Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Itsawonder how are you feeling about tomorrow?

Literati a temp dip at 6dpo could be a good thing ;)

Celine I'm sure it won't be long now, I took til cd27 to ov after my mc though and you just have to have faith you WILL ov eventuslly. Every other day sounds perfect. I concieved my dd that way.

Rachel I hope seething will happen soon for you! It's very hard not knowing what's going on; we're so used to knowing exactly where we are in the cycle.

AFM I've been getting killer pains this evening, I'm not sure it's ov although it's in the right place because usually I have very specific pains but this is all over and hurts lots ! Who knows what's going on. Wee bded this morning though and will tomorrow then we're off on holiday with some families from my antenatal group so I'm not sure we'll manage Tuesday morning but we'll try in case I ov tomorrow x

Yeah AF used to come on time even without BC, first month off it started and stayed regular with a few days late/early now I can't even predict when it's coming :( Will make sure I update you all tomorrow :) OH thinks I've now lost my mind as I lay with a pillow under my bum with my legs up :rofl:
Hope it is ov and you manage to catch it! And hope you have a good holiday, where are you off to? x
Munchkin - Sometimes my ov cramps are exactly how you've described! And they were like that the month I got preg, so it's definitely not a bad sign. I think your timing will be perfect.

Rachel - temping is hard to explain but after you O your temps need to rise 3 days in a row and stay elevated until just before AF. Small dips and rises throughout the TWW are very normal, but dipping below coverline is a bad thing and could mean you don't have enough progesterone. However, sometimes there is a one- day temp dip called an 'implantation dip' and if your temps go back up the next day, you could be preg! However, it can also just be cause by a small amount of estrogen being introduced to your system, which happens every month regardless of whether or not you're pregnant! Hope that helps!
Munchkin - Sometimes my ov cramps are exactly how you've described! And they were like that the month I got preg, so it's definitely not a bad sign. I think your timing will be perfect.

Rachel - temping is hard to explain but after you O your temps need to rise 3 days in a row and stay elevated until just before AF. Small dips and rises throughout the TWW are very normal, but dipping below coverline is a bad thing and could mean you don't have enough progesterone. However, sometimes there is a one- day temp dip called an 'implantation dip' and if your temps go back up the next day, you could be preg! However, it can also just be cause by a small amount of estrogen being introduced to your system, which happens every month regardless of whether or not you're pregnant! Hope that helps!

I think I get it - this is why I don't temp waaay too confusing haha. I might start temping if I take a while to conceive :( And yes thank you!

How long do ovulation pains happen for? I had bad pains for two days and today I get the odd pain here and there, I've felt about 2/3 pains today the other days it was every few hours if not more and it was more intense. Like AF pains but more to the sides and not as painful, wasn't just on one side, kept changing then the odd pain in the middle. The most intense pains were yesterdays and that's when I thought I got the EWCM. I feel like I need to take a 'Your Ovulation explained' course I feel so stupid :dohh: x
Thanks! Rachel I usually get ov pains during ov gut sine twinges before and through the 2ww . When the pains come relative to ov depends on the individual.
Haha you're funny! :haha:
For me, ovulation cramps ( or what feels like them) can last several days after I have already ovulated, an I sometimes get them up to a few days before I have ovulated. However, they are always the most intense and noticeable on the day I ovulate. Some months it is extremely localized and severe, and I am fairly sure I know the exact hour that my egg is released. Other times it is much less clear and I just have overall cramps with a slight tendency to hurt more on one side than the other and they last a lot longer so I'm never sure quite when I've oved. I think that is why it is helpful to look at CM, CP, temps and OPKs to help pinpoint ovulation! That crampy feeling alone isn't always reliable!
Just a quick update as I can't sleep - apparently me keeping cool and collecting and not getting my hopes up include.. Comparing it to my last pregnancy, googling xdpo(possible 2?) symptoms, over thinking everything 'oh look a vein I must be pregnant' no Rachel you have lots of veins calm down. I'm going to go insane by time either AF gets here or I have to test. If my test comes up positive tomorrow I'm going to know it was all just me going insane. I'm no HOPEFULLY going to sleep. Hope everyone's well and happy! Xxx
Oh dear, Rachel! We've all been there! I hope you can get your mind off of it and get some sleep! Today I tried to take a nap and couldn't stop thinking about whether I was pregnant or not and how I would ever survive another month of TTC if I'm not. It was exhausting so I was glad when my hubby called me to join him and some friends for supper because it distracted me. I think the key is to stay REALLY BUSY in the TWW. We have to clear our schedule during my fertile week, but after that it's best to make as many plans as possible to keep your mind off of it!
Good luck with the sleep Rachel, make the most of it while you can!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. I'm feeling cheery because spring is in the air and its lovely and warm! Too bad I'm in the office, but I will make sure to take a walk outside during lunch to soak it in.

My reunion was fun on Friday, it was great to see how much people have changed over the years. I'm glad I don't have to go to another one for a while though!

I'm currently 13dpo, I haven't POAS at all, even though I have 30 IC's in my bathroom drawer, still super weirdly calm...
it's so hard not to think you are having every pregnancy symptom and that every twinge means something. I too have been having some cramping, or more like abdominal aching for the past week. I haven't had baby dreams, but vivid and weird nonetheless. oh the joys of ttc! I can't wait till Tuesday! I caved and took a test on fri night. I have one more cheapie but if I don't get af by thurs I will be getting a frer
Elizabean - I keep forgetting you are heading into summer! We had our first snow falls this past week and the leaves are turning yellow.

Rachel - check out fertilityfriend.com. They have good tutorials on temping to give you an idea of how it all works.

Oops, DH needs the computer. Will catch up tomorrow. Sleep well everyone!
Elizabean - Oh, I am so jealous that you are experiencing spring right now! I do enjoy fall, but it has such a depressing aspect to it because it's so closely attached to winter. I'm glad you had fun at your reunion! That is crazy that you haven't even felt like POASing yet! Will you tomorrow? I bet you this calm feeling will mean you're preg!!!

IAW - Oh, wow! I can't believe it snowed there already! I live in Canada and it hasn't even snowed here yet (that's probably coming in a couple weeks :wacko:). The leaves are all yellow here too, and I do like that. It's so pretty this time of year.

Penguin - Is Tuesday when AF is due for you?
Rachel -ttc will do that to you, drive u batty! Hope i get that bfn tomorrow. I used to temp when ttc my son and it worked by giving me something else to obsess about lol and its great to really know your cycle etc but it can give u sleepless nights too with worry and franticness.

Literati how are u keeping busy the next few days?hat tww is a killer!

Elizabean what restraint! Poas!

Penguin are u testing tues again? How many dpo?

Just wanted update to say i got my bfn! Yeay :) its more evap if anything else so im very happy.
Elizabean - I keep forgetting you are heading into summer! We had our first snow falls this past week and the leaves are turning yellow.

We don't really get a proper Autumn here, and winter isn't anything to write about (no snow or anything, and all of our houses are ill equipped for the cold days we do have!) Bu spring is glorious! 30 degrees celcius today and over the weekend.
Yay celine bfn!! So pleased you can now get a ANOTHER fresh start. From all I read soon after a bfn ladies often ov or get AF so I'm really hoping something interesting happens for you :hugs:

Rachel we really have all been there sooo many times. It's so hard not to obsess it really is. Last cycle I was awake at 5 every morning because I was so strsssed/excited and convinced I was pregnant. By the time AF came I was a total loon!!

Elizabean I can't believe you've not tested yet . The calmness could be a very good sign! When is at due? When are you testing?

Penguin are you testing again tomorrow? How are you feeling? Any signs ?

Itsawonder please keep us posted ASAP today. X x

Garfie where are you cycle buddy?

AFM I'm pretty sure I ov'd yesterday with all the pains but as I'm not temping this month I'll probably never know! I wish I was oving today instead to give me an extra day, and also moving my ov day to cd14 would feel a bit more normal than cd13. We'll DTD again this morning and my ov pains were yesterday evening so the swimmers might still get there. We did DTD yesterday morning and Friday evening too so it should give us a fighting chance!
Rachel I temp some months and after my mc I did and found it really useful to know what's going on, confirm ov etc , but having to do it first thing every morning starts you offin an obsessive mood every day and I am on fertility friend which compares your charts to thousands of others and tells you what percentage of charts like yours are bfp ones. It can turn you into a total loon! Also looking for implantation dips, triphasic patterns (another temp rise after implantation) can turn you loony too, so this month I'm not temping because I thought my cycles were back to normal, and I go and ov 4 days early ! : duh :
Yeay munchkin for ov! Now when are you really testing? I remember you ov-ing the. Inute u had a bfn, i didnt do an opk as regukarly after wed when i got my bfp bcos i was gutted but did think i had ewcm comong but no pos opk...i still have a very vague evap on that bfn but tbh i would not have gotten my hopes up if i was looking for a bfp, its deffo more bfn. So fingers crossed now ill opk two times today, we have actually dtd both sat and sun night so im happy to ov whenever :)
Eurgh god knows when I'll test! I'm away til Friday so that will get me through the first easy bit. I'll be 13 dpo a week on Saturday and AF due the day after so somewhere round then? Certainly no earlier than 11dpo which is a week on Thursday. I really hope ov is on her way. How are the sticks looking now? X
Well ladies I'm off on my holiday! Now ov is done with I'm hoping to have a relaxed holiday and not think about ttc! The phone and internet reception there is meant to be rubbish so I might not get back on here for a while. I'll try and keep on too of updates though if I can but good luck to all you testing and waiting to ov in the next five days. Penguin and Elizabean lets get some bfps! And celine you'd better have ov'd by Friday ;) itsawonder I hope today goes really well.
Massive hugs to all x x x
Morning Ladies

Sorry I have been MIA since Friday I have had a lot of family fun:happydance:

So to catch up:-

Munchkin - So you have Od have you - as you said hard to tell unless you temp, mind you ff says by my temps I have od to - but if I put my positive OPK in it doesn't say anything yet?:wacko: I have also read about early ovulation - it has crossed my mind but then being 42 it's bound to right. I will do another OPK soon - but yesterday was still coming up positive so not sure what is happening this cycle - there's a surprise:haha: FF has still got me down for testing the 8th:flower:

Enjoy your holiday - have a lots of fun - you've done all you can so enjoy:happydance:

Celine - Hope you are close to O soon and join us in the madness of the TWW:wacko:

Rachel - Aw you poor thing - sad to say I have also been there obsessing it's because we want something so bad it takes over our lives - ooooh no I can't eat that, I can't do that, I can't drink that just in case............ then when the witch comes I'm like oooh now I can eat/drink/do I really can't be arsed:haha: I would like to say it gets easier but like we have all said you need to make a concentrated effort and say this month I won't take my temperature/do opk etc and STICK to it - good luck with that not many of us can:wacko:

Elizabean - Well done you for not testing - are you just waiting for AF this month (or not) - how long is your LP normally do yo know?:hugs: Jealous of your weather it's cold here today - although yesterday was quite pleasant:flower:Glad you had fun at your re union funny hubby said the same

Penguin - How are you feeling hun, any symptoms, when are you testing again?:hugs:

IAW - Good luck for today hun :happydance: don't forget the update:happydance:

Annie - How are you today hun, did you do anything exciting over the weekend?:hugs: I had nearly positives and two days so far of positives:wacko: because I put in pos OPK in FF - it has taken away my DPO - so have I od or not :growlmad::haha:

Literati - Hope you had the nice quiet weekend you wanted :happydance:

Arab - How are you feeling - are you in the tww now?:happydance:

Apple - How are things with you hun? - still holding out the no testing rule?:hugs:

Jelly - Did you phone the EPAU - what have they said or did you have HCG taken?:hugs:

AFM - I still don't have a clue where I am - I will do another OPK soon - so maybe that might give me a clue.

I suffer with endo and ibs - so sometimes I can't go by pain alone for Ov - I have been wet but have not seen any EWCM - which is unusual for me.:wacko:

So my weekend was mega busy - we went to forbidden corner yesterday the children loved it (so did I) and was quite impressed I could get down and crawl along a tunnel :haha: and get back up again:winkwink: it is a place that is like a big garden full of mazes and nothing is as it first seems, you can go through no entry signs, climb up/down stairs has revolving floors etc.

Anyway as if that wasn't enough hubby took us to High Force Waterfalls ( and it felt like we had to climb a million steps to get there:haha:) it was beautiful but bloody freezing:haha: - then we all got fish and chips and ate them by a reservoir with a gorgeous view, the kids fell asleep in the car on the way back - and there was no fuss at bedtime either:happydance: just two sleepy, happy boys:happydance:

So after a few of you ladies asking when I was going to test, and feeling a bit weird this afternoon, I decided to test with an frer this evening when I got home...

Happy to say it was a very very positive bfp!

Hubby and I are a bit shell shocked. Will make appt and get a blood test tomorrow.

Feeling very nervous but so excited!

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