Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Annie- I am SO sorry about your possible chemical. :hugs: I can imagine you're very disappointed. You're being a real trooper about it, though!

IAW- those are GREAT lines! Congrats on being pregnant!
Anniebobs- I am so sorry! What a bummer and horrible mind games! Poo!

Jelly- I hope it wasn't an evap and all turns out pos!

IAW- Yay! Super exciting!!! Hoping this is the one!
Yes ive decided to wean my baby :) i thought id go as long as she wants, my son weaned on his own while i was pregnant with dd, she is not backing off though and i dont mind bf but ive. Oticed if anyone can put her to bed then its out of habit so if shes not too sad about it..im ok to wean. Literally been 5 years of bf and/or preg bcos my lmp before my son was 17sept 2008 :)
Yea there were a few time for number three comments. They dont know its actually number 5 we will be going for :)

Ready to start opking this week!
Annie how are you feeling today? How's the bleeding? Have you tested again?

Itsawonder any more bfp pics??

Jelly - any more tests??

Celine yes it sounds like it was the right thing for both of you! My dd was nearly weaned but recently I've upped the feeding again. Honestly though it's more for me than her, she never asks for it and would generally prefer warm cows milk! I definitely still want to feel like I have a baby but she's huge now :rofl: so itS slightly bizarre! My excuse at the moment is that the world health organisation says to breastfeed til 2 but it is just an excuse!
Your attitude towards the Facebook posts is excellent. Well done for being so positive! I'm starting opks on Thursday too so we can compare lines :) x x
Woke up to dark red spotting, we dtd last night but I think the amount is too much for just after that. Got cramps on the right hand side and backache so think af is gearing up to appear. Not got anymore tests apart from ic's but even though they claim to be 10miu they are rubbish
I tested and its negative, the tests I got that were positive were at 8, 9 and 10dpo so I am gutted that I thought I was pregnant for almost a week but to be honest I'd prefer this to going 13 weeks again. And I really do think my body just wasn't ready yet. This period has been weird, it's really light (normally I'm light but this is a lot different) and its more crampy than normal. If I ovulate normally this cycle, ill be due on either the day before or the day of my husband and my daughters birthday! So I'm not testing till the day before so if AF doesn't show he can get the digi as a present! NO EARLY TESTING FOR ME!!

Jelly have you tested again?

Munchkin and celine it looks like we'll be testing around the same time (ill be a few days behind you), I'm starting opks next Saturday and am hoping for a positive on Monday.

Literati, Elizabean and penguin are you all in the tww now? When's testing time? I think we need a few more bfps in here to keep that baby dust flowing!
Jelly tots I'm sorry that's rubbish :( I had one of those the first month after my misvarriage. It stinks.

Annie sorry for you too but well done on being so positive.

Itsawonder it looks like you might be the last bfp standing this month. There's no way you're allowed to go anywhere though! You need to stay here and remind us all it IS posdible! How are you feeling now?

I think it's high time we had another roundup. It would be a great help if you could pm me with your cycle (or pregnancy!) dates and which cycle you're on after miscarriage. Cycle 0 is before your first AF, cycle 1 starts with first AF etc . So I cd7 cycle 2 because I've had 2 afs since the miscarriage now.

AFM I had a lovely weekend cd rating ohs birthday but I'm feeling a but rubbish now from all the lovely good and wine so from today it's clean living for the rest of the cycle and hopefully until I'm done Breastfeeding baby number 3!! Hurrah!!!
Guys I seem to have some fertile cm?? I'm only cd7 and usually ov cd16-17. The earliest I've oved in 4 yrs is cd14 and that was only once! It's stretchy and eggwhitey but there's not loads. What's going on?? X
Annie/Jelly tots - sorry about your situations :(
Munchkin - It defiantly is! I keep forgetting where everyone is :blush:
AFM - I'm on cycle 0 and erm.. CD20 possibly? I've not tested yet so don't know if it's negative yet but we've been DTD unprotected so who knows :dohh: waiting till the end of the month to test - I doubt it would be if if its a dark positive means blood test - yay! Nothing like almost throwing up and fainting again to top of this experience haha.
Hope everyone's doing ok, might be MIA a bit as my Internet's died again :( xx
Munchkin grab an opk? Grab your man? Or both?

Anniebobs im so sorry for you but what a great gift it would be :)

Looks like quite alot of us are cycle bnddies this mnth.
I have got an opk in my work bag from last month so currently holding my pee to test it!
Peee on it! You totally make me want to pee on one too!
He he! I peed on it and there's nothing so looks like it was a random patch, which bodes well for the rest of the cycle. Yay! Celine you should totally pee on something ;)
I peed on one too! It was rarher darkish though...could well be preggo hormones still? Will try dtd tonight in case?


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Yes looks quite dark. When did u last do an hpt? X
Saturday..but it was a digi?
Hmmm...when in doubt dtd i guess! And def buy hpt tomorrow.
Munchkin and Celine - Can't believe it's already OPK time! So exciting!

Munchkin - that's for asking me to stay. It means a lot since this group is so supportive.

Annie - you have such a great outlook and it's wonderful that you will be trying again so soon. Timing sounds like it would be great.

Jelly - sorry AF is showing.

Elizabean, Penguin and all ladies in TWW - how's it going??

No more tests here. AF is technically due tomorrow or Wed so I am going to wait until Thursday to test again at home. However, my doctor's office opens in five minutes so I am going to call them to ask about progesterone and see if they want me to come in for blood work. Most importantly, I want to schedule a scan.

I stopped drinking coffee during my last AF so I have no caffeine in my diet right now. I am hoping that will somehow help with a healthy pregnancy.
I was stalking another thread similiar to this one and i know it can be very hurtful seeing alot of bfps and feeling left out :( and as jealous as i felt i also feel like you defo deserve that bfp, we have all been thru a loss, some of us more than one. But it hurts.
If a parent dies its a sad thing and it is made oublic and ppl can be sympathetic to it, with mc if you dare make it public there are so many ways ppl can ma. You feel worse. Today a school mum asked if i was having more kiddos and i laugheddit off. Then my sons teacher is sending him to a soeech therapist and i came home and had a big emotional cry.

So iAW so stay to cheer us all onwards and upwards :)

For me...last mc i ovulated on cd 23 or 24? So i doubt this is ovulation. But i wont let that stop me dtd in case, im trtuing to be chilled a bit and dtd every 2-3 days and not obsess as hard as it is, and then during positive opk ramp it up as required...so will see.
Afternoon Ladies

Wow I have missed so much (I'm slowly coming out of hiding)

Thanks for all the :hugs: and wishes and of course my special cyber hug:happydance:

I am feeling a little bit stronger today - but I am sorry I tried to keep up with you all, but as I have cried buckets and buckets of tears everything was a bit blurry:cry:

So I think we have a BFP - is that correct?:happydance:

We have some ladies who are at OPK stage?:happydance:

Some in the TWW?:happydance:

Some waiting for scans?:happydance:

Can someone give me an update just so I can catch up with all you lovely supportive ladies.

AFM - I left the decision to hubby whether we would try again - when we were ahem :sex: one night I asked then :haha: (of course we had a serious discussion before) so I could be testing in a few weeks with the rest of you:happydance:

I am still feeling guilty about being sad - and still feeling sad about feeling guilty my head is a bit of a mess still but we feel we owe it now to our little boy (and my two boys) to not close the door yet.

I have had issues last week with my eldest and school (he has autism) but that is a whole new story for another day.

Good to be back ladies :happydance:


Celine- I understand the feelings you are having. It has been hard for me as well to see others BFPs but it also gave me hope that mine would come. This being my third pregnancy in 7 months makes is beautiful and hard, scary and happy. I will try to be respectful of everyone's feelings as I do understand both sides. Should you ever feel I am not being respectful please say something and know that I will not take any offense. I would much rather know if I hurt someone so I may apologize and rethink my actions the next time than go on making the same mistake. Much love to you for your honesty.

I did just talk to my doctors office and I have a scan in one week, Monday Sept. 30. I will only be about 4 1/2 weeks so I don't know if we will see anything but I am hopeful that something will be there.

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