Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Elizabean- I love reunions! 10 yr is so much better than 5 yr. So much has changed.

I have a DD who has been waiting since she was 3 for a lil sibling. She will be 9 in dec. But it will be my DH first if we have one. Finally no weekend plans for me...although I was invited to a neighbors house for her Bee Harvest Party. She has honey bees and will be showing how they collect honey and will make some brats and blizzards. mmmm Can't wait!
Afternoon Ladies

I've been at work today - so time for a catch up:flower:

Literati - I understand what you mean by a crappy year (2013) we can't wait for it to be over as well - we lost a few members of our family this year not to mention 3 m/c for us oh and top it all in February we had a factory fire (in fact at the moment we are in temporary accommodation, that's were I work one day a week:happydance: Boy the fire was scary we got a phone call early one Sunday morning saying the building was on fire - father in law owns a printing firm - lots of solvents and flammables around - thank heavens nobody got hurt even though the building burnt to the ground:cry: so yeah we can't wait for 2013 to be over as well:wacko:

A cancer scare - I bet you was out of your mind with worry :hugs: Have you actually ovulated hun - had a temp increase? I got 5 positive OPK (and that was a pregnancy cycle) so fingers crossed for you hun.

IAW - Happy Anniversary for Sunday :happydance: got anything special planned? So pleased your tests are getting darker - do we get to see?:flower:

Penguin - Hope you had fun - I am the same as IAW anything to dress up:haha: When can you officially POAS:winkwink:

Arab - So sorry you find yourself here hun - but I have to say it is a lovely supportive group - we look forward to continuing your journey to your rainbow baby:happydance:

Celine - Grrr when you want them positive they don't go and when you want them negative :growlmad: I would try again in another week (I tested weekly) and see were you are at - of course it doesn't stop you having fun in the meantime:winkwink:

Munchkin - How are you feeling hun? - my cycle buddy :happydance:

AFM - Just waiting for my OPKs to arrive and then I can start POAS :happydance:

Love to anyone I may have missed - this group is sadly growing:cry:



Hi Garfie! Sorry I am not able to write to all at once, I didn't get the multitask gene. We had a blast at the Rennaissance Festival. It was my DD first time. Poor hubby spent lots of $ on us! ha ha. This is one of the first years I did not dress up. It is usually very hot but was really nice this year. I tried to get my DD to get a full costume but she didn't like any of the corsets under $100. So she got a skirt for $20 and a gypsy coin skirt.

I am 7 dpo today. I am guessing I can start POAS Sunday or Monday with hopeful results!!!
Morning ladies!
Elizabean I like your plan! The last 2 cycles I've been convinced I was pregnant and I really need to chill this month, it made me so sad when I got bfns and I felt like such a numpty for not knowing my own body :(
I ALSo like the drinking plan. I've been drinking too much this cycle anyway but will probably drink a bit in the tww too!
Penguin 7dpo is the interesting bit starting! When will you start testing?
Garfie have u started BDing yet? I got a high on the fertility monitor today so it's definitely on!!
Itsawonder how are you feeling today? What days your appointment? X
Can I also just say our little thread has just passed 100 pages and 1,000 posts!!
Went to playgroup today and lost it a little bit :( a friend of mine who doesnt know about the mc had her 7 week old an as i was telling her how cute he was i lost it and ran out! The two bump gals ( due both within both edd of my mc) ere there with pregnancy chatter...it was rough.
Oh celine I'm so sorry. It's so hard and no one will ever quite get it. Hope you're feeling a but stronger now x
Celine - Aw hun that's gotta be hard - if it's any help everywhere I look there are pregnant women around as well. Give yourself time hun it will get easier promise:hugs: I can now look at a pregnant woman sort of through my eyelashes if that makes sense - and I don't cry now :hugs: I just think to myself I will look so much hotter than you when I'm pregnant again :haha:

Munchkin - Until my OPKs arrive I will be guided by you :haha: so let me know when that little eggy pops up:happydance: we did the deed yesterday morning - before we went to work :winkwink: I am also having a lot of wet:blush: so maybe this month we are both fertile myrtle:happydance:

Penguin - Not long to go now then before you can start POAS - and of course I would never encourage you to POAS earlier:winkwink:

Elizabean - Hope you enjoy your reunion - hubby had one a few months and said it was surprising how much people had changed - coffees instead of beer and just normal cigarettes:haha: I have an occasional glass during the TWW - the minute I get two lines I stop - so enjoy your :wine: I don't blame you:flower:

Literati - I reflect on the EDD as well - I have my little angels around me all the time - can't remember if I showed you my candle holder with the 5 candles in (one is now blue) I agree once you find something to honour your loss/es you know whether it's a tatoo, necklace, candle or something else:cry:

How are the new ladies bearing up - remember sadly we have all been through this so we are here if you need to chat, scream, vent or just need a BIG :hugs:

AFM - My friend is coming round soon and she has promised cake:happydance: I did my yoga this morning (the other day when I did it no wonder I ached - I was on the wrong stream - it was yoga for weightloss) so not beginners:dohh: today was a bit better although I felt a bit sicky in some of the poses - must be working though right:happydance:

I feel a bit guilty because I've not hoovered up - wonder if I can last? have told my eldest he has to do it tonight (mind you I said he had to do it last night):growlmad: because he spent an afternoon in isolation for fighting:dohh:

Have a good day ladies


On my way to work but...

Elizabean - good to see you back. Have fun with your friends and enjoy your wine.

Penguin and Munchkin - fx this is a fertile month for you both.

Celine - I am sorry about play group. It must be hard to be in that situation.

New ladies - how are you today?

Garfie - enjoy your cake! (And yoga)

Literati - hope you caught the egg! (You are early in TWW now, right?)

AFM - made it past expected AF day with no spotting or signs of AF. First hurdle passed!
IAW - :happydance: first hurdle over - how many more???? :winkwink: we are here with you every step of the way:hugs:

Yum the cake was lovely - also my OPKs arrived, so what's a girl to do - I POAS of course.

My results to follow - deff not positive but getting there, maybe my cycle is getting back to normal:happydance:


Someone please tell me what's going on???


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Getting there already:winkwink:


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Jelly - I can deff see a line????? didn't you say you had a BFN not so long ago - or am I getting confused:wacko: was it a proper AF hun?


It wasn't af in the end, I had all the cramps etc but have literally only had coloured cm apart from one 10p sized bit of very dark brown cm. it stopped yesterday morning and had nothing since. Maybe was mixed ov bleed, then I had a day or two where we dtd and I spotted after that. But again only coloured cm no actual spots of blood.
Going to call epau tomorrow to arrange a scan as was indeed getting bfn the last few weeks. Think those tesco cheapies were evaps. The one today came up immediately.
Garfie - thank you so much. It's really nice to have everyone's support. For me there are two more big hurdles. Monday - see and sac and maybe a yolk. Then a scan with a heartbeat. Once I see that I will feel much better. Of course, there will still be the 12 week mark, the genetic screening etc but I will be happy with a heartbeat.

Congrats on your OPK!!! Looks like it will be positive soon!

Jelly - I thought you had said you had negative tests too. Did you ever have your HCG tested? Maybe you should go see if it's going up or down. Hope it's going up! AF could have been a fake bleed as that can happen.
We just posted at the same time. Looks like congrats are in order! Bump buddies!!!
I did some frer on Monday and they were definitely bfn, aswell as all the tests I'd done last week and the week before. The tesco ones were defo evaps as had a friend have the same results on hers. And she definitely isn't duffed.
No congrats please until I have it confirmed, I just don't believe it. I'm so confused in regards to the 'spotting' does that mean something could be wrong?
This early is is more likely implantation bleeding which can carry on for a while. If it were a chemical you would have had a proper bleed and negative tests by now. Bleeding early on is usually fine.

For me, when I had spotting at 8 weeks it was a bad indication and I had a MMC but tons of people I know had more bleeding and healthy pregnancies.

Deep breaths. Get your doctor appointment and good luck!
Jelly - I agree you need to find out what is happening hun - that looks like a positive to me hun - :happydance::happydance:

In early pregnancy the cervix can become irritated - ie bleeding after sex so that could explain that hun - the brown bleeding could have been implantation spotting - you sound duffed :happydance::happydance: I never even got a line on a tesco cheapie hun - sure they were evaps?:hugs:

IAW - I understand the milestones only to well hun - how far on on Monday will you be - I think at 4 weeks I saw the sac and at 5 weeks the beginning of the yolk:happydance: here to hold your hand:hugs:

I can't believe it is already showing up - maybe my cycle is going back to normal, feel sorry for those ladies with long long long cycles:wacko:


Jelly i agree with whats been said, a chemical would of been a proper bleed..how many dpo are tou?

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