Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Linny - I had two children to a previous hubby - and nothing so far with current:cry: I am 42 and he is 34 with no children so just trying for the one:happydance:

I have had quite a few losses - I have had all the NHS tests they will give me and all appeared to be fine, except the last one :cry: he had trisomy 22 I only found that out recently.

So although we are trying we are very scared:wacko: I have a lot of what ifs going through my mind - the reason I asked about progesterone is it may delay your AF hun, last month I had an iffy test so went straight on progesterone and I kept her at bay until I took myself off it and then bam she came:growlmad:


Hi linny! If you are going to give temping a shot def try fertility friend, i used it when ttc my son :) its fab for the obsessive ttc-er ;)

For me i "knew" in. Y heart the sexond time...was so wierd, i as in church two days before the scan and it was about why does God let bad things happen, where is He in these times. Imwas so emotional and keaving the service i said to hubby we are being orepped for the worst :( the scan confimed it two days kater and we hung on again another week "in case" but as i said i knew my dates, i knew my heart. Hcg sucks, i was really nausaus with my two childrens pregnancies, the first mc i was not, the second yes. One time i thought i may throw up (i didnt) but i was so angry at my body because i knew the oregnancy had failed and i hated feeling that pregnancy synptom.

I live in holland and have had two healthy children so they wont do anything until i have a third mc which i hope wont happen :)
Garfie - Oh that's such a shame, i'm sorry to hear it - Have the NHS investigated blood work etc for reasons why mc's may have happened previously? Or are they thinking same thing there? I can imagine you must be scared, even I am and it's only happened once...but there are a lot of positive stories out there. My cousin had 3 in a row trying for her first at 40. The third uncovered a cancer - she then went through a lot of Chemo and came out the other end at 42 - conceived and had a lovely little girl. She's now surprisingly preggers again in her 2nd tri. All going well. Stories like that have given me a lot of hope recently with all the what if's, have i left it too lates etc. I just wish there was a magic formula for all us girls to take which gave us the best chance

Ah, re: progesterone, yeah I hadn't really factored that in - won't use any more then. Well, unless they get *really bad* again. It's such a flipping minefield isn't it!

Celine, It's an odd thing, the premonition isn't it? From the start of the pregnancy it felt - weak? I am not sure why i felt like that but i just didn't feel it with a certainty. I know a lot of women have few symptoms and low confidence and go on to be fine - so maybe that was just a coincidence. Yeah, it's the same here, no investigations till 3 MC. Terrible really - given the amount of emotional and physical pain it involves. But yes! hopefully that won't be the case for you! Currently wondering about having bloodwork done privately on a new cycle....just for my own peace of mind, that there's no underlying issues. Hoping I can just take that to my GP and have them analyse it.
Celine - Well, I don't actually have a plan for how I'll stay busy! hahahha! The ironic thing is that even though I'm preaching to stay busy during the TWW, I get so cranky during the TWW that I don't want to see anyone or make plans. I just want to sit at home and mope and eat way too much junk food! :haha:
Congrats on your BFN! I am sure that is a total relief!

Munchkin - It's so funny that of course your body decided to throw you for a loop with an early ov after you decided to stop temping.

Enjoy your holiday! I forget, but is this just a regular holiday, or was it for a special occasion (anniversary, etc)? I hope you have a great time and don't obsess!

Garfie - Thanks! I did have a nice quiet, relaxing weekend! Thanks! Your weekend sounds super busy but fun! I'm glad you had such a great time. I hope you figure out where you are in your cycle soon! From your chart it looks like you already Oved, but weird that FF didn't confirm it.

Elizabean - Congratulations! I had such a feeling that you would be pregnant when you said you were so calm about it. That's exactly how I felt before my BFP. You must be so excited. I felt a little emotional when I read your news because I remembered how great it felt to get my BFP, and now I feel like I will never get it again. But I'm so happy you have a positive story to give us hope.

Rachel - Yay for a BFN! Now on to ov! :happydance:

Apple - Sorry you got a BFN. There's still time!!! I am going to wait til Saturday to test! When is AF due? Mine's due next Monday.

IAW - Sweet, we're in the same time zone! Everyone else is always on while I'm at work! It's always dead here in the evenings. Can't wait to hear the results of your scan and I do hope it's late enough to see the yolk sac. Good luck!

Annie - Hope you get a +OPK soon!

Linny - Hey! You just joined another thread I'm on. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other these days. :thumbup:

AFM - No major symptoms except feeling SUPER irritable all weekend and today having to pee every 5 seconds. I do drink a lot of water, though. I'm sure it's nothing! I am 7 DPO today.
My af is due anytime from Thursday as its my first cycle dunno if or when I o'd. but im not going test again until next weekend at the earliest (I'll keep telling myself this) hopefully we can both hold out!
Literati - that's great the we are in the same timezone! I typically just check while I am at work as I need the occasional breather.

Well... I have a blip!!! The internal probe was broken so we just did an abdominal scan. My doc wasn't even going to do it, as he was afraid we would not see anything and that would make me nervous. I convinced him I would be fine and then.... a blip! A little dark circle. I go in to have my HCG drawn again on Wed and Monday to compare against today. Then 1 week from Thursday will have another scan. He hopes we will see a fetal pole by then as long as the probe is fixed. Either way we should see growth.

I told him that I don't have any symptoms but that the last two pregnancies I did. He was actually happy that I felt different from the last two. He would rather see no symptoms than have me feel the same - which surprised me. I also told him that my cat did not want to be near me with the last two pregnancies (she usually follows me everywhere) but this time she is as snuggly as ever. He said that is a very good sign as well and there are even studies that prove animal behavior is an indicator of pregnancy outcomes.

He does need me to take it very easy - sex only "if necessary"... (love his sense of humor) no driving bumpy dirt roads, no mt. biking, slow easy hiking, no downhill skiing this winter but nordic is okay and no lifting. I am okay with all of this as long as my bean stays healthy.
Apple - Yes, I hope we can both hold out! Maybe we'll both get our BFPs this weekend!

IAW - I wish I could check at work, but I'm always too paranoid they'll check my internet history and read all the extremely personal and TMI things I say on here! I'd use my phone, but I don't have a data plan and don't have their wireless key. Sigh! So I have to resort to coming home at lunch and after work to check replies!

Congratulations on your 'blip'! That's good they could see something even with an abdominal scan. That is so interesting that your doctor thought not having symptoms was a good sign! And weird about the cat behaviour! Your doctor seems like he has sort of an alternative approach to his pre-natal patients, and he also seems really proactive with his agreeing to scan so often, so that's great! I think under his care you can definitely have a healthy baby this time! It's nice he told you to take it easy. I always want an excuse to take it easy. :winkwink:
IAW- YAYAYAYAYA!:thumbup: Super excited for your lil "blip", you must have breathed a sigh of relief! Congrats!

Elizabean- Congrats to your :bfp:!

AFM-Im going to try in the morning as I will be 14dpo. Im hoping it will show a :bfp: for me as well! If not I guess I will wait til my AF date.
Wow, you are going to be 14 DPO already? That should definitely show up. How long is your usual LP?
Oh and according to FF my AF is due on Sat. So maybe I'm jumping the gun a lil here. BUT IM SOOO IMPATIENT!

Hello Linnypop! Sorry you have to be here too. The ladies on here are sooo helpful and encouraging, I'd be a wreck without them! It's nice to vent and share emotions with others who are going through the same experience. It also gives hope, like ItsAWonder and Elizabean right now! Welcome!
28-29 days. But remember I Oed with assist this month.
Wow, that is the longest LP I've ever heard of! But that is good that with assisted O it will probably be better this month. If your AF is due Saturday, then we might find out very close together! Yay!
Hi Linnypops and Apple, welcome :hugs:

Thanks to everyone for the congrats, I'm still shocked.

I'm not able to the into the GP until Friday, but I'm ok with that. I'm booked in at the obstetrician on the 21st of October. The lady was amazed I called in so soon, but when I told her last time I had a MC with no doctor she was lovely and booked me in at 7 wks rather than the usual 10wks. I guess I just have to sit tight now, and keep relaxed :wacko:

IAW, I'm glad your scan went well :thumbup:

So who is testing this week? Penguin, Literati, apple? anyone else?
Wow, that is the longest LP I've ever heard of! But that is good that with assisted O it will probably be better this month. If your AF is due Saturday, then we might find out very close together! Yay!

Whoops I misunderstood. I am not sure how long my LP is
:haha: that's probably a good thing if your LP isn't that long, Penguin! I hope a test comes back positive tomorrow!

Elizabean- so great that you could get in to see your GP and OB so quickly! I never made it to my first pre-natal appt because I couldn't get one until 7 weeks... Which sadly I never got to :( it is great you will receive the care you deserve early on! Do you have any symptoms yet???
:haha: that's probably a good thing if your LP isn't that long, Penguin! I hope a test comes back positive tomorrow!

Elizabean- so great that you could get in to see your GP and OB so quickly! I never made it to my first pre-natal appt because I couldn't get one until 7 weeks... Which sadly I never got to :( it is great you will receive the care you deserve early on! Do you have any symptoms yet???

I'm not so pleased with the GP, normally I can get in that day, and its about 100 meters form my office so easy to duck out without being missed! But Friday is ok because I will get bloods done and they will hopefully be nice and high.

As you know, I was diligently listing my symptoms this month! I actually posted the below on a different thread:

1dpo- clear skin, very thirsty
2dpo- nothing
3dpo- cramps at 8.30am, stomach ache all afternoon, shooting pain lower right abdomen at bed time
4dpo- woke up with sore boobs, slight indigestion after dinner, dull ache in cervix at night
5dpo- Creamy cm, sensitive boobs, lack of appetite
6dpo- pulling feeling at left hip whilst walking, diarrhoea, pounding headache, huge boobs
7dpo- diarrhoea, heartburn, pain between left ovary and hip all day, huge boobs, creamy cm
8dpo- watery cm, big sore boobs, slight twinges left ovary/ hip, sore throat and headache, watery cm came out when I sneezed
9dpo- freezing cold body all day but not cold to touch, sore lower back
10dpo- nothing
11dpo- light brown spotting 10am mixed with cm (all over in less than 90 mins), craving steak for lunch, had half a glass of wine but it smelled fishy/eggy.
12dpo- really tired all day, sore throat
13dpo- dull period like cramps 6.30am, green tea tasted like soap- couldn’t drink it. Zit on chin. Light headed at lunch when walking back from shops. Felt hungry, sick and lightheaded all afternoon, hard to concentrate. Got a very positive test 5.30pm!

Last night I had to keep waking up to pee which is unusual for me, and I had some nausea around 2am... I have also had some cramping today, I hope it just means my rainbow is settling in nicely.

I want more BFP's around here now...
IAW - Congrats hun on your 'blip' that sounds very encouraging because usually with an abdominal scan they can't see anything this early - imagine what you will see with a trans vaginal one :happydance::happydance:

Elizabean - I think waiting until Friday - will give you lovely high numbers and just think you will be passed the first few days as well - I always have my HCG checked as soon as I find out - next time I am going to wait a few days (please remind me of this :haha:)

Penguin - That sounds more like your full cycle hun - your LP is from when you O until the witch comes:winkwink: good luck when you test, how are you feeling?:hugs:

Literati - Next time you will get to see your Dr quicker - we will give you some tips:winkwink:

Munchkin - Hope you are relaxing and taking it easy:flower:

AFM - Number 4 day of Pos OPK - I have not put it in FF - otherwise I am still waiting to Ovulate by my temps alone I have already Ovulated :growlmad: I hate that I can't work this out - last month I had high temps this month low?:wacko:


Dark negative opk for me today. We dtd yesterday morning and will tonight because I think ill ov tomorrow if my cycle goes back to the same as pre miscarriage.

Garfie your chart is an odd one this month, I don't think you've oved yet just because of how low your temps are. Hopefully it'll happen today or tomorrow if you've had a positive again. It's so annoying waiting to ov!

Iaw yay for a blip :happydance: can't wait to her about next weeks scan.

Good luck for all the testers this week, hopefully this weekend will be a good one!
Literati - heh totally! not sure if o is happening or if af, got all my bets covered! :)

Thanks Penguin! I know, it's a shame but good to have people who can relate x

Congrats and hello Elizabethan and ItsAWonder!
:bfn: this am. I did have a dream when I laid down again that I had 3 :bfp:s after! lol

Garfie- Im not sure about my LP cycle then. I think 14 days? I have had assist for a year now with my O's.

Good luck to the rest of you ladies! If I don't get my bfp this month I will be trying the meds again.

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