Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Very sorry about your loss, Arabelle. Welcome here. We're happy to share in your journey to your rainbow baby! What CD do you usually ov on?
Hi arabelle so sorry that youve have tomjoin under the circumstances :( i do beleive that your body wont conceive if its not ready, so hope you ovukate before your business trip to have a chance :)
I tested, its been two weeks tiday since i passed the "pregnancy" and its a fant bfp, like what i got at 13dpo...its light enough that i would be excited about it but still not faint enough for a bfn :(

I chrcked again after the time limit and its a dark blaring one urgh
Aww Celine hopefully it'll be negative soon then you can get back to hoping for positive tests!
Hi Arabelle - so sorry for your loss. When I first came here the support and positivity was amazing - other ones I was on we're pretty depressing, I know it's a depressing time but it's nice to be positive about the future :)
Celine - sorry about your BFP :( sounds like what mine did when it was 2 weeks after mine. Drink plenty of water :) Hoping your test gets lighter and eventually BFN so you can focus on getting the BFP :D
AFM - My brothers visiting and went missing with his phone off so I panicked and burst into tears and had a panic attack :( but he's safely at our now :) xx
Literati – A cancer scare sounds awful to deal with. I am very glad everything turned out well. Our year has had ups and downs to say the least, but I guess that is life. I live in the US and we got married last September. Actually, our anniversary is Sunday.

Although I have heard of women getting positive OPKs after ovulation it has not happened to me personally. Anything is possible. I get two days of positives and ovulate the next day.

Penguin – hope the Renaissance Fest was fantastic. I love any reason to dress in a corset!

Arabelle – sorry for your loss but good luck with future ttc. I agree, it may be tough for the sperm to reach egg across country. I guess miracles can happen though… :)

Celine – hope it’s negative soon

AFM - started to feel some of those stretching cramps yesterday, not AF cramps. Tests getting stronger and no sign of AF today. Fingers crossed this one is healthy! Looking forward to Monday. Three hurdles I need to tackle - 1. no af (today) 2. sac at Monday's scan (about 4.5 weeks) 3. heartbeat. Once I see a heartbeat, which I have not seen with previous pregnancies, I will feel like this is real.
iAW i am cheering you on for all those goals! So happy to hear you are getting the stretchy kind of cramps, now fast forward to Monday for that scan!

With my negative opk and positve bfp i hope to dtd today still hopefully! There is a good sign that if i do only ovulate in 10 days time my mom will be going away for 10 days to find a flat for herself hurray! So dtd will be easier to plan ;) and if i ovulate earlier i just want to dtd every 3 days to be sure i have that covered.
Im thinking of pros of bfp or bfn for this cycle and if i dont get my bfp in the next mnth then i can drink aay at my girlie retreat happening end of Nov :) or if i get a bfp a loverly anniversary gift happy seven years end of october :)
Afternoon Ladies

I've been at work today - so time for a catch up:flower:

Literati - I understand what you mean by a crappy year (2013) we can't wait for it to be over as well - we lost a few members of our family this year not to mention 3 m/c for us oh and top it all in February we had a factory fire (in fact at the moment we are in temporary accommodation, that's were I work one day a week:happydance: Boy the fire was scary we got a phone call early one Sunday morning saying the building was on fire - father in law owns a printing firm - lots of solvents and flammables around - thank heavens nobody got hurt even though the building burnt to the ground:cry: so yeah we can't wait for 2013 to be over as well:wacko:

A cancer scare - I bet you was out of your mind with worry :hugs: Have you actually ovulated hun - had a temp increase? I got 5 positive OPK (and that was a pregnancy cycle) so fingers crossed for you hun.

IAW - Happy Anniversary for Sunday :happydance: got anything special planned? So pleased your tests are getting darker - do we get to see?:flower:

Penguin - Hope you had fun - I am the same as IAW anything to dress up:haha: When can you officially POAS:winkwink:

Arab - So sorry you find yourself here hun - but I have to say it is a lovely supportive group - we look forward to continuing your journey to your rainbow baby:happydance:

Celine - Grrr when you want them positive they don't go and when you want them negative :growlmad: I would try again in another week (I tested weekly) and see were you are at - of course it doesn't stop you having fun in the meantime:winkwink:

Munchkin - How are you feeling hun? - my cycle buddy :happydance:

AFM - Just waiting for my OPKs to arrive and then I can start POAS :happydance:

Love to anyone I may have missed - this group is sadly growing:cry:


Welcome new ladies! Sorry you're here but glad to share. I've put you on "the list". Please check and tell me if i've got the dates wrong! Jille i had miso and it wasn't so bad. I thought it would be total hell but i took it on the wednesday then went into hospital and had a pessary of it and passed the baby in hospital. It was about 9 weeks in size and really wasn't that bad, not too much blood and we just watched telly all day. have you taken it yet?

So sorry i can't catch up with everyone but i'm a bit behind and haven't got time to catch up properly!!

I'm ok, feeling far more relaxed about TTC this month which was my plan! CD10 tomorrow so we're going to aim for SMEP although i don't think we've managed it properly yet! My fertility monitor started asking for sticks yesterday, both been low so far, and i'll start opk's tomorrow too. I usually ove cd16 or 17 so just another week and i'm in the TWW again :happydance: Hope everyone else is ok xxx
IAW - Yay for stretching cramps! I am cheering you on in reaching those goals! :happydance:

Garfie - That sounds like a really rough year for you as well. :( Hopefully this is the end to all the bad. That's good to know you had 5 OPKs before. My temps have risen 2 days in a row, so pretty sure I oved on Monday...which makes sense since that's when I had intense ov cramps and my CM dried up, etc.

Munchkin - Glad to hear you're feeling more relaxed! Hope you can hang tight waiting for O!

AFM - I suppose I'm most likely 2 DPO today. Just waiting for tomorrow's temps to confirm!
Garfie - not too much planned. DH works 7 days a week b/c he owns his business so his partner is covering for the day. We will probably take a hike in the AM, maybe go fishing. That night we are going to a French restaurant we like and the chef is who cooked for our wedding. I love food so much when we planned our wedding I picked the chef first and then decided how many people we could afford to invite!

Hope your OPKs get here soon. I will try to post another pic of tests. Still waiting for new camera to arrive. I borrowed a friend's the other day to take the pic I did post. She always leaves her door unlocked and we have been friends forever so I just grabbed it from her house and put it back before she knew what I was taking a pic of.

Munchkin - I can't believe it's already CD 10!!! Glad you are feeling more relaxed and good luck with SMEP!
I saw a question in the mc support forum and thought id throw it here, do you mark the day? The day of mc or edd..what do you plan? February is coming weather i like it or not and april is right after. I know i will be sad if i have nothing new by then but its for me to accept.
My mom lost a daughter when i was 19months, she was 7 months along :( every year on her birthdate, not edd (in an uronic twist her edd is my hubbys birthdate) we would buy a cake. I love that, i also love cake :) i may be doing that for mine but first mc was sons birthday :(
Hi Celine. Yes i'm not sure. I think from knowing how i react to other anniversaries, mainly my mums death and her birthday, i am better acknowledging them somehow even if it's just taking a day off work or visiting my gran. I think i'll mark the EDD, 22nd January, but not the mc date. I think that's more important to me.

One good thing about my cycle so far is that i'm getting lots of fertile mucous already so i might ov early or maybe i'll just have lots of amazing baby making mucous! I never usually have much at all.
Celine - I haven't always had the easiest life so I am not one to dwell on the past. Instead I become proactive when anything bad happens and do what I can to make the situation better. For me, moving on is the gift I can give to my losses and anyone around me. I don't cry, I rarely get mad, I just deal. (I cry a little bit when there are deaths and a bit during my miscarriages but it's rare.)

However, I am not the norm. I think if people feel they want to have some sort of remembrance than they should. I think each of us will have to determine that for ourselves and decide what celebration fits. Most likely you will see something or think of an idea when you least expect it and it will just feel right. Don't force it, it will come.
Munchkin - Sounds like you are going to be very fertile this month. Hooray!!!! :)

Celine - That is a good idea to do something to celebrate on either your m/c day or edd. I would probably choose edd because the m/c day is very depressing to me. I don't think I will do anything particularly but I'll definitely take time to reflect on that day.
hi ladies! I'm sorry I have been MIA lately! I kind of feel like I'll never catch up again:wacko:

:hugs:Welcome Arabelle, I'm sorry for your loss.

I'm now 9dpo and just waiting waiting waiting. Last month I was convinced that I was getting a BFP because of my symptoms, so this month I have turned it around in my head and have been making a note of any weird feeling I get as notes on my regular non positive cycle to look back on in future months of TTC (I hope I don't need to though). It's an odd perspective, but it's making it a bit more calm in my crazy symptom spotting brain! Witch is due 1st October, I really hope she stays away.

Wonder, I hope your upcoming scan is gorgeous! And congrats on your upcoming anniversary, I hope you have a beautiful day.

Munchkin, sounding very fertile, fx'd

Celine, I'm thinking of you and hoping for a good BFN soon

Oops, must go to a meeting, but I'll be back later today!
Elizabean - If you wait too long, it's too hard to catch up. Just jump right in from now and try to stay up to date. ;)

Ooh, I'm just a week behind you or so! AF is due Oct. 7th for me. I am glad you are taking note of every symptom so you know it's "nothing" in upcoming non-pregnant cycles. Of course, hopefully this month of religious symptom-noting will actually turn out to be your pregnancy month! Glad it's making you more calm, either way.
Ooh, I'm just a week behind you or so! AF is due Oct. 7th for me. I am glad you are taking note of every symptom so you know it's "nothing" in upcoming non-pregnant cycles. Of course, hopefully this month of religious symptom-noting will actually turn out to be your pregnancy month! Glad it's making you more calm, either way.

I really hope this my month, and yours too!

Its funny that everything last cycle was "must be a sign of pg" but now I'm noticing the symptoms and paying attention to them but telling myself its just normal non pg symptoms... I have no idea how it works but I feel better! The brain is an amazing thing :shrug:

I'm losing track, who else here is waiting for their first sticky baby?

And who has nice weekend plans?

I'm off to my 10 year school reunion on Friday night. Not super keen to go, but 2 of my close friends have organised it so I'm going for them... Will spend some quality time with my bestie and have dinner with my parents on Saturday.

May drink a glass or 2 of wine on Friday night, even though I'm late in TWW. I don't normally drink during TWW, and its usually a bust, so why not tempt fate?
I saw a question in the mc support forum and thought id throw it here, do you mark the day? The day of mc or edd..what do you plan? February is coming weather i like it or not and april is right after. I know i will be sad if i have nothing new by then but its for me to accept.
My mom lost a daughter when i was 19months, she was 7 months along :( every year on her birthdate, not edd (in an uronic twist her edd is my hubbys birthdate) we would buy a cake. I love that, i also love cake :) i may be doing that for mine but first mc was sons birthday :(

I have not done anything in remembrance of my m/cs. I'm not in the norm either. It's too depressing for me I guess and I tend to not dwell on the past. That is how I have gotten through all the misfortunes of my life. I think it's a great idea tho! Props to you for wanting to do that and for your mother as well!

I caved last night and ended up POAS. It showed a neg from my Ovidrel so that is wonderful and means it is out of my system. Bad for me cuz I will end up testing early. lol Got some cheapie HPTs today at Walmart. They are only 88 cents. Which in UK .55 pounds? lol Im trying!

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