Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Hi boodley and welcome. Under sad circumstances :( ive just had my 2nd mc in a row and mc-ed almost two weeks ago hence waiting on a negative hpt :)

I didnt test this morning ive had a small dental emergency :( last might my daughter headbutted me and knocked my front tooth hard, its a fake one (bridged) and if it falls out will look horreendous as ive got a cleft lip & palate urgh off to dentist.
Hi B - welcome to this lovely supportive group - so sorry you find yourself here though:hugs:

Celine - As if you haven't got enough on your plate - kids eh? - I remember (how can I forget:haha:) my eldest making some home made pizza - it was like rock - well he forced me to take a bite and it cracked the tooth next to my big one:cry:

I have a white filling but it is so obvious to me - and the best thing he doesn't remember and it was only a couple of years ago :dohh:

Hope you get fixed soon:hugs:

Rachel - I remember getting a 9 on a HCG (when waiting for a negative) and then the very next day I started my AF - depends how quickly your HCG drops:hugs:

I have a day of feeling sick and that's about it - even with the boys just one small puke :haha:

Munchkin - Well done you on BF for so long - I thought I did well at 3 months :haha: I think it all depends on circumstances as well don't you - at the time I was a single mum with two under 3 and one was very demanding :blush: I know what you mean about men - as you all know I work one day a week with hubby - well who has to still come home do housework, cook tea, sort kids and animals - even though I've done a days work:winkwink:

Sometimes the fertile cm is our bodies way of gearing up to O - kind of a practice run (well that's how I see it anyway) of course as we all know after a m/c all bets are off.

Literati - You must not give up HOPE hun - that is all we have at the moment:hugs: Even if you O tomorrow or the next day you have enough little men lined up ready for date night:happydance:

Jelly - So sorry hun :hugs:

IAW - Any new symptoms for us yet? - how are you feeling hun?

Annie - I'm glad you are feeling positive - sorry it wasn't your turn this month :hugs:

Rachel - Did you test again - it's a bitter sweet moment when that test goes white :blush:

Elizabean - Are you same DPO as me and Munchkin :happydance:

AFM - Nothing new to report - just getting on with things as you do. Ok so this last pregnancy or maybe it's my age has left me a bit chunkier - so today I went on you tube and did some yoga for beginners - Ha if that's for beginners:haha: I used to be fairly trim - but being pg then loss then pg again etc plays havoc with your figure:cry:


Aww celine that is not what you need! Hope it didn't hurt too much.

It doesn't irritate me too much when pregnant people moan about ms, because I was one of them with dd! I felt constantly nauseous from 5-15 weeks and was sick at least once a day. Mostly in the evenings but had a few days where I was sick in the works toilets or at the train station. At one point I could only keep down melon and yoghurt. Water made me sick and I ended up losing half a stone. I was always happy to be pregnant but hell yeah I moaned, it was awful :haha:

With the last pregnancy I was nauseous from 6-11 weeks but it was on and off and I was only sick about 5 times. I don't really know what I'm hoping for next time, I think I'm just one of those unlucky people who gets sick. But then if I didn't I'd worry!
Anniebobs i was ill with both mine too, with my daughter i was vomiting everyday from 6 weeks til almost 20weeks funny enough the week gabriel stopped bfing i stopped being sick! The only time i havent been ill when pg was when i had the miscarriages :(

Ive had my tooth dealt with thankfully. I did an opk and still negative, still not done hpt but will do tomorrow

Rachel did you get your bfn?
Just a quick pop in as I'm currently out but I'll try attach the test. The last one I took (on the 16th Sept) was a dark positive came up within a minute or so this one - Can barely see and it came up after about 3 minutes (had to wait 5) so YAY! It's not negative but it's so close!
Hmm can't seem to attack a picture on my phone :( if I remember right it's about as light if not lighter than Munchkins ones were. Apologises if I'm wrong!
Will reply properly when I'm home :) xx
Good morning ladies. Just accidentally erased my entire post. Argh.

Annie and Jelly - so bummed about the way this cycle worked out for you both. Annie - still impressed with your outlook and maybe it will shock your system into a BFP this cycle

Celine - sorry about your tooth but glad you were able to get it fixed so quickly. Hope you get that negative test soon.

Rachel - glad to hear your test is moving toward negative. I bet it will happen very soon.

Literati - long stretch with those OPKs this month. Hope you did ovulate and that you caught the egg

Munchkin - how long until expected O?

Garfie - The m/c's reeked havoc on my body as well. It was surprising to me. Have fun with your yoga!

Everyone else I am thinking of you too and will try to write when I am at work.

AFM - still no symptoms. 14 dpo today so still really early. Technically AF due today or tomorrow but feel pretty sure she's not going to show.

Learned a lesson in jealously last night. A number of weeks ago I remember being happy for a friend and sad for me when she announced her pregnancy. She was due 10 days after my due date. I got a call yesterday. At 20 weeks her baby was diagnosed with a genetic disorder and there was a 0% chance of survival after delivery. She had to terminate. I cannot imagine how painful that is and would never wish this on my worst enemy. We never know the blows we will be dealt. I am sad for her today and wish things had turned out differently.
Thanks iaw, I think I was that down last month that I'm just over it. Yeah I'm gutted but I'm still hopeful for a bfp before Christmas!

Oh god that's just awful news for your friend. There is always someone worse off isn't there. I hope she has a lot of support around her, what a horrible thing to go through.

I'm sure AF won't show for you, I can't wait to see your first scan next week!

Rachel that's great you have an almost negative! Hopefully ov or AF will show soon.
IAW thats so sad :( what a terrble twist.

I was invited by a friendcwho now knows of my 2mc to a cffee date where she invited our mutual friend who is due feb 5th (i was sue feb 4th) ermmm how can i decline politeky and tell her that actually mc hurts!
I will be waiting too. Was diagnosed yesterday with a blighted ovum. Going to be taking misoprostol within the next few days. Really scared :(
Jilliie - So sorry hun - we are all here for you and will hold your hand all the way BIG :hugs: I personally have only ever had DNCs and natural M/C.

I feel for you regarding the blighted ovum I had one - how can it be that we still feel pregnant but there is nothing there? I still don't really get it. I explained it to the children that mum built a house but the baby moved in somewhere else.:flower:

Please make sure you have lots of pain relief, drinks and take care of yourself.

Hope you are not in discomfort for to long


Oh that's awful :(
JillieBean - So sorry for your loss, it's amazing here even with the bad circumstances. that's the pill then the other pills right? I was never told what I was taking they just handed to me - obviously I chose that route but I never knew what it was called haha.
Need to properly catch up soon but my laptops being a pain in my backside. If it doesn't work this evening I'll just try and reply on my phone :( xxx
Jillie - so sorry about your Blighted Ovum. There are just no words to truly comfort you at this time but this will take you one step closer to an eventual successful pregnancy.

Celine - if your friend knows can you just tell her that it's too difficult emotionally right now? If not just tell you have a doc's appointment or some other plans.
Celine - Wow, that sucks about your tooth! What a bummer. And I know dental work is expensive. :hugs: I'm glad you got it all fixed. Sorry your friend was so insensitive as to invite someone else due when you would have been. She just doesn't get it but hopefully she would understand if you explained.

Garfie - Thanks...I sure hope so. I'm paranoid that maybe I won't ov this month. My temps did go up a bit today but it's hard to say since my temps dipped so much yesterday that nearly anything would have been a 'rise.'

Good for you on trying some yoga! I am sure you'll lose that weight in no time.

Annie - Yeah, it seems understandable to complain about m/s because it sounds truly awful. I hope next time your m/s is at least manageable (but still there to be reassuring)!

Rachel - Yay for an almost-negative! Hopefully soon.

IAW - I'm sure you're right that AF won't show! You are on your way to your rainbow baby!

Wow, that is SOOO horrifying what happened to your friend. Someone in another thread I follow also just had a friend who lost her baby at 20 weeks. I can't imagine the devastation. There definitely are a lot of worse things that can happen. However, one of the main things that got me depressed after my m/c is that just because this happened doesn't mean something worse won't happen to me later down the road. :(

AFM - Still not sure if I oved. Temps up a bit today. I am about to take an OPK. Does anyone ever still see a faint line after they have already Oved??? I am very tired today as I got up at 5:30 to BD before dh went to work. Ugh!
Just a quick one as bit busy with month end processing, the joy of being an accountant.
Thank you everyone for your kind words.
Did a frer today and definite bfn. Also since got home af cramps have increased looks like will be on time, going to curl up with hot water bottle in bed shortly and try and get some sleep (monkey has got bad runny nose and cough with his canines coming through). I'm pleased about that though as means everything will hopefully be back on track. I've ordered a new bbt thermometer as mine isn't working, that way I will defo have a better idea if I've ov'd. We are looking forward to trying afresh this month and just want af over ASAP so we can get back on with having fun baby making.
Hopefully will have wifi on the train tomorrow so can catch up properly.
Welcome to all the newbies, sorry you are here but this is a fab thread of people. Take care all and have a good evening x
Literati getting up at 5:30 to bd? Thats dedication my friend!

My tooth is all fixed i can smile again :) opk negative...hubby on stand by (for work not me) this week and was hoping to dtd for back up while i wait to ov :( wishi was as dedicated at literati but 5:30 is a killer for both me and dh..maybe tonight if he ever comes home from work.
Thanks everyone for the kind welcome. It's great to have somewhere to come with all the madness that goes through your head, where you're not judged and where people get it. This site's been a real comfort to me.

RachelLynda - I've been reading up on all this stuff like crazy - I found some stories of people who OVd even with HCG still in system, though at low levels, like under 15.... so it can still happen, but it's not the common thing.

Celine - uugh, crowns are a pain! I've one on my front tooth too - from diving into the shallow end of the swimming pool when I was a kid :dohh::dohh:. It likes to fall out randomly, so I'm very paranoid about minding it, but still seem to knock it regularly! Hope it's good and secure again. I too find it really hard being around others due same time as I would have been - the woman in the office next door to me in work being one, so can't really avoid that. She has no idea what's happened with me, so I'm takign a 'fake it til I make it' approach - exhausting!!

JillieBean - I took misoprostol twice in August - PM if you want any info, or if I can be of any help :hugs:

Not sure where my body's at! Last time, there was more tissue to remove coz we went straight for ERPC, yet I got negative test within two weeks - no AF til eight weeks though. Trying to chart, but it has major peaks and troughs all over the place - can't get anythign meaningful from it at this point. I'd love to fast forward the next while!!!! But glad to at least be back at a point where there's the potential to OV.

Sending positive vibes to us all

Celine - glad your tooth is fixed and I hope you are smiling with that new pearly white.

Jelly - sorry you have cramps. Hope this AF is short and ovulation is early.

Literati - it runs through my head too that bad things can still come. It's been a hell of a year and a half for me and DH and every time we think it's over we get another hit. 6 friends have died, I have had 2 m/c, DH was diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease (which is treatable but means cornea transplants every so often) my family and friends were very close to a bombing, (luckily they were all okay) and DH broke his collar bone. If we hadn't gotten married this year we would not have much to smile about.

Even still, I somehow believe that the bad run is over and this pregnancy will be my rainbow. (Fx)
Jelly - Sounds like you're taking things really well considering. Great job on the positive attitude, and I hope AF comes and goes quickly so you can start trying again!

Celine - Oh, we are BEYOND dedicated this month! On Sunday night we set an alarm for the middle of the night just so we could BD but still have a full 24-hours in between! We woke up at 1:30 am, dtd, and went back to bed! :haha: It was ridiculous, but that is what we have come to!

I'm sure it doesn't matter if you're okay if you want until tonight to dtd, especially with no +OPK yet! 5:30 am was awful for me and I won't ever do it again.

IAW - Oh, wow. That sounds like an awful year! I thought my year was bad with dh hurting his shoulder and having to be off work for 4 months, him getting a cancer scare (they told him he almost for sure had cancer, but when he went back for another test, it had all disappeared, thank goodness!), and then our m/c. Your year sounds absolutely horrendous in comparison. What country do you live in? I really hope 2014 is the most amazing year for you to make up for this crappy one. What month did you get married in?

AFM - I had ANOTHER +OPK today. I am going to ask this again: Does anyone know if you can still get a +OPK after you've already ovulated? I don't usually test after I suspect I ovulated, but this cycle has had me so unsure that I've kept testing. So who knows if maybe every month I would continue to have positives for a few days?
Thanks for the update munchkin! Sorry I've been away at the wedding prep and visitors from out of town and Rennaissance Fest this weekend! Sooooo tired.

Jelly and Annie, so sorry for the loss! Hang in there! We are here for you both!

So, I'm starting to get the urge to POAS!!!! Ugg! I've really got to wait!
Hi ladies,

I'm new here... I had an mc last week at 5 weeks. It was my first bfp after ttc for 6 months. I feel humbled reading this forum and seeing ladies dealing with multiple losses and ttc for a really long time.

Although I was completely crushed by the mc, I don't want to delay ttc again. My blood work shows that my bhcg is back down to nothing and I really don't want to wait for the next cycle to start trying again. I've gotten mixed information about waiting. I know there is a chance that I won't ov before my next period, but I don't want to waste an opportunity to try if I do ov. So right now I'm at cd 10 and hoping that I ov before a business trip next week...I've heard it's tough to conceive from across the country ;)

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