal, CD18, this one was in my normal range cd14.

AFM - line this morning was same color as yesterday but did show up w/in the 5 minute timeframe. Still not taking it too seriously. I want to miss a period before I know that I am pregnant and to see the line get darker. Once I rule out chemical I will feel better. AF due on 25th at the latest. If it doesn't show I will call the doc on Thurs, see if I can get progesterone, blood draw and schedule an early scan. I think he said I could have one at 6 or 7 weeks.

Oh - and my camera is broken. I ordered a new one so once it arrives I can pics of tests if they stay positive. And thanks everyone for the well wishes. It means a lot and you know I understand the jealousy factor :)

I found this article on preseed for you! https://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/preseed-chat.html It does say towards the bottom that it is safe to use while pregnant
Rachel - I definitely understand the urge to blame yourself, but you definitely shouldn't! As long as you're healthy and were eating properly I am sure your weight would not be to blame for the m/c. I would suggest adding things like Boost, protein shakes and smoothies BETWEEN meals. They're just a lot of extra calories that way and you're still getting some nutrition. And, of course, stuffing yourself with a few donuts and cookies wouldn't hurt. ;)

I am glad you are finally getting looked at for your sexual pain! That definitely sounds like you should not have to deal with that. For me, DH cannot fit all the way in and it hurts me if he goes more than a few inches in! But I think I am just shallow because when I was pregnant and my cervix had risen, he fit all the way in and it didn't hurt at all!

Thank you! <3 I really stepped up eating healthy then I found out I was pregnant haha so trying to keep that going, more home cooked meals now I'm home all the time :) Yeah I've got to go out and get some more protein stuff, obsessed with lentils at the moment so that's good :) Ooo yummy! I want some cookies now :dohh:
In a way I hope it's something like that so then nothings wrong with me as such but then I think if it is that I've got to wait until I'm pregnant/given birth for it to stop but that's just me being impatient and a wimp :haha: As long as nothings seriously wrong then I'm happy :D x
Wow I don't come on for a bit and miss loads. I'm so excited for those with the good bfps it's scary and exciting times when I get back from skeg I expect to see dark lines :)

If your getting a 'bad bfp' I feel your pain mine were so dark for ages then stated fading best advise was not to test too often as you don't see the change.

Afm I'm not peeing on anything trying not to stress i refuse to even have tests in the house because I WILL pee on any stick lol. Having said that I had what might be o pain today but no other obvious signs. Just gonna continue with regular bd and hope for the best.

I know after Xmas I'll go ttc crazy so I will try to put less pressure on myself for now. Here is a list of positives of not being Pg;
I can drink
I can eat what I like
I'm not stressing about having another mc
I can enjoy sex without being stupidly worried it could somehow be a bad thing.

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