Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

So today ff got me as 3 dpo when did that happen?

But this is deff a pos opk - still think my body is screwed:cry:

Have a nice weekend ladies will do personals later


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Garfie that is definitely a positive, have you had positives for 4 days now then? Get bding either way!
Garfie - As I experienced this month, you can keep getting positives after you've already ovulated. You should go with your first true positive as the indicator that you will ovulate 24-36 hours after THAT. Some people just find that they keep getting positives for several days after, so I think if your temps have confirmed O you should feel confident you've already Oed. Your chart definitely looks like it's had the rise. I see this is your first +OPK marked on your chart. Did you test before today and get negatives? Maybe keep BDing for a day or two just in case, but if your temps still shows that you've Oed, I would trust that!
Garfie how very confusing! Do you have any ov pain? I usually have pain at the right time so assume that's ovulation! I usually ov cd16 or 17 but i've had positive opks today (CD12!!) the earliest i've ovulated in nearly 4 years of monitoring. God knows what's goingon. We also only started bding last night so it's all a bit fraught.

We bded last night so ov -2 and i'm wondering whether we're better doing it tonight or leaving it til tomorrow morning, the morning of ov.

I've also only had a high again on the fertility monitor,even though the stick looks like a proper peak stick. Fertility Friend will hate me this month!!

Sorry i'm being so quiet and rubbish this month but i am reading all your posts and i will get a minute to reply to everyone properly at some point!! xx
Great. Damn it dr google! I've just been reading that ovulating earlier than normal can be a sign of decreasing egg reserve ie heading towards menopause! FML. I'm hoping oving cd13 won't mean that!! Although it is a lot earlier than usual. I am a bit concerned though that all the supplements i'm taking could be messing with my hormones so if this month isn't succesful i'll wean off some of the stronger stuff like agnus castus and B6 and Maca next month.
Munchkin - Stay away from Dr. Google! I really don't think ovulating earlier means you're heading towards menopause! I normally ov on cd12 or cd13 and I am only 25 so at the peak of my fertility! There are lots of reasons you might ov early. Don't stress about it!! It could be your eggs just matured sooner than usual and were ready to release! Maybe it's a good sign because your body isn't having trouble releasing the egg.

I have heard that the days prior to ovulation are actually more fertile than the day of ovulation...so if it were me I would probably BD tonight rather than tomorrow. But I'm certain that either would be perfect, and ovulation day might be even better if there's a possibility of your hubby having a lower sperm count.
Oh munchkin step awa from google! I say yeay for early ov, no more waiting to ov :) i agree to bd now, rather have spermies waiting in case they take their sweet time?

So jealous you are already in the tww! Me i got another negative opk..will test maybe tomorrow or wednesday with hpt to see how thats going. Cd 19 today but as you used to say this first cycle after mc all bets are off. Id like to start smep style so every 2nd night with hubby til positive opk but if i only ov in 10 days i dont know how i can handle that!
Celine I always try to do smep but never manage it! We never start early enough, and thus cycle we didn't start til cd11! And it looks like I'm oving cd13 or 14. Usually we aim to start cd10 rather than 8 because my cycles are longer but next month we're definitely starting cd8. What cd are you on now?
We didn't manage to bed last night but we did the night before and this morning. I'm just doing the lying down cycle to give the fellas a head start! I got a peak on my fertility monitor today which is usually the day before ov but I got a pos yesterday on my opks and an even stronger one today so I'm not sure what to go by. I guess I'll wait for ov pains.
Editing because I'm a fool!


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Ladies I need a quick vote! Which one of these do you think was my first positive opk? The top one was cd12 fmu, the second was 2pm, the third 8pm and the 4th was cd13 fmu. I'd usually consider the middle ones positive but I'm not sure now!

Thanks ladies x x ximage.jpg
Munchkin the middle ones are almost there, the bottom one is a definite positive! Remember last month I had the same, the day before o I had a really dark negative. I think I o'd on the day of the positive because I had some pains so dtd this morning was probably the best time! Try and bd tonight or tomorrow as well though - if you're doing smep then today, tomorrow and the next day should be your aim!
Hi everyone!
I can't help with the opk as I'm useless with those, I see a line and think 'yay positive' then I have to remember nope, I've also got to work along with darkness. Need a red light and green light on my hand for 'yep you're ovulating' and 'nope not yet wait a few more days' haha. I read somewhere about a kit you can get that tells you when your most fertile (it's meant to be used as a not medical form of contraception but I guess you can use it the opposite way :haha: ) I'll try find it again if anyone's interested.
AFM - Been having pains in my stomach for a few days now so assumed AF but no, no AF yet then went to the toilet and pretty sure I had a small amount of EWCM so although it was 2am I got up the strength to DTD haha! So far I've had a dream I was pregnant and last night had a dream AF was here - I don't normally read into my dreams but since July I dreamed I had a BFP and then took the test and there it was I'm turning into a crazy dream lady :dohh:
Munchkin i think the bottom one is a def positive!

Im cd 19 i think and still negative opk arrrggh!
Celine - You will get there. It's good your OPKs are negative b/c at least you know that the HCG is out of your system. But... hope your positive will come really soon.

Munchkin - I agree - stay away from Google!!!!! Some months we just ovulate earlier. You are not heading into menopause.

I suck at reading OPKs so I get the digital ones. The bottom one is definitely positive and I think the middle ones could be as well. Typically I bd in the AM the day I get my positive OPK and the two days after. For me, I ovulate the 3rd morning of bd'ing. The other days of SMEP I bd at night.

Rachel - hope this cycle works out for you!

Hi to everyone else!
Celine - It sucks you're having to wait so long to ov, but you definitely can never predict how long it'll take after an m/c. For your sake I hope it happens really soon, as I know it can drive you batty to keep waiting! SMEP sounds like a good plan for you this month.

Munchkin - I personally think only the bottom one was positive. The rest were close, but not quite there. So maybe you won't ov til CD14 and you have another day to BD! I have a really good feeling about your timing this month!!!

Rachel - Ooh, I hope you are preg already! Those all sound like good signs...even the dreams. :winkwink: Funny thing is - before we started TTC, I used to have really vivid dreams about having a baby and I loved them. Since TTC, I haven't had a single dream about TTC or being pregnant! It's weird. Maybe I obsess over it so much all day that my subconscious doesn't feel the need to remind me. :p

AFM - I'm 6 DPO today! My temps took a bit of a dip, but nothing too major. I just hope they go back up by tomorrow. :( I don't want another low-temp month like last cycle! I've been quite irritable the last few days, a bit moody, and am having a bit of trouble sleeping. Of course, any symptoms could go either way but I don't think anything is a bad sign. ;)
Itsawonder how are you feeling about tomorrow?

Literati a temp dip at 6dpo could be a good thing ;)

Celine I'm sure it won't be long now, I took til cd27 to ov after my mc though and you just have to have faith you WILL ov eventuslly. Every other day sounds perfect. I concieved my dd that way.

Rachel I hope seething will happen soon for you! It's very hard not knowing what's going on; we're so used to knowing exactly where we are in the cycle.

AFM I've been getting killer pains this evening, I'm not sure it's ov although it's in the right place because usually I have very specific pains but this is all over and hurts lots ! Who knows what's going on. Wee bded this morning though and will tomorrow then we're off on holiday with some families from my antenatal group so I'm not sure we'll manage Tuesday morning but we'll try in case I ov tomorrow x
Celine - It sucks you're having to wait so long to ov, but you definitely can never predict how long it'll take after an m/c. For your sake I hope it happens really soon, as I know it can drive you batty to keep waiting! SMEP sounds like a good plan for you this month.

Munchkin - I personally think only the bottom one was positive. The rest were close, but not quite there. So maybe you won't ov til CD14 and you have another day to BD! I have a really good feeling about your timing this month!!!

Rachel - Ooh, I hope you are preg already! Those all sound like good signs...even the dreams. :winkwink: Funny thing is - before we started TTC, I used to have really vivid dreams about having a baby and I loved them. Since TTC, I haven't had a single dream about TTC or being pregnant! It's weird. Maybe I obsess over it so much all day that my subconscious doesn't feel the need to remind me. :p

AFM - I'm 6 DPO today! My temps took a bit of a dip, but nothing too major. I just hope they go back up by tomorrow. :( I don't want another low-temp month like last cycle! I've been quite irritable the last few days, a bit moody, and am having a bit of trouble sleeping. Of course, any symptoms could go either way but I don't think anything is a bad sign. ;)

I keep thinking.. Well maybe I might be.. Then keep telling myself not to get my hopes up as it could just be my body adjusting after my m/c as I haven't had a period since. Hoping so then I can tell everyone at Christmas :D Not shh Rachel. Must. Not. Get. Hopes. Up. Grrr it's so hard not to :( We had a three day break (when my brother was here) when I was supposed to ovulate according to my app but then past 2 days I've had cramps - are the ovulation cramps that you are ovulating as in make sure to DTD on the days I cramp or is it a 'you're going to be ovulating in the next few days' and make sure I keep DTD every night for the next few days? So far we've DTD 2 days in a row. Oh don't get my started on dreams I could go on forever and I come up with all these crazy reasons why that's in my dream :dohh: I'm going to take a pregnancy test tomorrow morning to see if it's negative yet - If it's not I'll know my body's just being a pain as I couldn't have ovulated :growlmad: :nope:
Yeah sleeping's your minds break from baby thinking :haha:
Can someone explain temps to me? So what does it mean when it goes up and what it means when it dips? I feel bad when I don't reply about temps as I don't know what they mean :blush: xxx
I am really excited for tomorrow. Not too nervous. Of course I only expect to see a sac at this stage which I do believe is there, and hopefully we will see an early yolk as well. The next scan will probably make me anxious since I have not seen a fetal pole or heard a heartbeat before.

DH and I are about to go for a big hike to a glacier lake so we can go fishing. Will definitely keep me occupied.

Hope some of you ladies join me soon. Can't believe so many are in or on their way to the TWW again.
True and for me cd 27 is like a week away so could be soon :) i dont mind, for my furst ever bfp was october 14th (i remember cos it was two weeks before our second wedding anniv ) so id love love to get a bfp by our wedding anniv <3

I was thinking tonight i may just give up alcohol in the tww, that way when af shoes i have even more reason to drink yeay!

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