Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Elizabean - I hope you have fun at your reunion. Sounds like a good idea to tempt fate and have a drink or two! I'm sure a bit won't hurt.

We are trying for our first sticky baby as well.

Penguin- Ooh, 7 dpo! You're at the very frustrating part of the TWW. I hope you can hold off on testing for a few days!

Celine - I'm so sorry. You're really having a hard time lately and that is totally understandable. Maybe it's time you take a short break from friends since they seem to only upset you! :hugs:

Garfie - I'm glad the yoga has been helpful. I've read it can help with fertility? I have not seen your candle holder, but that sounds like a really nice way to remember!

Jelly - That is most definitely a BFP! And what you had definitely just sounds like IB and/or an irritated cervix from BDing. I agree that it can be normal. You should get it confirmed by your doctor! You could be on your way to your rainbow baby!

IAW - Thanks! I am now 3DPO according o my temps and OF. It feels good to be in the TWW finally. Yay, no AF for you! That is very exciting. When are you going to call your doctor?

AFM - My temps went up again, thus confirming O for Monday. However, I'm a bit confused because I've been having a small amount of "slimy" CM today and yesterday. It isn't quite as stretchy as ewcm, and it was a slighty creamy-translucent colour; however, it's slimy/slippery when I wipe like ewcm (sorry, TMI). If I put 'watery' CM for today on OF, it only gives me a dotted line for Ov, so I've left it out today. I really think I've Oved because of my temps. Has anyone ever gotten ew-like CM after ovulating? Please tell me there's a success story!
Literati - sometimes it takes a few days for my CM to dry up. Don't know if that helps any but I hope it's a good sign!

I called my doc this past Monday and have a scan this Monday. I will be about 4 weeks 5 days so will probably just see a sac. I think he will give me another scan 1 or 2 weeks after that but will find out more after my appt. I know that, after 2 miscarriages, he will keep a close eye on me.

That is exciting about your scan on Monday! So good that your doctor will be doing a couple early scans to make sure everything is going well. Are you feeling nauseous at all yet?
There is quite a bit of excitement happening here! Jelly I hope you get some good news from your doctor to allow you to celebrate soon.

Only 2 hours left of the working week for me now... Woohoo Friday afternoon and catching up with friends at the reunion tonight!:happydance:

I'm 10dpo today and still not even tempted to test. Not sure how that happened, its like I am a completely different person this month! AF is due Tuesday, I might even be able to wait until Wednesday if she doesn't arrive before.

Munchkin, you used the word numpty a day or so ago- I just wanted to tell you how much I love that word! It doesn't get used enough! Really made my day when you wrote that :haha:

I get so antsy during the day waiting for updates, I have to keep reminding myself that i'm on the complete opposite side of the world and you are probably all sleeping:sleep: It also means I have heaps more to catch up on each morning.

Hope you lovely ladies all have a great weekend! I don't usually stop by much on the weekends so I'll probably see you around on Monday or Tuesday :hugs:
Ugg my stupid computer wont let me message! Third times a charm

Literati- We can be tww buddies! I am concerned that it did not work. I don't have the sore breasts that I have had in other pregnancies. I am also concerned because I was in 3 days of pain with my trigger shot, so wondering if we missed it? Or the possibility of an ectopic. I will try and wait til Sunday to test but the wait really is killing me!

Jelly- I hope this is your BFP! I understand not wanting to get your hopes up. I do agree that you should go in to get some levels to put your mind at ease.

IAW- Ill be thinking of you Monday!

Celine- I am so sorry about your breakdown at the park! How awful! Maybe find a different park for now?:cry: Until the heartbreak gets a lil easier.
Hope you have tons of fun at the reunion Elizabean!!! And have a fabulous weekend!
Hi all :) no updates from me, since my blaring bfp on wednesday and the negative opk i didnt pee on anything yesterday, plus hubbys been working so late then comes home and is addicted to netflix so he goes to bed so late i think we may never dtd!
I had an earky night yesterday, it was just an emotional time, i didnt think i would really cry like that. Im so ready for ot to be weekend even though dh will be doing some training for ppl at church on saturday...we should finally see each other in the evenings if he can tear himself away from netflix,,,
Morning, well we went to tesco last night and Husbandface bought me two more frer. Did one with fmu and was a proper squinty line. Was colour there but super faint like the night before. I did have an awful lot there and wasn't very dark so must be affected by going to bed late, getting up at 6am and drinking a pint of water before I went to bed. Got one more test so plan to use it tomorrow with smu or tmu. I've got a feeling I ov a few days later than I thought and that would be my first few days of spotting. As you said the other odd days (there were gaps) would have been because we dtd. Trying to stay positive about it, as I thought I was out I'm going to keep in that mindset until I get it confirmed. Still no spotting today so far so that must be a good thing.

Huge hugs celine

Enjoy your reunion elizabean

IAW good luck for Monday

Literati I've had all sorts of variations of cm during tww, but have you covered all bases to make sure? Hope this is it for you hunni

Penguin hope the next week goes quickly for you and ends on a high note

Hope your okay munchkin

Garfie was that an opk? Hope ov is here and you catch that little eggy

Hope I haven't missed anyone out
Celine - :hugs: and my OH is like that on his many game consoles - he has 4! Who needs 4?! Is Netflix any good? I want it :) when are you next testing? I'm testing on the 30th :)
IAW - good luck for Monday!
Sorry I can't remember what any one else said :(
Sorry I've been quiet - had a crap few days nothing in particular just been down :(
I had pains in my abdomen yesterday and thought it was AF then I got stretchy cm not a lot just a little blob so who knows what's going on haven't DTD it a few days as my brothers here + didnt feel up to it but he's leaving today :)
Hope everyone well and I'm sorry I've missed so many of you out I have to do this by memory and have a terrible headache :( xxx
Rachel - sorry you feel so crappy. The cramps may be ovulation which would mean AF in two weeks which I hope is the case. At least you would see some progression. Let us know if we can do anything to help

Jelly - wishing you good luck as always

Celine - I hope this weekend is relaxing for you

Penguin - I was sure this month didn't work as I had none of my usual symptoms then.. bam! You never know so hang in there!

Elizabean - glad you are feeling so relaxed this month. Can't wait to see your Wed results!

AFM - no I am not having any symptoms yet. I was nervous about this morning but I keep reminding myself that I had tons of symptoms the last two pregnancies and they did not end well. I am sure the symptoms will come but if they don't that is okay too. As long as everything is progressing normally it's okay. I still feel my uterus stretching so that is good and I have been a bit more tired. Construction is almost done and I am getting frustrated with it so I will be glad when it's over. Really, I am just looking forward to spending the day with DH on Sunday and then Monday's appointment.
Rachel i am so temoted to poas the 30th too..but will try to stick it out to wednesday for hpt as for opk...i love peeing those! Todays opk was as negative as can be but i thought i saw some ewcm starting so be damned if netflix is happening tonight! Haha, personally in holland (not sure if its different in uk) but i havent found anything brilliant.
Am feeling so tired, bring on a relaxing weekend for us all :) elizabean looking foward to you testing next week, a fun group, someone to cheer every week :)

IAW & jelly tot (fx) are u doing anything diferent with this bfp? I have personally vowed to take it easy on the housework (haha) and i will onsist on dh that we get a cleaner cos im exhausted and not even pregnant yet!)
Celine - I am not really doing anything different. My doctor thinks the others were flukes and he thinks this one will be fine. Although I did ask about progesterone he does not want to prescribe it as I stated before. If the pregnancy is not healthy it will just prolong a miscarriage. Also, he does not prescribe baby aspirin unless there is a clotting disorder or history of miscarriages in the family, none of which describe me. The aspirin can cause uterine rupture, hemorrhage etc. so he only prescribes it if he feels the pros outweigh the cons. If there is another miscarriage he will send me to an endocrinologist.

I did stop drinking coffee during my last AF and I don't ingest caffeine any other way (I don't like soda and rarely eat chocolate) so I am wondering if that will help.

I am also not worrying about every little thing. Before I read every ingredient to every beauty product, second guessed my pre-natals, changed vitamins, just worried. This time I am doing construction, not getting enough exercise b/c I am too busy etc.

I guess we will see what happens.
Have been trying to keep up but haven't been commenting much because there's not much going on with me. At the boring bit of the cycle, have been dtd but don't expect to o until next week. Ill start opks on Sunday. Have been keeping busy with work and dd and enjoying the nice weather, it'll probably be the last bit of sunshine we'll see for a while! Off to a housewarming tonight so will enjoy some guilt free drinking!

I'm also caffeine free iaw, I changed my normal brew for decaf when I was pregnant with my second. I have changed to redbush now which is lovely with honey. I have the odd coffee and chocolate every now and again and I really do feel so much better for the lack of caffeine.

Looking forward to hearing how Monday goes for iaw, will be nice to see you get through all these hurdles! Hopefully we won't be too far behind you.

Jelly did you ring epau? Are you going to see if its retained products or a new pregnancy. Hoping for the best for you.
Anniebobs enjoy guilt free drinking xx

Im feeling rather guilty...i dont think i could give up my caffiene or chocolate intake and also i do drink in the tww...
I had to give up caffiene once when my daughter was three months...it was rough! But til she was a year she would freak out if id had any caffiene it went right into my milk.
Think if i get af i will switch to decaf...gulp!
IAW - Thank you, I thought it was but then my cm didn't match it was more of the just before AF cm. I'm so confused :(
Celine - You're a few days behind me aren't you? My OH told me two packs of two were enough so I'm thinking I might need to give Amazon a visit to buy some of the cheap ones before I bankrupt my OH :rofl:
I need to stop drinking tea but it's so good :( I had a coupon for decaff but trying to save them til I get my BFP as they're expensive - my taste buds nicely stop me drinking cheap tea :( If anyone knows some nice tasting cheap decaff tea I might give it a go as all I seem to crave lately is chocolate and need to cut down :(
We've really lacked in the DTD so I'm guessing a AF is on the cards which I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad about - a few mixed signals (not from OH from myself)
Hi everyone I'm back from my holiday. To update list if I count from last d&c I'm CD 24 no idea if I'm before or after ovulation.

Sorry I'm struggling to keep up with everyone. My thoughts go to those experiencing chemicals so soon after a mc. For this reason I'm scared of testing and getting an early positive I'm gonna try and not test unless a doesn't show 6 weeks after d&c that feels like ages yet!
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I've been a bit swamped this week trying to catch up after an unproductive work week last week.

Celine - I completely understand the struggle with babies/bellies around you. It's really tough. I feel like everyone around me, friends and family are either pregnant or have just had babies. It's really hard to want to be a part of that group!

I had cut out coffee last cycle, I just increased the amount of milk and reduced the serving size for a while to wean myself off. It wasn't too bad. I let myself have coffee and wine after the mc and now I'll have to start cutting back again.

Penguin - hope you have a busy weekend ahead so the time flies by, you're halfway through the tww

IAW - fingers crossed for you! Every pregnancy is different, so try not to read into the symptoms.

Elizabean - enjoy your reunion! I haven't been drinking during my tww, but have decided that to help me stress less, I'm going to be a bit less rigid about this. There is no connection between mom and baby during the tww anyway. Well done waiting to test! I hope I'm feeling this calm in a couple weeks :)

Garfie- enjoy the cake! Good for you trying yoga. As with anything else, it's gets easier with time. I also find it very helpful with stress.

Jelly - definitely see a line. Spotting can be very normal. Go get a blood test, and try not to worry.

Literati - I have definitely had ewcm for a few days after ovulation on more than one cycle. It really confused me too, but temps and ov test both indicated ov.

Rachel - hope you feel better soon!

AFM- It's been a better than last week, but the pregnancy/baby chatter around me has been getting me down. My dr and midwife told me not to exercise last week, so it felt good to have an outlet for some of my frustration this week.

On the positive side, I've been alternating between really long cycles (40-50 days) and regular cycles (27-30), so I had no idea what to expect after my mc. I had a positive ov test today on cd13. Glad it's the weekend ;)
Arabelle- Congrats on your pos O today. Hope I don't see you on here for a few days!:sex: (I love these smilies) ha ha! Sorry you've been so down. I don't understand how ppl who really want babies have such a stressful time and those who shouldn't have babies have it so easy. It's just not fair!

AFM- I have a weekend of cleaning and will probably go to my neighbors honey bee harvest party sunday. DD is gone tonight for a sleepover so DH and I are going to a nice romantic candlelight dinner! Super excited! I spoke to my coworker who is newly pg and she said she did not get any sore breast symptoms until closer to 4 wks.

We love Netflix here in the US. My favorite show is Once Upon a Time and we got hooked watching the 1st season and now are caught up on season 2 for season 3 to start on Sunday. he he. It is much cheaper than cable/satellite. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Penguin - yes, love to be TWW buddies! Don't give up hope yet. It's so common to not have any symptoms, so don't assume it didn't stick!

Arabelle - thanks! That makes me feel better. My temps continue to rise and my CP was already quite low and firm yesterday so I'm not at all concerned anymore.
Celine- I can't give up caffeine either. There is no actual reason to. No medical evidence that less than 200 mg/ day is harmful. I try to limit myself to half or 3/4 cup of coffee per day, and I eat chocolate whenever I want. That should be well within the safe limits. We shouldn't have to give up something that we love and depend on when there is zero medical reason for it. For those of you who were able to wean yourself, props to you!
Jillie- I hope you get the "official" good news soon! AF not showing up is a very good sign.

Afm- I am 4 DPO. No real symptoms except way hungrier than usual, as I always am in the TWW. I am on my phone so I wasn't able to properly respond to everybody. I have no plans this weekend and am hoping to keep it that way!

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