Waiting for ov after mc. 8BFPs so far!! *"the list" page 291*

Rachel I get a higher sex drive during ov, it's great! I got a pack of opks on the cheap online somewhere, can't remember where though. Just choose any of the amazon links, they're all selling the same thing really!

I got my positive opk today yay!! Does anyone else get super excited? It's so silly because it means nothing but yay in 2 weeks I could be pregnant!

Ooo good! I hope it stays because 99% of our arguments are about my low sex drive :( I'm worried I'll buy some and they'll be useless ones that don't work :dohh: I'll have a look!

YAY! I would if I took them - it means your ovulating so that's always good! And yay for an upcoming TWW :) x

Haha hubby wishes it would stay too, as soon as I'm in the tww I'm back to normal! I'm probably average though, we dtd about 2-3 times a week so he's not deprived, I just like it a lot more when I'm ovulating!

I go through stages at one point he went over a month without it :dohh: I didn't even notice it had been so long :blush: but now it's more the same as you two - three days a week :) x
When do you start your TWW? xx
Ok guys i need some thoughts...im cd 21 post mc, a week ago i still had a bfp, we've only dtd his weekend on sat and sunday, tried last night but dh didnt finish. Today ive niticed spotting? Is it from dtd? I did get one dark opk 9 days ago but two days after that i still had a bfp so it cant be implantation unless its a really early implantation? I didnt test opk on thur or fri cos they were so negative and i was bummed about the bfp still. Three days ago i tested and got a bfn...

My mind is reeling now, is it possible that between a week agos bfp and mondays bfn that i might of ovulated and now im getting implantation bleed? Ive never spotted ever except during mc.
Celine - I don't know about the implantation and spotting but if I ov when I think I did I must have ov the moment I got a BFN so I guess you could and I've heard some people ov while still getting a faint BFP. Sorry I'm not more help :( When is AF due? xx
No idea Rachel, i highly doubt its implantation but then what is it? Cant be the start if a period unless my body skipped ovulating altogether...id be sad but then at keast know what was going on..darn i do wish i was temping!
Rachel ill be in the tww either tomorrow or the next day depending on tomorrow's opk. I'm testing on the 14th oct anyway because its the day before my dh and my dds birthday. I wouldn't want to test on their birthdays unless I knew it was gonna be a bfp! In which case ill do a digi and surprise hubby!

Celine I had spotting about a week after my bfn too and it confused me, turns out that for me it wasn't ib as I ovulated a week after the spotting. It could just be from dtd or random spotting from the mc (I was told to expect that) just keep testing with your opks and maybe test with a hpt in a week if you still haven't oved.
Tx anniebobs, hope u get that bfp the 14th :) that was my first ever bfp in 2008 <3
Celine - That is so confusing:dohh: it could be that you have irritated your cervix through having sex or ovulation spotting:flower:

Of course it could be implantation bleeding but that would have been a really quick turn around - but as we all know this baby making stuff is not a science there is no deff way to tell when implantation took place - which is why we are given a few days either way at u/s:winkwink:

The dark OPK 9 days ago (Tues 24) - could have been from your left over HCG right as we know they wear the same hats:wacko: you still had a pos HPT (Thur 26) so again we can assume that you can't get pregnant while HCG in system - that's what we are told, and once you got your neg opk (Fri/Sat) you stopped testing? You tested again Wed 30 and got a BFN HPT.

Have you done another OPK today? - I'm thinking more likely O spotting or irritation or maybe she is on her way - as we know all bets are off after a loss:cry:

Of course I hope that it is an early implantation bleed.:happydance:


Tx garfie. I guess it could have been irritated cervix...stark white opks continue today. So we wait and see
Celine - We seem to spend a lot of our time waiting :coffee::coffee::coffee:

AFM - Pos Opk number 5 today - so maybe this month I won't O:cry: and when you get to my age you need to o every month :wacko:


Celine - i'm in the same situation CD20 after mc. I thought yesterday i had started AF (but it's dark brownish)..but today it's stopped again. No idea. Don't think i'm preggers, assuming i'm af'ing. On another thread i'm on a girl had the same experience. spotting then af around CD20ish.
Linnypops we are cycle buddies then i guess :) how long have u been spotting? Is it getting more? So far ive had a few spots this morning and nothing else...im at a loss...just need to chill and let nature take its course.
Celine - Looks like it, down to weird spotting and everything. It started yesterday am and wasn't heavy but wasn't just a tiny spot either. And it was brownish too - i've only ever seen this before at end of af or start of mc.. It's now not there when i wipe. I'm thinking af will arrive properly in a few days which would make this cycle on time, sort of. Is there a colour to yours?
Now that it's stopped i'm wondering if it could be implantation bleeding, but that would have meant that o occured literally as soon as HCG was gone. Waiting really does suck!
Jelly - I hope you get some answers soon. What a roller coaster you have been on.

Rachel - I always have an increased sex drive during ov. Although I have not had one when pregnant most of my friends have. I think it's all the hormones.

Annie - Fingers crossed for normal!!!

Garfie - wow - I also hope you get some answers soon. How are you holding up?

Celine and Linny - I believe, although confusing, this is a sign that your bodies are getting back on track. May your normal cycles show their faces (or some BFPs)!!!

Feels weird not writing to Munchkin....

Elizabean - how are you feeling?

AFM - I am trying to stay really positive and think happy thoughts. I have added a ticker for the first time. Today I had my second HCG draw and will have a 3rd on Sunday. Honestly, I don't know if my doc is going to call with results or just tell me the next time I see him on the 10th. I am assuming if my levels are off he will call.

I have been a bit tired and cranky in the evenings so construction has been difficult. My DH has taken over almost all of the work. His parents get in this evening and they want to go hiking all weekend. I do not know if we will be able to keep the secret. Since they do know about the miscarriages, and my FIL is a surgeon, I am fine telling them. They are very supportive and will take good care of me if I need to rest.
IAW yay for a ticker :happydance: and congrats on getting to 5 weeks. What are your big hurdles?

For me it would be the 3+ on a digi, the 8 week scan and then getting past 13 weeks. Then I think I could relax.

It is so odd not having updates from munchkin, hope she's having a fab time on holiday and comes back to announce a bfp!
My first two hurdles were passed - 1. missed AF and 2. sac seen on first scan.

The next one will be to see a heartbeat. As that has not happened yet for me it will be my big breathe easy hurdle. Once I see a heartbeat I will probably tell my parents. At about 12 weeks I will have a genetic screen and genetic ultrasound done. That will be the last big hurdle before I get truly excited. I know there are still risks after that but I have to believe that once I get through those all will be well.
My first two hurdles were passed - 1. missed AF and 2. sac seen on first scan.

The next one will be to see a heartbeat. As that has not happened yet for me it will be my big breathe easy hurdle. Once I see a heartbeat I will probably tell my parents. At about 12 weeks I will have a genetic screen and genetic ultrasound done. That will be the last big hurdle before I get truly excited. I know there are still risks after that but I have to believe that once I get through those all will be well.

Hopefully you'll see that heartbeat at the next scan. That is a massive milestone and will be so exciting! I hope these next few weeks go by quickly for you.
IAW love love love your ticker xxx did you gtracall back to know the hcg yet? When are you having the hb scan? Exciting!
Thanks ladies. Next scan is October 10, one week from tomorrow. We will mainly be looking for a fetal pole but will hopefully see a heartbeat (if the internal probe has been fixed).

I do not know that the doc will call about my HCG unless there is a problem, plus he is not in the office today. So, either I will get a call tomorrow or will get the results at my next appointment. I have another HCG draw on Sunday so he may want to wait for all 3 results to make sure it's on a continual rise.

Last time my HCG kept rising even though the pregnancy did not develop. By the time I had my 8 week scan, and there was only a yolk, my HCG was almost 57,000. I guess I am not too worried about the results of the blood draw this time, more about the fetal development.

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