Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Garfie so lovely to have you back and i'm so pleased you're trying again. I am going to do a list again ASAP so it should get you back up to speed. You're on the same CD as me so i should be able to remember that at least! What cycle are you on since the MC??
So many feelings. It must be so hard for you :hugs:

Itsawonder how exciting! Can't believe you'll get a scan so early, but i suppose after your mcs it's not surprising. I think they're a bit more open to early scans anyway in the US. We need you to be here so we can have something to aim for, and you're not going to do anyting to upset any of us i'm sure. You know better than any of us what it's like to TTC after a miscarriage. How many weeks and days are you now?

IAW - :happydance: congrats girlie - I don't have a problem with you mentioning pregnancy ( as we said this is a lovely supportive group:happydance:)

At 4.5 weeks I saw the sac but obviously you may see more/less depending when you implanted:winkwink:

How exciting for you hun - I look forward to coming on your rainbow journey with you:flower:

Celine - I agree with everything you say - when my father died (3 years ago) I got cards, flowers sympathy etc. However whenever I have a m/c people seem to cough and change the subject - in fact I almost feel like because I have had 5 that people think I should really get over it a lot quicker now:cry: Some threads on here annoy me as they only pop in to announce a pregnancy - everyone congratulates them and then you never here from them again.:wacko:

That's why I like this thread (because sadly we have all been there) and worn the t-shirt of loss - but now it all looks like we are wearing a new t-shirt called HOPE :happydance:


Well ladies i think it's high time for another lovely roundup of where we're all at xx

Itsawonder :bfp: :happydance: 3 1/2 weeks pregnant

Jellytots CD1

Anniebobs CD2 cycle 1

Munchkin CD7 cycle 2 after mc.

Arabelle CD7 cycle 0 after mc

Garfie CD7

Celine CD13 cycle 0 after second mc

Literati CD14

Penguin CD16

RachelLynda CD20 cycle 0 after miscarriage

Boodley CD28ish cycle 0

Apple CD? cycle 0 after miscarriage

Elizabean 7DPO cycle 2

Jilliebean waiting to miscarry :( :cry:

As always message me with changes or if i've stupidly forgotten someone
Tx for the roundup munchkin, i love how you did it in order so i can see my cycle buddies and who im cheering on next.
Anniebobs how are you hun? How did hubby take all this?
Garfie your words about hooe brought a teear to my eyes, alot of the first tri threads actually annoy me, i almost want to shake them and yell at them and say that severe morning sickness isnt the worst thing that could happen, there are far worse things.
There are FAR worse things than morning sickness!

I just got a call from my doc who told me something I thought I would share with you all. He called to tell me that he will not prescribe progesterone and why. In the 34 years he has practiced he has prescribed it and it did not change miscarriage rates at all, unless woman has a luteal phase defect (which I do not). If this is the case, he will start them at 3 dpo. He said otherwise the only thing it will do if a woman is going to miscarry, is prolong the miscarriage which can lead to infection among other complications. He said that in all the years he has practiced he has learned that women who take progesterone from BFP on, as a precaution, and have a successful pregnancy would have had a successful pregnancy without it as well.

Just thought it was interesting.
IAW - I agree with your doc on some levels - but for me I take the progesterone as I have exhausted everything else :cry: I agree it can prolong the inevitable but for me I need to feel I have done everything possible for my little one - I don't agree with taking progesterone just because "everyone else is doing it" I think a lot of women do this.

I only started taking progesterone last BFP - although I have to say if I am lucky enough to get another BFP I will start it again:happydance:

My baby cocktail this month is:

Grapefruit Juice
Vitamin B6
Vitamin D3
Fish Oil
Baby Aspirin
Folic Acid

Along with:

HPTs - should I have the urge to POAS:winkwink:

Munchkin - Looks like you and me are neck and neck - how did that happen? :wacko:

Celine - I also want to shake them:growlmad: but then I think well at least they haven't been through what I have - I honestly wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy:nope: and I guess in a way it's nice they are so innocent I wish I was:cry: instead I know when it happens again - I will not only have milestones to reach - but will be constantly worrying about well you ladies know what I mean:cry:


Garfie yes it's lovely having a proper cycle buddy! What days do you normally ov? I'm CD16-17 usually. Celine might be with us too as she ovd 3 weeks after her mc last time xx
:happydance: two cycle buddies - although I could maybe pick up more on the way :haha:

I have ovulated anywhere from CD8 - CD 19, so I don't have a clue:wacko:

I hope my OPKs come soon and they are also bringing there friends HPTs to the party:haha:

Can you believe FF has me down for testing 8 October so I guess I better grab that hubby of mine soon:winkwink:


Garfie - very true. Since I have had two miscarriage and not more I still fit into the "normal" range. If I have a 3rd (hope not) and have to see a specialist I think the story will change. I initially asked about it b/c I also want to feel like I am doing everything I can. My doc believes for a third try not doing is better than doing. He actually asked me to stop taking DHA as any extra supplements can be questionable. Instead he asked that I eat about 6 ounces of Alaskan salmon 2-3 times a week. The only supplement he approves of at the moment are prenatals with Folic Acid.
Hi girls!
Having a tough time with OH lately so will probably be a bit quiet :/ we've made up now but we've started arguing so much :(
it's so hard replying to people while on my phone as I can't see anything but this message. Bad BT. BAD!
I loved my morning sickness - made me feel pregnant :blush: what I couldn't deal with was my boobs hurting as I couldn't so anything but they grew so yay! Haha!
Yeah I love being with you girls, I always seem to be left out when I join one :( and 99% of the time its always so positive and I need that, another one I was on was sooo negative it got me so down so I left :(
AFM - I have my cm(if I guessed what cm meant right!) back! It's watery so not showing ovulation but it's back. After a normal AF I'd get it back as the bleeding stopped and my MC it just disappeared and wasn't there so I hope this is a sign that my body's getting back to itself or am I just making stuff up to make myself feel better?! haha. Brought 2 packs of 2 tests out of pound land today so going to test tomorrow morning and see how it is, hoping its sooo much lighter or white! For once pray I get a nice white negative test! :)
I shall try catch up soon!
Rachel im going to test tomorrow too bfns for us both pls!
Honestly. Men! After me spoiling oh thus weekend spending loads of money I don't have I go to work today, he has a lovely day with dd, I go to an orchestra rehearsal and get gone at ten to a filthy kitchen and a massively stroppy oh!! Basically I earn far less than him and when dd is left with him it's always on the proviso that if he gets work it always comes first because he pays the bills! Well today unbeknownst to me he was offered a £600 job he turned down when there were at least 4 childcare options, and he now is blaming ME!! When he's had a long day I always make sure he has dinner, whatever time it is, a cup of tea and a warm welcome! I get a load of grief. The damson gin I'm drinking is helping a lot. Grrrr.
Fingers crossed for some bfns tomorrow!

Garfie :hugs: good to see you back. Glad you're feeling a bit more positive. Hopefully we'll be seeing some more bfps next month.

I'm doing ok, I really didn't get too attached to the idea of being pregnant, I think I was protecting myself just in case and its a good job. Praying for a real pregnancy next month though. Hubby is fine too, he was gutted after the miscarriage so I think when I got the bfp he didnt get too excited so the chemical wasn't such a massive shock. He's hopeful for this month though. I usually ov on cd10 so as soon as AF is over we'll be at it!
Hi ladies,

Can I join?? Just got a (nearly) negative test today after mmc which ended up with ERPC four weeks ago. I've been charting on and off since, but things were so over the place and tests were still strongly positive that I've stopped. Going to start again tomorrow morning. CM is still pinky-tinged - not even sure what that means, but we'll see!

Fingers crossed for OV soon,

Welcome Boodley, I'm sorry for you loss and that you had to find us here. We definitely know about waiting to OV!

Hi to everyone else, I feel like I've been away a long time (Really only 3 days, but a lot happens in 3 days on this thread!) I have a lot to catch up on!

Thanks for the updated list Munchkin! I'm currently cycle 2 after MC, just on 7 dpo now. I'm feeling calm, relaxed and positive.

Give me a bit to read up from the last few days and I'll be back on board!
Boodley - I am sorry you find yourself in the ttc after a loss section but welcome to this thread. It's filled with wonderfully supportive women.

Just an FYI - after my last m/c, as soon as my HCG was negative, (or nearly it was 6) I had a light AF. Could be what you are gearing up for. Of course, it could be residual spotting and it could be ovulation coming on. Gotta love the guessing game...
Celine - "Congrats" on weaning your daughter? ahha. I'm not exactly sure what you say to these things, but I am sure it will be nice to take a break. Long-term breastfeeding is such a good and healthy thing, so good for you for sticking it out so long!

- It really *is* SO good to breastfeed until age 2, so even if you are not really doing it for that, you can feel good that you are doing the right thing for your daughter. That is so sweet that you want to continue breastfeeding and make her your little baby a little while longer. Hopefully soon you will have a new baby on the way so you won't feel that way anymore.

You could have several days of fertile cm or you could be oving really early! Our bodies like to throw us for a loop sometimes!

Sorry your hubby was so frustrating and ended up making you all miss out on money as well as making you come home to a mess. That really would be so frustrating.

Jelly - Wow. I am SO sorry. :( I am so shocked and saddened by these 2 chemical pregnancies this month! Not to make this about me, but it really doesn't give me any hope for when I get pregnant again. :( I hope you're able to keep your chin up and just keep trying. Hopefully next month will be your month! :hugs:

Annie - Nope, I'm not in the TWW yet! My body is throwing me for a loop and ovulating later than usual. I've had 3 positive OPKs in a row now! My temps dipped today but still a +OPK so I am expecting to ovulate overnight/tomorrow morning. Let's hope, anyway. I am getting tired from our BD marathon! :sleep:

Sounds like a good idea not to test so early next month. And here I was planning on testing earlier this cycle! But I will only test as early as 12DPO, which shouldn't be so bad.

I am glad you are doing okay. Sounds like you ov really early, so you could be catching that egg before you know it!

IAW - :hugs: Wishing you a healthy, happy pregnancy. That is interesting what your doctor said about the progesterone. It makes me feel a bit better that we're not doing anything yet. I am surprised what he said about DHA though. Everywhere I've read has said it's good so I am going to continue taking my Omega 3s. That is good you're getting an early scan to check things out.

Garfie - :hugs: So sorry you're feeling so sad. That is very understandable. Let us know what your hubby decides!

Rachel - I can't wait to feel morning sickness! Not that I want to feel sick, but I will find it reassuring.
Watery CM can mean your body is gearing up for O! I often have a couple days of water before O. I hope you get your negative test soon! I am glad you feel 'at home' here. It is such a supportive group.

Boodley - Welcome here. I am very sorry about your loss. :( It's awful we all meet under these circumstances, but so great that we can all support each other. I hope you get a totally negative test tomorrow.

Elizabean - Can't wait to hear an update from you.

AFM - My body is confusing me. I still haven't Oved yet and looks like I won't be Oving until tomorrow (CD15). I always ov on CD12 or CD13 so this is new to me. we've been BDing every day since last Wednesday, so I'm getting a little tired out. I'm hoping with all the days of fertile CM I've had that this will be my BFP month...despite the fact that surely dh's sperm count is a bit down by now. :wacko:
I didn't really have morning sickness more morning gagging and all night/day feeling sick haha - then it went :( now if/when I'm sick I'm going to be smiling but crying, I always cry when I throw up, after all these years you'd think I'd get used to it haha.
Ovulation?! Ooo! Yay!! I mean.. I'm going to stay calm and not get overly excited :blush: I hoping that's also a sign of a negative test as as far as I'm aware as long as my test is positive I can't ovulate? Ah well I shall wait till tomorrow when all shall be revealed :) even if it's positive as long as its lighter I'll be happy, did anyone see a big difference in their tests from day 1 testing to a week later? I know everyone's different but don't know whether to expect much.
It's a shame I had to meet you all under these circumstances but without you all here (and there) I'd probably be a crying mess still - so onwards and upwards and lots of :hugs: thank you and baby dust to be sprinkled around! xx
Yes, it seems like you should get a negative HPT before Oving...so hopefully that happens right away for you!

I HATE throwing up...SO MUCH! I really hope my morning sickness doesn't actually make me puke.
Hopefully :) trying not to get my hopes up but they just won't go down haha.
So do I, my MS wasn't actually throwing up but it's that worse annoying bit where you feel like you're going to but don't :( I want the full blown MS etc next time - I'll so regret saying this haha but it'll help me feel pregnant xxx

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